King of Hatred - RWBY

By BeastSix

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A child, abandoned by everything.....? Except an old God's blessing.... or curse? More

BIO + Info
Ch. 1 [Bloody Vanta]
Ch.2 [Homey Vanta]
Ch.3 [Hunting Vanta]
Ch.4 [Hunting Vanta 2]
Ch.5 [Adventurous Vanta 1]
Ch.6 [Adventurous Vanta 2]
Birthday Special
Ch.7 [Adventurous Vanta 3]
Ch.8 [Adventurous Vanta 4]
Ch.10 [Bandit's Gaze 1 ]
Ch.11 [Bandit's Gaze 2]
Ch.12 [ Family ]
Ch.13 [Sands of Menagerie]
Ch.14 [Truths, and feathers]
Side story 2
Ch.15 [ Feathers of Spring ]
Ch.16 [ Spring and Summer ]
Ch.17 [ Spring and Summer 2 ]
Ch. 18 [ Spring and Summer 3 ]
Ch. 19 [ Trial of Choice ]
Ch.20 [ Trial of Choice 2 ]
Ch.21 [ no idea for title? ]
Ch.22 [ Trial of Knowledge ]
Ch.23 [Trial of Knowledge 2]
Ch.24 [ Alive ]
Ch.25 [ Exams ]
Ch.26 [Exams 2]
Ch.27 [ Beacon ]
Ch.28 [ Beacon... ]
Ch.29 [ Nightmare ]
Ch.30 [ Nightmare, Dream ]
Ch.31 [ Nightmare, Dream 2 ]
Ch.32 [ Hellish Nightmare ]
Ch.33 [ Hellish Nightmare 2 ]
Ch.34 [ Just a Day ]
BIO 2 [Spoilers]
Ch.35 [ Tri colourfull and Dark Violet ]
Ch.36 [ Tri colourfull and Dark Violet 2 ]
Ch.37 [ Old Truth ]
Ch.38 [ Gluttony of Darkness ]
Ch.39 [ Sliver of Hope ]
Ch.40 [ Creation ]
Ch.41 [ Creation Zwei(2) ]
Ch.42 [ Creation Drei(3) ]
Ch.43 [Creation Vier(4)]
Ch.44 [ True Answers ]
Ch.45 [ Heavy Wounds, Healing Scars]
Ch.46 [ Alive ]
Ch.48 [Tests]
Ch.49 [Just your unaverage day]
Ch.50 [ Lost Memory ]
Ch.51 [ Tears and Quest! ]
Ch.52 [ Hey... ]
Ch.53(A/B) [ Point of Time-Singularity ]
Ch.54(B) [ True Negativity ]
Ch.54(A) [ Scores ]
Ch.55(B) [Prep]
Ch.55(A) [School]
Ch.56(A) [Prologue to a massacre]
Ch.57(A) [Training session]
Ch.58(A) [Once Again]

Ch.9 [Adventurous Vanta 5]

682 19 2
By BeastSix

(Month later after last chapter)

*Akira's Pov*

I... F*CKING... HATE... SUN!
But! It's kinda nice. The warmth hitting my face with nice bit closer breeze.

Me: Remind me... why are we here?

Roz: Training. And hunting some animals.

I look around.... its a f*cking desert!

Me: You do realise, that idiot Lex gave us a wrong order?
Roz: Yup. But Chief nor Vernal aren't at tribe, so... yeah...
Me: Wait. Remind me the task?

She takes a note out and reads loud.

Roz: Go into the desert for training, and hunt a boar.
Me: Let's go to the nearby forest. We got tricked by that f*cker.

She nods and we get our things.

Why would that prick do that? Well....

[Flashback to month ago.

Me: Flow. Ichor.

My Aura keeps bursting out as all the blood I stored is swirling around us....
I extend my hand and drain the corpses of those dead kids, adding more blood.

Vernal: That's dangerous.

I glare at Vernal, as she backs off nicely....
I turn my sight back at Lex, and make giant blades out of blood.

Lex: I'll make you regre-

I send both blades at him, he flares his blue Aura, and takes a hit as my collected blood explodes all around after hitting him...
His skin has turned fully dark?

He smashes his fists together creating sparks and makes an angry scowl.

