Alphabet Lore Mutated Au

By Cookie375666

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an Au where the alphabet had been infected for an unknown reason causing each and every one of them to not ha... More

Authors note
Fan Art!!✨ for Zee_The_Z:D
Chapter 1//Weird Night
Chapter 2//Investigation
Chapter 3//Suspicious in one
Chapter 4//One connection
Chapter 5//The Misty Memoy
Chapter 6//The start of a Virus
Chapter 7//They're a memory now...
Chapter 8//infection spreads quick you know?
Chapter 9//The Separation Of One
Chapter 11//3 down 11 more to go...
Chapter 12// Truth Covered In Lies
Chapter 13// Down to Hunt at Night
Chapter 14// ready for the Cure? I think not

Chapter 10//Liar, Liar, LIAR! L̷̰̥̺͖̰͈̀ͅI̸̤̿̐̆Ä̷̘́̍͑̄Ŕ̴̗̂̃͑̇̕͠!

400 4 35
By Cookie375666

-H's POV-

I just roamed around the woods like usual, not like anyone notices me anyway...Beside P and K of course but other than that I just roamed since I've been hearing a lot going on around here also because I saw CAB come over here with G, P, O, Q and T, T was leading the way to something but I'm not sure since I was far.
I roamed the air looking where they were going but soon lost them, I don't even know where they went. I just saw fog spread around.


I heard giggles but looked around, Nothing, nothing was around me but then I heard running from the bushes, there was still no one.

"WANNA plAY!?" B jumped from nowhere and attacked me.

But of course I cannot be attacked cuz I'm already dead and he was trying to slice me but couldn't, he was also getting really angry just cuz he couldn't touch me at all. HA! Sucks for him! I just moved away as he was raging.
Hehehehe, the good of just being a soul, but yet again bad being one cuz I pretty much scare the others. I heard splashing in the river and went to check it out, Holy- someone is drowning! I tried grabbing them but I couldn't 'cause my hand went right through them so I had to look around the area for help, I heard a snap of a twig.

"1! 1, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING FOOLING AROUND!?" Someone yelled, I didn't recognize the voice so I looked at them, they seemed shocked.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" They yelled, I looked at them blankly as they took out some metal pole.
"Tell me Or ELSE!" They yelled out as they pointed the pole at me with some electrical stuff coming out.

"Look kid, we're not here for a fight so just tell us your name and we'll leave you be" another said, signing the other to put down the pole.
"OI 6! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND HELP DUMBASS 1!" They ordered as the other came in running and helped that "1" guy.

"Now what's your Name!?" The first said.

"The names H, S- spirit of These Woods! Yeah..." I yelled out, The fuck am I even thinking!? I'm no spirit! I'm just a normal ghost!

"Hmm, tell me, why the fuck is 1 fooling around?" They asked, Shit- im screwed, I know nothing.

"I wasn't around here yet, I just saw them in the river in which May i say that you need to help your little friends because they absolutely don't know what they're doing" I pointed as they saw the "6" & "1" guy struggling in getting out of the river.

"These idiots, 9! You're up!" They ordered as another came out and pulled the two out with no problem.

"Spirit of these woods! I'm 5 and that's 2, please don't try him, he's a bit testy" they introduced as they glared at them.

"Never seen you anywhere, have you been hiding?" I asked.

"Oh, no, no, no, no! We come from planet 0, our dear home. Tell us, have you seen an X around here? He looks like this" They said, holding up a picture of X.

"X!? As in The X that protects us from F from the mountains of F!? Heck! He always stays there!" I explained as someone threw a rock at me but it went through me, I turned to see that "1" guy about to throw another rock but 6 was holding him back into doing so.

"LIAR! He was just here!" He yelled out.

"First off, i'm dead so don't bother trying to hurt me cuz its going to go right through me, Second, I literally Just said I wasn't around here yet, SO i'm not sure why he would be here anyways Since No one even visits the woods except F" I explained floating away from them before any other questions could be asked but something caught me, like for the first actual time something caught me without going right through.

