Burn Me Right

By Nyxiden

76.7K 4.3K 2.4K

Autumn Wraith took a step a 20-year-old shouldn't take. She was naïve for her own ruin. One wrong move, or sh... More

Diabolus et angelus eius....
Angelus Mortis
manes praeterita
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter- 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91

Chapter 21

892 46 24
By Nyxiden

This chapter will be very dark. skip if you are uncomfortable...

The rain was falling like tears from the sky. Each drop, a small reminder of the pain that echoed within. The wind was howling, tearing through the night like a mournful wail, shaking the very foundation of the world. The darkness had descended like a heavy cloak, shrouding everything in an impenetrable veil, hiding secrets and fears within its depths. The trees swayed and bent beneath the onslaught, their leaves rustling like whispers in the night. The storm was a living thing, raging and thrashing, unwilling to be tamed, a force of nature that demanded respect and awe.

Autumn felt his warm hand grip her thigh, inching closer to her core. His long fingers pressed with her thigh, and his hand moved up to her hair, yanking it back, pushing her front against the wall even further. She struggled to break free, but Zyler's grip only tightened, his fingers digging into her skin.

"Don't touch me," she hissed, trying to push him away. "Don't you dare touch me," she squirmed.

Zyler's eyes gleamed with a dark intensity, his lips curling into a twisted smirk. "Or what?" he taunted, leaning closer until his breath tickled her ear. "You think someone's going to come to rescue you? That's cute."

"Why are you doing this?" she didn't know why God would subject her to this kind of torture when she had done nothing to anyone.

Zyler smiled, a chilling grin that could make Satan shiver. "You know what I find fascinating about you, Autumn?" His voice dropped to a menacing whisper. "The power of your mind. How your thoughts can shape your reality, twist it, bend it to your will."

Autumn's heart raced as she lay there while his hand was getting closer to her core, minute by minute. He was close, too tight, too imposing. "What are you talking about?" her voice quivered, her breath catching in her throat as she spoke. "What do you want from me?" she whispered, her eyes darting around the room as if searching for a way out.

Zyler's smile widened. "You," he retorted. "You have a powerful mind, Autumn. A beautiful one, too," he tapped her temple with his right hand while she flinched away. "You're smart, resourceful, and brave. But you know what's even more fascinating?" he quipped, wanting to hear something from her while he drew circles near her vagina. "The way any powerful mind can be broken, shattered like glass if you know how to play it."

The poor girl's mind raced as she tried to understand what he was saying, but the fear made it hard to think. "What do you want from me?" she asked, desperation creeping into her voice.

Zyler leaned in, his face inches from hers. His breath touched her earlobe. "I want to see how far I can push you, Autumn," he whispered. "How much pressure can you take before you break? And trust me, I won't stop until you do." He chuckled. "And when I take what I want from you, there will be only me. Autumn Willow Wraith will be molded as per my wish, her mind, body, and soul united with mine." He cupped her pussy and kneaded it.

"I beg you don't," she pleaded again. As he spoke, Autumn felt a sickening sense of dread wash over her. She was not afraid of physical injury. Autumn felt a sickening sense of dread fly over her as he spoke. She knew that she was dealing with a dangerous man, one who delighted in the suffering of others. And she knew that she was in for a long and painful ordeal.

"You're sick," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

His chuckle was like a cold gust, cutting through her like a sharp blade, leaving her vulnerable and defenseless. "Maybe," he moved his hand from her vagina to her cheek, caressing it. "But you're the one who's going to suffer for it."

Autumn felt a tear roll down her cheek, her mind racing with fear and confusion. She couldn't understand how someone could be so cold, so indifferent to the pain they were causing. Zyler seemed to revel in her distress, his fingers trailing down her neck and across her collarbone. "You see, baby," he murmured, his lips brushing against her ear. "You're like a little bird trapped in my grasp. And I'll keep you here as long as I want."

She was immobilized. Nobody had ever spoken to her this way. His words were confusing and scary. She could only picture the look on his face now. He must be reveling in victory. He had her where he wanted. But she has to get out of there. Say something. "If you're so brave, why hide behind that hood? Show me your face," she challenged, her voice steady, despite the fear that churned within her.

His fingers dug into her flesh as if he was trying to brand her with his touch. His eyes were filled with a sinister intensity, a darkness that threatened to consume everything in its path. "You really want to see my face?" his words were like the snarl of a cornered beast, dangerous and unpredictable. "Be careful what you wish for, Autumn. You might not like what you see."

"If you are what you say you are, you wouldn't be doing things in the dark...." Before she could proceed further, Zyler cut her off. His hand crept up to her plum breasts, the ones that had been in his dream for so long.

