By Unco0rdinated

302K 12.1K 2.7K

Hayden Gilmore was like the many women in her family who came before her; pretty, smart and addicted to coffe... More



3.4K 215 74
By Unco0rdinated



HAYDEN wasn't sure which part of her group for the government class project was, Paris taking charge or the fact that Tristan was in the desk opposite her. She could feel his stare drifting to the side of her face as the Gellar girl ranted along in the background, but Hayden couldn't focus on her voice, not as her heart pounded inside her chest. But she was thankful for Madeline and Louise who sat on either side of her making flirty eyes at the two other boys in their group, Landon and Oliver while Rory sat between Paris and Tristan, taking dutiful notes.

"—I think that the basic structure of the Elizabethan government is relatively sound. The division of power between the monarchy, the privy council and the parliament all seem to work." Paris looked between them eyebrow raised "Agreed?"

"Agreed." Madeline nodded with an innocent smile, tearing her eyes away from Oliver.

Louise retained her flirtatious smirk as she looked from Landon to her friend "Ditto."

Paris rolled her eyes knowingly "Okay, so in establishing our own government, I think duplicating a similar structure would be good, with a few alterations. Queen Elizabeth chose to remain unwed. She took on the burden of leadership all by herself at a time when possibly marrying the Prince of France or the King of Spain would solidify her thrown while expanding her empire. And though it obviously worked for her, and the concept of a woman ruling without man is certainly politically correct these days, I think we need to take a different tact. I think we need to devise a nation with a truly solidified royal alliance..."

Madeline lowered her voice as she leant closer to Hayden "She does know this is a make believe government right?"

"You ask her, I'm afraid." Louise scoffed quietly.

"—So in addition to the different political branches, we'll also need a King and Queen. Hayden, Tristan," Paris looked between the ex-couple as Hayden's gaze finally snapped up "what about you?"

Tristan perked up "Us?"

"No." Hayden blurted.

His eyebrows furrowed as he looked to her "No?"

"Why?" Paris questioned the girl.

She shrugged "I just don't want to be queen."

"You don't want to be queen?" Paris scoffed "You, natural born prom queen and most popular girl in school?"

"What about you?" Hayden blurted "You be queen. You like to rule, rule us."

Paris shook her head "I'm going to be head of Parliament. I can't be queen."

"Be both." Hayden suggested.

"I can't be both."

Seeing her sisters panic, Rory stepped in "Why not? It's our government."

"It's not done that way." Paris argued.

"It can be though, let's vote." Hayden perked up and raised her hand "All in favour of Queen Paris?"

Paris' jaw clenched at not only the girls deflection of her duty and the sting that no one else raised their hand but Rory "Hayden."

"Henry VIII started a new church when the old one wouldn't allow divorce." Rory added.

"He also cut off his wife's head. Is he still your role model?" Paris shot back in frustration before turning to the younger Gilmore twin "Hayden, you're queen. Learn to live with the pitfalls of your scintillating personality, attractive bone structure and ridiculously shiny hair."

Hayden slumped but looked down at the dark waves dangling over her shoulder "It is shiny."

"Super shiny." Madeline chirped with a smile.

"I'll be the lady-in-waiting." Louise spoke up, leaning forward in her seat so the boys could get an eyeful of the cleavage she planned to show off "The one with the low-cut blue velvet renaissance dress."

Paris rolled her eyes "Lady-in-waiting is not a political office."

"No but they get all the sex." The blonde smirked, wiggling her fingers at Landon.

"What?" Paris scoffed.

Louise rolled her eyes and slumped back in her chair "Watch a movie."

"We are talking about government class not the movies." Paris ground out in frustration "God why can't I get one person to care about this as much as I do?!"

"Okay fine. I'll be the head of the Quarter Sessions court, but I'm still wearing the dress." Louise relented "Happy?"

"Out of my mind." Paris grumbled before the bell rang "Okay, so, I secured us the class room to work tomorrow and Sunday so that by Monday we'll be ready."

Madeline's eyes widened "We're working all weekend?"

"You're kidding." Louise scoffed "We have homecoming to prepare for. We need our weekends."

"It's three weeks away." Paris argued before passing out booklets she'd compiled for each of them "Take this. It's an outline for the entire system - point of methods, some basic laws and penalties plus some random ideas. Please be ready to discuss it tomorrow 9:00 in the morning, don't be late."

