Goddess Of Chaos

By Lovehurts626

96.6K 3.4K 495

"Why are you protecting me?" "Because when you love someone, you protect them from all of the pain. You don't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author Note (Read if you want to)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Valentines special
chapter 15
author note (please read)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 23 pt 2
Chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28

Chapter 18

1.7K 78 2
By Lovehurts626

Narrators P.O.V
Wednesday makes her way to the Nightshades entrance after she talks with her brother Pugsly about their father. She gracefully goes down the stairs making her way to her mother to see her standing in the middle of the room.

Wednesday P.O.V
"Hello, Mother." She turns around ever so gracefully. "Hello, Wednesday." I begin walking down these treacherous steps making my way to my mother. "So you're a Nightshade. That didn't take long." My Mother's iconic smug face grows a smug smile with it. "Actually, I reject them." The joy it brought me as I watched the smugness dissipate. "Why? Because I was a member?" How typical. Thinking it was about her. Well, she's not wrong but I will never admit to it out loud. "I'll never live up to your legacy here, so why try? I won the Poe cup, you claimed it four times. I joined the fencing team, you captained it. Why would you send me somewhere I could only ever exist in your shadow?" I tried to comprehend my mother's reasoning for sending me here but I can't. "It's not a competition, Wednesday. Alexandria used to tell me, 'legacies is but allusion' at first I didn't know what she meant but as time went by I started to understand what she meant, nothing is as it seems there's always something wrong with what's left of someone's legacies and if you dig deep enough… well you know." Of course, Alexandria weasels her way into my mother's heart. Mother and her must be really close for my mother to quote her; she only does that to the people she admires. I look down at the tile floor memorizing the patterns. "Everything is a competition, Mother. But mostly I rejected them because they're a trivial social club. " I ignored what my mother said about Alexandria, trying not to give it a second thought but I failed miserably. 'Legacies is but allusion' she's right but I rather wear color than say it. Ever. My mother lets out a sigh at the lack of response from me. "We used to be so much more. Our mission was to protect outcasts from harm and bigotry. In fact, the group was started by an ancestor of your father's from Mexico. One of the first settlers in America." There's only one possible answer. "Goody. I saw her painting at Pilgrim world." My mother has this look on her face that I can't decipher. "Oh. How ironic, since she was the one who killed Joseph Crackstone with Alexandria's spell. The Nightshades were their secret, but deadly, answer to his oppression." My mother tilts her head up, lightly sniffing. "I know why you've come here, Wednesday. So go on. Ask." She looks to be on the verge of tears, her black eyeliner being smudged around the corner of her eyelids because of all the crying that she's done since my father been arrested. "Father didn't kill Garrett Gates, did he?" "No."

                     'The Rave'N"
"By the time I made it up the stairs, I found your father fighting for his life. It was terrifying." Garrett takes a stab at Gomez but the sword was knocked out of his hand. Garrett punches Gomez in the face. Gomez grabs Garrett and pushes him into the pillar. "Garrett, no!" Garrett grabs Gomez and tosses him onto the construction for the new balcony. Garrett kicks Gomez in the stomach. "Garrett! Garrett, stop! Leave him alone!" Garrett and Gomez tussle on the ground until Garrett kicks Gomez off of him making him crash into the pillar. "I'll never forget the way he looked at me. He was foaming at the mouth. It was like I was staring into the eyes of a rabid beast." Morticia grabs the sword making Garrett walk into it. Alexandria runs in with her black and blue suit stopping beside Morticia. Morticia jerks the sword out of Garrett's stomach making him stumble backward. "Oh, no." He falls backward, hitting the ground with a sickening crack.  "It was only when I heard the scream that I realized what I'd done. Your father and your girlfriend were so… calm and brave." Gomez and Alexandria walk to the edge letting whoever was down there, to see them. Taking the blame. "Tish, you need to leave right now. Go to your dorm and lock the door. You were never here. Do you understand me? Morticia? Morticia was in a state of shock of killing a man but there was no time for that. "Put this back on the table. Go." Gomez hands the sword to her, getting her to take it. "Okay." Morticia brings Gomez into a bruising kiss. "I'll go to the dance and erase everyone's memory of her here tonight." Alexandria squeezes my right shoulder turning around and walking off to the dance letting her magic take over everyone's mind erasing any memories of Morticia beinging there.

