A Deceiving Passion

By DivineGypsyWitch

13.7K 1.8K 304

Stevie has amnesia while she falls in the arms of a man she doesn't know. More

The Crash
Look Alike
Remember Nothing
Viking Town
Having Hope
The Past
Different Worlds
Damage Control
What You had
Dead End
Feelings are Mutual
Watch the Sun Rise
Blue Water
Big News
Telepathic Shock
A Ghost
Just a Dream
The Gypsy that Remains
Marriage or Mirage
To Greenland and Back
Ocean Blues
Strong Opinions
In a Stranger's Eyes
Frozen Love
Guardian Angel
Giving Up
Having Faith
Lost in the Storm
Admitting It
Better Half
When Fates Collide
Twisting the Knife
Love and Guilt
Romeo and Juliet
A Little Fear
The End
Bleed to Love Her
The Dream is Not Over
Love and Lies
Sleeping Angel
I Wanna be with You Everywhere
Agree to Disagree
An Unsolved Mystery
Forget to Remember
The Beginning
I Do...
Beautiful Child
Lifelong Friends
Miracle Baby
Fantasy Land
Forgive Me Not
Blessing in Disguise
The Good and Bad
Broken Heart
Born into Our Destinies
Lunch Date
Saying Goodbye
A Family Affair
Settling In
A Hoax
Meet 'n' Greet
Stretching the Truth
Sweet, Rebel Girl
Through and Through
Memory Lane
Nightmares before Christmas
Winter Solstice Slumber
Ashes to Ashes
A Second Time


105 18 2
By DivineGypsyWitch

As they were flown from Greenland to the United States, Stevie was looking out the window; having a sense of deja vú only because traveling seemed so familiar, little did she know that she did it often and wasn't as afraid of flying as she thought.

Of course, due to her accident, the idea of a plane terrified her but once they were in the air, she was okay. Even she thought it was strange.

"So, you seem to be a genius... You know where we are going?" he wondered.

"Well, I want to say this flight is going to be a lot longer than I thought. Are we going to the U.S.?" she wondered.

From Greenland to Virginia, it was roughly a five hour flight; he was taking her there specifically to show her one romantic evening and after that, they would be going back home to be with the children.

"Yes..." he smirked.

"I'd assume we're going to Virginia so you're taking me from one tundra to the next," she added.

He smirked.

"Besides, Virginia is also cold during September..."

He was stumped yet again. "Oh, yeah?"

"I mean, Virginia is very temperamental and it could be nice and sunny when we get there, but I feel like it's gonna still be pretty humid. It's very moist there..." she explained.

He wished so bad that she was really his other half, perhaps even recalled some of Samantha's memories, because she really was smart and she seemed to remember the weather from the times she was probably touring. He knew well, the woman was from California and lived a luxury life, he knew she wasn't a big fan of the cold, but he didn't expect her to remember the weather like she had actually lived there.

"We'll be back by Monday, right?"

"Virginia's only an hour behind... We should get there about one a.m. their time tomorrow---we'll check into a hotel. You have time to sleep here, obviously... I can show you your surprise and then the next morning, we have a flight and we should be back by Sunday evening at the latest."

"Sounds good..." she clutched his arm a little tightly as she rested her head on him.

He watched her doze off and he was stunned by her beauty; he just adored her and due to that, his guilt really ate at him. He knew he didn't deserve her.


When they arrived to the location, Stevie woke up from her nap; a very long one considering she was a very tired "new" mother and everything she did exhausted her. And for once, she didn't awaken to the sound of the ocean crashing; she had awoken to the feel of the plane landing.

Unbeknownst to her, it really was muscle memory; her body surely recognized that type of travel and adapted to it like she did it all the time.

They checked into their hotel around one in the morning as they had planned and from there, they went back to sleep.

Stevie managed to go right back to sleep after moving from the plane to the car, to the hotel but she was relieved once she could get her face washed, get into pajamas and go back to sleep. And by that point, Brian was starting to become exhausted that he also just changed and got into bed.

The next few hours would fly and the next time they would awaken would be noon and much to their dismay, they got up around the same time, though Brian was moving around before she was.