Hayden pursed her lips as she flicked through "Of course she designed a flag."

With a sigh, Hayden grabbed her book-bag and got to her feet, making her way out of the classroom. Footsteps pounded behind her before much to her chagrin Tristan had fallen in step with her "Well, my Queen." She rolled her eyes and sped up but was soon stopped by his hand on her arm. When she whirled to face him, eyes wide he quickly let go and cleared his throat "So, uh, the Homecoming dance coming up and I was wondering..."

When he trailed off, she lofted an eyebrow "What?"

"What's up Dugray?" A smirking Duncan suddenly appeared on one side of the boy as Bowman joined the other "What's this about homecoming, huh?"

"You guys gonna kiss and make up?" Bowman mocked, puckering his lips at the Gilmore girl.

When the older pair snickered and walked ahead, Tristan swallowed thickly before looking to the girl "I was just gonna ask of you were bringing your boyfriend?"

"Will you be bringing Kimber?" She shot back "Or are you in a three-way with Duncan and Bowman now?"

As Hayden rolled her eyes and walked off, Tristan let out a heavy sigh and watched her go. Manicured hands suddenly latched onto his arm and he turned to see Kimber smiling up at him "Hi, baby. Ready to go? We have a tux fitting at four."

Tristan swallowed thickly as he watched Hayden disappear down the hall before turning to his girlfriend "Listen, we need to talk..."


AS another Friday night dinner rolled around, it was a Gilmore girl affair with Richard away on business. But as her Grandmother talked, Hayden didn't pay attention, pushing her salmon around with her fork. She didn't look up until she felt a nudge from her mother as she whispered "You okay, kid?"

"Huh," she snapped out of her stupor and nodded, putting on a slight smile "yeah, fine."

"Then eat." Lorelai pleaded "You'll need to keep your strength up if you're gonna make it to desert"

While Lorelai gestured towards Emily who was still ranting about their latest maid, Hayden's small smile turned more genuine before taking a bite of her fish, soothing her mothers worries.

"So, I got my Chilton newsletter this afternoon." Emily smiled, dabbing at her mouth with a napkin "The homecoming dance is next month?"

"Yeah, but I'm not going." Rory admitted "At least not to Chilton's. I'll be at Stars Hollow with Dean. Neutral ground for both of us and a much less stricter dress code."

"I see." Emily sighed silently before looking to Hayden "What about you, dear? Do you have a date?"

Hayden swallowed uncomfortably "I don't."

"Well, I'll find you one."

"What?" Hayden questioned in a panic, looking to her mother for help.

Lorelai shook her head "Mom, Hayden is perfectly capable of finding a date herself."

"Oh nonsense, I've got plenty of friends with charming sons or nephews." Emily waved them off "It's not trouble."

"What I meant was," Hayden cleared her throat "I uh, don't have a date yet because uh, he hasn't bought the tickets. But he will. On Monday. Before first period."

Emily slumped a little "Oh, alright then. I'd like to meet this date before you go. I'll come by for pictures."

Hayden smiled weakly, heart dropping into her stomach "Can't wait."


BRIGHT and early and on their way to Chilton, Hayden and Rory had made a pit-stop at Luke's for some much needed fuel (donuts and coffee) and while the latter placed their order, Hayden was catching up Jess on her date dilemma "—I mean, I've been asked by a few guys from the lacrosse team, football, hockey and the JV chess club. He's surprisingly confident for a freshman."

Jess sighed as he refilled the coffee pit "So what's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong is they're all boring, preppy jocks, minus the chess dork, but I say give him two years and he'll grow into his teeth." Hayden mused.

"Teeth?" Jess questioned.

Hayden tapped her own two front ones "Very big, almost bunny like."

"So no Thumper for homecoming, got it." Jess snorted "So who are you gonna take to homecoming? God, I can't believe those words just came out of my mouth. You've ruined me, Gilmore."

Hayden smiled in amusement before reality hit and she groaned, slumping against the counter "Thats the thing, my Grandma wanted to set me up with some eligible son of a daughter of the American Revolution, but I told her I already had a date so now I need to find one by Monday."

When an order was called, Jess gave the girl a smirk before heading over to grab it "I say go for Thumper. At least some bunny wants you."

Hayden scoffed as she watched him go, folding her arms across her chest with a slight pout "Mean."