"Your father took the blame with your girlfriend in order to protect me. I was so grateful when they cleared them of any wrongdoing. But I knew, someday this would come back to haunt us." My mother grows a morbid smile trying to hide the way she feels. Why does she keep on saying Alexandria is my girlfriend. Significant others are a weakness; they only bring distraction. "She's not my girlfriend, having a significant other is pointless." All my mother does is change her smile into an arrogant smirk. "Sure." I ignored my mother's wink getting back to why I came here when a sudden realization came to me. "You said Garrett was foaming at the mouth. His eyes didn't look human." I take a step forward beginning connecting the dots. "I've never seen someone so blinded by rage." This sounds all too familiar. Until I finally realized. Poison. Why didn't I see it before? I mentally facepalm. "Maybe it wasn't rage at all. Foaming saliva, dilated pupils, mental confusion. What are those all textbook symptoms of?" The realization crosses my mother's face. "But how can it be?" A devious smile crosses my face. "There's only one way to find out."

Alexandria P.O.V
You are in your room on the very top floor getting ready for the feast. When you finally finished you were wearing a black and red suit with a black elegant cape flowing to the floor. You look at the window, seeing the sun begin to set, making the sky give a warm glow. After a couple of minutes, stars start to light the sky with beautiful patterns. You let out a sigh, grabbing your rings and sliding them onto your fingers once you made sure you didn't forget anything you took a deep breath. "Let's get this over with." You open your door and walk down the marble stairs sliding your right hand down the railing in case you trip. To get to where the feast is, you have to cross your courtyard. You forgot how far away the ballroom is but you didn't mind it means you don't have to spend so much time there. You're crossing the courtyard and seeing the oak tree you planted when you first built this place. The big oak tree branches are spreading all the way to the top of the roof making the leaves anchor down from how big they are almost like a curtain and the lower branches are a couple of feet from touching the ground. The bark is covered in moss making it look enchanting and the roots are popping out from under the ground hooking around some of the marble benches. Fireflies fly around the big oak tree making it look magical.

You cross the courtyard going through a long hallway filled with paintings you made and the ceiling tells the story of your evaluation. The major battles and wars you fought and the people you saved from wars that were slaves. They were mostly outcasts but some humans. You took them away from that life, setting them free, and the ones that wanted to stay you found them homes and places they can stay and grow old at, and the ones that went with you sailed on boats for months but we finally made it to paradise Island. The further down you go the more it shows this city's history. You and your people are building the walls to protect us from any outsiders by putting spells on the wall to have a barrier around the cities and surrounding towns and villages. It shows the cities growing bigger as time passes on. You never liked this hall. Yes, it was beautiful but you never like to remember all the people you lost through war and diseases. You get to the two big wooden double doors. You take a deep breath pulling on your clothes making sure they're not messed up. You knock on the door getting the guard's attention, one of them opens the door a little seeing who's outside, and when they see you they signal the other guard. "We will announce to them that you are here." You give them a court nod stepping back and taking in one last deep breath. You hear the guards syncly bang their spears on the ground, catching everyone's attention. You waited with bated breath keeping your eyes straight forward. "The Queen has come home after 50 years the daughter of Joseph and Isabella Khthon, heir to Dracula Vlad Tepes, heir to Eris Goddess of chaos, strife, and discord, heir to the Elder God Chthon of black magic and destruction. The Death Bringer and Peace Maker, our savior, the one and only tribrid, Alexandria khthon." They swing the door open letting you be seen by all the wondering eyes. You take your first step forward making everyone bow down to you on their knees. You walk to your throne trying to steady your breathing not missing a beat with the repeating rhythm of your feet, you listen to the same pattern of your beating heart that pounds in your ear keeping you distracted from everyone.

