š¦š¢šš§š¢š š”š­š¬ š”šžšššÆšž...

By namesrays

108K 3.1K 4.9K

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1.8K 79 48
By namesrays

where did everyone go😭

many things have changed since the past few weeks; neteyam's able to walk properly again, just not the same as he would used to but, he's getting there.

ao'nung's emotions has augmented greatly; to the point where the boy couldn't keep his hands off of neteyam.
always needing to touch him.

however, neteyam's memories have yet to be perceived.
at least he's aware he's missing those fragments.

the group had been trying to help him little by little but no use.
they weren't going anywhere with the assist.

on the other hand, xau'n had stopped bothering the eldest omaticaya boy; reasons being tsireya's glare towards her and rotxo practically being a bodyguard for the two older boys.

as of right now, the group of teens have been in a state of rage due to tangled nets by the rocks.
it's clear to say their huntings didn't go far.

"why is nothing working today?!" lo'ak exclaims, flaunting the nets in front of him with an intense scowl.
"maybe because you're here"
rotxo sarcastically voices; receiving a light smack from lo'ak who ultimately gave up on hunting.

"i'm done. this shit is pissing me off." he frowns and forcefully leans his back against the rocky walls in agitation.

on the other hand, ao'nung had been keeping his attention on neteyam; the boy who had been puckering his lips and a furrow in full focus, practically murdering ao'nung's heart.

"do you need help?" the metkayina boy whispers beside neteyam as constant bickering occurs in the background; hooking onto the boy's ears.

"ah? nah it's okay" neteyam shines a small smile until ao'nung quickly grabs the now falling net from him.
"careful.." he frowns, gazing down onto the net and immediately undoing the tangle in an instant which captivates neteyam at his hand work.

"you're quick with it" he giggles, grabbing onto the net which ao'nung had passed.

"i mean, i have been doing this for awhile now"

without the two realising, their shoulders are practically kissing each other and thighs begging to be conjoined.
considering how close they've gotten, the close proximity deems normal and super casual.

until rotxo gasps, grabbing their attention.
"you guys okay there?" a chuckle forms into the outer atmosphere, receiving a synchronised head tilt from the two.

"nevermind." the younger metkayina rolls his eyes in a sigh before returning his attention back onto the nets in front of him; begging to be used.

as time goes by with chattering and hunting somewhat of a success, the sky begins to shallow itself and the incoming moon light shines.

"i.. think this is enough..?" tsireya crooks her head at the ginormous nets that's been filled to the brim with hands on her hips.

"we should head back" ao'nung stands up from his spot; immediately feeling the cold once detached from neteyam.

as each of them carry out the nets back into the village, neteyam had been stuck by ao'nung's side who had been carrying his load as well.

throughout the journey back, neteyam had been subconsciously holding onto the heir's wrist whilst exchanging words.

as the five individuals arrive back into the shed, the nets get dumped together for the elders who were in need of fish.

out of nowhere, sounds of thumping sand quickens its steps towards them and immediately; an expression of determination skids right in front of neteyam, the boy who had been struggling to even walk straight.

instantly, she connects her lips with his causing the boy to freeze in his spot for what felt like minutes until ao'nung pulls her back aggressively and leaving neteyam in a state of shock.

"what's wrong with you?!" he sneers, digging his nails deeper into the girl's upper arm.
"what? can't i kiss my mate?"

"he's literally not your mate?!" ao'nung blurts out, softening his expression in seconds after the quick comprehension and releasing his grip whilst his gaze automatically find neteyam's.

"wait.. what..?" neteyam mutters, furrowing between xau'n and ao'nung.
"what is going on..??"
all three heads turn towards where the voice echos, which belongs to tsireya.
an enraged tsireya.

"reya. is she my mate?" at this point, neteyam's at a breaking point.
the things he thought he knew gave out on him
even after everything ao'nung had reassured him.

"ah.." tsireya's expression instantly softens itself, ears folding and tail swaying lowly.

no words escape its way through the girl's throat but rather a reluctant head shake.
"great. just, amazing. thanks guys." neteyam scoffs, now storming off from the quiet group.

"why would you say that??" xau'n throws a hiss towards ao'nung before walking off without hearing a single word coming from him.

"wait what happened?" rotxo chimes in, eyeing between the two that had stormed off and ao'nung who stands there in silence, afraid to speak a vowel.

at this point, ao'nung's mind begin to race.
the things he's said to neteyam,
the reassurances.
his expression.

he fucked up. he's not sure how but he knows he screwed neteyam's thinking process.

"fuck." ao'nung breathes out, rubbing his temple in frustration without locking any sort of eye contact with the other two metkayina's.

"what'd you do." the stern voice of tsireya's slightly terrified ao'nung.

what did i do..?

without a warning, ao'nung speeds off into another direction away from the two, leaving them absolutely puzzled.

as his mind had been occupied, his muscles moved him into the caved in rock once more and without coming into sense; ao'nung takes a seat by the wall with mind still in itself.

ao'nung didn't know where to go.
this was the only place he'd find some time for himself; where the rocks, waters and sky have heard his cries, anger and disgust.

even though the heir stays sat there for eywa knows how long, the sky above dims onto the village and he's yet to be pulled out of the mind.

and yet, he doesn't know anymore.
he doesn't want to know.
neteyam's situation confuses him to the brim and the boy just wants to live in peace; without all these stupid games that lacks of communication.

that's it.
needless to say, ao'nung had broken his own promise made towards neteyam;
to be there for him,
to change my ways.

neteyam found himself sitting by the shores in a daze the next afternoon as thoughts start to rush over him so suddenly.

the day the incident took place could finally be replayed in the boy's mind, and the reason why he was by the rocks.
suddenly, those same feelings for the heir had made its return, instantly sending a squeeze around his heart.

neteyam's eyes widen at the sudden speed of his heart as well as the light feeling in the head and vision saturated with his surroundings.
he isn't used to this feeling,
well he doesn't remember such emotions occurring.

the urge of having to tell someone comes to mind.
he didn't know what to do with this excruciating feeling in his chest.

i have to tell tsireya.

and so, as quick as time comes, neteyam is now sat in front of the worried girl from his burst of energy.

"what? what's wrong? are you hurt?"

neteyam shakes his head rapidly and taking the deepest of breathes.
"okay.. don't freak out-"
"no! you don't freak out!" tsireya grabs ahold of the boy's stretched arms with eyes widened.

"okay, okay." he takes another deep breath before looking back into tsireya's eyes.

"i think. i like nung." he deadpans, expecting a disgusted expression from the girl.

"oh really? is that it?" she blatantly blinks, removing her arms from the boy.
"yeah?.. what else would there be..?"

"ah- wait. how do you feel about xau'n"

neteyam eyes shut on itself from the remembrance of the girl constantly bugging him.
"annoyed. whenever she'd kiss me, it didn't feel normal." he shrugs, slumping in comfort.

"i mean, you could always kiss ao, and see if that changes anything.." tsireya grins, causing the boy to flush in a darker shade; in attempts of covering his cheeks with his arms.

"no way. he's definitely mad at me."
"what? impossible. he has no reason to be mad at you teyam."

neteyam couldn't help but feel a fire ignite in his stomach at the thought of ao'nung.
just, everything about him fascinates the forest na'vi to the point where he would die.

"reya! i just saw ao'nung-"
rotxo interrupts neteyam's line of thoughts in a frantic manner before his eyes meet with the omaticaya's, quickly shutting his mouth.

"what do you mean-"

1430 wc

hello hello apologies for the slow updates

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