The Tardis' Girl (Previously...

By DisasterChild20

4.5K 159 53

The Story of Robyn, Captain Jack Harkness' daughter... or is she. More

The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of Ways
The Beast Below
Victory of the Daleks
The Time of Angels
Flesh and Stone
The Vampires of Venice
Amy's Choice
The Hungry Earth
Cold Blood
R.I.P Bernard Cribbins
Vincent and the Doctor
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang
Comic Relief 2011 - Time
The Impossible Astronaut

The Lodger

59 3 0
By DisasterChild20

Robyn pokes her head out the Tardis with the Doctor, finding themselves in a small park across the road from groups of terraced houses "No, Amy, it's definitely not the fifth moon of Cindie Colesta. I think I can see a Ryman's." the Doctor tells Amy. There's a sudden explosion, throwing the Doctor and Robyn to the ground as the Tardis dematerialises "Amy! Amy! Amy! Amy." the Doctor shouts, jumping up. Robyn gets up and grabs the Doctor's hand "Okay, that's not happened before. Right, um. Let's find out where and when we are and go from there." the Doctor tells her, picking her up.

The two of them go to the flat that Amy has directed them to via a note, a opens the door "I love you." he says. "Well, that's good, because I'm your new lodger. Do you know, this is going to be easier than I expected." the Doctor says, taking the pink keys from the man's hand. Robyn holds the Doctor's hand as they talk "But I only put the advert up today. I didn't put my address." the man tells them. "Well, aren't you lucky I came along? More lucky than you know. Less of a young professional, more of an ancient amateur, but frankly I'm an absolute dream." the Doctor tells him. "Hang on a minute, mate. I don't know if I want you staying. And give me back those keys. You can't have those." the man says, taking the pick keys back. "Yes, quite right. Have some rent." the Doctor says, handing the man a paper take-away bag with lots of twenty pound notes in it "That's probably quite a lot, isn't it? Looks like a lot. Is it a lot? I can never tell." he continues, walking inside with Robyn "Don't spend it all on sweets, unless you like sweets. I like sweets. Ooo." he says, turning and giving the man a couple of air kisses about six inches from each cheek "That's how we greet each other nowadays, isn't it? I'm the Doctor. Well, they call me the Doctor. I don't know why. I call me the Doctor, too. Still don't know why. This is Robyn, family friends daughter I'm looking after." he explains. "Craig Owens. The Doctor?" Craig asks. "Yep. Who lives upstairs?" the Doctor asks. "Just some bloke." Craig responds. "What's he look like?" the Doctor asks him. "Normal. He's very quiet." Craig tells him, a crash following "Usually. Sorry, who are you again? Hello? Excuse me?" he continues, following the Doctor and Robyn into the flat.

"Ah. I suppose that's dry rot?" the Doctor asks, motioning to the top corner of the living room. "Or damp. Or mildew." Craig nods. "Or none of the above." the Doctor adds. "I'll get someone to fix it." Craig tells him. "No, I'll fix it. I'm good at fixing rot. Call me the Rotmeister. No, I'm the Doctor, don't call me the Rotmeister. This is the most beautiful parlour I have ever seen. You're obviously a man of impeccable taste. We can stay, Craig, can't we? Say we can." the Doctor smiles. "You haven't even seen the room." Craig tells him. "The room?" the Doctor asks. "Your room." Craig tells him. "Our room? Oh, yes. Our room. Our room. Take us to our room." the Doctor smiles, picking Robyn up as she giggles. "Yeah, this is Mark's old room. He owns the place. Moved out about a month ago. This uncle he'd never even heard of died and left a load of money in the will." Craig explains, taking them to the room. "How very convenient. This'll do just right. In fact. No time to lose. I'll take it." the Doctor tells him, checking the air with his finger "Ah you'll want to see my credentials. There. National Insurance number. NHS number. References." he says, showing a Craig his psychic paper. "Is that a reference from the Archbishop of Canterbury?" Craig asks. "I'm his special favourite. Are you hungry? I'm hungry." the Doctor tells him, heading to the kitchen. "I haven't got anything in." Craig says.