You finally make it to your throne without tripping. Your General Samuel stands beside your throne holding a crown. He gives you a small smile as you kneel in front of him tilting your chin down. He steadily lifts the crown and gently places the crown on your head. You take a deep breath filling the cold metal seeping through your hair. You stand up slowly and move in front of your throne. "You may rise." Everyone stands up looking at you waiting for your command. "Thank you all for coming here tonight in honor of me coming home. I hope y'all will have a magnificent feast and a merry night… May the feast begin." There were shouts of cheers from the men and whispers and gasps from the ladies. People started mingling together dancing the night away. The only thing that you can make out is the dark colors and light colors mixing. You were never good at saying speeches and that little speech shows it but you doubt they care. A servant comes over holding a platter of champagne and wine. You grab the wine and immediately begin to sip it grimacing at how strong it is, forgetting that they add a lot of alcohol to their drinks. You grow a little headache from all the noise you rub your temples knowing this is going to be a long night.

After hours of people coming up to you for dances and talking to you about business and drunks coming to you with bad pick-up lines after about a hundred, that's when you decide to leave. You walk to a private balcony that you can only access beside a couple of other people.

The stars light up the night as people gracefully dance under them. My general comes up from behind you with his arms crossed behind him. "My lady, why aren't you joining the party?" You let out a sigh swirling your wine glass. "No need for formalities, you've been my general since the Roman age. I think we have passed the formalities by now. Don't you think so?" You look back at Samuel flashing him a smile. "You're right, we've known each other for centuries so I know when something is wrong. What happened? You don't usually pop up unannounced." You bring your glass up to your lips and swing your head back making the liquid flow down your throat. "I messed up so bad." He lets a little laugh leaning on the balcony railing. "Oh, come on, it can't be that bad to drive you back home." He gazes at the people watching them do the century-old waltz. "Heh, you don't know the half of it." He bumps his shoulder against yours, taking the glass out of your hand and putting it on a nearby table that's on the balcony. "Come on, tell me. You know you can tell me anything. I promise I won't judge" You gaze into his violet eyes trying to grasp to any comfort they can give you but they're not the eyes you yarn for. "My soul mates found out about me being a tribrid and being the daughter of the most powerful people… Wednesday the reincarnated version of Goody told me to leave but it was my fault I told her it was dangerous for me to be there. I should have left the second I stepped into Jericho or when I saw them but I stayed. This is my fault if I'd left none of this would be happening. They would have lived simple lives, not solving murder cases." Samuel brings you into a side hug rubbing your shoulder. "She was so angry or disappointed… I couldn't tell all I could look at was the emotionless look on her face. It was so… terrifying. And not just that but I think I'm falling in love with someone else too which will make this more complicated."

You clasp your hands together leaning your forehead against them. You promise to yourself never to cry but the last couple of days just proves how bad you are at keeping promises. "Shh, it's okay everything is going to be okay. You will figure this out." Samuel wraps both of his arms around your waist, rubbing your back, humming a tone you taught him when he was younger. "Thank you for listening to me." He pulls back, kissing your forehead. "Anything for you mother." Did you forget to mention that you adopted him when he was a toddler? If you ever died or became ill which is very unlikely he would be crowned king until you get better or rise from hell. "I guess we have to rejoin the party. It'll be awfully rude if we don't." Samuel gives me a little wink and smile. "I think they'll survive a couple more minutes or hours without us." You smile at him and for the rest of the night, you spend dancing and catching up on all the things y'all didn't text to each other this past couple of decades.

But as you went to bed that night a little fire forms on your nightstand forming a note as the fire distinguishes into nothingness.

Wednesday P.O.V
The sheriff's lackeys took us to jail after they saw us grave digging. Unluckily for me, it was right by my father's cell. "Get comfortable. You can post bail in the morning." My mother and father are kissing between the bars. How disturbing. "Not even the long arm of the law could keep us apart. At least we'll have one last night together." My father says to my mother his words are seeping with passion. "Yes." Someone, please help me get out of this disgusting situation. "I've seen jackals with more self-control than you two." I turn around to face my parents avoiding the affection they're showing to each other by looking into their eyes. "Neither one of you are strong enough to serve hard time. And thanks to me, you won't have to." I grab the finger I took from Garrett Gates out of my pocket. "I knew our little jailbird would have an escape plan." I unwrap the finger and bring it up to show to my parents. "It's a souvenir from our outing. I borrowed it from Garrett." Mother grabs the finger observing the finger. "He died from nightshade poisoning. The remarkable preservation of soft tissue and blue tint confirms it." The realization dawned on my mother when she finally started to piece together what really happened that night. "Which means Garrett was dying –Before you stabbed him." Mother gasps, turning to father. "You look even more ravishing as an innocent woman." "Yes." They started sucking faces again. "For once, could you two get off of each other and focus." I took the finger out of my mother's hand but I was pushed into a vision.