BEFORE the rest of their groups arrival, Hayden filled Madeline and Louise in much like she had Jess and while they already had their own dates in Landon and Oliver, they also had some scintillating gossip.

"Well, the word is that Tristan dumped Kimber." Madeline informed her.

"Like some sad after school special." Louise added with a smirk at her shocked expression.

Madeline smiled "He totally wants you back."

"And therefore can be your date to the dance and join us in the limo." Louise continued "It's perfect."

Hayden couldn't help the smile that grew on her lips at the thought and it seemed the same expression was on Paris' face as she scampered into the room, clutching the strap of her book-bag giddily "Someone's in a good mood."

"I-I have a date, like an actual date." Paris breathed out and the three perked up "Tonight."

Madeline and Louise winced, their smiles falling before the former questioned "Tonight?"

Paris frowned "What's wrong with tonight?"

"Less than twenty-four hours notice?" Louise shook her head "It means someone cancelled last minute and they need a back up."

"Or it could mean they're spontaneous or just too nervous to ask in advance." Hayden assured when she watched the smile dip off Paris' face "So come on, spill. Who's the lucky guy?"

She hesitated before blowing out a breath "Tristan."

Hayden felt her heart drop, a wave of cold sweeping over her while Madeline and Louise looked to her in shock. The boy in question suddenly made his way into the room and Hayden met his gaze, pain clutching at her already broken heart like talons.



AFTER an awkward and tense project meeting stuck between her ex-boyfriend and his new, new date, Hayden had spent the rest of the day moping on the couch. A sight that had Rory frown as she watched her curl up, blue eyes glassy and tip of the nose red "I-I thought you liked that guy, Colin?"

"I do." She groaned, rubbing at her face before dropping her hand "But it's Tristan, Rory. I mean how would you feel if you had to watch Dean go out with other girls? And one who's you're semi-friend adjacent?"

Rory swallowed thickly, shaking her head "I'm so sorry Hayden."

"It's not your fault." Hayden murmured, picking at the hem of her hooded sweatshirt.

The doorbell ringing had Rory sigh before making her way to answer it, eyes widening at the sight of the girl stood on their front porch, clothes in hand "Paris!"

She held up her wardrobe as Rory looked between her and the living-room in a panic "I don't know what to wear."

"Ever?" Rory mumbled while Hayden perked up curiously at the sound of muffled voices.

"On my date with Tristan." Paris huffed just as Hayden paused in the archway, heart clenching "I'm not trendy girl, okay? I don't haunt the boutiques hoping to find that one fabulous little top. I study and then I think about studying and then I study some more."

Rory began to panic "Look, I'm uh, meeting Dean and I-I'm really not good at this—"

Hayden sighed silently before moving to stand beside her now wide eyed sister "Lucky for you, I am. Come on, you can go through my closet."

Paris' own eyes widened as she glanced to Rory who watched with a frown before following after the Gilmore girl through the kitchen and into her bedroom. The Gellar girl looked around as Hayden moved to her closet "I'm sorry to show up like this, but I only have one lipstick at home. And it's barely even a color. You put it on and it looks like you're not wearing anything which is why I liked it in the first place. But to date you need the fabulous little top and you need a lipstick that you can actually tell you're wearing."

"Just don't wear red." Hayden advised, glancing back over her shoulder.

"Why not?" Paris questioned "Because I'll look like a cheap whore. My mother says red is for whores."

Hayden blinked slowly before silently pushing the red top in front of her aside. Shaking her head she moved on until coming across a pink floral and flown top "What about this?"

"My mother says the color pink makes my head look small." Paris admitted.

"Your mother sucks."

Paris' lip twitched up "That she does. Yours is bat crap crazy but she doesn't seem to suck."

Hayden mirrored her expression as she thought of just how different Lorelai and Paris' mother were and just how lucky she was for that fact "No she does not."

Paris watched Hayden leaf through her clothes hesitantly "Why would he want to date someone like me when he dated someone like you?"

Hayden scoffed "Don't insult me in my own closet."

"No, I mean, look at you." Paris blurted and Hayden turned to her curiously "You're smart, funny and beautiful and I'm..."

"All three of those things." Hayden assured.

Paris swallowed thickly as she looked down before peering back up at the girl wearily "Do you still have feelings for him?"