The Doctor sits Robyn on the counter as he starts grabbing things from the cupboard and fridge "You've got everything I need for an omelette, fines herbes, pour deux. So, who's the girl on the fridge?" he asks. "My friend. Sophie." Craig responds. "Girlfriend?" the Doctor asks. "A friend who is a girl. There's nothing going on." Craig shakes his head. "Oh, that's completely normal. Works for me." the Doctor responds. "We met at work about a year ago, at the call centre." Craig explains. "Oh really, a communications exchange? That could be handy." the Doctor smiles, making the omelettes. "Firm's going down though. The bosses are using a totally rubbish business model. I know what they should do. I got a plan all worked out. But I'm just a phone drone, I can't go running in saying I know best. Why am I telling you this? I don't even know you." Craig says. "Well, I've got one of those faces. People never stop blurting out their plans while I'm around." the Doctor tells him. "Right. Where's your stuff?" Craig asks. "Oh, don't worry, it'll materialise. If all goes to plan." the Doctor responds. Robyn giggles and swings her legs as the Doctor sends her a playful wink.

Robyn smiles as the Doctor sits her on his lap, the empty omelette plates on the table "Oh, that was incredible. That was absolutely brilliant. Where did you learn to cook?" Craig asks the Doctor. "Paris, in the 18th century. No, hang on, that's not recent, is it? 17th? No, no, no. 20th. Sorry, I'm not used to doing them in the right order." he responds. "Has anyone ever told you that you're a bit weird?" Craig asks. "They never really stop. Ever been to Paris, Craig?" the Doctor asks. "Nah. I can't see the point of Paris. I'm not much of a traveller." Craig responds. "I can tell from your sofa." the Doctor tells him. "My sofa?" Craig asks. "You're starting to look like it." the Doctor responds. "Thanks, mate, that's lovely. No, I like it here. I'd miss it, I'd miss..." Craig starts with a laugh. "Those keys." the Doctor interrupts, looking at Craig's hand where he's playing with the pink key ring. "What?" Craig asks. "You're sort of fondling them." the Doctor tells him. "I'm holding them." Craig counters. "Right." the Doctor says. "Anyway. These, these are your keys." Craig says, getting up and showing the Doctor some keys as he also stands with Robyn in his arms. "We can stay?" the Doctor asks. "Yeah, you're weird and you can cook. It's good enough for me. Right. Outdoor, front door, your door." Craig lists, showing each of the keys. "My door. My place. My gaff. Ha ha! Yes. Me with a key." the Doctor smiles, taking the keys. "And listen, Mark and I, we had an arrangement where if you ever need me out of your hair, just give me a shout, okay?" Craig tells him. "Why would I want that?" the Doctor asks. "In case you want to bring someone round. A girlfriend or, a boyfriend?" Craig explains. "Oh, I will. I'll shout if that happens. Yes. Something like, I was not expecting this! By the way, that. The rot. I've got the strangest feeling we shouldn't touch it." the Doctor says, looking at the rot.

The Doctor lies on his bed, Robyn drawing a picture from where she's sat on the floor "Earth to Pond, Earth to Pond. Come in, Pond." the Doctor says through the earpiece. "Doctor!" Amy exclaims, massive feedback through the earpiece "Sorry." she tells him. "Could you not wreck my new earpiece, Pond? How's the Tardis coping?" the Doctor asks. "See for yourself." Amy says, the Doctor and Robyn hearing the Tardis whirring in the background. "Ooo, nasty. She's locked in a materialisation loop, trying to land again but she can't." the Doctor explains. "She's upset." Robyn says, talking about the Tardis. The Doctor smiles slightly and brushes her hair back "We'll help her Little Bird." he promises. "Hmm. And whatever's stopping her is upstairs in that flat. So, go upstairs and sort it." Amy tells the Doctor. "I don't know what it is yet. Anything that can stop the Tardis from landing is big. Scary big." the Doctor responds. "Wait. Are you scared?" Amy asks. "I can't go up there until I know what it is and how to deal with it. And it is vital that this man upstairs doesn't realise who and what I am. So no sonicking. No advanced technology. I can only use this because we're on scramble. To anyone else hearing this conversation, we're talking absolute gibberish. Now all I've got to do is pass as an ordinary human being. Simple. What could possibly go wrong?" the Doctor responds. "Have you seen you?" Amy asks him. Robyn giggling. "So you're just going to be snide. No helpful hints?" he asks. "Hmm. Well, here's one. Bow tie, get rid." Amy tells him.

