How to train your dragon

By sophiarose176

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Hiccup x male oc Gothi's adoptive son must find a way to survive the world around him. But he does have some... More

How to heal a viking
How to save a dragon
How to change a viking
How to defend your dragon
Part 2-
1.01- Eye of the Beholder, part 1
1.02- Eye of the Beholder, part 2
1.03- Imperfect Harmony
1.04- When darkness falls

1.05- Big man on Berk

476 18 2
By sophiarose176

So sorry it's been forever since I updated this story- almost a year at this point. Life's been crazy and I haven't had much time for any of my stories.

I hope people are enjoying this book regardless as I've had so much fun writing it and I've recently had some fun ideas to work on for it!

Important chapter for Freyr- Big reveal and all that!

Freyr sat peacefully in his tent with the setting moon and rising sun making themselves known through the morning light of dawn.
His head was propped up against his knuckles and his hair cascaded around him like curtains. His other hand moved quickly across the page of his notebook as he transcribed the adventures the dragon riders had experienced so far and everything they'd encountered on those adventures.

A few minutes later, the door of Freyr's tent swished open as Hiccup made his way inside. Hiccup made his way from the tent opening to stand behind Freyr. With gentle fingers, Hiccup pulled the healer's hair back to reveal his pointed ears.

Hiccup kissed the tip of Freyr's ear, enjoying how it grew red along with the boy's cheeks.
Freyr leaned back into Hiccup's chest and tilted his head up enough to smile shyly at him through his lashes.

With a gentle ease, Freyr grabbed hiccups hand and immediately found the poorly healing cut that covered the boy's palm.
"What'd you do, Hic?" Freyr stopped leaning back into hiccup and instead turned around to give him an incredulous look.

Hiccup smiled sheepishly at his healer. "My hand slipped when I was working on a new saddle for Toothless."

Fryer lovingly rolled his eyes before placing a gentle kiss onto the cut and moving away to get the clean water and bandages he needed.

But he didn't get very far before Hiccup was calling out to him urgently. "Freyr, come quick! Something's happening!"

Freyr ran back and made it just in time to see the cut on Hiccup's hand finish closing on its own accord.
"What the hell." The healer muttered in disbelief. He grabbed Hiccup's hand and examined it thoroughly for the now gone cut.

"Fey, it's gonna be okay." Hiccup told him softly upon seeing the panic on his features.

Freyr froze, his brain working overtime as he processed what Hiccup had said. "What did you call me?" He asked, trying to figure out why 'Fey' seemed to ring some bells in his mind.

Hiccup however took it as he didn't like the nickname and began backtracking. "I- uh, I called you 'Fey' but it's fine, I won't call you that. You just started to call me 'Hic' recently and I-... It's fine."

Freyr cut him off before he could rant any further. "Hiccup, I like the name, you can call me that. Just let me..." Freyr trailed off as he moved across his tent to where his books were stacked beside his bed.

He tailed his fingers over the spine of the books before stopping when he came to one of the last ones. One that he kept with him since he was a young child on Berk. He never knew why he kept the book, but now all the pieces were clicking into place.

Fryer pulled the book out of the pile and brought it over for Hiccup to see. "This is a book of Fey." He flipped the book so the cover was visible. "And this is the Nordic rune for Fey."

Hiccup just looked confused at all this. Confused as to why Freyr froze as if the world was tilting on its axis when he was called 'Fey'.

Freyr saw and felt that confusion and pulled the sleeve of his jacket to his elbow, now the tattoo Gothi had given him on full display. He pointed to the large tune in the center of the tattoo, the one he couldn't place before that morning. "That is the rune for Fey as well." He held the book up next to his arm as proof, the two symbols matching perfectly.

"What does that mean?" Hiccup asked, gently taking Freyr's arm in his hand and running his fingers across the ink.

"You know how we've been trying to figure out my 'abilities'?" Freyr waited for Hiccup to nod and look up at him before continuing. "I think this is the reason for everything. I think I might be a creature of Fey."

A few beats of silence passed before Freyr spoke up again. "We need to talk to Gothi."

As the sun rose higher into the sky, the dragon riders all packed their bags to go back to Berk. Hiccup had woken them up not long after his conversation with Freyr telling them that his dad had sent a letter requesting that they come back to help with a wild dragon problem they were having.

Freyr flew close to Hiccup on the ride over, and the two quietly spoke about what they would need to talk with Gothi about, letting the wind drown out their words from the other riders.