Hayden sighed silently knowing their was no use lying and so gave the girl a sad smile "It doesn't matter. He didn't want to be with me and he's moved on."

"For what it's worth," Paris murmured "I think it's the stupidest decision he's ever made."

"And asking you out is one of the smartest." Hayden gave her a soft smile before perking up "Now, tonight is not about me. It's about you and you're first date, looking hot in this." She help up a cornflower blue top "Go, put it on. The blue will make your eyes pop."

Paris smiled at the thought, taking the shirt in her arms before heading for the door but paused to look back at Hayden "This doesn't make us friend you know."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Hayden smirked before it fell as Paris left to change in the bathroom. With her heart lodged in her throat, Hayden made her way over to her desk and pulled out an old notebook, finding the photo tucked away, the one she couldn't bring herself to put in the box of things her mother had helped her hide in the coat closet.

Hayden stared down at the photograph, the captured moment in time when all she felt was happiness, before the pain, before the heartbreak. She often wondered what she did, what was so wrong with her that it pushed him away. She thought he looked as happy as she did but maybe it was all a lie.

"What do you think?"

Hayden's head snapped to the door way as she held the photograph behind her back and ignored the sting of heart as she smiled as Paris who nervously tugged on the blue shirt "I think you look beautiful."


COME Sunday morning, Hayden's footsteps felt heavy as she made her way to her government classroom knowing she'd have to face Tristan and Paris after their date. And while she truly was happy that Paris had gotten the guy, she just wished it hadn't been hers.

But she wasn't alone. She had Rory who'd gotten her an extra large coffee and the biggest donut on offer at Luke's while Madeline and Louise walked on either side of her, arms lopped together. The four made their way inside the room only to pause at the sight of Paris staring at Tristan in horror as he sat with Landon and Oliver. The Gellar girl nodded in silence before making her way over to the group, glare locked on Rory who frowned "What?"

"It was your idea?" She seethed.

Rory's face fell as the other three watched in confusion "Paris."

"I couldn't find a guy on my own so you tossed me your sisters scraps like a stray dog?" She scoffed and Hayden froze "I am not your charity case!"

"No, it's not like that, I swear." Rory promised "I just... I thought you guys would make a good couple that's all."

"We did make a good couple - for one night!" She snapped "But obviously we're more suited to just being friends or at least that was what was conveyed so humiliatingly to me just five seconds ago."

Rory frowned "Paris, I'm sorry—"

"I hate you!" Paris cut her off, bumping shoulders roughly with Rory before fleeing with tears stinging at her eyes.

A tense silence followed the Gellar girls exit before Hayden turned to her sister, heart in her throat "You set them up?"

"Hayden—" Rory flummoxed, guilt clear as day across her face "I thought it was help lighten her up, and it would make the paper and our project more bearable—"

"Bearable?" Hayden scoffed "And what about me? What's bearable about watching the boy you love go out with other girls right in front you? What's bearable about finding out part of the reason that your heart feels like it's being ripped out your chest is because of your own twin sister?"

Rory's eyes welled up, reflecting the image of her sisters before her "I'm sorry."

Tristan got to his feet in shock, absorbing the words she'd blurted in her anguish "Hayden..."

The Gilmore girl tensed, glancing between him and her sister before shaking her head and rushing out. Madeline frowned while Louise scoffed, raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow at Rory "So not cool."


HAYDEN had searched all over the school for Paris knowing the girl was still on the grounds thanks to her car still parked in the lot until she finally found her sitting by herself in the courtyard, hands perched besides her legs on the edge of the concrete bench, blank faced and staring at the ground.

Hayden let out a sigh before joining the girl in silence, leaning back against the cool concrete as she stared ahead, mind lost in thought and heart aching. After a moment, Paris sniffled and looked over at the girl "I hate your sister you know."

"I'm not her biggest fan right now, either." She admitted.

Another silence ensued as the girl's found just that little bit of comfort with one another's presence in their heartbroken states before Paris broke it once more "You know, I think this might make us friends."

A small, genuine smile tugged at Hayden's lips as she met her gaze "Yeah, I think so too."



So as I'm sure you noticed this episode was based on 'The Third Lorelai' which I'd originally skipped out on but I felt this was the right time for it with my own little spin. I hope you enjoyed it and Hayden and Paris' budding friendship!

See you in the next chapter and remember to vote, comment or whatever and let me know what you think!😊

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