The Doctor looks in the mirror wearing a pair of sunglasses. "Bow ties are cool." he tells Amy. "Cool bow tie!" Robyn giggles, climbing on the bed. "Come on, Amy, I'm a normal bloke. Tell me what normal blokes do." the Doctor tells Amy. "They watch telly, they play football. They go down the pub." Amy responds. "I could do those things. I don't, but I could." the Doctor says. There's a bang upstairs, Robyn jumping slightly "Hang on. Wait, wait, wait. Amy?" the Doctor asks, looking at the clock and his watch. The hands on both of them spin backwards and forwards rapidly "Interesting. Localised time loop." the Doctor says. "Ow. What's all that?" Amy asks. "Time distortion. Whatever's happening upstairs is still affecting you." the Doctor explains. "It's stopped. Ish. How about your end?" Amy asks him. "My end's good." the Doctor responds. "So, doesn't sound great, but nothing to worry about?" she says. "No, no, no, not really. Just keep the zigzag plotter on full. That'll protect you." the Doctor tells her. "Ow." Amy says. "Amy, I said the zigzag plotter." he tells her. "I pulled the zigzag plotter." Amy retorts. "What, you're standing with the door behind you?" the Doctor asks. "Yes." Amy responds. "Okay, take two steps to your right and pull it again. Now, I must not use the sonic. I've got work to do. Need to pick up a few items." the Doctor tells Amy.

The next morning Robyn sits in the bedroom drawing when she hears the Doctor make loads of noise, walking out she heads to the front door. Looking out the door she sees the Doctor in a towel pointing an electric toothbrush up the stairs, making it whirr "What happened, what's going on?" he asks Craig. "Is that my toothbrush?" Craig asks. "Correct. You spoke to the man upstairs?" the Doctor asks him. "Yeah." the man nods. "What did he look like?" the Doctor asks. "More normal than you do at the moment, mate. What are you doing?" Craig asks in confusion. "I thought you might be in trouble." the Doctor responds. "Thanks. Well, if I ever am, you can come and save me with my toothbrush." Craig tells him, Robyn giggling. Craig's phone rings inside the flat, making him go to answer it. The Doctor starts up the stairs as a woman comes in the front door "Oh! Hello." she says. "Ah! Hello. The Doctor and this is Robyn." he responds, motioning to Robyn. The girl smiles and gives Sophie a shy smile and wave "Right." Sophie nods. "You must be Sophie." the Doctor smiles, air kissing her cheeks in greeting before heading back inside the flat with Robyn.

Sophie follows them in "No, Dom's in Malta. There's nobody around. Hang on a sec. We've got a match today, pub league. We're one down if you fancy it?" Craig asks the Doctor. "Pub league. A drinking competition?" the Doctor asks. "No, football. Play football." Craig responds. "Football. Football. Yes, blokes play football. I'm good at football, I think." the Doctor responds. "You've saved my life. I've got somebody. Yeah, all right, I'll see you down there. Hey, Soph." Craig says, hanging up the phone. "Hey, I thought I'd come early and meet your new flat mate." Sophie explains. "Do you play, Sophie?" the Doctor asks. "No, Soph just stands on the sidelines. She's my mascot." Craig tells him. "I'm your mascot? Mascot?" Sophie asks. "Well, yeah, not my mascot. It's a football match. I can't take a date." Craig responds. "I didn't say I was your date." Sophie tells him. "Neither did I." Craig tells her. "Better get dressed." the Doctor says, heading to the bedroom with Robyn. "The spare kit's just in the bottom drawer." Craig tells him. "Bit of a mess." the Doctor says, shutting the door so Craig doesn't see the scanner. The Doctor sudden reopens the door and pokes his head out "You unlocked the door. How did you do that? Those are your keys. You must have left them last time you came here." he says. "Yeah, but I. How do you know these are my keys?" Sophie asks. "I've been holding them." Craig responds. "I have got another set." Sophie explains. "You've got two sets of keys to someone else's house?" the Doctor asks. "Yeah?" she responds. "I see. You must like it here too." the Doctor smiles.

Robyn smiles as she watches the Doctor put on the number 11 shirt back to front "So, I'm going out. If I hang about the house all the time, him upstairs might get suspicious and notice me." the Doctor tells Amy. "Football. Okay, well done. That is normal." Amy tells him. "Yeah, football. All outdoorsy. Now, football's the one with the sticks, isn't it?" he asks. Robyn giggles "Back to front." she tells him. The Doctor looks at his shirt and switches it round "Try and help him out Robyn." Amy tells the girl. "I will." Robyn grins. "Atta girl." Amy responds.

