betrayed. Hawks X O.C

By flamingsimp

288 13 359

Pro hero Hawks wasn't everything the public thought he was. pure, loving and sweet with a gorgeous wife to bo... More

chapter. 2
chapter. 4
chapter. 5
chapter. 6
Chapter. 7
chapter. 8
chapter. 9
Chapter. 11
chapter. 12
chapter. 13
chapter. 14
chapter. 15
chapter. 16

Chapter. 10

11 0 2
By flamingsimp


I had been fiddling with this bottle of water sitting in front of me a solid hour, we got back to overhauls mansion, and he took Viya to the basement or some shit. I was still pissed at her for playin with me, I had found out she was at HPSC, after our first yoga class together and instantly knew who she was, one would think she would remember the only non-Japanese person with a fuckin Hijab on but whatever, I used that to my advantage. As I have done with my stupid, but cute bird-brained husband for years. Luckily, he never saw me there, Viya had, though. A lot, I just hope I'm there when she remembers.

"Ayyye. baby bird, are you actually going to drink the water or just stare at it?"

Keigo bringing me out of my damn daydream, I'm so bored. Luckily, Kai offered me a shower and clean clothes. Being in the splash zone of his handy work was gross. I smile up to my man as he approached, leaning my head back, he leaned down and gave me a kiss, pulling me up from my chair and taking the seat, sitting me in his lap before our lips parted. And just like that I'm fuckin wet. Not sure how he turned me on just by this simple act but I'll go with it. Probably the hormones, which reminds me what Viya had told me about me being pregnant. Doing the calculations in my head I'd only be about four weeks and three days. My period was normally late, so I never questioned it. Keigo looked like he was about to say something but leaned into me, sniffing my neck. Pulling away slightly, looking at him confused.

"Why do you smell different?"

Looking at him dumbfounded, wondering what he could be smelling on me, considering today's events it was easy enough to brush off. Which I am for sure going to do. Though I did want to question him. Tapping his cheek with my palm I gave him Eskimo kisses, my pierced nose gently rubbing against his, he sighed and what I could have sworn was a growl. pulling back, I leaned my elbow on the table. His eyes narrowed looking down at me, he didn't say anything cocky this time. That as shocking. I Had about two seconds to fix his attitude before my ass couldn't walk for a month. Not that that would be a bad thing, but I never back down from being a pain in the ass, and I wasn't about to start now.

"Boy did you just fuckin growl at me? I don't know Keigo, maybe it the amount of blood I was covered in an hour ago, or the smell of that building that was coming down around us or-"

He grabbed my cheek, squishing them together, my lips puckered out. leaning into me, he brushed his lips against mine, suddenly I could feel his out hand on my knee, it slid up my thigh, pushing up the short skirt, Gasping as I felt his middle and index finger press against my pussy, luckily Kai didn't have any women's underwear, I would have refused to put them on anyways. Keigo's grip on my cheeks became tighter, I whined slightly from the pressure.

"No no. you smell like someone else, like he had his scent in you. I can smell it through your skin. another male is seeping from your pours."

It took me a solid ten seconds to figure out what the hell he could be talking about and then it clicked. He just gave us the strangest gender reveal for our baby ever. Oh, I was going to have fun with this. He's going to beat my ass for it, but it will be totally worth it. If I just rambled out 'oh? you mean our son? you're jealous of someone who don't even got fingers yet?' as cocky and on brand as that would be, no he might ruin my fun. So, again I played stupid. He released my face to let me talk, rubbing my jaw I inhaled. Keigo slowly nodded, waiting on me to continue, I was already getting on his nerves. Good, that's what he gets for letting them snatch me up in the first place.

"Well, you took so damn long, and I was so frustrated from my perfect surprise party being ruined, I needed some attention. And well, my loving husband was off playing hero for some other hoe. so I- Keigo stop! Put me down! I was jokin!"

Before I could finish talking, we were in the air. A loud slam came from the ground below, one I could only assume was the chair hitting a far-off wall. This house was so huge, the ceilings being at least 20 feet tall, if it wasn't for that I think he would have ended up flying through it. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders. Fallowing the blurred designs of the floor, going from marble to hard wood to carpet. a door slammed open and shut, He had moved so fast it took me a second to realize we were back in the room we came to on the second floor so I could take a shower and change.

"If it was a joke than who the hell do you smell like?"

Keigo growled out, actually growled, and I heard him this time. Before I could reply, he dropped me on the bed. So, I wasn't just imaging that, it's kind of hot, not going to lie. I sat still watching him from the bed, I had used all my weapons on Viya so if I wanted to try and "fight" him off I couldn't. And that thought strangely made me wetter, fuckin hell what is wrong with me...

"Well, it isn't that piece of burnt toast that Viyas laid up under now, is it? I'm assuming you keep asking because you really have no idea huh?"