"Are you sure about that H? Tell us what you know about X Now" 2 ordered, what kind of pole even is this!?

"Let. Me. GO!" I yelled as the ground started to shake.

"2! LET THE SPIRIT GO!" They yelled, the two panicked as that "2" guy let go of me, the ground calmed down from shaking.

"You have proven yourself a spirit, very sorry for his actions now tell us where we can find X" 5 asked.

"You see those mountains over there, go straight ahead there and you'll find him, he always stays there in case of something" I instructed.

"Thank you again, Let go Everyone!" They yelled as others came out and followed along, though that "1" guy glared as he left.

"One more second with them and I would have gone into trouble with that pope thingy" I muttered to myself. Though as I left I wondered to myself if I even did that little Z-quake, or what even was that?

Meh, there's just some things I don't know until I discover what even happened.


-Y's POV-

We walked further into the woods, trying to find the rest of the group. We've already stumbled upon Infected J and some guy named '1', though as we're trying to find the rest M has been asking X some questions about whatever the situation we just went through.

"So let me get this straight, you were abandoned by some guy named '1' and now he's back for your ass?" M asked as X still threw himself on trees to get a clearance of anything on sight.

"Basically but it looks like he's not after me but Y too, so he must know Y's kind and shit" He explained.

"Why is he after me though?" I asked

"Not sure, He knows i'm useful because of my power in which is provided by my gem but i'm not sure about you since you dont have any powers nor a gem" He explained, I can agree on that, I dont even have any power from a gem like FMNOP or X at all.

"Where could the resssst be anywayssss?' S complained, M rolled his eyes.

"We're not even sure that's why we are looking for them, dumb shit" He said, though as we walked the ground started to rumble out of nowhere.

"What the-" U said before something came out of the ground.

"RUN!!" X yelled as we all ran off from whatever that thing was coming out of the ground. It really wasn't long until the ground was breaking, luckily it stopped before it could even pull one of us in.

"Everyone okay?" I asked but when I looked behind, no one was there, where did they even go?

I looked around the area not seeing anything, I was starting to get scared as I didnt see anyone around but nor did I even know what that thing was that was coming out of the ground, I ran further just in case it was one of those goo monsters X showed us before we were separated from the rest of the group.

"Why hello there Y~" someone called out. I looked behind and saw someone unfamiliar leaning themselves behind the tree truck.

"I- I'm sorry but do I know you?" I asked as they laughed and headed towards me, muttering something.

"Why, of course not, you never met me and I never met you until now of course, question is where is your dear friend X?" they asked, I backed away a bit but they kept coming closer to me.

"I- I dont know where they went, they were just with me but I lost them while the ground was shaking" I explained as they took out some bottle and a cloth, they poured in the liquid on the cloth and threw the bottle

"Oh, how sad...well, 1 Said to take X while he finds Y but I guess the plan has changed, poor little Y, so naive yet so scared of things happening to her and her siblings, tell me what was it like losing V and W?" They asked, I was starting to speed walk backwards a bit as they did the same.
"Maybe don't answer the question then, heh, Now, HOLD STILL!" They said, launching themselves on me and forcefully putting the cloth on my face, I was starting to feel dizzy and my eyes were feeling heavy, like really heavy as if I was tired from a long day.
"Nighty night Y--" They're voice faded as I passed out.

-X's POV (FINALLY! The super awesome ninja Back at it again!)-

"RUN!!" I yelled as we all ran off from the cracks that came from the ground, breaking,and letting loose something, luckily it stopped before it could even pull one of us in and we were far away from the thing. Of course I was still on the tree truck looking for everyone else and Danger.

"Are yall okay?" M asked, I saw that M and S were still together but I didnt see Y or U anywhere.

"AHHHHH!! HELP ME!" We heard a yell, I went ahead and threw myself on the trees only to find U in trouble, he was holding on for dear life.

"U! Take the vine!" I yelled as I threw him the vine.