"And what are you two lovebirds whispering about over there?" Tuffnut teased, leaning back in his saddle to do so.

Tuffnut's words drew the other riders' attention as they all looked back to where Hiccup and Freyr were flying at the back of the group instead in front like normal.

"Yeah," Astrid spoke up, "I don't like to agree with Tuff, but you two have been awfully secretive all morning."

Freyr looked at Hiccup briefly before addressing the others.
"I'm just looking into to something that I need Gothi's help on." He told them vaguely.

Snotlout huffed at the vague answer. "And you're only talking to Hiccup about this, because...?"

"Because it's none of your business, Snotlout." Freyr snapped before he could stop himself. He took a deep breath, seeing the others looking at him in concern and shock, before speaking again. "I'm sorry, but please just drop it. Okay?"

Astrid nodded, sent one more concerned glance his way and started leading the riders the rest of the way to Berk.

They all landed heavily in the town center, Hiccup being the first to dismount so he could greet his father.

"Son! So glad you're here." Stoick pulled Hiccup into a tight bear hug.

"Yeah, your letter sounded pretty urgent."

Stoick laughed as he put Hiccup back on the ground so he could breathe properly. "Well, that was the only way I could get you to come visit. You're all off on those crazy adventures, we never really get to see you nowadays." He laid a heavy hand on his son's shoulder. "But I do need your help."

Hiccup turned to Freyr and motioned towards Gothi's hut. "Why don't you go talk with Gothi, we can deal with the dragon. I'll meet you up there when we finish."

Freyr nodded and ignored the confused look from the Chief as he flew up to Gothi's hut.

When Hailstorm landed, Gothi stepped outside to greet them. Freyr took a moment to remove Hailstorm's gear before hugging Gothi and asking to speak inside.

As soon as Gothi sat down, Freyr kneeled in front of her, pulled up his sleeve to display his tattoo, and tugged his hair into a loose bun at the base of his neck.
"I want you to tell me what I am." He spoke plainly.

Gothi sighed heavily before getting up and moving to her bedroom, gesturing for Freyr to stay there for a moment. When she came back, she was carrying a small wooden cradle.

"Wha-" Freyr was quickly cut off as Gothi started drawing.

"When you came to me, you came in this cradle. With a blanket and a note. The note was burned in a raid years ago, but it explained why you were left and what you are. Are you sure you want to know?"

Freyr moved to sit on the floor beside the cradle, gently running his hand along the sides of it. "Of course, I do. Why wouldn't I want to know."

"Because knowing what you are unlocks your full powers. I know you've always had some of them, but that's only because your powers are meant to be the strongest of your kind's. If I tell you what you are, they will grow to their full power, and you won't be able to stop that." Gothi placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I want you to think about this before making any rash decisions."

Freyr nodded numbly as he sat on the floor staring at his old cradle.

A few minutes later, a knock sounded at the door, making Freyr hastily pull his hair down from the bun he put it in, tug down his sleeve and take the cradle to his room in the hut.

When he came back into the main room, Hiccup subtly held his hand out as an offer to stand beside him. Freyr instantly complied and held onto Hiccup's hand as a lifeline.

Gothi was standing in front of her sand circle with Gober and Fishlegs to her left and Snotlout standing next to Meatlug on her right. Freyr and Hiccup stood in front of her so Hiccup could mediate between the two teenage Vikings if necessary. Hailstorm perched himself behind Freyr and gently curled his tail around his Viking's ankles.

Gothi meditated for a moment after Hiccup explained what was going on as she decided what to do.

Snotlout was chuckling as he stayed to watch whatever Fishlegs was subjected to. "Ooh, I gotta see this."

Gothi's eyes snapped open as she came to a decision and started drawing in the pile of sand in front of her so Gobber could translate.

"What's she saying?" Fishlegs asked anxiously.

"Huh." Gobber mused as he translated.

"What? What?!" Fishlegs urgently asked again.

Gobber shrugged as he answered him simply, "She wants to paralyze you."

Fishlegs gasped in horror as Snotlout cheered happily.
Gothi promptly whacked Gobber upside the head.

"Aah! Check that. Hypnotize." He corrected. "Sorry, she wants to hypnotize you."

"Uhh, come on." Snotlout pouted.

Gothi swung her staff so it was in Fishleg's face and began waving it back and forth, the young Viking following its movement with his head.
"Ha ha ha! Unfortunately, guys," Fishlegs boasted, "this is never gonna work on me because I'm way to- Okay." He promptly fell to the ground in a lump, fast asleep.