Keigo grabbed me by my ankle, pulling me closer to him, ripping my skirt straight up the middle, leaving me completely naked. His eyes moved around my body. His anger and panic were rising, I found the mix between wanting to laugh and beg him to fuck me exhausting. I knew he was about to fuck the smell off of me, or well, he would try. And I was excited for him to try. Maybe then I will tell him.... Maybe, or I'll play the guessing game until my life is at risk again. Shrugging my shoulders up and down and doing that weird eyebrow thing. Making them move like a wave almost. Letting my left knee fall to the side.

"Why don't you dive a little deeper and find out?"

The small slits of his pupils went wide. Almost taking up all of the gold. Looking down, I catch sight of his bulge growing in his tan pants. Stupid hero suit I like him better in street wear, well actually I like him naked. Fuckin hell what is wrong with me? I ask myself again, If I'm going to be a horny mess like this the entire pregnancy ima need to invest in toys while he's at work. I was just kidnapped, and now I'm acting like a bitch in heat. Well...a pregnant bitch in heat so it made sense. I opened my mouth to say another smart as comment, but all that came out was a squeal. Keigo sunk his ring and middle finger deep inside my wet pussy. Thrusting them back and forth a few times. My eyes almost rolling back as he did so. Only for the pleasure to stop abruptly. Opening my eyes, I prop myself up on my elbows. Watching him suck on the fingers he just had inside me.

"Hmm... No that pussy is still mine. So again."

his fingers returned to my core, rubbing small circles around my clit. Taking his thumb and smudging it against it until it hurt. Almost like he was sponging out a cigarette. I winced but this game was to fuckin hot to tell him the truth just yet. He made that strange growling sound again one that I've never heard him do before. Nor did I have any idea why he was making that sound. But whatever. I still ignored him, not replying, only watching his tantalizing action to my pussy. My eyes widened, seeing one of his small red feathers fly between his Index finger and middle, pulling his thumb away and holding the feather up so I could see it. His dilated eyes still looked on me as it lowered the feather to where his thumb just was.

"Why the fuck. Does your scent. Smell. Different Aly?"

Oooo he used my name, good. That means I had him right where I wanted him. About to snap, snap my back or neck. Either way I was ready, Doing the one thing he wouldn't expect, I sat up, grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him down to me where our nose touched. our heavy breaths mixed together. I didn't have time to come up with a long intricate smart ass cocky reply so instead. with a shaky breath, I traced his lips with mine.

"Why don't you fuck the answer out of me."

Keigo pulled away from me, flinging his jacket off, placing his protective glasses on the table, within seconds he was naked. On top of me, drilling into my pussy with my legs thrown over his shoulders. I contemplated stopping him from ramming his dick into my cervix but the first five orgasms in ten minutes stopped all thoughts. At some point my screams and moans were nothing more than gasps and begging, even I didn't know what I was begging for. His hand wrapping around my throat brought me back to reality. I looked up at him through blurred vision, the corners were already starting to blacken. Yea, trying to put my pussy where my mouth was normally got me fucked up but never like this. The look in his eyes were murderous. I really wanted to drag this out a bit longer, every nerve in my body was screaming that wasn't a good idea. My ears were ringing and I'm sure my face was beat red from the lack of oxygen. This fucker is really trying to kill me this time. I could see his lips moving, but I couldn't hear a thing he was saying. Right before the darkness took me, I mouthed the only word I could think of, "baby"

"What the fuck did you just say?"

Keigo's voice sounded robotic, I could feel my mind slipping as he pulled free from me. Ass, just because I'm about to die who said you could stop fucking me? Is what I would be yelling if I could yell. At some point, he released my throat and was slapping my face. Blowing in my mouth in some half assed cpr attempt, gasping for air Keigo grabbed me up by my shoulder and shaking me. Not giving me time to gain full consciousness, as many times as I came I almost came again just from that look he was giving me as my vision came back.

"Answer me Aly. You weren't referring to me, so what the fuck-"

And just like that, the orgasm that was rising faded, I find his stupidity cute, not sexy. It's like watching a child trying to do basic math, it's cute until it's not cute anymore. Which was now. Slapping away his hand, I sit up. adjusting myself on the bed, he actually let me.

"When I was 'supposed' to go 'home' to visit so you could fuck off here alone we fucked. Alot right?"

I could see his patience wearing thin, he hated when I used air quotes so of course I was using them. We sat there in heavy silence, staring at each other. Seeing who would break first, of course it was me. I sighed dramatically and slapped him in the chest and did a backflip off the other side of the large bed. If I wasn't getting dick anymore, he didn't get to see me naked. Luckily there was a robe on the back of the bathroom door I remembered seeing after my shower. So, I grabbed it and put in on, letting my husband think. Walking back into the bedroom, He was staring at the floor. Like he was deep in thought, all that anger gone, though he still looked tense, leaning against the wardrobe that was against the far wall I watched him.
To be fair it was super early to tell, but if he was, creepily able to smell our child he should be able to put two and two together. Hope this kid gets my brains.