Robyn holds onto the Doctor's hand as they walk across the park "What are you actually called? What's your proper name?" Craig asks. "Just call me the Doctor." the Doctor responds. "Yeah." Sophie nods, smiling when Robyn takes her hand. "I can't go up to these guys and say hey, this is my new flat mate, he's called the Doctor and this is his friend's daughter Robyn." Craig tells him. "Why not?" the Doctor asks. "Because it's weird." Craig tells him as they reach the pitch. "All right, Craig. Soph. All right, mate." Craig's friend smiles. "Hello, I'm Craig's new flat mate. I'm called the Doctor and this is Robyn." the Doctor smiles, air kissing him. Robyn giggles at the look on Sean's face "All right, Doctor. I'm Sean. So, where are you strongest?" Sean asks. "Arms." the Doctor responds. "No, he means what position on the field." Craig tells him. "Not sure. The front? The side? Below." the Doctor responds. "Are you any good though?" Sean asks. "Let's find out." the Doctor smiles, kneeling down to Robyn "Be good for Sophie." he tells her. "I will." Robyn nods. The Doctor smiles and kisses her head before running onto the pitch with Craig and his friends. Sophie smiles as she and Robyn watch the game, Robyn cheering for the Doctor while bouncing up and down excitedly. Everyone cheers for the Doctor as he makes multiple goals, Robyn clapping happily as she jumps while clapping for him.

The Doctor smiles as he watches Robyn play with the football after the match "You are so on the team. Next week we've got the Crown and Anchor. We're going to annihilate them." Sean tells him. "Annihilate? No. No violence, do you understand me? Not while I'm around. Not today, not ever. I'm the Doctor, the Oncoming Storm, and you basically meant beat them in a football match, didn't you?" he asks. "Yeah." Sean responds. "Lovely. What sort of time?" the Doctor asks. Craig opens a can of drink and gets sprayed with the foam, everyone laughing. It then repeats on a loop, Robyn and the Doctor being the only ones not affected "Amy? Amy?" the Doctor asks, talking into his earpiece. "It's happening again. Worse." Amy responds as Robyn runs over to the Doctor. "What does the scanner say?" the Doctor asks. "A lot of nines. Is it good that they're nines? Tell me it's good that they're all nines." Amy tells him. "Yes, yes, it's, it's good. Zigzag plotter. Zigzag plotter, Amy." the Doctor tells her.

Amy suddenly screams "Amy? Are you there? Amy?" the Doctor asks. "Yes. Hello." she responds. "Oh, thank heavens. I thought for a moment the Tardis had been flung off into the vortex with you inside it, lost forever." the Doctor tells her. "What, you mean that could actually happen? You have got to get me out of here." Amy tells him, panic in her voice. "How are the numbers?" the Doctor asks her. "All fives." Amy responds. The Doctor looks behind him to see the time loop stopped "Fives? Even better. Still, it means the effect's almost unbelievably powerful and dangerous, but don't worry. Hang on, okay?" the Doctor tells her. "Hey." Amy says. "I've got some rewiring to do." the Doctor continues. "Hang on." Amy tries.

Back at the flat, Robyn sits colouring as the Doctor works on the machine. Craig in knocks on the door, making the Doctor open it with a traffic cone in his arms "Hello, flat mate." he greets. "Hey, man. Er, listen. Er, Sophie's coming round tonight and I was wondering if you could give us some space?" Craig asks. "Oh, don't mind me. You won't even know I'm here. That's the idea." the Doctor tells him, closing the door "Yes, perfect! What a beauty." he smiles, Robyn giggling. "Okay you, bed." he tells her. Robyn nods and curls up int the little bed the Doctor created for her, the Doctor tucking her in "Goodnight Little Birdie." he smiles. "Night night." Robyn smiles, snuggling into her covers.

The next morning, Robyn wakes up to the Doctor shaking her gently "Hey, come on. We need to go to Craig's work, he's sick so I'm filling in for him." he tells her. "Okay." Robyn nods with a slight yawn. The Doctor smiles and helps her get ready, the two of them going to Craig's work. Sophie looks at them in surprise "Doctor? Robyn? What are you doing here?" she asks. "Craig's sick so I told him to stay in bed, I thought I'd fill in for him." the Doctor explains, Robyn smiling at Sophie sweetly.