"Unconscious?" Snotlout taunted, leaning over the snoring Viking. "Ha! Quick, put his hands in warm water."

"We're not going to do that." Hiccup immediately denied.

Gobber continued translating Gothi's sketches while Hiccup reprimanded Snotlout. "Okay, now that he's under, she wants us to tell him that he's not allergic to Meatlug." Gobber instructed.

Snotlout skeptically looked over at him while crossing his arms. "Does that really work?"

"I guess we'll find out." Hiccup walked closer to Fishlegs, letting go of Freyr's hand as he got further away. "Here goes." Freyr snorted in amusement as Hiccup changed his voice to give Fishlegs his instructions. "Fishlegs, you are not allergic to Meatlug. You are not allergic to Meatlug."

Fishlegs groaned a couple of times before sighing peacefully.

"So that's it?" Snotlout asked.

"Hypnosis is very powerful." Hiccup told him before turning to Gothi. "Okay, let's bring him out of it."

Snotlout rushed forwards in protest, "Now, now, now, hang on a second. We've got an opportunity here. We can rebuild Fish-face. We can turn him into a worshiped Viking, a fearless godlike hero as strong as three yaks! A Viking who commands attention! In other words, a Viking worthy of my friendship."

Freyr tried to stop the others and get their attention, but since they had moved so they were behind Fishlegs, they hadn't noticed him get up and instead continued their conversation.

"Uh, yeah, sorry, Snotlout, we're not doing any of that." Hiccup interjected. " You can bring him out of it now." He told Gothi.

Gothi made her way in front of Fishlegs and snapped her fingers, not noticing that Freyr was trying to stop her until after she had done so.

"This is going to end terribly." Freyr muttered.

Fishlegs stood heavily, cracking his joints and flexing his hands.

"Fishlegs?" Hiccup asked, confused at how his friend was behaving.

In a haughty accent, Fishlegs replied, "Fishlegs? There's no Fishlegs here." He barged in between Hiccup and Snotlout, shoving the two aside as he made his way to stand beside Meatlug, who was happily waiting for her Viking. "Who is this pudgy little reptile?" He insulted, looking down upon his dragon.

"Well, that was a bit harsh." Gobber interjected.

"Fishlegs, are you alright?" Hiccup asked, still not understanding what had happened.

"Are you deaf, skinny, one-legged boy?" Fishlegs shouted at him, snatching Gothi's staff from her hands as he spoke. "The name's Bonecrusher." He held Gothi's staff above his head and snapped it in half, throwing the pieces off the edge of the balcony. "Aah! Thor Bonecrusher."

With an angered glare on his face, Freyr let out a series of whistles. Hailstorm launched off the balcony and retrieved the falling staff fragments as Toothless let out a warning growl towards 'Thor', Freyr himself storming towards the Viking and cornering him with his back to the edge. "You just made a big mistake." Freyr threatened, shoving 'Thor' harshly and letting him fall off the balcony with a shriek before being caught in Hailstorm's awaiting claws.

As 'Thor' was dropped harshly back onto the deck, the last thing he saw of Freyr was his back as the healer stormed away and slammed the door to his room loudly behind him. Hailstorm shot a burst of freezing air into 'Thor's' face before trudging after his Viking, using the window to enter the room easily.

Hiccup watched Freyr's door in concern for a moment before turning to the others, with a silent promise to talk with Freyr once he got everything handled for the moment.

Freyr curled up on his bed, his head in his hands as he tried to control his emotions. Hailstorm came over and gently curled around his healer, urging him to lay down and laying on his chest once he had.
"Thank you, sweetheart." Freyr ran his hands through Hailstorm's fur gently, calming down by the second. "You always know how to make me feel better."

With a gentle chirp, Hailstorm gestured towards the door a few minutes later, announcing Hiccup who had just approached the other side. "I know, I can hear him." Freyr leaned over and kissed Hailstorm's head before sitting up and letting the dragon nestle into his lap. "Come on in, Hiccup." Freyr called out.

Hiccup wasn't even surprised by the invitation, used to Freyr hearing him outside the room or Hailstorm alerting him to someone's presence if the healer was distracted with something.
"You doing okay?" Hiccup asked, moving to sit beside him and reaching over to hold his hand which wasn't petting Hailstorm.

"Just overwhelmed I think." Freyr leaned over and laid his head in the crook of Hiccup's neck, smiling as the other Viking readjusted to wrap his arm around him.

