Waiting On You [18+]

By Lightblue44

202K 5.9K 1.6K

Book 2 in The 'Three Words Series' Theo and Naomi haven't spoken since. Since everything, that night, first y... More

Author's note


890 28 20
By Lightblue44

Walking down the road, Theo had his eyes set on one thing and one thing only.

Naomi's front door.

Yes it was a ten minute walk away, but that didn't falter his anger in any way.

He was pissed off and he wanted answers now.

No more waiting, no more excuses.

What he couldn't understand was why the hell did he find this out through some girl Elliott was kissing in their kitchen and not from his own girlfriend.

Why was he one of the last to know?

Why had she kept this from him?


"Yo Theo!" Crawford called out as he was walking towards Theo, ready to go to the gym as they had planned earlier

Watching Theo walk straight past him as he didn't even spare him a second glance, Crawford shouted his name once more as he followed after him, "Theo! Oi, Theo!"

Rushing after him and catching the crook of his elbow, pulling him back, Crawford furrowed his brows as he took in the look of pure anger evident on Theo's face.

"What's going on?"

"Move Crawford" Theo huffed, shrugging his touch off of him as he tried to push past him, but his teammate refused to move and instead stepped in his way once again, making sure he had to keep talking to him

"Woah, I thought we were going to the gym?" Crawford asked

Rolling his eyes because he didn't want to talk to anyone but Naomi right now, Theo grunted out a "No not anymore, now can you move" trying to step the other way so that he could walk away from Crawford

Getting his way, Crawford shook his head with a cold look, refusing to let his friend go in this state, he refused, "Nah I ain't moving, what's up?"

Scoffing at his mate's stubbornness, Theo murmured, "Nothing"

Pressing his outstretched hand to Theo's chest to keep him still, and stop him from trying to move away again, Crawford calmly asked, "If it's nothing why the fuck do you look like you want to punch me then?"

"Cause you ain't fucking moving out of my way!"

"No. No there's something else up and one thing I'm not gonna let you do is go somewhere pissed off, where you're willing to fight your friends" Crawford raised his eyebrows in acknowledgment of Theo's almost routine like anger whenever something pissed him off during football

"Come on" he ushered Theo as he nodded his head in the opposite direction of Naomi's house and to follow after him instead

"Huh?" Theo was thrown off by Crawford's grin as he let him go and was trying to get him to go somewhere

Knowing Theo's attitude almost too well because he has witnessed it more times than he could count, Crawford led the way to the one thing he knew would get him out of his head because they hadn't really spent all that much time together other than teammates.

"Come on, we're going to the pub" Crawford smoothly called out as he didn't even need to look over his shoulder to know that Theo was following after hi

"The pub?" Theo questioned, confused as to where that came from

Listing off all the reasons as to why he thought it was a suitable idea, Crawford could already sense Theo's anger lessening, "Pub, bar - whichever is closest. It's got food, music and drinks - you'll spill one way or another and I think you need it"

Reluctantly Theo followed after his friend because it's not like he had much of a choice, Crawford would probably tackle him to the ground if he tried to get away and he wasn't wasting his efforts on a fight with him.

It didn't take long for the pair of them to make it to the city centre - walking in silence besides the odd comment from Crawford about his own life updates - as he didn't want to question Theo before they got to the bar and potentially get him into the mindset of going back to wherever he was rushing off to before he caught and stopped him.

Entering the bar, Theo was met with the bustling Friday night crowd, gearing up for the weekend.

The vicinity was filled with anyone and everyone from the ages of eighteen up to around the average age of twenty four - all attendees of one of the universities's in the city.

Crawford led the way, nodding to a few people on his way past the crowd, evidently showcasing his cheeky boy next door popularity status - which was only fuelled more by being on the team.

Theo didn't miss the few eyes he felt on him by the opposite gender, watching his every move.

Sitting down at the table, two pints of Moretti infront of them Crawford watched on with a tense smile at the sight of Theo picking up the glass and practically inhaling fifty percent of its contents like it was going out of date in the next minute.

"So spill. What's up?" He urged, watching Theo gulp down his drink, picking up his own and taking a large sip - knowing he'd definitely need it with the way Theo was drinking

Sighing in satisfaction as he polished off the beer easily, Theo hummed, "Imma need you to order me another one if you think you're getting me to talk so easily", looking back and forth between the empty glass and Crawford's raised eyebrows with a cheeky smile

"You're lucky we're mates you know" Crawford rolled his eyes, mumbling as Theo simply kept that same cheeky smile adorning his lips as a waitress came along and picked up his empty glass

It wasn't even a moment or two later that three more beers were put onto the table - two more for Theo and another for Crawford - as he gave Theo a look to spill as he had no reason not to now.