That afternoon, Robyn sits under the Doctor's desk as he works "I'm so sorry, Michael. I don't know what happened. I've got no excuse." Craig says, walking in. "I think that's not what my screen is telling me, Mister Lang." the Doctor tells Mr Lang down the headset. "What's he doing here? What are you doing here?" Craig asks. "If that's your attitude, Mister Lang, please take your custom elsewhere." the Doctor continues. "No, no, no, that's one of my best clients." Craig says. "Hello, Craig. How are you feeling? Had some time to kill. I was curious. Never worked in an office. Never worked in anywhere." the Doctor smiles. "You're insane." Craig tells him. "Leave off the Doctor. I love the Doctor. He was brilliant in the planning meeting." Michael tells Craig. "You went to the planning meeting?" Craig asks. "Yes. I was your representative. We don't need Mister Lang any more. Rude Mister Lang." the Doctor tells him. "Here you go, and I found some custard creams. I also got Robyn some milk." Sophie smiles, walking over with a plate of biscuits and a cup of squash. Robyn smiles as she crawls out from under the table "Thank you Sophie." she smiles, taking the drink. "Sophie, my hero." the Doctor tells her. "Hi, Craig. I went on the web, applied for a wildlife charity thing. They said I could always start as a volunteer straight away. Should I do it?" Sophie asks. "Yeah, great. Yeah, good. Go for it." Craig nods. "You look awful. About turn. Bed. Now. Who next? Oh, yes. Hello, Mister Joergensen. Can you hold? I have to eat a biscuit." the Doctor says, eating a biscuit.

Robyn and the Doctor walk into the flat, a cat coming down the stairs "Kitty!" Robyn grins, going over and stroking the cat. "Have you been upstairs? Yes? You can do it. Show me what's up there? What's behind that door? Try to show me. Oh, but that doesn't make sense. Ever see anyone go up there? Lots of people? Good, good. What kind of people?" the Doctor asks the cat. The cat meows and it sits on Robyn's lap "People who never came back down. Oh, that's bad. That's very bad." the Doctor says. Craig opens the door "Oh, hello." the Doctor says. "I can't take this any more. I want you to go. You can have this back and all." Craig tells the Doctor, giving him the bag of money back as they walk into the flat. "What have I done?" the Doctor asks, throwing the bag of money behind him. "For a start, talking to a cat." Craig tells him. "Lots of people talk to cats." the Doctor tells him. "And everybody loves you, and you're better at football than me, and my job, and now Sophie's all oh, monkeys, monkeys, and then there's that." Craig tells him, opening the bedroom door to reveal the scanner. "It's art. A statement on modern society, Ooo, ain't modern society awful." the Doctor tells him. "Me and you, it's not going to work out. You've only been here three days. These have been the three weirdest days of my life." Craig says. "Your days will get a lot weirder if I go." the Doctor tells him.

"It was good weirdness. It's not, it's bad weird. I can't do this any more." Craig tells him. "Craig, I can't leave this place. I'm like you, I can't see the point of anywhere else. Madrid? Ha, what a dump. I have to stay." the Doctor says. "No, you don't. You have to leave." Craig retorts. "I can't go." the Doctor tells him. "Just get out!" Craig exclaims. "Right. Only way. I'm going to show you something, but shush. Really, shush. Oh, I am going to regret this. Okay, right. First, general background." the Doctor says, head butting Craig. "Argh. Oh." Craig says. "Ow." the Doctor groans. "You're a-" Craig starts. "Yes." the Doctor cuts him off. "From-" Craig starts. "Shush." the Doctor tells him. "You've got a Tardis." Craig says. "Yes. Shush. Eleventh. Right. Okay, specific detail." the Doctor says, head butting Craig again. "Argh." both of them groan. "You saw my ad in the paper shop window." Craig tells him. "Yes, with this right above it. Which is odd, because Amy hasn't written it yet." the Doctor says, showing Craig a note reading 'This one no 79a Aickman Road Amy xx' "Time travel. It can happen." he says. "That's a scanner. You used non-technological technology of Lammasteen!" Craig exclaims, pointing at the scanner. The Doctor slams his hand over Craig's mouth "Shut up! I am never, never doing that ever, ever again. Amy." he says, using his earpiece. "That's Amy Pond." Craig says. "Oh, of course, you can understand us now. Hurrah. Got those plans yet?" the Doctor asks. "Still searching for them." Amy responds.

