"My Call Girlfriend" Call gir...

By King_Slayerss05

7.7K 162 42

This story takes place on South Park: The fractured but whole, but you are the new kid in this story. A.K.A... More

Chapter 2 | Day 1 | Part 2
Chapter 3 | Day 1 | Part 3
Chapter 4 | Day 1 | Part 4
Chapter 5 | Day 1 | Part 5
Chapter 6 | Night 1 | Part 1
Chapter 7 | Night 1 | Part 2

Chapter 1 | Day 1 | Part 1

1.7K 33 0
By King_Slayerss05

There was a picture with a cat and "MISSING" "Scrambles Reward $100" written on it.

The Coon: (Voice-over) "What has become of this city?"

"There used to be laws. Justice. Not anymore."

The Coon ran into the alleyway.

The Coon: "Crime is out of control. Cats are missing. And townspeople are being victimized."

At Butters house there is some poop on the porch as his dad opened the door both shocked and mad.

Steven Stotch: "AW, hey- who pooped on my porch?!"

Linda Stotch: "What's going on with you–"

Linda shrieked in horror.

The Coon jumped on the roof of the driver's car.

The Coon: (Voice-over) "We were supposed to protect those who couldn't protect themselves."

Male Driver: "Ge-Get off my car, you little pecker!"

The Coon jumped down out of the car; The Coon is eating a french fry with a bunch of food on the table inside of a burger joint.

The Coon: (Voice-over) "Now superheroes are torn apart by political differences."

The Coon is now peeing in the urinal of the public bathroom.

The Coon: (Voice-over) "We are two sides, at war."

The Coon looks over to the side and sees a writing on the bathroom stall saying "Freedom Pals rule!" "Coon and Friends drool". The Coon deepened his glare.

The Coon: (Voice-over) "But war isn't going to save our city. Time travel is my only hope now."

The Coon Jumped up and tore the missing cat picture off of the telephone pole.

The Coon: (Voice-over) "Myths tell of ancient times."

He was then reading a book about the story of the Stick of Truth.

"When a New King united a kingdom, torn apart by a powerful stick."

The Coon ran upstairs to his room.

Liane Cartman: "Hi hun!"

The Coon: "Shut up, mom!"

(Voice-over) "There's no time to waste."

He put the numbers "1390" on a calculator being a somewhat "time machine".

(Voice-over) "I have to go back. Change the present if I can. And find this cat."

He opened the closet door and went in preparing to close it.

(Voice-over) "And in doing so...perhaps I can change what has happened...to all of us."

He shut the closet door with him inside.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole x Male Reader | Call Girl x New Kid

The current time is 627 A.D. and the story starts off where all types of beings live in this world called "Ancient Zaron". Right now we see that both humans and elves are fighting against the Moorish.

Paladin Butters: "The Moorish are attacking! There's Moorish everywhere!"

Paladin Butters was whacking away some of the Moorish trying to attack him.

Elf King Kyle: "Don't let them get to our base!"

Elf King Kyle was standing his ground fending off of the Moorish too.


Warrior Clyde was running trying to retreat but was then taken down from a Moorish warrior.

Jimmy The Bard: "Fellas! They got the base! You gotta stop 'em!"


Thief Craig: "Their armor is too strong! They're wearing bicycle helmets!"

Elf King Kyle started looking around trying to see where the King is currently at.

Elf King Kyle: "WHERE IS THE KING?!"

Meanwhile at the King's home-base, he was busy with his own "business" in the bathroom.

(Y/N): 'Wow, so this is what being a king feels like. I have so much power, I mastered my magic powers and I have a lot of friends too. Maybe being the New Kid isn't all that bad as I thought.'

After (Y/N) was done in the bathroom, he was going to leave until he heard some distant chatter behind the bathroom door.

(Y/N): 'Huh? Oh no, are mom and dad arguing again?'

(Y/N) opened the door to see what all the commotion was about.

Mom (Kelly): "We should be happy that he's made friends in this town so quickly!"

Dad (Chris): "We came here to hide! More friends just means more trouble!"

Mom: "You're being paranoid! You need to lay off that stuff! It's changing you!"

Dad: "OH LAY OFF! It's the one thing that helps me relax from your stupid shit–!"

They both turn to see (Y/N) witnessing them arguing with each other.

Dad: "Oh! Hey, whippersnapper! Didn't see you there!"