"I don't wanna sound soft but I don't know. She didn't tell me and it fucking hurts. It hurts that she didn't think to tell me. Me - her boyfriend for crying out loud that she got an offer for an opportunity this big" Theo exclaimed, stressing how obvious could it be, he was her boyfriend - why didn't she tell him?

Exhaling heavily as he heard exactly what Theo was so angry about earlier, Crawford wasn't one to hide his facial expressions as he clenched his teeth and awkwardly attempted to drag a smile onto his face, mumbling "Shit, that sucks"

"Yeah, yeah it does" Theo clarified with annoyance that Crawford wasn't exactly helping besides him paying for the drinks

"Look man, It's Naomi...I don't know the ins and outs of your relationship but she's a nice girl. I believe that she had her reasons-" Crawford tried to defend her, but what could he really go off of other than their few interactions at football practice and a party

"Her reasons?" Theo laughed bitterly, taking a large swig at his now fourth Moretti pint, "I think she's being a bit selfish and untrustworthy in my opinion" Theo spouted like he was a pot of boiling water and he'd finally reached the top and was over spilling onto the stove

Reaching for the rum and coke he ordered for himself off of the bar app, Theo took a large swig of it as he mumbled, "Oh! and don't even get me started on trust with that girl"

Crawford clenched his teeth together as he furrowed his brows, thinking maybe alcohol was the best way to get Theo to open up, but he definitely was taking it a bit too far and was getting on the angry side again

Knowing Theo, but not too well outside of football and parties, Crawford offered his advice in something that always worked for him when he was stressed, "Okay, so I know I said we'd hand out at the bar, but how about we just go back to mine and play I don't know, modern warfare two or rocket legends or something - sounds like you just need a night in. I know shit is stressful and you're angry, but I don't know-"

"It'll get your mind off of shit for a bit" he attempted to defuse the situation before Theo said something he regretted

"Yeah, I guess" Theo agreed, realising that Crawford was being a good friend and he was angry - but he had no right to take it out on anyone - especially not Naomi

Finishing off his pint, as he felt like he had done something good, Crawford nodded to the toilets as he told Theo, "Okay imma piss, talk to a Nick over there, on my course and ask him one question about the assignment due pretty soon and then we can go"

"Okay" Theo responded

He watched Crawford's retreating figure disappear into the bathroom as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, swiping away the notification from Naomi - choosing not to speak to her tonight as he'd go and see her tomorrow - more clear minded

But for now, he thought he may as well drink a little more before he goes to Crawford's

Walking up to the bar, Theo ran his hand over the pristine surface and looked over at the back shelf of spirits showcased behind the bartenders.

He looked down the bar, wondering how he'd never been there in his time at university.

It wasn't until he noticed the bartender shaking a cocktail next to him, he realised that he'd be the next to be served.

He watched the worker hit the Boston cup with their palm, breaking the shakers apart and pouring what looked like the contents of the bar's specialty cocktail into a glass

"And how would you like to pay?" The bartender asked the girl next to Theo

"He's paying"

Furrowing his eyebrows at the girl who had pointed at him and the bartender looked at him awaiting a payment method - the girl took her own phone out and paid as she laughed, "what? You looked like you wanted it more than me"

"Try it" she offered, holding out out the glass of a pink cocktail infront of him, with a straw directed towards his direction

Theo couldn't deny it did look like a good cocktail - but he wasn't one for sharing, so he shook his head

"No? Oh come on, I know you want one of your own then" she laughed,

"Hmm, is it now?" He smirked, as she was sipping on her drink as she watched him, shamelessly licking her lips scanning his face

"Yeah" she giggled, "You would've paid for it if I hadn't had taken my phone out so quickly"

"I don't pay for just anyone's drinks, you know" he told her

"But I'm not just anyone" she teased

"Oh, you're not?" Theo asked in a rhetorical manner as he raised his eyebrows at her cheekiness

"Nah I'm not and you know I'm not" she answered with assurance as she winked at him, earning a laugh from Theo

"Oh he laughs!" She smiled triumphantly

They had quite good banter and neither were denying it, but the alcohol coursing through Theo's veins, with the look she was giving him, wasn't he best equation

Letting his laughter die down slowly as he took in the girl's features, he relaxed onto the bar, "So-" he drawled