Lex: Now, I'll beat the sh*t out of you kid, and I don't care that you don't have any weapons.

I smirk and collect all the disperse blood, making multiple short ropes.
Since he can block them from 'penetrative and cutting power' I'll twist and smash the b*tch.

As he tries dashing for me, I catch his legs and arms through blood, suspending him in the air.

Before I can do anything more, Raven stands in front of me.
Raven: Beat him. Not kill him. Control your rage, or we'll have lots of Grimm here.

I... fine!

I take a deep breath, and out. And repeat for a moment.

I turn back to the f*cker, and use more blood to start slowly twisting his whole arm.

Lex: Y-ou! Little sh-it!

I twist his arm, while slowly cutting off his arm...
As someone places a hand on my shoulder, I look at said person. Raven.

Raven: Enough. It seems like the point was made.


Next time she won't save you.

I let go of him, and gather the blood into small squares connected with a thicker string, and wear it like a belt.

Me: I'm going with Vernal.

End of Flashback]

So yeah, that's basically it.

Roz: How far is the forest?

I point towards it.

Me: You can see it already, we'll take a break in a sha-


I turn to her, as she holds her stomach with a giant blush donning her face.

She forgot her breakfast? Really?
I take off my backpack, and give her a bit of my meat from backpack.

Roz: I... can?
Me: Yup. Go ahead.

She instantly bits into it, and slowly starts munching on it.
I take out a water bottle and give it to her.

(Few minutes later)

So yeah... we got in a very
... and I mean, very peculiar position.

We are on top of a tree, and there are bandits from another camps below us.
And they are definitely not. Branwens.

We whisper to eachother and stay silently on the tree.

Roz: (What now? We won't do much!)

I could execute them fast, and Devour their bodies, but there's too many around. Counting Roz.
Me: (Those bags they have, they give off a smell of blood. So they must be a hunting party.)

She nods, and looks between each bag.

Roz: (What do you propose? There's 6 of them.)

Me: (Kill them?)

Roz: ( I'd prefer running away )

Yeah. But that's if they were aware of us.

Me: ( I'll try to stealthily take care of them.)

She thinks for a while, but nods.

I take my bloody belt off and rip out few squares.

She looks at me in curiosity, but after a short while she understands what I'm about to do.

I lightly throw the squares behind each of them. In hope no one notices.

??: Oi, what was that behind you?
?: Hmm? What?

Me: (flow. Ichor.)

I take rest of squares and throw them directly at them, as they splash into blood and immobilise each of them, and slowly strangle them.

Roz: (That was easier than I thought?)

I unsheathe my sword, and jump down, slashing first guys throat, and instantly dashing at second one.
While Roz follows and slashes one guys throat.

3 down, 3 more to go.

I turn around, as their Aura's come up and push my blood away.
I move it around us, and watch for their move.

Just like Raven said. Control your emotions.

Me: We are busted.

?: I'll break your bones. And r*pe your little girlfriend in front of you.

Roz: Cringe.

We both snicker, as I gather blood from three bodies and have much more than before.

Me: Truly, Cringe. So which tribe are you from?

I ask, with bit of hope that those idiots will answer.

?: Kren. We are from Kren tribe, and you?

Me: None of your-

I manipulate the blood and surroundings two of his helpers in blood, locking them without any air.

Roz: -F*cking business.

He grimaces as his hammer is suddenly set on fire.


He rushes at me and swings his hammer, as I barely block it with my swords flat side!

It's f*cking hot!

I can feel my Aura decreasing more.
I jump back, as he looks confused.

?: What the.... two Semblances? You have two....

Wh- how did he-

?: Blood and strengthening. There's no way that a kid like you is naturally strong enough to block me! I'll f*cking break you!

That calmed me down, truly calmed down.

Me: Roz! Kill the ones in blood bubbles!
Roz: Yes!

The bandit turns around to chase her as I stab into his leg.

?: You little sh*t!

He swings at me, punching me straight in the chest, making me skip a few steps back.

As Roz is about to stab the first guy, I disperse the blood around him to let her reach his vitals much more easily.
She plunges her sword right into his left side, as the only bandit outside takes my sword out of his leg and throws it at me.

I try moving to the side as it slashes at my hand, decreasing more of my Aura.

?: Not so happy now?