"How did you sleep?" he asked.

"Pretty good," she rolled over in bed and pulled the covers over her shoulder. "I feel rested... Maybe overly rested, my head hurts."

"I'm gonna go down and get us some coffee," he assured, leaning in in order to kiss her head. "Are you hungry? I can grab us some breakfast... Really, today is gonna be about lounging. I just wanted this to be about you vegetating. And you slept, which I'm thankful for..."

"So am I," she smirked, eyes still shut as she tried to keep from dozing off again. "I'm not super hungry but I'm sure whatever you bring is fine. I can eat and then we can just relax and watch some T.V."

"Okay, sounds good. I'll try not to be long..."

She gave a thumbs up and easily rolled over to go back to sleep.

Her sleep cycles were just starting over and over again since she didn't pull herself out of bed, but she knew she had time to recuperate before she had to get ready for whatever it was that her husband had planned. She assumed dinner and a romantic night; why else travel to the states for a simple hotel room.

When Brian returned, she started to get her bearings on; as the caffeine entered her bloodstream, she was beginning to wake up as well as her headache was starting to go away.


Later that evening, Stevie would be ready to go out to dinner with her husband, they would go to a fancy restaurant and then afterwards, the real surprise would be over the horizon.

They were both dressed pretty casual, although Stevie still managed to look rather fashionable given that she loved jewelry.

As he pulled up to the place of surprise, he had her come out of the vehicle but then he covered her eyes as they made their way in.

She could not help from laughing as he guided her around.

"Are you peeking?" he wondered as he opened the door in front of himself.

"You have both your hands over my eyes, how could I?" she chuckled.

"Okay, you didn't answer my question..." he laughed.

"Then no, I'm not. I'm getting anxious, so can I look?"

"Sure, you can look," he uncovered her eyes.

When she opened her eyes and looked around, she was in awe by her surroundings. "It's beautiful... What is this place?"

"This is where I asked you to marry me..."

"Oh, wow..." she smiled, looking around once more. "It's gorgeous. The flowers look like they are glittering..."

"Yeah..." he looked around. "It brings back a lot of memories..."

She looked at him very softly, "I don't remember... I'm sorry, I really wish I could," she shook her head. "I know it's frustrating for me to not remember, but I can't imagine how hurt you must be that I can't," she allowed her hand to fall to his chest.

"It's not about me," he dodged her comment, not wanting to say that he felt sad she couldn't remember; of course she wouldn't be able to, she was not Samantha. "This is about you... About us."

"How so?" she tilted her head.

He reached back into his pocket and he pulled out a black velvet box; none other than a ring box.

She smirked, watching him get down on his knee.

"Will you marry me?"

"Brian, we're already married..." she assured, pressing the palm of her hand to his cheek, gliding her thumb under his eye.

"I know, but I told you I would get you another ring, so here it is..." he took it out and slipped it onto her left ring finger. "Besides, how much of our wedding do you actually remember?"

"Well, I guess you have a point..." she sighed, not recalling a single thing, not even an essence of what could have been. "It has felt like we've been only dating the last few months."

"So, what do you say? Will you marry me, again?" he wondered.

"Yes, of course, Brian..." she leaned in and she kissed his lips gently.

He slowly but surely rose to his feet, never allowing her lips to detach from his own and he easily embraced her, kissing her rather passionately. "You have been making me the happiest man ever... For a while now but I'm glad you've accepted my offer."

"How could I refuse, sweetheart? I may not remember, but I do feel my love for you and the kids deep in my heart. I know I've always loved you and that will never change."

He nodded.

"I mean that," she assured. "And I'd be honored to have you as my husband again."

"Same goes for me. To have you as mine, in a way we both can remember... I just love you so much," he added, leaning in to hug her warmly.

"I love you too," she patted his back gently, not sure why he was so emotional over the situation.

Surely, they had gone through their rough patches and maybe the accident brought them closer together and she felt there was no need to fear a thing, but she wasn't in on what he was going through and that made it different. She was content and very happy, he was content and very nervous about the future.

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