Transformers: Shattered Glass

By Daleandjakup97

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A retelling of the first live action film of Transformers. However in this universe, it is different from the... More

Chapter 1- Battle Of Tyger Pax
Chapter 2- Pursuit Of The Allspark
Chapter 3- Megatron's Planetfall
Chapter 4- Blind Insanity
Chapter 5- The Order Of The Witwiccans
Chapter 6- Heated Tensions
Chapter 8- Race For The Target Planet
Chapter 9- Race For The Target Planet Part 2
Chapter 10- Frozen Flashbacks
Chapter 11- Reinforcements
Chapter 12- The Diversion
Chapter 13- The Diversion Part 2
Chapter 14- The Great War
Chapter 15- The Great War Part 2
Chapter 16- War Withdrawal
Chapter 17- Visions And Transfers
Chapter 18- Start Of A Big Moment
Chapter 19- A Nefarious Start
Chapter 20- Boulder In Recession
Chapter 21- Wanted: Bonnie And Clyde
Chapter 22- Wanted: Bonnie And Clyde Part 2
Chapter 23- Project: Iceman
Chapter 24- Project: Black Knife
Chapter 25- Project: Black Knife Part 2
Chapter 26- The Continuation War
Chapter 27- Playing Gods And Monsters
Chapter 28- Playing Gods And Monsters Part 2
Chapter 29- War's End
Chapter 30- Taking Initiative
Chapter 31- Into The Nifty Fifties
Chapter 32- Operation Iceman Hunt
Chapter 33- Operation Iceman Hunt Part 2
Chapter 34- Operation Iceman Hunt Part 3
Chapter 35- An Era's End
Chapter 36- By A Longshot
Chapter 37- The Space Race Begins
Chapter 38- Truculence
Chapter 39- Intersection
Chapter 40- Hunting Red Oktober
Chapter 41- Rejecting Initiative
Chapter 42- Convergence
Chapter 43- Convergence Part 2

Chapter 7- Discovery And Excavation

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By Daleandjakup97

Colorado River, 1902
Several divers splashed down under the water that was the Colorado River. With their diving helmets providing them breathable oxygen via their tanks, the divers swam down towards the surface. They stopped when they finally found a metallic object which resembled a top corner of a cube. If what the divers saw was a mere corner of it, one could imagine how truly gigantic and massive the object was. One of them swam closer to it and held the corner of the object to closely inspect it. All of a sudden, the object illuminated yellow and blue which was so bright the divers had to shield their eyes before it let out a beam of light out of the Colorado River and into the sky.

Meanwhile At Castle Folgan
Kup got done with shooting practice and went to the computer terminal with Hot Rod. "Jetfire's stills a no show, huh, old mech?" asked Hot Rod. Kup shook his head as he replied, "Lesson one, when you see an energy signal spike up, don't go alone to scout for it." Just when Kup finished his sentence, the computer terminal started flashing and alarms sounded. "What the--" gasped Hot Rod. Kup began typing as this stirred the other Seekers and Bumblebee as they gathered to computer terminal. "What's going on?" questioned Bumblebee. Kup explained, "A large energy spike just lit up somewhere. I'm trying to triangulate to where it came from." Bumblebee's audio receptors perked up as he asked, "Could it be the Allspark?" Then the computer terminal went silent as Kup slammed his fist on the keyboard and exclaimed, "Scrap! I lost it!" Bumblebee blinked, "What are you talking about? What do you mean 'you lost it?'" Kup turned to him and answered, "Blasted energy went up and gone like a damn rocket! I can't track where it came from and it's going off into space." Bumblebee gritted his metal teeth in frustration and asked angrily, "Then what good are you if any of you can't do anything right?!" Hot Rod frowned, "Geez, what's your damage, Bee?" The white and black Autobot glowered at the black and purple mustached Autobot Outlier as the two pointed their respective plasma cannon and flamethrower at each other. Nautica came in between them to separate them like a scolding mother with her two children and intervened, "That's enough, both of you, young mechs!" Bumblebee glared, "Our only ticket to retrieving the Allspark after two stellar cycles on this rock just went up in space. Now, who knows how long are we going to get another chance like that again?" Hot Rod responded, "So whats if we gots a setback? Tough break, Grumblebee. We's still gots time till we finds the Allspark."

Bumblebee glared at Hot Rod again as he powered up his plasma cannon before finally retracting it into his hand before slapping Nautica's hand away and storming off, muttering to himself. "Geez," said Hot Rod, setting his arms down while turning his flamethrowers off. "What crawled up his tailpipe and died?"

Meanwhile On Cybertron
A fierce battle between the Decepticons and Autobots took place as the two sides struggled for control of what was left of Cybertron's resources. The Decepticon scientist Shockwave and air commander Slipstream led legions of Decepticon Class Alpha drones, Insecticons, and Decepticon Seekers in the skies whereas their ground forces who were Class Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Eta drones. With the drones were also the Dreads, animalistic colonists with four optics from one of Cybertron's colony worlds called Dread.