"I've worked it out, with psychic help from a cat." the Doctor says. Robyn giggles slightly "A cat?" Amy asks. "Yes. I know he's got a time engine in the flat upstairs. He's using innocent people to try and launch it. Whenever he does, they get burnt up, hence the stain on your ceiling." the Doctor explains. "From the ceiling." Craig realises. "Well done, Craig. And you, Miss Pond, nearly get thrown off into the Vortex." the Doctor continues. "Lovely." Amy responds. There's a crash from upstairs making the three of them look up "People are dying up there? People are dying. People are dying. People are dying." Craig says, getting stuck in a time loop. "Amy." the Doctor says. "They're being killed." Craig finally finishes. "Someone's up there." the Doctor realises. "Doctor?" Amy asks. "Hang on. Craig, Robyn, come on. Someone's dying up there." the Doctor says, leading the two of them out. Walking out the flat, they see Sophie's pink key ring in the door "Sophie. It's Sophie that's dying up there! It's Sophie!" Craig realises as they run up the stairs. "Doctor! Argh!" Amy exclaims. "Where's Sophie?" Craig asks. "Wait, wait. Amy?" the Doctor asks. "Are you upstairs?" Amy asks. "Just going in." the Doctor confirms. "But you can't be upstairs." Amy tells him. "Of course I can be upstairs." the Doctor tells her. "No, I've got the plans. You cannot be upstairs, it's a one-storey building. There is no upstairs." Amy tells them.

The three of them look down the stairs "What? What?" Craig asks. "Oh. Oh, of course. The time engine isn't in the flat, the time engine is the flat. Someone's attempt to build a Tardis." the Doctor tells them as they enter the flat. "No, there's always been an upstairs." Craig tells him. The door they have just walked through flickers on and off "Has there? Think about it." the Doctor asks. "Yes. No. I don't-" Craig says, shaking his head. "Perception filter. It's more than a disguise. It tricks your memory." the Doctor explains. Sophie suddenly screams, being dragged towards the central console by electricity "Sophie! Sophie! Oh, my God, Sophie!" Craig exclaims. "Craig." Sophie says. "It's controlling her. It's willing her to touch the activator." the Doctor says. "That's not going to have her." Craig says. Sophie's hand is pulled onto a dome shaped control, the Doctor using his sonic screwdriver "Ah, deadlock seal." he says. "You've got to do something." Craig tells him. Sophie suddenly falls back "What? Why's it let her go? So, okay." the Doctor says. A man suddenly appears "You will help me." he tells them. "Right. Stop. Crashed ship, let's see. Hello, I'm Captain Troy Handsome of International Rescue. Please state the nature of your emergency." the Doctor tells him, gently pushing Robyn in the direction of Craig and Sophie. "The ship has crashed. The crew are dead. A pilot is required." the man tells them.

"You're the emergency crash program. A hologram. What, you've been luring people up here so you can try them out?" the Doctor asks. The hologram flickers between old man, young man and girl "You will help me. You will help me. You will help me." it says. "Craig, what is this? Where am I?" Sophie asks. "Hush. Human brains aren't strong enough, they just burn. But you're stupid, though. You just keep trying." the Doctor says. "Seventeen people have been tried. Six billion four hundred thousand and twenty six remain." the autopilot tells him. "Seriously, what is going on?" Sophie asks. "Oh, for goodness sake. The top floor of Craig's building is in reality an alien space ship intent on slaughtering the population of this planet. Any questions? No, good." the Doctor tells her. "Yes, I have questions." Sophie tells him. "The correct pilot has now been found." the hologram says. "Yes, I was a bit worried that you were going to say that." the Doctor says. "He means you, Doctor, doesn't he?" Amy asks. The Autopilot uses its energy to drag the Doctor towards the console "The correct pilot has been found. The correct pilot has been found. The correct pilot has been found." it repeats. "What's happening?" Amy asks. "It's pulling me in. I'm the new pilot." the Doctor responds.