He pulled on to it but then the ground was starting to break again raising the risk of U falling into whatever was down there, I pulled him out on time before that piece of ground was broken.
"Are you okay?" I asked.

"YeEAH Imff OThay!" he muffled as his face was planted on the ground.

"Wait- where's Y? Wasn't she with you guys?" M asked as I looked around, seeing that she actually wasn't around.

"Wha- No, I thought she went with you guys" U said, finally getting his face off the ground.

"Well, well, well!~ look who we have here, our dear old friend X and he's with his friends!" Someone laughed, as they were getting to the top of the broken ground and looking down at us.

"4! What the hell do you want from us!?" I yelled as they laughed as they threw themselves down, landing perfectly.

"1 wants you to come back home with us but since you're too stubborn to even come back, I'll have to take you by force" they said, starting to head towards me with something behind their back.

"What are you doing?" I asked as they were giggling at the situation.

"Well, since it was easy to catch poor little naive Y, it's going to be hard getting you," they said, pulling out some cloth.

"What.Did.You. DO!?" I yelled out as they started to laugh like a maniac.

"Nothing really, just a simple trick up my sleeve, putting her to sleep, you wanna see her? There she is~" they pointed up top, revealing Y trapped in a bubble, sleeping.

"Want her back? You gotta get through me First!" They said starting to get in position to fight, I looked at the group then to Y and back at 4, who was grinning.

"Alright then, Game on Bitch!" I said taking my Nunchaku out while they took their sword.

"X! What the fuck are you doing!?" S yelled, I gave a little wink as the three knew what I was planning and nodded.

"Alright Bet you big fat marshmellow" They laughed as they took the first step.

-F's POV-

"So, tell us, Who Are You!?" O yelled as G smacked him and shook her head, he rolled his eyes.

"To be quite honest with you, I'm not sure, I remember being somewhere else but I dont know" They responded, leading us to some room.

"Let me get this straight, You can't remember what your very own name is or where you were just a second ago?" G asked.

"Ding, Ding, DInggg!! You got it! I can't remember a single darn thing" They said, unlocking the door which led to the outside world, Thank Z we made it out.

"Hmm, You look like R's kind but really young and well, green colored" P said as everyone nodded in agreement.

"Then that might be my name, R!" they yelled excitedly as we were getting out of this cave like hide out.

"So like, you're lost or something?" L asked and they nodded.

"Something like that, even so, I look around this place for a memory or something to help me remember why I was here in the first place, Say, What were you doing there anyway?" They asked.

"It's a Long story, really," Q said.

"Oooo I LOVE! Long stories, tell me, tell me ,tell MMEEEE" They said.

"Alright, first we have to find a safe place to stay for the night" I suggested as they got a head start, they ran really far we had to catch up somehow and we ended up running into the woods, some were falling behind, Talking to you L! anyways.
"HEY! HEY WAIT UP!!" I yelled as they stopped in front of some building that looked similar to a house.

"How did you know this was here?" Q asked as they turned to us and looked to the ground.

"I'm not so sure, I just knew. '' They said, I didnt believe them but we went inside the building anyways, since- Where else are we supposed to go anyways??
"Now, TEEEELLLLL MMMMEEEEEEEEE Please?" They asked, sitting themselves on some box, G sat N down on a bed he found in a room and P sat left W on the couch and ran all over the house to find a med kit, she found it and started to patch the wound.

"Okay, So- ummm, O why dont you start us off?" Q asked, he looked like he was about to blow since well, he's sitting right next to L who decided to sit there to bother, But P separated him from L by sitting next to the two.

"Fine!" He scoffed as he looked away from L.
"We woke up, me and P were fighting, oh look M stops us, get a call from A, M's little soon to be boyfriend or is that C and B? I dunno, we go investigate, we bring F along, we separate from one another and we- I mean F found all clues to whatever is going on, I was beat up, and oh nooo, My brother is kidnapped The end!" He said sarcasticly as L laughed His ass off, O Was so going to beat him due to how he peered at him  but P was stopping him from doing so.