Hiccup began gently running his fingers through Freyr's hair as he spoke. "What did Gothi tell you?"

"Well, I was right." Freyr commented lightly. "I'm not human. Only bad thing is that if I know exactly what I am, the abilities I currently have will get stronger along with some other ones being added as my powers grow."

"And you're scared it'll get out of control." Hiccup guessed.

Freyr just nodded, moving to nestle further into Hiccup's chest.

"Do you want to know?" Hiccup asked.

Freyr sighed as he sat up so they could talk. "I mean, yeah. I really want to know, it's what I am. And I have this weird feeling that if I never accept my full powers, I'll never be able to control it. But, Gothi said my powers are supposed to be the strongest of my kind's, so what if I can never control it? What if it becomes too much? If I accept my powers, and I can't control them, what happens to the people around me? I could hurt someone."

Hiccup raised his hands to cup Freyr's face and caressed his face with his thumbs. "Freyr, you are the strongest person I know, and if this is something that you want, you don't have to do it alone. I'll be right beside you every step of the way."

Hailstorm chirped happily as if to say 'me too.'

"Thank you." Freyr leaned in and kissed Hiccup softly. "Really." He leaned down and kissed Hailstorm's head as well. Freyr sighed contently as he leaned back into Hiccup's chest. "You have to go get Fishlegs back, don't you?"

"Sadly, I do." Hiccup kissed Freyr's head before moving to stand up. Before he turned fully to leave, he leaned back down and brought Freyr into another kiss. "As soon as you need me, I'll be there."

Freyr just smiled at him, letting him walk out the door to go get their friend back.

Looking down at Hailstorm, Freyr made up his mind. "What do you say we find out the truth?"

Freyr sat on the floor in front of Gothi with his head bowed and eyes closed as she hovered her hands above his head. She then reached over and grabbed a stick, since her staff was broken, and started scratching into the sand between the pair.
"When you arrived on my doorstep, it was the night before the worst storm Berk had ever seen. All you were left with was the basket you were in, and a letter. The letter spoke of a man who was hunting your kind, a man who sought your life- either to join him, or he would end it. You were meant to be the best of your kind, the strongest, the one that would save your kind from his wrath. But to do that, you needed to be kept safe and out of his reach."

With gentle hands, Gothi caressed her son's cheek.
"You are my blessing, my light in the storm. And I promised I would do everything to keep you safe. But sometimes, keeping you safe means giving you the power to protect yourself. Are you sure this is what you want, there is no going back."

"I'm sure. This is something that I need, and I know I have you and Hiccup to help me through it."

Gothi smiled warmly down at him before continuing.
"The rune on your wrist is a Fey symbol of protection, the same one from the basket you came to me in. Your ears are pointed so you may know who is friend or foe, so you may hear the wonders of the world and never miss a thing. Your hair displays the pride of your people, the bright red showing your burning strength and determination. But the most important thing is your heart, with which you may feel the emotions of others and project prosperity for those around you. With that, my son, I tell you that you were proclaimed the Elven Sentinel- the highest rank of elf, even above a king and seen as an equal to the gods upon reaching their full strength and potential."

Freyr gasps as a golden light sprouts from his chest, spreading across his form as he's slowly raised up until he's hovering a couple inches from the floor.
As the light fades and he's lowered back down to his knees, Freyr holds his head in his hands from the sudden rush of power that settled in his mind and heart.

Gothi gently placed her hand on her son's shoulder in worry, but Freyr simply grabbed her hand and held it to his chest.
"I'm fine, just have to get used to this." He made a wide gesture to himself.

Gothi gave his hand a squeeze before moving towards her bookshelf.
It took a minute for her to find the book she was searching for, a large forest green book with silver and gold engravings along the spine and covers. She carefully brought the book over and offered it for Freyr to take.

Freyr spent the next hour reading in his room, books and texts spread out in a circle around him and he flicked between the passages.

And that's where Hiccup found him after Astrid suggested he check up on his healer.
Hiccup stepped around the circle of literature around Freyr and was careful not to disturb Hailstorm -who had fallen asleep curled up around Freyr with his head in his lap- as he sat beside him and leaned his head on Freyr's shoulder.
"What did you find out?" Hiccup asked, smiling as Freyr leaned his head against Hiccup's.

"Gothi told me this story of an Elven Sentinel that was destined to save and protect the Elven race from untold dangers. How their powers would grow, and if they didn't learn to harness those powers properly, the wrath of a hunter would be their end." Freyr's mind wandered as he thought about the story Gothi had told him.