Mom: "Your friends are outside, kiddo! Get out there and play!"

They both nervously chuckled as Kelly went downstairs to go to have a mental breakdown and Chris went back to his room to eat pot-brownies.

(Y/N): 'They've been going like this ever since I've gotten a lot of friends back then and when we were finished with the game stick of truth. I sure hope that things will get better soon enough.'

(Y/N) then went downstairs to go out and fight the Moorish with his friends.

Elf King Kyle: "My lord! The filthy Moorish are attempting to overtake Kupa Keep!"

Paladin Butters: "You gotta come fight my liege. You're our only hope!"

(Y/N) went outside to see that there is a total rumble out with the Moorish.

Elf King Kyle: "COME ON DUDE!"

(Y/N): 'I'm coming. Jeez.'

(Y/N), Kyle and Butters went onto the battlefield and encountered some Moorish warriors.

Moorish: "What, you just move to town and you get to be KING? I think you're a little PUSSY!"

(Y/N): 'Oh yeah? Well then bring it!'

Elf King Kyle: "Teach 'em a lesson, my lord!"

Paladin Butters: "Knock 'em out, King!"

(Y/N) went up and punched the Moorish-swarm and knocked him back to the other Moorish-swarm. The Moorish-swarm swung his sword at (Y/N) - damaging him a little, (Y/N) knocked the Moorish swarm down.

(Y/N) continued onward until 3 Moorish-bruisers appeared then another battle started.

Moorish-bruiser: "Hey what?! I'm supposed to go first."

Paladin Butters: "Nuh-uh, the King got combat advantage - he goes first!"

(Y/N): 'Let's see what my magic is like now that it's mastered.'

(Y/N) farted at the 2 Moorish-bruisers pushing them back to the other with great damage.

Moorish-bruiser: "AAH! JESUS CHRIST!"

One went up to (Y/N) and struck him with his battle-ax with minimal damage.

(Y/N): 'It seems I have to wait a turn to do my magic again. Oh well.'

(Y/N) punched one of the Moorish-bruisers knocking them out, later winning the battle. They went on as they were close to entering Kupa Keep when they saw two Moorish-swarm guarding the entrance.

Elf King Kyle: "Stand aside or die! We're going through that door!"

Moorish-Guard: "You can't."

Elf King Kyle: "Oh yeah? Why not?!"

Moorish-Guard (2): "Because everything in front of here is lava!"

There are red lego bricks laying down on some concrete stairs of the doorway.

Elf King Kyle: "Oh, dude, no way. All that is lava?!"

Moorish-Guard: "Yup, everything from here to here is lava. You can't cross it!"

The Moorish-Guards went inside of the door.

Elf King Kyle: "SHIT!"

(Y/N): 'Well, now how do we get inside?'

Thief Craig: "Come on, let's get inside!"

Elf King Kyle: "We can't. They're saying everything in front of the door is lava."

Thief Craig: "Oh, that's not fair!"

Paladin Butters: "What do we do, my King?!"

Moorish-swarm: "What do you do now? You die! Release the dragon!"

There is cardboard that looks like a dragon with two Moorish-Arches riding on top of it.

Elf King Kyle: "A DRAGON?!"

Thief Craig: "We're fucked."

(A battle has started!)

There was a somewhat yell from one of the Moorish.

Moorish-Archer: "...That's the dragon roaring!"

The Moorish-Archer shot an arrow at (Y/N) dealing with slight damage.

(Y/N): 'Alright beast, let's see if you can handle this!'

(Y/N) then farted at two Moorish-Swarm and knocked them back into the dragon, defeating both of them at the same time.

Thief Craig: "Wow, did he just fart on a dragon?"

Paladin Butters: "Heck yeah he did!"

(Y/N): 'And it was both awesome and hilarious.'

The dragon was getting ready to breathe out fire.

Moorish-Archer: "Ready the fire breath!

Elf King Kyle: "Get out of the way of the fire breath!"

Thief Craig: "Don't end your turn where it's gonna hit you."

(Y/N): 'Uh-oh!'

(Y/N) stepped far back to avoid being hit by the fire breath. The dragon breathed out fire but it didn't hit (Y/N).

Elf King Kyle: "Hah! Our King dodged it!"

Moorish-Archer: "Ah, dammit."