"Wow, that was the most AWESOME STORY!" They yelled out as they fell from the box due to how far back they were going.

"There's actually more to the story than what O just said '' G said, rolling his eyes as I guess, r, got back up to the box and waited for us to tell the rest.

"F?" Q looked at me, I sighed and flash back to whatever I remember and started.

"Well, after I let my guard down on protecting N like M said, I called him but K and S called me and found E, he was injured, Me, K, S, and M went off to find N with a potion I invented called 'Memory holder' and we followed it, found X after we ran out the serum, got attacked from some blob monster, found Y and her siblings, W and U along with dumbass L over there and We basically ran off our separate ways, found CAB with P, G, Q and T, B was infected, he was attacked, we found the cave with the underground base or whatever it is, ran after finding Infected-...our infected friend, after about an hour, we found each other again and N, over there and well, W was cut before she was corrupted like her sister and that's that" I explained, they were clapping cheerfully.

"That was a lot to progress, but, Hey! You found your dear friend right? And very sorry for ya'll loss, they must of been very dear to you all, Also question: is he supposed to be up right now?"  They asked, pointing upstairs where N was standing quietly.

"N? N, How are you doing? Are you okay?" G asked but he just stood there silently, it was starting to get creepy probably because how he's in the dark shadows as we were standing where the light was shining.

It wasn't long until we heard him giggle, from a giggle to a laugh, a crazy ass loud Laugh to be certain about it, He jumped down from the second and landed which was something. Everyone started to back away as if he had something, I headed forward as he still stood in place as if he was afraid of something.

"N? N, you good there buddy?" I asked.

"..." There was only silence between us but then he started to move towards me but stopped 4 feet away from me and collapsed, I ran to check him, He passed out, what the fuck was that about??

"Is he even okay?" r asked.

"I'm not sure, Has N acted like this when ya'll found him?" I asked, P, G, A, and O looked at each other and shook their heads 'no' but A ran to N's bag to find something.

"A? What's wrong?" C asked as A took out whatever was in N's bag (or what used to be I's bag)

"About a few minutes ago, right before W was cut off and separated, N was looking at a file and he looked shocked and scared, maybe the file he was looking at was his, meaning that-"

"It might have information about him, Great thinking A!" P said as each of us picked up a file he had stored in, I sat N on the couch near us and went to pick up a file

I had picked up E's file
(just a repeat of his info. Skip if you want)

Name: subject 02 (E)
Last name:...
Substance used: 234T7- Mutated formula
States: Infected
Effects: opened a third red eye in his forehead, tentacles on back, eyes turned completely black with red pupils, and sharp teeth on sides
Last seen before being taken: Home in living room hiding during the kidnapping
Suspects: S and K (were on call)

Damn, this was WAY worse than I thought, poor E, I mean yes he's sassy like V yet very annoying unlike J but did he really deserve this?

"OOOoooo! HEY! Look! It's a picture Of MEE!!" r cheerfully said, P grabbed the paper that was in the file and read it.

"Name, Double r or rr, Substance used, X715o5 (memory loss), States, nothing bad (never even tried 234T7), Effects, Does Not remember their own sibling they had when they were separated, he will never know them, Last seen, in alphabet forest, Suspects, No one but their sibling" P read aloud as we looked at so-called rr, they seemed confused yet very happy.

"Do you?" O asked.

"Do I what?" They asked.

"Have a sibling?" G asked as they looked at us confused.

"Nope!" They answered quickly and happily.

"Bitch it literally says they used X715o5 meaning that that serum had a very strong effect of memory loss" I said.

" may want to take a look at this..." A said, handing me the file he had, it was N's

"Name, subject 06 or N, Substance used: 234T7- Mutated formula, States----  this- this can't be right? Right?" I asked.

"F, what's wrong?" C asked.

"He's Infected..." I muttered.

-H's POV-
(We return with H! Yay!!:D)

After those 'Numbers' left, I still searched around the forest for CAB and the rest who were there, well, if they were not like B.