Hiccup suddenly stood up and went over to Freyr's desk and grabbed the healer's journal. He then returned and offers the small book to Freyr who took it confused.
"Why'd you grab this?" Freyr asked, flipping to the last page absentmindedly and rereading the story Gothi told him, which he wrote down after his powers normalized in his body.

Hiccup looked just as confused as Freyr as he thought about why he had done so. "I- I don't know. It was like I could see your journal on your desk, and I could tell that you wanted it. So I grabbed it for you."

"You saw an image of my journal?" Freyr started flipping rapidly through the large book Gothi had first given him.

"Yeah, it was weird. It actually felt like you had asked me to grab it for you."

Freyr halted his searching as he found the page he was looking for. At the top, in large silver letters, read 'Spectral Images'.
Freyr read the page quickly before holding a hand out for Hiccup to take.
"Can I try something?"

Hiccup took Freyr's hand with a reassuring smile and settled down in front of him.

Freyr closed his eyes and focused on one of his favorite memories of Hailstorm. A rush of power flowed from Freyr's heart to his mind, then to where his hand was connected with Hiccup's.
And Hiccup gasped as his eyes flicked around as he watched that memory in his mind. Freyr was a couple years younger as he laid on his roof with Hailstorm -the big cuddle bug that he is- lying across the healer's chest as stars streaked across the sky.

"That's incredible!" Hiccup muttered out in awe, his other hand that wasn't connected to Freyr's moving up to cup the healer's jaw. "You're incredible."

Freyr just chuckled lovingly as he leaned in to kiss Hiccup.
"Thank you."

When they pulled apart, Freyr's eyes fell on Gothi's broken staff in the corner of his room. With a smile, he separated himself fully from Hiccup, lifting Hailstorm's head to rest on nearby blanket, and got up to grab the two halves of the broken staff. Setting those on the floor, Freyr flipped through the book Gothi had given him again until he landed on a page about mending broken objects.

Hiccup just watched him work with a proud smile on his face, letting the Elf grab seemingly random herbs before coming back to where Hiccup and Hailstorm were sitting in the circle of books.

A golden glow encapsulated the room as Freyr sprinkled the herbs over the broken staff. The pieces twisting themselves back together like a vine growing up a tree.
It wasn't the exact same, as the staff curled a bit more in the middle now, but it was fixed all the same.

"I did it," Freyr murmured in shock, grabbing the newly mended staff in his hands to examine it.

An awkward cough made them all look over at the door, where Astrid was standing in complete disbelief.
"We're gonna talk about this later, but right now we need to go save Snotlout and Fishlegs."

Hiccup sighed, "Let me guess, they went after the Scauldron."

Astrid and Hiccup ran quickly to the center of town to get their dragons while Freyr took Hailstorm out his window to go find the twins.

As they flew away from Berk, large groups of dark thunderclouds seemed to roll in from all directions.

"They must be down there somewhere," Hiccup called out. "What was Snotlout thinking?"

"He wasn't. He's in love," Astrid mocked. "He'd do anything for his big hunk of bone-crushing love."

Freyr snorted quietly in amusement before speaking up. "Well, we'd better find them before they find the Scauldron."

They flew quickly into the storm and managed to find 'Thor' attempting to tame the Scauldron. Fryer noticed Hookfang flying above them and how Snotlout wasn't on the dragon's back.
A feeling of panic from the waves below him made Freyr look down before diving off Hailstorm's back and into the waves to save Snotlout.
Hailstorm dutifully followed his rider and managed to grab Snotlout in his claws, but let out a whining howl and Freyr dived below the waves.

A few moments later, Freyr re-emerged with Stoick's axe in his grasp. He let out a sharp whistle, and Hailstorm lowered down just enough for him to grab the end of the saddle and swing himself up.

By the time Freyr and Hailstorm were dropping Snotlout back into Hookfang's saddle, 'Thor' was thrown into the Scauldron's tail as it prepared to blast.

However, Meatlug flew out of the clouds and charged the Scauldron and bumping its head out of the way so the heated blast missed the idiotic Viking.

"Yes, Meatlug!" Hiccup cheered, only to panic when the Scauldron turned to charge back at the smaller dragon. "No, Meatlug!"

Meatlug turned and began quickly flying away, but it wasn't fast enough. The Scauldron was catching up.
"Stop, dragon." 'Thor' began to climb the Scauldron's tail. "I, Thor Bonecrusher, command you to stop." With a battle cry, he charged up to the Scauldron's back.

