Stuck In The 100 - The 100 x...

Da 3li_Xoz0

7.3K 214 96

I was just a person, chilling in my house. Playing videos games, watching Netflix, etc etc. You know, the nor... Altro

Ch 1 - Pilot
Ch 2 - Earth Skills
Authors Note:
Earth Kills
Murphy's Law Part 1
Murphy's Law Part 2
Twilight's Last Gleaming Part 1
His Sister's Keeper Part 1

Twilights Last Gleaming Part 2!

461 20 3
Da 3li_Xoz0


Clarke and Finn's eyes go wide hearing this news and look over to Bellamy who is glaring at Raven. "Thats why you took the wristbands. Needed everyone to think were dead!" Clarke concluded glaring at Bellamy. "And all that, 'whatever the hell we want.' You just cared about saving your own skin." Finn adds. Bellamy looks around at everyone and lunges towards Ravens bag while Finn and Clarke try pushing him back. "Bellamy! Stop!" Clarke shouts alarmed, Bellamy just angrily grunts and pushes past them. "There getting ready to kill 300 people up there! To save oxygen, and I can guarantee you it wont be council members. It will be working people. Your people." Clarke stated looking at Bellamy who had stopped his advances to Raven and was staring at Clarke wide eyed. "What?."

. . .

Bellamy had calmed down, and they were all now standing around the table. The silence was heavy, the air was so tense you could almost cut it with a knife. "He deserved to die. Jaha? You all know that." Bellamy stated firmly avoiding eye contact with everyone. "Well he's not my favorite person either, but he's not dead." Raven scoffed, slightly annoyed. "You're a lousy shot." She added, Bellamy looking at her like she had just told him something so astounding that it sounded unreal. "You know what this means, don't you? You're not a murderer. You always did what you had to do to protect your sister. That's who you are." Clarke said, looking him straight in the eye. "And as long as you let us fix this radio, you can do it again. By protecting 300 of your people." She concluded, still staring him directly in the eyes. Bellamy said nothing for a moment, he just stared back. He nodded his head, "Get to work Raven." he ordered while turning to approach the exit. "Aye, aye Capitan." She replied before Bellamy left the tent.


We had been trekking through the woods for a good 35 minutes before we finally reached the cave. I opened the door as Lincoln rushed in behind me taking her to another room. Murphy came up besides me, "whats got his panties all in a twist." He said all snarky like. "I think he's got a bit of a crush on Octavia over there." I replied smirking, he looked at me with a raised eyebrow before looking to the door Lincoln had go through. "You're kidding?" He questioned slightly surprised. I just grinned and walked into the room Lincoln had gone in. 

He had Octavia laying on some furs he had stacked up near the back wall while he was preparing some ointment and bandages for her head. Guess the knife wasn't needed now since I was the one who got attacked by that snake. I smiled happy to know I was able to lessen Octavia's pain and looked at my knee which was scarred over and to my slightly torn skirt. Since that day, I had still be wearing the same clothes, just without my tang top and my jacket being buttoned up. I really needed to get new clothes. "She's going to be ok right?" I said looking to Lincoln who was now working on patching her up. "Yeah, she's just out cold right now, should wake up in a few hours or so now thats she has received treatment." I nodded my head, looking behind me to to see Murphy who had now come into the room and was standing next to me.

"Don't you think Bellamy is gonna be looking for his sister? What are we gonna do if he tries coming here." He questioned making a really good point. Now that they aren't going to be searching in the river most of the day and trying to make rockets, he wont be as distracted and might come looking sooner. I bite my lip and look to Lincoln not sure what to say. "I.. well I've been meaning to talk to them about a few things anyways. I'll just have to carry her back myself, weather that means slightly dragging her feet or not." I say determined. 

Murphy raised his eye brow slightly amused, "Really now? Alright go try picking her up." I laugh nervously as I approach O, Lincoln standing back and observing. I manage to get her up, throwing her arm over my shoulder and getting a good few steps in before tripping over her feet falling. Lincoln who was standing nearby caught Octavia's limp body as I caught myself before I could fall face first onto the ground. I straighten my body and huff slightly annoyed. "As I thought." Murphy said smugly, "You can't bring her all the way back to camp like that, it's like 30 minutes away!" Lincoln nodded in agreement to his comment while Murphy sighed exasperatedly. 

"Well, what do you suggest I do then!" I pouted slightly upset. "I can carry her there, and when we get close enough you can bring her inside." Murphy stated, I lowered my eyes and looked at him while Lincoln was lying Octavia back down. "You know what they will do to you if you get caught there don't you? And what if you can't find your way back here!" I said worriedly. He chuckles and replies with an "it's fine" and a "I can handle myself." Lincoln nods in agreement coming back over to us. What about Lincoln? I wonder if he would be able to... No, then his people may think of him as a traitor if he gets caught and any chance at peace between our people would be squashed. I sigh before finally agreeing. "Alright, but if you get caught I'm going to kill you." I say trying to be threatening, although he didn't look very scared.

. . .

As we were walking through the forest, Murphy carrying Octavia on his back, he asked me a question. "Why did you save me. When everyone wanted to hang me I mean, and when I was banished." He looked at me with a kind of sad look, making me frown. "Because nobody deserves to be hung or killed for something they didn't do. No even if you did do it, a death sentence is just cruel. Maybe the banishment would have been justified if you had done it but you didn't and-" he cut you off as you kept on rambling, "Thank you." That was all he said up until we reached close enough to camp where I could bring Octavia in, and him far enough away to not be caught. 