"Oh, but my dear dahlia," he murmured, his voice honeyed and dangerous. "Darkness is where the most thrilling things happen. It's where secrets are kept, desires are unleashed, and control is gained. And I am a man who thrives in the shadows," he boasted.

"All I see is lack of courage," that was it. His anger rose, simmering until he could no longer hold it. If she wants it, so be it. She will get it. He didn't say a word. Silence ruled the room. She waited for him to say something, hurt her, or do something, but nothing. He was quiet. She heard a deep huff, like a horse huffing before it took to race. And when she least expected, he released her. Autumn's body instantly feels a sense of relief as he releases his grip on her. Her muscles, once tense and rigid, relax and loosen. However, her mind is still consumed by fear and confusion as she watches him step away from her. She can feel her heart pounding in her chest, and her thoughts are racing a mile a minute as she tries to process the situation. It's as if her mind is trapped in a fog, unable to comprehend what is happening entirely.

She turned around. Curiosity was eating her up. Her mind was aching with anticipation of what lay behind the hood that had obscured his face for so long. She could feel the weight of his gaze on her as he stepped back, his movements slow and measured. It was as if he was unveiling a hidden world, a truth that had been waiting in the shadows all along.

Autumn's chest tightened, and the air grew heavy with a sense of foreboding as Zyler stepped back, his hood slowly falling away to reveal his face. At that moment, a crack of thunder split the air as if the heavens themselves were announcing his identity.

Zyler slowly reached up and pulled the hood back. There was a voice in the back of her head that was telling her something terrible was about to unlock, something sinister. He slid his mass off his lower face, revealing himself. A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the room, followed by a deafening clap of thunder that shook the house to its very foundation. Autumn's heart lurched as the realization hit her like a freight train. It was her boss standing in front of her. But how could it be?

She felt like the ground had fallen out from beneath her, leaving her adrift in a sea of confusion and fear. How could she have been so blind, so naïve? Her mind raced as she tried to make sense of it all, but the pieces didn't fit. How is he here? The stalker and her boss are the same. Autumn felt like she was trapped in a hazy dream, where nothing was quite real, and everything was distorted. The world around her had shifted and twisted, and she couldn't tell what was true and what was just a figment of her imagination. He is devastating. He didn't seem real. He was more dangerous and deadly as her stalker than as her boss.

He had a sly smirk on his face. Like he won something. His chiseled features were sharp and defined, his eyes blazing with an otherworldly intensity. Autumn couldn't help but feel both drawn to and repelled by him, like a moth to a flame or a mortal to a god. The thunder rumbled like the voice of the Almighty, emphasizing the power that emanated from him, both awe-inspiring and terrifying. For a moment, it felt like she was in the presence of both Zeus and Hades, and the realization left her breathless. Her lips wobbled. Why does god hate her so much? Why is this happening to her?

"Are you going to cry, baby?" his sadistic glint was evident in his electric blue eyes. The word baby angered her so much.

"I told you to be careful what you wish for," he winked, licking her lips and eyeing her shocked body.

"Why so quiet, little bird? Has my presence robbed you of your voice?" he was getting harder by the minute. Now that she knew who he was, there was no reason for him to hide his desires for her. She closed her eyes, and now it made sense why she was offered that job without an interview. To kill her.

For some reason, her scared form was arousing to him. He stepped forward, and she stepped aside to get to her kitchen. In one lunge, she ran to the stove and grabbed her serrated knife. She didn't know where she got that courage from. But she did as if the blade would shield her from the deadly predator standing in her house. Zyler wanted to roll his eyes. She could do no jack shit. He could snap her neck if he wanted to. She was so tiny.

Zyler raised an eyebrow in amusement. There was silence again before he spoke with his sickly sweet, sarcastic tone, "Oh, I'm terrified," his voice was dripping with sarcasm. "You're going to take on a man thrice your size with a kitchen knife? How brave," he looked tall, as if he was ten foot with the thunder shining on his body. He appeared dangerous, and Autumn was shitting her pants. "And here I thought you were smarter than this," he took a step forward, challenging her, and she tumbled back, her back hitting the burner of her stove.

"I will stab you," she hovered the knife over for him to see.

A happy laughter echoed in the otherwise silent room. Zyler's lips curled into a smirk, his eyes glinting with amusement. "You really think you could stab me, Autumn? How adorable," he drawled, his voice laced with condescension. "But let's not play games, shall we? You and I both know that you wouldn't dare hurt me. You're too weak, too afraid." He closed the gap between them, looming over her. "And you know what they say about fear, don't you? It's an irresistible temptation," he taunted, his breath hot against her cheek. He raised his hand to touch her cheek, and Autumn did the unexpected.