(Y/N) went up to the dragon and is getting ready to finish it off.

Elf King Kyle: "You can't stop the Ki– CAR!"

Thief Craig: "CAR!"

[Record scratch] (Battle paused)

Everyone stopped what they were doing, pushed the dragon back to the driveway and got off of the road to wait until the car passed by.

(Y/N): 'Ah man, I hate it when this happens.'

Male Driver: "Stay out of the streets! Damn kids."

Elf King Kyle: "Clear."

(Battle resume)

Everyone went back into their fight scene and the dragon is back to its original position.

Elf King Kyle: "As I was saying: You can't stop the King! He is all powerful!"

(Y/N): 'Time to finish the fight!'

(Y/N) summoned a giant hammer and struck it down on the dragon - defeating it and its arches.

Elf King Kyle: "DRAGON SLAYER!"

After the defeat of the dragon, the Moorish started retreating.

Moorish-swarm: "Oh my god, he defeated the dragon!"

Moorish-swarm (2): "No frickin' way. That kid's amazing!"

(Y/N) went inside the garage and broke the boxes to clear the way for the ladder space.

Elf King Kyle: "Wow! Did you see that? The King's amazing!"

(Y/N) then moved the small ladder to the space that was now cleared out. Kyle, Craig and Butters gave him a round of applause as he went up and climbed up on the ladder to the top of the garage roof.

Paladin Butters: "Wow! King Douchebag is such a skillful warrior! Did you see how he moved that ladder and used it to climb up?"

Elf King Kyle: "He truly is the most powerful king in all the realms."

Thief Craig: "Holy fuck. He's amazing."

(Y/N): 'I feel like they're doing this on purpose.'

(Y/N) slid down on the roof, jumped down and did a frontflip to enter the base.

As (Y/N) entered Kupa Keep, he saw Jimmy being held hostage by the Moorish.

Kevin Stoley: "Speak, Bard! What happened to the Stick of Truth?!"

Jimmy The Bard: "The wizard had it thrown it into the ocean!"

Kevin Stoley: "LIES! You shall feel the wrath of the Moorish!"

Elf King Kyle: "Unhand him you heathens!"

"Release The Bard or you'll have the King to deal with!"

Moorish-swarm: "The King!"

Moorish-swarm (2): "They say he can slay a dragon with one blow!"

Elf King Kyle: "That's right! And if you don't– Wait, wait, whoa... Where is the wizard?"

Jimmy The Bard: "Uh...I thought he was with you guys."

Warrior Clyde: "No, we got a distress signal to come help him here."

As they were confused about where the Wizard King was, exaggerated noises were made as someone had dropped down to everyone in Kupa Keep - The Coon.


"My name is The Coon. I'm from the future!"

(Y/N): 'Huh?'

Thief Craig: "Dude, we said we're not playing that anymore."

Warrior Clyde: "Yeah, we're all split up. What's the point?"


The Coon pulls out a missing cat picture of Scrambles that has a $100 reward for it.

"In my time there was a massive crime wave and missing cats! I knew my only hope was to assemble the team."

Kevin Stoley: "Hey, you can't switch games like this - where's the Stick of Truth?!"

The Coon: "Shut up, Kevin. This isn't about some dumb stick! There's a cat in trouble and it's the key to finding the crime syndicate new to our town! In the future."

Warrior Clyde: "Crime syndicate? That...that sounds too heavy for Coon and Friends."

The Coon: "Well, what do you want, Clyde?! You want the fucking Freedom Pals to find the missing cat, get the hundred dollar reward, and make their superhero franchise more popular?!"

Elf King Kyle: "Fuck the Freedom Pals, dude."

The Coon: "That's right."

Cartman's mother opened the window door to inform him of something.

Liane Cartman: "Poopsiekins. There's a loud ringing coming from your basement playroom."

The Coon turned to have a shocked expression to know what the loud ringing actually is.

The Coon: "The Coon alert! Come on, Coon Friends, go get your stuff and report back to the Coon Lair! In the future!


The Coon: "Sorry guys, you can't play with us. We're superheroes now, aaand you guys are dorks."

They then get inside Cartman's house, leaving (Y/N) and the Moorish alone in Kupa Keep.

(Y/N): 'Well...I guess that just happened. So they're playing superheroes now, huh? I think I wanna get in on that action too.'

End of Chapter 1 & Part 1.

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