He took her off his back and handed her to me, her arm over my shoulder the way I had her before. "Good luck. I know she's going to be ok." He said looking at me before turning to leave. "Be carful on your way back! Alright? Don't get lost!" He smirked and chuckled a bit before waving without looking back and continuing his walk in the opposite direct you were headed. I turned around slightly dragging Octavia's feet as I headed closer and closer to camp, the wall coming into view.


"There's someone approaching the wall!" Someone yelled, "It's Y/n and Octavia!" Bellamy's eyes widened, just now realizing he hadn't seen either of them for awhile now. He rushed to the gate as it was being opened seeing his sister out cold being slightly dragged  towards the gate by Y/n. He, Jasper, and a few others ran over to the pair to see what happened. Bellamy grabbed Octavia from Y/n carrying her inside while Jasper and few others stayed to question Y/n about what happened while following her inside as she trailed behind Bellamy. "I'll explain soon, we need to get O inside first." She stated to those who pestered her as she entered the drop ship behind Bellamy.


As I enter the dropship I see Raven working on the radio and Clarke and Finn sitting with her as she works. They all look up as we enter, "Clarke!" Bellamy shouts, not needing to say much as she can see a passed out Octavia in his arms. "What happened?" Clarke ask as she hastily gets up to come over the were Bellamy lied her down. "She fell down a ridge, I found her on my way back to camp after I got slightly lost." I replied standing around the table Bellamy had put her on, while Clarke examined her and a few others coming over. "She was already treated, she's just out cold. Is that ointment? Y/n did you do this? Where did you get the ointment from?" Clarke fired question after question, "About that," I interrupted her, "I've been meaning to talk to you guys about something, but with everything that was going on, and Raven's pod landing, I didn't get the chance." 

They looked at me curiously before urging me to continue. I did my best to explain to them about how I had met Lincoln, and things he explained to me about the mountain men and spearing me being a warning as we had thought, how I had forgiven him for it, as well as the plan to try to make peace between our people, and asking him for help after I had found Octavia. Obviously leaving out that Murphy is with him and had helped me carry O back here.

"So that means we don't have to fear the grounders?" Jasper asked, "There are other people here?" Raven questioned. "And we can make peace with them." Finn stated a stupid ass smile on his face. Yay, the great peace maker, man I hated that part about Finn. To be honest there isn't really that much to like about him, doesn't mean I want him to die though. They had a lot of questions, some having already been answered by my explanation, others needing me to actually answer. A few people Like jasper and Monty talked amongst themselves about what I had just explained, Clarke, Finn, and Raven also having their own conversation.

"So your meeting him to discuss when to have us meet their leader tomorrow?" Bellamy questioned referring to Clarke and himself. "That's right." I replied. "You're not going alone." Octavia said sitting up from where she lied, so thats what happened then?" She questioned, everyone looking at her slightly surprised but relived. "O! When did you wake up??" I questioned looking at her. While Bellamy's eye's light up like holiday lights. "Oh you know, around when you started explaining, just didn't really have the energy to get up, could still hear though." She smiled looking to her brother. "I'm so glad you're ok O." He said very obviously relived. I think everyone let out a sigh of relief seeing her awake. "Oh so you wake up now and not when I had to drag your ass through the entire fucking forest! Just lovely." You joked sarcastically making everyone laugh.

By now I had noticed Raven had headed back to the station where she was working on the radio, new determination in her to get it working. You walked away from everyone while they conversed amongst themselves. "How long till its fixed you think?" You questioned her as she kept working. "Maybe another hour or so. We're going to be able to stop the Ark from killing them." I knew what she was talking about but gave her a questioning look anyways since nobody had yet explained it to me since I got back here. She realized pretty quick and explained to me what was happening. I nodded my head and sat down next to her and looked her in the eyes, "Get this done, we can't let them kill all those people." I said and she nodded her head getting back to work. I looked outside seeing the sun was a bit away from the center of the sky in the west, meaning it was somewhere early afternoon, maybe 2:00. We have enough time to stop this. I grinned to myself before watching Raven work.

. . .

Raven had done it, she had fixed the radio. Currently Clarke and Raven were talking to Abby making sure they stop the culling. I can just imagine all those people, who were saved after having probably volunteered by now, finding out they don't have to die. I do wonder if this would lead to them coming down earlier. I doubt it honestly, I mean they only found out about a day earlier and still need to make all the preparations. Lets hope these peace talks go to plan, and they don't have to fight in a all out war as soon as they get down here. I sigh to myself and walk outside near a tree and sit down under it. I had done it, I saved Octavia, prevented anything bad that could interfere with talks of peace. I had saved 300 people, and stopped villages from burning. I feel like a secret vigilante, being the hero, saving the day, all from the shadows. It feels kinda nice. I watch as the sun begins to set and the stars start peaking through. I really hope nothing bad happens, not to me, or these people that I love so much.

. . .

Lincoln POV:

Murphy hadn't come back from helping Y/n and Octavia, I was beginning to worry, but I had no time to search for him. I had to leave for TonDc tonight. If I didn't, I wouldn't be able to get my report in, or even attempt to set up a meeting. I hope they made it back alright, maybe Murphy got caught, or was taken back in. Let's hope that it's the ladder. I grabbed my pack and headed to my horse. I soon set off, my mind wandering back to Octavia, then to the strange girl that somehow spoke our language.

Author's Note: Sorry for the slow update! My computer has been broken and I haven't been able to write as much as I would of liked to. Now that it's fixed, updates should come more often.

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