She dug the serrated knife into his palm, slashing through it. Zyler's hand did not jerk back as her blade sliced through his palm. The blood dripped from the wound, like crimson tears falling to the ground, but Zyler's expression remained unchanged. He regarded her with the same cold detachment as before, as if he were nothing more than an observer in his own body, unaffected by the pain or the wound. It was as if he were made of stone, unbreakable and unyielding, impervious to the blade that had cut him.

In one movement, he yanked the knife out of her hand. He caged both her wrists with his one hand and bent her over the smooth stainless steel kitchen stove. All she could see was his approaching face. It cast ghostly shadows on him. Her body bent backward. He brought the bloody knife coated with his blood closer to her shirt and ripped each button. "No," she struggled. "Don't, please, I beg you," she pleaded, shaking her head. He made a clean cut all the way to the center of her camisole, tearing it away and exposing her purple lace bra. Her skin was left unharmed.

He clutched the knife on her chin and dragged it all the way to her cleavage. She pleaded to him, asking him not to. "Don't do this to me. I don't even know you," her heart ached. She didn't want to cry, but what was the use? She was standing half-naked before her stalker.

Zyler watched Autumn as tears streamed down her face, a twisted smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Are you crying, Autumn?" he asked, his voice dripping with contempt. "I thought you were stronger than that. But I suppose that's what separates us, isn't it?" he chuckled.

"Your tears are like music to my ears. Keep crying. It only makes me want you more." he was Hades, soul dripped in darkness and hell fire. His eyes were like pools of darkness that seemed to swallow up any light that dared to come near. His face was angular and sharp, chiseled like a statue of some forgotten deity. A cruel smirk played at the corners of his lips, revealing teeth as white as bone. His soul was jet black, like tendrils of smoke in the darkness. Every inch of him radiated cold, unforgiving energy, like a force of nature that could not be tamed.

"Oh, we are going to have so much fun," he ripped open her top, tossing it away. She was standing in her bra and shorts. It took so much restraint not to fuck her there. But no, she didn't earn the pleasure of his dick yet. The things he will do to her are far worse.

"Don't kill me," she begged as he yanked her by her hair. Parts of her upper chest contained his blood that smeared on her while he did his work on her breasts.

"Oh, my sweet little dahlia, what I will do to you will be far worse," he tossed her on the bed.

"What are you going to do?" she couldn't help but ask. She didn't want to die like this. There was a whole life ahead of her. She was so scared. He climbed on top of her, straddling her body. Her thighs nestled between his crotch. He rendered her speechless. Her chest was compressed. She wanted to vomit, gag and breathe.

Zyler's lips twisted into a cruel smile as he leaned in closer to Autumn. "What am I going to do? Anything I want," he hissed, his breath hot against her cheek. "I am going to consume you, slowly, piece by piece, bit by bit, inch by inch," he licked her neck down to her cleavage. He smelled so deadly, like nicotine, delicate perfume, and musky, "and" he rasped, his voice thick with desperation. "I'm going to enjoy every moment of it." he breathed in her scent. "I wanted to do this to you when you are awake," he moaned. The bitter realization took hostage of her. It was him all along. How dumb could she have been not to realize it before?

"I can smell your arousal, baby," she wanted to tell him to get lost. It wasn't of arousal. She was scared. But her tongue felt as if it weighed a ton. She couldn't move. She couldn't say anything. She tried to grab the vase next to the bed, but he deterred her movement by jerking her hand. The vase fell on the floor, shattering to pieces. He brought his bloody hand to her navel and rubbed his blood on it. She felt disgusted.

"Ah, the old vase trick. What's next? Are you going to try and hit me with a pillow?" he chuckled, fisting his cigar out of his pocket. It was still warm, not too hot, not too cold. "You really are quite predictable, Autumn. But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised" he smelled the nicotine, "after all, you are a scared little mouse, aren't you?" his taunts were making her crazy. She wanted to smack the life out of him.

A tear spilled out of her eyes, moving to her ear and landing on her pillow, wetting it. She wanted to cry so badly. She felt vulnerable and weak. "Aw, don't cry, baby," he rubbed her tears. "Don't waste all of your tears yet, my little dahlia," he cooed with a sneer. "You have to save them. Besides, you'll be shedding plenty more before we're through," he was amused at his own tactics. He brought the knife down to her shorts and ripped them in half. He removed her granny panties, almost tearing them brutally. He hated that they were covering her treasure. Autumn's heart cried at the ministrations. No one had ever seen her bare like this, she squirmed, and he pinched her thigh. Her tears didn't stop anymore. There was no point in hiding now.

