Elemental Attraction | ONC 20...

By IvetoR

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When thirty-year-old Zara stumbled upon a mysterious mirror hidden among her family's heirlooms, she never im... More

1. Changing winds
2. Strangers in the night
3. Rebel
5. Mermaid's Kisses
6. Anomalies
7. First impressions can be misleading
8. Tremors
8. All that glitters
Book update and release schedule
10. Dangerous Games
11. Masquerade
12. Into the lion's den
13. Veiled Truths
14. Hidden desires 🌶️🌶️🌶️
15. Stolen Moments
16. Secrets in the Shadows

4. The problem with red flags is that I'm attracted to them

173 23 25
By IvetoR


I wasn't sure what to make of Blaze's sudden change of heart. One moment, he was ready to hand me over to the Zodiac Council, and the next, he was inviting me to join forces with him.

My heart thudded as I slowly allowed myself to believe that he could actually be on my side. He was a Zodiac, no less, yet he was still willing to give me the benefit of the doubt.

"Time to catch a killer, dimples," he declared with a devilish glint in his eye.

I stared at him, my thoughts racing as I tried to process that he could be on my side. I had just told him that the killer was a Zodiac, and he had taken it in stride. And now he wanted to team up with me?

It was almost too good to be true.

I had no idea what his motivation was, but despite my reservations, I knew this was an opportunity that I had to take. I had to find out who was responsible for Zephyr's death, and I had a feeling that Blaze could help me to do that. Either way, I knew one thing for sure–I was in too deep now to turn away.

As I looked at Blaze's tall, lean frame, I couldn't help but feel drawn to him. His intense gaze threatened to reveal all my secrets, but there was an air of confidence that clung to him like a second skin, making him both intimidating and alluring. In spite of my better judgement, I had to admit that he was attractive.

He was also the kind of person I knew it was wiser to avoid. Everything about him was a red flag. Hell, everything about this situation was one red flag after another. But the problem with red flags was that I was attracted to them—after all, that was how I ended up in this realm. Dive first, think later.

You never learn, Zara.

Yet, a bad decision or not, this time I had no choice. I had to rely on Blaze's help to get to the bottom of Zephyr's murder, and I had to trust him with my life, no matter how much it irked me.

Still, the prospect of finally having an ally on this journey filled me with excitement. Blaze was a powerful Zodiac, and his knowledge of the Starfall and the Council were going to be invaluable. Plus, I couldn't help but be intrigued by his mysterious fire powers.

That didn't mean I wasn't wary. "What do you need from me?"

He leaned against the wall, his arms crossed and his gaze razor-sharp. "Tell me what you know about the murder."

Taking a deep breath, I recounted every detail of the day, from Zephyr's return from the Council to discovering him dead, to my desperate attempt to flee for my life. Blaze watched me intently, his face an unreadable mask, yet I could tell he was paying close attention to every detail I mentioned.

When I finished, the room grew deathly still as Blaze began pacing. His expression was stern and his frown was fierce, as though the answer was written on the surrounding walls.

"If what you say is true, then it's likely the killer used lunar venom," he murmured.

"Lunar venom? What's that?"

"It's a very powerful and dangerous type of dark magic, made using moonstone and the light of a full moon to amplify its strength. It has the power to disrupt and even drain elemental magic... and kill a Zodiac."

"So, what's the plan?" I asked, my voice trembling with urgency, hoping he had some sort of strategy in mind.

He let out a sigh, his lips pressed into a thin line. "We need to figure out who could have had access to lunar venom," he said. His tone was low, with a ferocity to it, clearly determined to get to the bottom of this.

My mind was already considering the possible ways to do that. "We should start by interrogating the members of the Council. Someone must have wanted him dead."

"I'm sure we can find a few people who had a score to settle with Zephyr. But, Aqua Breeze," he added, smirking when I scowled at the nickname, "you know you can't just waltz in like that, right?"

He gave me a pointed look, as if I wasn't aware what was at stake here. Of course I knew that if I came in contact with any of the Zodiacs, it was going to be game over for me. Except Blaze, apparently.

"You don't need to remind me," I said, rolling my eyes. "I'm not stupid. But since you're so brilliant, do you have any idea how to get around that?"

My heart raced as he approached me, our faces drawing closer together, far too close for me not to do something stupid like get distracted by his handsome face.

"In fact, I do," he continued. "I have some glamour serum."

"Glamour serum?" Other than Faes who had magic, I didn't know of anyone else who was able to glamour themselves in this realm.

"Your boss gave it to me."

Blaze's words caught me off guard. One, because I have no clue that Zephyr was in possession of something like that, and two, because I couldn't imagine why he would have given it to Blaze.

"Don't look so shocked, dimples—we all have secrets." His smug expression and the mischief twinkling in his eyes rooted me to the spot in a hypnotic state, which rubbed me the wrong way. This man was way too self-assured and incredibly irritating, and I wanted to wipe the smirk off his alluringly kissable face.

Crap, I meant punchable. Definitely punchable. There was no way I would ever want to kiss him.

"Why would Zephyr give you something like that?" Suspicion clawed its way up my spine at the realisation that he could be lying. A darker premise lurked beneath my thoughts. "Unless you took it from him."

My elemental magic began to stir as my anger boiled. I was such an idiot—I thought he chose to believe me, but what if it was because he already knew who the killer was?

"How do I know you didn't kill him?"

Rage and accusations dripped from my words, my powers crackling as I raised my hands up, ready to unleash on him whatever magic I had, even if I was no match for his abilities. Yet, my elements remained dormant, weakly flickering at my command, almost like they were lulled by his fire power.