"Could you do it? Could you fly the ship safely?" Amy asks. "No, I'm way too much for this ship. My hand touches that panel, the planet doesn't blow up, the whole solar system does." the Doctor explains. "The correct pilot has been found." the hologram says. "No. Worst choice ever, I promise you. Stop this." the Doctor says. "Doctor? It's getting worse." Amy tells him. "It doesn't want everyone. Craig, it didn't want you." Robyn pipes up, the Doctor looking at her in realisation. "I spoke to him and he said I couldn't help him." Craig tells them. "It didn't want Sophie before but now it does. What's changed? Argh. No. No, I gave her the idea of leaving. It's a machine that needs to leave. It wants people who want to escape. And you don't want to leave, Craig. You're Mister Sofa Man." the Doctor tells Craig. "Doctor!" Amy shouts. "Craig, you can shut down the engine. Put your hand on the panel and concentrate on why you want to stay." the Doctor tells him. "Craig, no." Sophie says. "Will it work?" Craig asks. "Yes." the Doctor responds. "Are you sure?" Craig asks him. "Yes." he responds. "Is that a lie?" Craig asks. "Of course it's a lie." the Doctor tells him. "It's good enough for me. Geronimo! Argh!" Craig scream, putting his hand on the panel nearest him. "Craig!" Sophie exclaims. "Doctor!" Amy shouts.

The Doctor goes over to Craig "Craig, what's keeping you here? Think about everything that makes you want to stay here. Why don't you want to leave?" he asks. "Sophie. I don't want to leave Sophie. I can't leave Sophie. I love Sophie." Craig says. "I love you, too, Craig, you idiot." Sophie tells him, putting his hand on top of his. "Doctor!" Amy shouts. "Honestly, do you mean that?" Craig asks. "Of course I mean it. Do you mean it?" Sophie asks. "I've always meant it. Seriously though, do you mean it?" Craig repeats. "Yes." Sophie responds. "What about the monkeys?" Craig asks. "Oh, not now, not again. Craig, the planet's about to burn. For God's sake, kiss the girl." the Doctor tells him. "Kiss the girl!" Amy shouts. Craig and Sophie kiss, their hands being released from the panel "Doctor? You've done it. Ha ha! You've done it. Oh, now the screen's just zeros. Now it's minus ones, minus twos, minus threes. Big yes." Amy says. "Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me." the hologram repeats. "Big no." the Doctor says, picking Robyn up. "Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me." the hologram continues. "Did we switch it off?" Craig asks. "Emergency shutdown. It's imploding. Everybody out, out, out!" the Doctor exclaims. "Doctor?" Amy asks as they all run downstairs and out the front of the flat. The top floor and roof turn into the Timeship which then implodes, no one except the four of them noticing "Look at them. Didn't they see that? The whole top floor just vanished." Craig points out. "Perception filter. There never was a top floor." the Doctor responds.

The Doctor exits his room and turns his back discreetly before leaving the keys on the sideboard, Robyn holding his hand "Oi." Craig says. "What, you're trying to sneak off?" Sophie asks. "Yes, well, you were sort of busy." the Doctor tells them. "I want you to keep these." Craig tells him, giving him the keys back. "Thank you. Because I might pop back soon, have another little stay." the Doctor smiles. "No, you won't. I've been in your head, remember. I still want you to keep them." Craig tells him. "Thank you, Craig." the Doctor says. "Thank you, Doctor. Robyn." Craig smiles. "Sophie. Now then. Six billion four hundred thousand and twenty six people in the world. That's the number to beat." the Doctor tells her. "Yeah." Sophie smiles. Robyn smiles and waves at them "Bye bye." she tells them. "Bye Robyn." Craig and Sophie smile.

Robyn sits in the Tardis "Back in time. You need to go to the paper shop and leave that note for me." the Doctor tells Amy. "Right little matchmaker, aren't you? Can't you find me a fellow?" Amy asks, Robyn and the Doctor look at each other. "Oh, rectifier's playing up again Hold on. You write the note and I'll change that will." the Doctor tells her. "You got a pen?" Amy asks. "Make sure it's a red pen." the Doctor responds, walking out with Robyn holding his hand.

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The doctor had a little girl but didn't want to risk her life by looking after her in the TARDIS. He went to earth 2004 and placed her carefully in a...
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The Doctor has crash landed his beautiful Tardis. Again. Right into someone's flower garden! The house, painted white and trimmed blue holds a very s...