"Such a delightful little struggle you put up, Autumn. I almost don't want it to end," he murmured, a twisted smile playing at the corners of his lips. "But we both know how this ends, don't we?" she didn't respond. He doesn't deserve it. He bent down, catching a whiff of her scent. It was intoxicating. Closing his eyes, he growled like a beast in pain. It vibrated in her walls. Opening his eyes, he let his gaze wash over her closed lips. They were meaty, like two tender pieces of bread. The urge to bite them clouded his senses, and he ground his teeth, resisting the urge. She didn't deserve his tongue yet. Her clit hiding behind those petals. So, fucking sexy. He had never once seen a pussy like this, and he had seen a lot of them since he was 15. The first one being his high school crush, but this pussy tops them all. He spat on his cigar end and lubricated it. The likeliness of her being a virgin was too high. He needed enough to lubricate it.

He tapped her pussy lips as if he was asking for entrance, but the thing is, Zyler stone doesn't need entrance to anything. He brought the tip back to his nose. She tasted so fucking fine. Like him. "Don't do this," his eternal obsession was halted by her smokey voice.

"It will only get worse," he pulled the cigar out of his mouth. It was a taste he could get used to, her pussy with the nicotine. Parting her pussy lips, he pushed the cigar inside a little, and she hissed. She had never been touched there before, and here this man was touching her, marking her, claiming her. Is it how it feels? When someone takes things without your permission? She had been there before, and she is here again. Hooking his fingers around her thigh, he dragged her down.

Autumn felt a strange feeling in her pussy. The pipe of the cigar was warm, not too hot, not too cold, giving her a weird feeling. A sob tore through her throat, it was weak, but it was there. She couldn't look away. She couldn't run away. Her thoughts were clouded by the small inch of the cigar pipe into her cunt. The warmth of the pipe slipping past her tight and snatch walls was making her feel violated. He was breaking her, and she would never forgive him for this. And then she felt a cold sensation. A dollop of saliva slipped onto the pipe and dripped onto her pussy. It was dirty and disgusting, but he was not ashamed.

How twisted is this? How sinful is it? What will her mother say? Her mom will be so disappointed in her. She will never forgive her. She has to fight. She felt a deeper push into her cunt, and she gasped. With all her strength, she pulled her feet back to punch his face, but Zyler knew she her more than himself. He effectively dodged her kick and locked her foot in dead weight. Increasing his pressure, he pushed it all the way inside, watching it disappear beneath her folds. How lucky is that pipe? His mind turned to mush. He pulled it out of her snatch walls and pushed it in. The girl shuddered. What was happening to her?

He saw how desperately the pipe struggled against her vice grip. "Fuck," he cursed, licking his lips. Another dollop of saliva spilled onto her pussy, providing it with more lubrication. She was embarrassed. How terrible is this? She clenched her jaw, shutting out the world. But the pipe in her cunt prevented her from paying attention to anything else. He worked pipe in and out, in and out. The room echoed with the sounds of her wet noises and thunder, along with his growls. It was a unique sound, something the devil and his army would crave all their lives. And then it happened, something rose in her stomach, something she had never experienced all her life. Something so new, something like the world wanted to disappear. He pushed the pipe all the way in and curled it, hitting the spot, a gasp left her mouth, and she struggled against her pillow. She wanted to run away, but there was no way she could.

The movement of the pipe hit something in her. At that moment, everything else faded away as the thing tore her insides, his saliva dripping down, making a mess on her pillow. The more he moved the pipe in her, the more he spat on her pussy. It was perfect synchronicity. Each touch, each caress, sent waves of pleasure coursing through Autumn's body that she wanted to deny so much. But the body is a battleground when something is taken without your will. The differentiation between pleasure and pain is almost blurred. She hated herself for it. It happened so much until it built to an overwhelming crescendo. And then, with a shuddering gasp, she felt the intense, electrifying release of her first orgasm. It was a feeling like no other, a moment of pure, unadulterated bliss that left her breathless and trembling on the bed, she didn't want it, but her body couldn't hold it in.

Her orgasming face will forever be etched in his mind. The girl had no idea what was happening. The earth stopped spinning. More tears spilled. This man is a horrible creature. He violated her with a cigar pipe. What could be worse than this?

Zyler had to fight against her orgasmic clench to pull the cigar out, "smell it, baby," Zyler pulled out the cigar from her spasming cunt, and the girl lost her senses. At that moment, Zyler felt her addiction. Her beauty was like a curse, the Devil's angel with eyes as deep as the abyss and lips as red as blood.

He pulled out the cigar coated with her release, lightly touched it to the tip of her nose, and then brought it back to his nose. The smell of her arousal mixed with nicotine turned his mind into a battleground. It was fucking addictive and primal, sending the vibrations straight to his aching dick. It's the type of aroma that lingers in the air, drawing you in with its enchanting fragrance. It was a heady, intoxicating scent you couldn't get enough of, a deep, enticing aroma that kept you coming back for more. It evoked feelings of desire, passion, and excitement, and he craved more. Nicotine never felt more addictive.

Well, there it is. Eight likes before the next update. Do comment

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