"Did your mother never have the birds and the bees talk with you Keigo? I mean I kind of assumed, with you already being half bird and all."

There was this strange warmth running down my chest, a wet feeling. Looking down I felt the sting before seeing the blood that was already puddling at my feet. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see something else red. A feather floating just eye level. Lifting my hands up to my throat the sting grew worse. the pressure making blood splurt out from between my fingers. This mother fucker really just slit my throat. He knew it wouldn't kill me. Two deep breaths of air, my quirk already had me healed. I'm going to need another shower now, he did cut deep, more so to be flashy and make his point known. Would I have liked to go out to some fancy dinner hand him a nice Rolex box topped with a bow, just for him to open it and see a positive pregnancy test. We could have hugged, and music played, balloons falling from the ceiling. The over-the-top shit we both have been accustomed to living this pro hero life he had built for us. But no I'm going to have to break this news just so he don't overdo it, fuckin dumb ass couldn't read a sign if I held it in front of him. Growing weak and lightheaded from the blood loss I fell to my knees gasping. His footsteps grew closer, though he didn't speak. He was waiting for me to own up to what I was getting out, party pooper. shit startin dick, I wish I had my phone so I could at least capture his face when it finally clicked.

"When I was at....the bar... Your little friend and her fuckin quirk picked up on a heart beat .... that wasn't mine....inside of still ain't getting it...I'm pregnant Keigo that's the other scent you picking up on."

I literally had to come out and say it before his own confusion killed me, for a moment, I started to wonder if he knew what pregnant meant, he stood there, in the puddle of my blooded I was kneeling in looking down at me. My heart pounding inside my chest was all I could hear from how quiet it was. Being knelt like that had my legs damn near going numb, as if Keigo could sense my discomfort, He leaned down and grabbed my shoulders pulling me to my feet with such ease, he never took his eyes off me, until he closed his eyes to pull me to him. Hugging me, Thrown off I flinched, he sighed holding me tighter, his muscles were actually trembling. I was afraid to pull away, if I was him crying I'd lose my shit. I guess I really did push him to hard this time.

"Why....Why did you let all that knew you are..."

He was definitely crying, which made me start crying, I just wanted dick not all this damn, I sighed. At least he wasn't pissed I'm pregnant, we always joked about it, we haven't done shit to prevent it. This wasn't planned, at least not by me, him though, I don't doubt shit.

"I wanted to play our little fucked up sex games and well...I took it to far. my bad."

I answered just as lowed as he asked, after a long while, he finally pulled away, his eyes red from crying and his cheeks wet from tears, but something in his eyes was different, I couldn't read it for a moment, anger, hate, no it was something else. Raw and dangerous, before I could open my mouth to ask him what the hell was going on his lips were on mine, hungry and demanding. Eating me with such hunger, Instantly I was back to being turned on, releasing my shoulders Keigo reached down and picking me up by the back of my thighs, I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist, draping my arms around his shoulders. I could tell he was moving but I didn't care where too, deepening the kiss I ran my fingers up his undercut through his blond shaggy hair. He released my right thigh for a second the water of the shower cut on, it was warm and nice on my bloody skin, Keigo broke the kiss, pressing my back to the wall.

"You are so fuckin perfect baby bird, your crazy matches mine perfectly, like my missing pieces you complete me."

He recited his wedding vows to me, catching me way off guard, my mouth hung open, tears were peeking from the corner of my eyes, this emotional rollercoaster was draining me, he pulled the now soaking robe off of me. He leaned down and sunk his sharp canines into my neck, at the same time I felt him stretching me out. His cock burying inside of me, but not moving. I huffed and he chuckled pulling back, glaring up at him, he pulled his hips back and thrusted into me. Yelping in surprise I dug my nails into his scalp, which only made him fuck me faster. That known feeling twisted in my lower stomach, an orgasm pulled from me in just a few thrusts. Before I could come down from my orgasm he kept fucking me until he stilled cumming deep. Gasping for air I looked between us as he pulled his now soft dick out of me, cum leaking free I giggled lightly.

"Careful bird brain, you'll get me pregnant."

I yelped again, but this time from him damn near dropping me, I unwrapped my legs and stood before I could hit the floor. Keigo leaned down and kissed my forehead, somehow avoiding the smack I had aiming at his cheek. Grabbing my wrists and pinning me against the shower wall, that dark look in his eyes had returned, that primal threatening glare. The one that had me already wanting him to take me again.

"That's the plan Aly, I'll get you pregnant, over and over and over again, until I drill it into that fuckin head of yours, you are mine. Remember that next time I tell you to get on a fuckin plane, the only thing I want to hear is yes, sir."

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