Time to Party ( Funtime Fredd...

By Blu3birds

7.4K 161 54

Pretty much every day, you go and visit your favourite diner. Circus Baby's Pizza World. You go there so ofte... More

After Hours
You're cold
In Your Arms
Early Bird Catches the Worm
Care to dance
Funtime Auditorium
Ice Cream You Scream
Behind the curtain
Thank you!!
A Fresh Start
Funtime Quarrel
Another Thanks?!
Can't sleep?
Breakfast is served
The "RETIRED" Room
To Blush, or Not To Blush
The Underground
I like you too
300+ views!!
Miracle Worker (Pt 2)
Morning person
Déjà Vu
Wake up!! (pt 1)
Wake up!! (pt 2)
Welcome back Early bird!
2 Weeks Is Long Enough For Me
Time to Party!!

Miracle Worker (Pt 1)

159 4 0
By Blu3birds

You woke up from your nap and gently rubbed your eyes. You didn't think you had ever had a nap as good as that one for a while. You slowly lifted your head up to look at Freddy, who was still napping pretty heavily. It confused you how someone could be such a light sleeper, yet also sleep like a rock. Was that even possible? You gently kissed him on the forehead, trying your best to silently slip out of his clutch without waking him up. Somehow, you managed to "escape" and stood up,stretching your arms out. Why do you have to be so soft. You thought to yourself, silently chuckling. Walking to the door, you thought what you were going to do today... And that involved making some changes for the better....

You walked down the hall and back towards the living room. Bon-bon had fallen asleep on Ballora, who didn't seem to mind, and Foxy was... Scrolling through a phone? He also had another small rabbit on his lap, who you assumed was Bonnet. One thing you had noticed whilst staying at "Sister Location" was that both Bon-bon and Bonnet had no legs. They had to rely on one of the bigger performers ( usually Freddy) to help them move from place to place. Either that or they just crawled. When you first noticed it with Bon-bon, you had made a plan... You knew that somewhere, they had to have files containing relevant information to everyone here... but where... Maybe Lolbit would know? You weren't sure why, but you thought they were the person to ask.

Once again, you found yourself walking down the dark corridor that led to the elevator and stepped inside. The journey back up didn't seem as long this time, but that didn't bother you. Neither did the casual Bongos playing in the background.. Walking back towards the "RETIRED" room, you questioned whether Lolbit would actually be in there or not. Well, there was no Harm in checking.

You stepped back into the familiar surroundings of the "RETIRED" room. It was completely empty. If Lolbit isn't in here, then where else would they be?  You thought to yourself. You highly doubted they would be in the Breaker room, maybe in Ballora gallery, or Funtime Auditorium; Heck, they might even be back downstairs for all you knew. Suddenly, you realised there was a note left on the desk Lolbit was sat at earlier. You walked over to the note and started reading it.

"If I'm not here and you can't find me, I'll be in the storage room fixing something..

Signed- Lolbit

The storage room? You thought to yourself. Why would Lolbit be there? And what were they fixing? You decided not to question it, and started making your way to the storage room. The air felt cooler than normal as you headed closer and closer to the storage room. Was it cool, or were you just hallucinating? Either way, that wasn't what mattered at the moment. You pushed the door to the storage room and stepped inside. Lolbit was in there alright, tinkering with something small. As soon as you shut the door behind you, Lolbit's head shot up to look at you. You had obviously startled them. You waved slightly and smiled at Lolbit, who in return beckoned you over to where they were working. "Hey there pal! Do you need something?" Lolbit asked. You wondered if everyone had come up with a nickname to call you, and then answered the question, "Yes, actually."

"Oh, well what is it?"

"Well ever since I've been here both Bon-bon and Bonnet haven't had legs, and I noticed that they struggled to move around on their own, so..."


"I was wondering if I could have some help creating them some fake legs. I just thought that you would be the best person to ask about this." You said, and then quickly blurted something out, "Of course it's completely okay if you don't want to-" before you could finish your sentence, Lolbit interrupted you.

"Oh I would love to help!! I know exactly what we need to do!!"

Lolbit quickly stood up and grabbed your hand, leading you towards the office where you had gotten your job. They quickly rummaged through some of the drawers and pulled out two files labelled with the letter "B". Lolbit started flicking through the files and you peaked over their shoulder and at the file. Dang, you really were short; You had to stand on your tip toes just to see over their shoulder. "Everyone in the location has files with information on them," Lolbit started, realising you were curious. "The reason for this is so that if anybody needs any medical attention, any new props, etc. We wouldn't need to go get things from, well, Humans?"

"Aren't you guys kind of humans though?"

"Kind of. Well not really... We are living organisms, but we are more animal than we are human, With the exception of Ennard, Circus Baby and Ballora."

"That makes a bit more sense... So do you know how to make these "fake" legs?"

"I may not haven't made legs as often as other stuff before, but I have created other things!"

"Like what?"you ask, curious.

" Well, I've fixed plenty of cameras and T.V's and I had to help people from the other locations "fix" parts of themselves, like arms. My most regular visit would be to help Mangle."

"Who's Mangle?"

"Oh, they are mine and Foxy's cousin! We are the only ones who know how to mend them when they get hurt. We can't FULLY fix them, but we can mend any parts that get more damaged."

"Cool." you say. You didn't realise Lolbit and Foxy had a cousin. Heck, you hadn't even realised Foxy and Lolbit were related until now. Lolbit started leading you to another room. Inside, it looked like some kind of workshop. A different array of tools hung from the walls and there was a desk with plenty of blueprints and sketches all over it. Lolbit sat down at the desk and pushed everything to the side, clearing space in the middle. They grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper and almost immediately started sketching something. You were intrigued by how quickly Lolbit got to work and watched closely as they started grabbing different bits and pieces from around the room. They kept glancing at the files they had grabbed, always taking measurements, making sure everything was perfect. First they started off with creating the lower half of the leg, below the knee, and then moved on to creating the upper half and joints that would be there.

It took them what seemed like hours to finish, but with you helping them, they finally finished the leg. Lolbit had said that they made it so that Bon-bon and Bonnet would be able to control it just like a normal leg by sending small electromagnetic waves through their nervous system all the way to their brain. You struggled to make any sense of what Lolbit said, but just went along with it.

You were only just halfway done with your plan however....

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