The Autobots had the same drones as the Decepticons' except leading the charge were the Aerialbots in the skies, the Wreckers Leadfoot, Roadbuster, Topspin, Drift, and Wheeljack along with Cliffjumper and Arcee with the ground forces, and leading them was the Autobot city commander Ultra Magnus. He was completely red, blue, and black. Ultra Magnus looked similar to Optimus Prime, having tires on the sides of his thighs and ankles but also had uplifted shoulder pads. The more noticeable aspect of him was that he had a metallic skull for a face with cyan optics.

Shockwave in his flight mode flew down to the battleground and transformed into his robot mode which was mostly yellow, white, and blue with light brown and red accents. He also had blue wings with red stripes on his back, three fingers on his right hand, a left arm cannon with a blue hose attachment on his back, and had a face that could only be described as a blank slate with only a single cyan optic. Both Shockwave and Ultra Magnus clashed as their respective sides battled and blasted each other. Ultra Magnus' skeletal jaws curled into a smirk as he spoke in deep guttural voice, "After what happened to your precious Insecticon Queen and that little makeover of yours, you would be out of the fight forever." Shockwave's face could not express anger but his tone did so as he responded, "You thought wrong, as did your leader. Also, you would know a thing about a makeover. Such as the one Optimus gave you at the Acid Wastes." This insult made Ultra Magnus' metal teeth grit as he threw a punch at Shockwave who blocked it with his left arm cannon and threw a uppercut which made the Autobot stagger back.

Glaring with her cyan optics, Slipstream engaged in an aerial sword fight with one of the Aerialbots, Airazor. Slipstream was blue and white with some yellow accents. She also had a yellow head crest and yellow spikes on her audio receptors. With null ray blasters on her arms plus her blue and yellow hilted sword with a cyan blue Energon blade, Slipstream was a force to be reckoned with.

Her Aerialbot opponent was mostly white, mahogany, and black with a dark grey faceplate and red optics. Airazor was armed with wrist blasters and a red Energon bladed sword with a mahogany and white cutlass hilt.

Their swords clashed with fury and grace and shared fired with each other. The two femmes' swords locked with other and the two glared at each other's optics. "You will pay for what you've done!" declared Slipstream angrily. Airazor scoffed, "What I've done? If you woulda let Skyfire be Chancellor of Vos, then our city wouldn't have been destroyed in the first place." This earned her a thruster boosted kick from Slipstream as she yelled, "You helped destroy Vos!" Airazor recovered as she refuted, "You cheated your way into Chancellorship when sided Vos with the Decepticon terrorists!" Feeling insulted, Slipstream repeated, "'Cheated my way into Chancellorship?' That's frag and you know it!" The two engaged in yet another aerial sword fight while shooting their respective blasters at each other.

Shockwave reeled in for another swing from his three fingered right hand but Ultra Magnus caught it and twisted it, forcing the one optic Decepticon on his knees while vocalizing his pain. "I would say your suffering is about to begin," grinned Ultra Magnus malevolently. "But that would be a lie. To see you suffer already makes this less satisfying for me. Alas, I guess I'll have to take what I can get." Then suddenly a red and blue quadrupedal Dread with cyan optics pounced on Ultra Magnus and started biting and scratching. He grunted as he pushed the Dread off him. The Dread stood up and growled at Ultra Magnus, protecting Shockwave. The Autobot commander was unimpressed by this as he glared, "Pathetic beast!" He pulled out his blaster and aimed it at the Dread who snarled defiantly at him. Then a red, black, and white Insecticon dived down towards Ultra Magnus and tackled him onto the ground. The Insecticon transformed into his robot mode then lifted Ultra Magnus' leg and threw him onto some Autobot Class Gamma and Eta drones. Shockwave gets back up as the Insecticon asked, "Are you all right, sir?" Shockwave nodded, "I'm all right, Hardshell, if not for you and Hatchet." The Dread called Hatchet panted happily as Shockwave gave him a pet on his head.

Slipstream and Airazor engaged in a dogfight in their jet forms, blasting each other with their guns and missiles while occasionally trying to knock each other off the air. "You affiliate yourself with Decepticon terrorists during your so-called campaign!" screeched Airazor. "You should've been taken out of race for Chancellorship for that!" Slipstream and Airazor rushed toward each other as the female Decepticon Seeker transformed and used her sword to bisect one of the female Aerialbot's wings. The white, mahogany, and black began to spin uncontrollably as Airazor descended onto the ground with a fiery crash. "The more lies you tell yourself, Airazor," stated Slipstream with her feet thrusters keeping her in midair as she looked down at her rival. "The more it makes you blind to what is going on around you."

A bright light illuminating yellow and blue appeared in the sky as both Autobots and Decepticons stopped fighting and shooting at each other and looked up. The light was coming closer and closer toward them as Shockwave yelled, "Scatter!" Almost immediately, the Decepticons either flew and drove away as the Autobots did so, too, in order to avoid it crashing on the surface.

Shockwave pulled out a device and scanned the impact point. Slipstream and Hardshell joined with him as she asked, "What was that?" Shockwave turned to them and answered, "If I had to guess, I'd say the Allspark..."

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