A banner is shown. 'The Rave'N.' "Prove to me you're still worthy to be called my son!" An old man appears to be shouting at someone. "Kill all of those outcasts!" The point of view changes to the man showing him handing the bottle of nightshade poison to a teen it's… Garrett. "Sneak into the dance and spike the punch bowl." Garrett grabs the battle from what I assume is his father.

Garrett gets out of the car putting the glowing blue bottle in his trench coat. Thunder clashes behind him making a loud bang.
Wednesday is flashed into another vision. Garrett's running up the stairs seeing her parents. "Addams!"
Another flash. Gomez pushes Garrett into a pillar making the bottle break in his pocket. "Wednesday."

                       ~End of Vision~

My head snaps back making my hair go everywhere. He was going to kill everyone just because his father told him to.  "Did you have a vision? What happened? What did you see?" I snap my eyes to my mother seeing her leaning towards me. "The night Garrett died, he had a vial of nightshade poison that broke in his pocket. He wasn't just trying to kill father. He was going to use the nightshade poison to murder the entire school." Mother looks over at father in horror.


Mother and I were escorted to the mayor's office to talk about Garrett's death. The mayor sits at his desk with his hand clasped together. "Thank you for seeing us at such short notice, Mr. Mayor." Mother said with sincerity. "Yes, well, valid threats have that effect." The mayor says with bite to his words not liking we threaten his officers. "Garrett Gates wasn't killed by a stab wound." I laid the finger on the table making the ex-sheriff gagg how pathetic. "That blue sheen is a telltale sign of nightshade poisoning." The Mayor is still looking away from the finger covering his mouth with a cloth. "But you already knew that, didn't you? Because back when you were sheriff, you were in charge and covered it up." He takes a deep breath with a look of guilt and regret crosses his face. "Ansel Gates hated outcasts and Nevermore. He claimed the land the school was built on was stolen from his family over 200 years ago. Garrett was there that night to spike the punch and kill all the kids at the dance." I make eye contact with my mother knowing what we are going to ask next. "Ansel confessed the whole thing to me in a drunken stupor. It was his idea." And the truth comes out.

"Why did you instruct Dr. Anwar to falsify the autopsy report? You knew the truth about how he really died." It seems I hit a nerve. Good. "Listen, my job was to keep the peace. If there had been a trial, Jericho and Nevermore's reputation would have been trashed." Liar. He only cared about himself and what would happen to his reputation."I think the only reputation you were worried about ruining was your own." The mayor looks confused by my mother's words. "I remember Garrett bragging to me that his father had the sheriff in his pocket. One year later you get elected mayor. Hmm. No doubt with the full support of Ansel Gates." My mother accuses the mayor of conspiring with Ansel and doing his bidding. From what I gathered he's a coward, an errand boy, no doubt this is the first time he's covered something up for Garrett's father. "I resent your implication." The mayor says getting angry with Mother but all she does is unfolds her arms. "What I resent is that you could have prevented Garrett's death if you had done your when I lodge my complaint about him stalking me. But no. Men like you have no idea what it feels like not to be believed." The mayor sighs, getting tired of mother and her accusation. "What do you want?" I look at my mother, giving her a little nod. "All charges dropped. -My father will be released immediately with a full and unequivocal apology from the sheriff's office and as for Alexandria-." The doors slam open making the sheriff jump in his seat. Katerina comes storming in with the secretary behind her. "I tried to stop her but I looked away for one second and she was gon-" The Mayor puts his right hand up making the secretary stop talking mid-sentence. "It's alright Miss Galpin is welcome to stay." The secretary hesitantly leaves the office giving Katerina the stink eye while closing the door. "Thank you." Katerina does that annoying nervous tick with her glasses. "What are you doing here? And does your father know you're here?" If it was anyone else I doubt they would've noticed the way her arms twitches inwards like she was preparing for something to happen like she was protecting something. This only happened when her father is mentioned. How particular.

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