"Sooo" she echoed, "what are we going to do about that?" She asked, referring to their previous statements about not knowing each other

"We?" He questioned in a teasing manner as he picked up on the word referring to the two of them

"Yeah 'we', keep up" she poked at him, as she wanted to see if he could keep up with her energy

"Oh, so now I can't keep up" he questioned at all her little interpretations of him with everything he said in a funny way

"Nah I guess not, but it's cute - really it is" she laughed, sipping on her drink as Theo had forgotten all about ordering his own and his focus was on her and her only

"Oh I'm cute now?" He asked, in a flirty manner because she started it first

Without shame, she was bold as she quickly bounced off of his last answer and responded, "You're definitely more than cute"

"Okay so what's that?" He egged her on, wanting to know what she thought about him

He already knew what she thought - that he was attractive or something along the lines of that, but Theo always did love the chase.

He always did love to hear a girl admit to him that they liked him.

Wanted him

"Why don't you tell me? Cause I think you know the answer to that question" she asks rhetorically, stepping closer to Theo as she tilted her head to the side ever so slightly, peering up at him under her lashes as she sipped on her drink

Staring into her eyes, Theo had to close his own momentarily to get out of the sinful look she was giving him as he mumbled, "Mmm. You're bad"

"Bad?" She questioned, as she watched this Adam's apple bob when he reopened his eyes, looking into her eyes once again

"Yeah - bad, as in trouble, dangerous" he spelled it out for her

Trouble - to cause (someone) inconvenience

Dangerous - Likely to cause problems or to have adverse consequences

"Those are synonyms, not definitions" she pointed out, "Hmm, but I do like trouble and danger though, makes life more exciting"

"Yeah?" He looked at her up and down, seeing this little glint in her eyes that only made her feel more dangerous

"Yeah - like in bed" she whispered

"Oh we're talking about bed now?" Theo raised his eyebrows in mock shock, as he smiled at her sipping her drink

"Yeah, what you don't want to be in mine?"

"Wow okay" Theo blinked at her boldness

"What? Too forward?" she didn't have an inch of embarrassment or shame on her. She was confident and cool

She was sultry and relaxed.

"How about we get to know each other then?" She brushed her hand over his arm as he glanced down at it, but didn't move nor say anything about it

"So what do you wanna know?" He couldn't help but let a smile slip onto his face at the sight of her eyes practically speaking a million words to him as she sipped her drink

"Umm, I guess why you're here - out on a Friday night, alone"

"I'm here to figure some shit out. Needed time to you know, just think" he answered, not wanting to think about his problems, right here right now he was just a guy in a bar being flirted with by a girl

"Vague - real vague..." she nodded, trailing off, hoping to get the guy's name she had been talking to

"Theo" he answered

"Theo" She repeated, "cute - short for Theodore?" She asked

"Just Theo" he quickly corrected her, not wanting anyone to call him that name

"Okay just Theo, I'm Abbi" she introduced herself

It was as if this haziness of something engulfed them and Theo wasn't thinking of anything else but the girl infront of him who was saying everything that reminded himself of the past

Of Theo that once was

The one who used to have girls practically on a weekly roster, knowing who each day he was gonna go and see.

"Hey guys you need to be served?" The bartender had come back around and broke the pair out of their bubble of lust, unspoken thoughts and deception

Theo opened his mouth to order, as he was reminded of what he had originally come to the bar for - but was interrupted by Abbi, "I'll have whatever he's having"

Looking over at her as she looked at him after telling the bartender her order, he smiled as he said, "Oh whatever I'm having, so you're now my mini-me"

"Your mini me?" She quoted back at him with raised eyebrows at him thinking that of her

"Yeah - you. Copying my drinks and everything." He teased - pointing at the bottles of Sol in the fridge and asking for two to the bartender

"Yeah but you're copying my vibe" she stepped towards him as he looked down at her

"Your vibe?" He asked, copying her words

"Mmhmm my vibe" She loosely hung her arms around Theo's neck as she stared at him - not caring for the two drinks he had just paid for

"And what vibe is that?" He securely grabbed her waist - keeping her steady as someone knocked into them slightly

"Oh I'll be happy to show you" she whispered against his lips just before she leant forward and connecting them feverishly

Theo let all his worries wash away with the taste of Abbi's cocktail being welcomed into his mouth as her tongue danced with his, making her moan aloud in the public place

Pulling away from the kiss to take a breath after that intense moment, Abbi giggled at Theo

"Wanna get out of here?" She asked

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