"X! LOOK OUT!" Someone shouted from a distance as some weapon launched towards me and went right through. If I was Alive, I'd probably get knocked down and feel pain. I flew from where the commotion was going on, turns out X, S, M, U, Y and a number were here too.

"Ah, if it isn't the spirit of the woods, spirit! Help me out with My fellow friend X!" They begged, The others looked at me and then at each other and laughed their ass's off.

"YOU!? SPIRIT OF THE FOREST!? HA!!" One finally blurted out, I floated there angry at them as the number looked at them confused.

"What are you talking about? We saw them get angry and make this ground break!" They yelled. They looked at me and were about to laugh. When I signed them to shut up, I gave a little good old wink.

Surely enough U was able to understand it and whispered something to S who then turned to M and whispered. They are this good at whispering sinc that number only looked at them awkwardly and tried to overhear what they were planning.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THIS COMMOTION!?" They yelled, as they were about to whisper to X but it was too late.

"See now, That, you call 'Spirit of the woods' is actually---" M punched him and made eye contact with him as he didnt get the sign.

"Is actually a what?" they asked as they looked at me.

"They're actually on our side! They're our friend" U said while M whispers to X about the plan they were passing to each other.

"Very much so, You mess with one of them, you're messing with me" I said putting on my scary face that usually all letters see, I dunno why.

"Oh? Hm, and I thought a spirit can Never have a best bud nor can anyone see them only those who are chosen" they said, Shit- they have a point.

"Well, it works differently around here, You're in MY planet, Piece of Shit" X shouted as he launched at them and put the cloth they used on Y putting them to sleep.

"Nice job H, if it weren't for your plan we would have lost X" M said, I bowed a bit as something Caught me Like something actually caught me for the second time.

"Don't. Move. A. Bit. BITCH!" I recognized the voice, I looked behind and indeed it was- it was 2 and they're with 5.

"My, my, my, you thought we were that stupid enough to fall for your words? Think again, I knew you were lying" 5 said as I tried to escape from the device ice but they only pulled me closer to them.
"Hand over that X or they get it!" They ordered.

"I'm warning you to get This thing OFF ME!!" I screetched as the ground shook again, frightening everyone but during the shaking of the ground I was shocked, Like ACTUALLY SHOCKED from the device itself!

-U's POV-

"I'm warning you to get This thing OFF ME!!" H screetched as the ground shook again, it was frightening everyone but during the shaking of the ground H was shocked, Like ACTUALLY SHOCKED from the device that number held, H dropped from where they were floating and the ground stopped.

"Hm, looks like they are the spirit of these woods, now, Hand X over or this little spirit of yours gets it again" 5 threatened as 2 already had his hand on the button of the pole they had.

"Why?..." X asked facing down.

"What do you mean Why?" 2 asked.

"WHY THE FUCK DO YOU NEED ME BACK!?" He snapped, grabbing 4's sword, running full speed at 2 who he kicked hard, allowing H to be free and attacked him.
"WHY ARE YOU INCLUDING Y INTO THIS!" He yelled as the sword was hitting against 2's Pole
"WHY ARE YOU THREATENING TO HURT THEM ALL!?" He tripped him and fell over before he could even get up, X pointed the sword right at his face.

"ANSWER ME! WHY!?" He finalized as I could see 2 furious and sigh in defeat.

"Come on now bro, you know your true family missed you right? We all need you" he calmly said as X got even more angry that he picked him up and threw him against a nearby tree.

"Liar, Liar, LIAR, LIAR!! IF YOU WERE MY TRUE FAMILY YOU WOULD NEVER LEFT ME ON MY OWN IN THIS PLANET! You're nothing but a fake, lying ass, Good for nothing, weak ass Bitch! These letters are my family, unlike you! And everyone else who left me behind, they actually got my back and never EVER abandoned me like you all did" X scoffed, walking away and coming towards us.

but of course
Like Every Hero there comes a time where the hero are capture from the villain themselves
Or should I say...
Get their life taken from the Villain themselves

pink blood flowed down as we all watched in horror on how this had to end...
No more X, now...

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