Freyr tried to send waves of calm towards the Scauldron, but was instead pushed back with its feelings of anger and panic- so much so that he would have fallen off Hailstorm's back had Astrid not flown over quickly to stabilize the two.

Meanwhile, 'Thor's commands are becoming more desperate as the Scauldron got increasingly closer to Meatlug.
Until it finally got to the point where Fishlegs's fear for Meatlug snapped him out of his trance and he ran the rest of the way up the Scauldron's neck and leapt onto Meatlug's back.

The group was then able to work together to net the Scauldron while it was distracted chasing Meatlug and Fishlegs.

"That was a little too close." Hiccup spoke as they regrouped.

"Speak for yourself," Tuffnut rebutted. "That was freaking awesome!"

Freyr had Hailstorm fly up and away from the group as they worked to call away the harsh storm around them, only flying after the others once it started to brighten up.
Hiccup flew beside him on their way back to Berk, occasionally looking over to make sure Freyr was okay. And each time catching Freyr's eye as he sent a reassuring smile back his way.

They made it back to Berk as the sun was setting, finding Stoick and the rest of the village waiting for them. 

Hiccup landed first with Toothless as Freyr and Hailstorm landed silently beside them.

"So, what happened to the Scauldron?" Stoick asked as he made his way over to his son.

"He's been relocated." Hiccup assured him.

"And my axe?"

Hiccup stuttered for a moment before Freyr stepped forward and held out the axe in question to the man. "Almost relocated, Chief." Freyr told him, smiling back at Hiccup's relieved face.

As the Villagers started shouting for 'Thor Bonecrusher' Stoick ignored them and dragged Freyr into a rib-breaking hug. "I won't make you call me 'Dad' quite yet, but how 'bout we stick to Stoick?" The chief suggested quietly so only Freyr could hear him.

With a warm smile, Freyr broke from the hug and nodded before making his way to stand beside Hiccup.
What Hiccup didn't expect however, was for Freyr to drape his arm around Hiccup's waist and pull him closer as he placed a kiss to his temple.

Astrid simply smirked as she saw Hiccup's surprised yet happy expression before she turned to where Fishlegs was embracing Meatlug.
"You know, Fishlegs, you didn't sneeze once the whole ride home."

"Yeah," the boy realized. "And my legs don't itch anymore."

"And Meatlug isn't wearing her saddle." Hiccup pointed out, still leaning against Freyr's chest happily. "Maybe you were never allergic to her, you were allergic to her saddle."

"But why all of a sudden would I become allergic to her saddle?" Fishlegs asked.

Gobber walked over with his hook in his ear. "Well, uh, I have been using a different kind of wax on the saddles." As he took his hook out of his ear, the group could see the massive clump of earwax on it, all of them cringing at the sight of it. "Look at that!" Gobber said proudly until he saw their looks. "What? I never run out of the stuff. It's coming out of my ears." 

While Gobber spoke, he started gesturing with his hook and the earwax got too close to Fishlegs, who promptly started sneezing.

"I'm allergic to Gobber's earwax?" Fishlegs whined. "I'm both relieved and disgusted."

Freyr moved so he could lean his head on Hiccup's shoulder. "I'm thinking I should give the man a check-up. It is not normal for him to be producing enough earwax to wax all the saddles that I know he does, nor is it hygienic to do so." Freyr gently kissed Hiccup's shoulder before letting go of the other boy and following after Gobber.

While Freyr walked off after Gobber, Snotlout came up behind Fishlegs and was staring at him in sadness and longing.

"What? What is it?" Fishlegs asked as he turned around and saw him staring.

"I'm just thinking of what might have been." Snotlout told him sadly before grabbing Fishlegs cheeks and pulling him close. "You broke my heart, Thor. You broke it right in two." He then proceeded to leave a long kiss on Fishleg's cheek before flying off.

"Okay, that was creepy, right?" Fishlegs asked Hiccup as the group watched Snotlout flying away.

"You don't know the half of it." Hiccup told him.

"Sooo..." Astrid trailed off, wrapping her arm around Hiccup's shoulders. "You and Freyr seemed might close just then. Anything you want to tell me?"

"Yeah!" Tuffnut chimed in excitedly. "Anything you want to share with the rest of us?"

As everyone leaned in to hear what he was going to say, Hiccup just turned to glare at Astrid. "You're mean." he told her simply before escaping her grasp and walking toward where Freyr had left, promptly ignoring the group's loud laughter and how hot his face felt.

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