I smirk as Roz stabs the guy straight in the heart. Meaning I have some free blood to use.

Me: Actually, you lost. Branwens say hello!

I fully focus the blood from both bandits on this one, he starts struggling as blood slowly covers him.

Me: Roz! Rush at the other one!

She instantly dashes to the guy who nearly suffocated in my blood and instantly slashes at his neck.

?: Yo-blurhd!.!..!!

Blood finally covers him around, cutting off his oxygen supply.
I really need to thank Vernal for teaching us about humane anatomy.

Me: Three minutes, after that he'll suffocate.

Roz: Let's check their things, might be more than just animals.

Me: Sure, I'll check the meat, you can check their equipment.

She nods and starts rummaging through first guy, as I bring their hunted animals to me...
5 Boars. 3 rabbits.

?: Glurgh!

I turn around and use the blood to finish last bandit off.
How? Simple, the blood which I can control gets inside his body, and creates damage all around, and like Vernal taught me.
If anyone is hurt, sooner or later they'll try gasping for some air to calm down. And that is their downfall as I can make my blood rush into one's lungs, killing them quite fast.

After few seconds his Aura dies down, as he slumps free in blood around him.

Me: That's everyone!
Roz: Yupee!

We both chuckle a bit, and rummage through rest of their things.
Finding only three fire dust crystals.

Collecting all blood, I get bodies on one spot, get their weapons next to us, and 'their' hunted food next to us. In bags of course.

I make the blood into multiple accessories and place it under my clothing, coat my sword and sheathe it.


Yeah... there's a surplus of blood.
I change it into big cube, about 20cm in each direction..... its f*cking massive... but not as heavy, as one would expect.

Roz: So we got. Food, few weapons, and dust!

Me: Yep, but the scent of fresh blood will attract grimm and animals soon. We can rest at most for, 8 minutes?

I say, while deactivating my Aura, letting it regenerate and placing blood cube in Roz's hands.

Roz: What about this?

I flick my fingers in her direction.
Me: Great question! But, rest. 3 mins.

She raises her fist up and smiles
Roz: Aye!

Me: Aye!
Following her, I do the same.

During those few free minutes, both of us rest.
While I also keep listening for any steps.


Yeah, it's time to get up-!
*tup.... tup....*

Those steps aren't Human.... and they are massive....

Me: Roz, we get out. Now.

Roz: Wha-
Me: Now! Flow, Ichor!

I instantly utilise the 20cm cube and the whole blood stored on me, grab the bags and weapons from Bandits.

We both start running towards the camp!
F*ck! If it's a Beowolf, Deathstalker or Ursa? We can do it! But I don't recognise those stomps!

Roz: Is it getting closer?!?

Me: It stopped moving a moment! But it's better to play it safe! Just like Raven and Vernal taught us!

She nods and we keep running.

(Abour half an hour later)

We are in another forest, the one near camp.
We approach the gate as a watch guard peeks out of it.

He opens it as we enter, finding a smirking Lex by main campfire.
I drop everything down, except dust as I move it into Roz's hands.

Me: We killed a group of bandits along the way.

He looks at us, dissapointed?

Lex: And? You want a medal?

Raven... why didn't you let me kill him...?

Me: No. I want to say f*ck you. Since we 'hunted' this, we'll make sure to keep it and tell Raven and Vernal.

He looks stressed at this and tries to rebuke as we leave towards our tent. Where we stay with Vernal.

Since we have some free time, we'll use it like we want.

(Qrow's Pov, Beacon, Ozpin's office)

Me: That's why I can't believe it.

Glynda fixes her glasses and answers my problems.

Glynda: None of us can. Suddenly someone claiming to be Summer's Brother shows up, Tai dies the same day and he can use magic? Headmaster, even for us it's impossible to understand.

I open my flask and take a drink from it.

Ozpin: That's why, Qrow. I'll have you spend some more times sitting around him. See if he does anything to the girls. As for us, we need to get other our colleagues and bring some flowers to Tai's and Summer's graves.

Me: And check him yourself. Now, I need to leave. Since I promised Ruby and Yang a movie night with pizza.

Before I transform Ozzie stops me for a last moment.

Ozpin: Qrow. What was his name again?

Me: William.

He nods and starts drinking his hot cocoa as I leave.

The End
See ya next chap!

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