"Easy there," he muttered, as his grip closed around my wrists, dissolving my magical energy. What the hell?

"How did you do that?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper as I faced the horrifying fact that he might have been the killer I was looking for.

"I'm not quite sure. Our elemental powers can't usually be used against other Zodiacs. But yours just seemed to obey me," he explained.

My mind raced with questions, but this was the least of my worries, if he was indeed the killer. I tried to escape his grip, but instead I ended up with my back pressed against him as he outmanoeuvred me, my body locked in a vice-like embrace as he held me in place..

"I didn't kill him," he said calmly, his breath tickling my ear and sending shivers down my spine. "And I'm willing to help you find the real murderer, but I will need your help with something else."

I was torn between wanting to trust him and keeping my guard up. "What?"

I could feel his heart pounding against my back and I had to concentrate hard to keep my emotions in check. Who was he really? What did he know? What other secrets was he hiding? I wanted to know, and yet I didn't.

"I can't tell you yet. But I will when the time is right."

He spun me around and I found myself facing him again. I stepped back when he let go of my wrists, his intense gaze still locked on me. It was like I was standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to take a leap of faith, but fear of the unknown held me back.

"I requested the serum from Zephyr because I like my privacy. I don't like mingling a lot with people, but when I do decide to go to the more crowded parts of the realm, I want to be able to move around without having everyone recognise me."

"Is that why you always seem to miss the Council meetings?" Or, at least, that was what I had heard from Zephyr. Rumour had it that Sagittarius was the lone wolf in the Council who preferred to spend time alone outdoors than take part in Council business.

"If you only attended one of those meetings, you would understand why, believe me. Anyway," he cleared his throat, "this might actually work."

"What might?"

"The tension between us is believable enough, though we may need to work on your public display of affection." His lips curled up again before he moved closer and leaned in to whisper. "I've never had an unsatisfied lover and certainly not one that would attack me over it."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

His gaze was so intense I was sure it was burning into my soul. "I don't know what's this hell you are referring to, dimples, but it's simple—you'll pretend to be my assistant."

"What? And what does that have anything to do with you... lovers?" My face scrunched up from the mention of people that he might have slept with. I tried not to think about it, but the image of him with someone else just wouldn't go away.

Eww, Zephyr and Miss Flosham were already bad enough. I didn't need to know about Blaze's sex escapades as well.

"I will bring you with me to interrogate the suspects," he continued, "and no one will question your presence if you are my assistant. They won't know it's you once you use the glamour serum."

That made sense... almost. "You still haven't answered why I would need to work on my public affection?"

His laughter filled up the room and I couldn't help but notice how pleasant it sounded. It almost made him seem... nicer and not just like the giant pain in the arse that he was shaping to be.

"Did Zephyr never explain to you why he never brought you on trips with him?"

I shrugged. "Because of my powers?"

"Well, that as well," he said with a chuckle. "But Zodiacs only travel with their assistants if they are involved in more than a mere professional relationship."

I blinked once, then twice, trying to figure out if he was suggesting what I thought he was. My pulse quickened its throb as I stared at him with disbelief.

"You want me to pretend to be your lover? No way! I'm not getting involved with you," I said firmly, drawing the line.

"You won't have to—It's just for show." He grinned at me, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "We just need to make people believe that we have something going on between us, so they won't be suspicious of your presence."

I shook my head, still not completely convinced. For a moment, I thought about saying no again, but I couldn't. He was right that I needed a way to get close to the Zodiacs, and if this was what it took, then I had no other choice.

"Trust me," Blaze said, his gaze meeting mine again. "This is the only way to get to the bottom of this. And you will be safer with me than on your own."

"Fine." I sighed. "But only until we find the killer."

He held out his hand, and I tentatively took it, ignoring the jolt of electricity that ran across my skin. His lips curved into a satisfied smile as he nodded.

"It's settled then. Now," he said, releasing my hand, "we should get some rest. I know I'm tired and I'm sure you wouldn't want to travel tomorrow if you're half asleep."

Yes, sleep! That was what I was in this shady motel to begin with and how did it all turn out... At least Blaze was more pleasant than the vamp girl.

My eyes scanned the room, suddenly realising that there was only one bed. Well, this is going to be awkward.

"So," I said, remembering how we bickered not that long ago over who was going to keep the room. "Who gets the bed?"

A burst of laughter erupted from his lips as he gestured towards the sofa. "You can take the bed. I will be fine on the couch."

My relief was palpable, but I couldn't resist a teasing jab. "You better not be sleeping naked, by the way."

"And here I thought you'd never ask..." He chuckled before he rifled through his bag, donning a fitted t-shirt. Which should have been a good thing, except it only accentuated his chiselled chest and abs.

What kind of person slept with a t-shirt like that? Oh, right—a man who usually sleeps naked, I scolded myself mentally.

Still, I was grateful that he was being so understanding with the sleeping arrangements. It felt almost... kind of him. I couldn't help but ponder whether he was going to be like this for the entire mission. Understanding, of course. Not naked. Most definitely not naked. And not like I was attracted to him, anyway. I simply needed to pretend... even if I had the feeling that it was not going to require too much acting skills.

"Good night," he said, already settling on the sofa.

"Good night," I said back, not sure of what else to say before I lay down, my mind already spinning with questions and uncertainties.

The thought that I was completely out of my depth flooded my head and I couldn't help but wonder if I was in way over my head with this mission.

And with Blaze, too.


So these two finally have a plan, and I have a feeling it will be a lot of fun to watch them stick to it. 😏

I have tons of ideas for what might be coming their way, but I would love to hear what you would also like to see Zara and Blaze get up to. 

Hope that you are enjoying the story so far. 

Iveto xx

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