Trashed & Treasured

By EdenFortae

5.2M 181K 15.8K

Jade Emmerson was born to two wolf parents but has a dormant gene that practically makes her human. When she... More

Winter: Update


103K 3.3K 92
By EdenFortae

Pushing through the back door I did a silent prayer and tried my damnedest to cover my nerves. I can feel Dominic's rattled nerves and trust me, it isn't helping. That could just be leftover shock from what I just made him do which sort of makes my wolf hold her head high with pride. Deep down I know he's mad at me for challenging him in that way but my wolf demanded it. The connection between us strengthened during my little walk through the woods and it was then that I finally got the 'ass-kicking' that I needed—mentally anyway. The reason why my scent has not changed is her way of protecting this pup and we haven't lost the ability to shift for that same reason. She also made me see that these people—my people—have probably doubted me from the beginning and instead of standing tall and confident I let my fears show. Who can actually lead when they're obviously scared and constantly worried? If I'm going to be Queen of the entire wolf nation, I need to wise up start acting like it.

It was no surprise that as soon as we stepped foot in the kitchen we could hear my parents and Dominic's father talking about the baby. Part of me is a little upset that they know now because I think they're going to be extra cautious and picky over everything that I do I'll get over it. I gripped my mate's hand tighter as we drew closer to the voices again praying that my assumption is correct. I'm on a mission to be a much stronger wolf but let's face it, I'm still soft in the middle.

Him squeezing my hand back provides me with the comfort I need to continue forward. Rounding the corner we stopped inside the wide doorway and scanned each of their faces as the room fell silent. Saying we needed to combine our strengths was much easier said than done because surely enough, here we are and I really don't know where to start. I close my eyes and take the deepest breath. When I reopened them they fall upon Dominic's father and it was decided from there. I extended my hand to him to which he stood and took hold of without hesitation. At the same time, he presented me with the warmest smile unknowingly washing away my fear that this won't work. Not smiling back was impossible. Looking at him is like looking into the future at my mate and on top of that, this man has always accepted me. I feel like I can throw my arms around him and curl up in his arms like I'd do with my own Dad and his response would be to close his arms around me.

I turned to Dominic just as he repeated my action of extending his hand to his father. Harold actually hesitated and expressed his confusion through knitted brows before moving to accept the offer. With all three of us now connected I felt like my heart was going to fall out of my chest, especially when nothing happened. We stood there in silence for the longest minute ever just looking back and forth at one another before I huffed out a frustrated breath.

'It's not working. Why isn't it working?'

'I don't know Baby. Maybe this isn't what we're supposed to do. Maybe it's something else.'

'This has to be it, Dominic. It makes sense for this to be it. When it comes to Cameron everything we've done has been separate. This has to be it, Dominic.'

I could hear my own desperation echoing inside my mind. I know what he means by something else and I really don't want to believe it. Before this point, before I had a wolf, and before I had a mate that actually wanted me I thought of my kids and when I thought of those kids the only word that ever came to mind was 'normal'. It's going to be hard for the first royal heir to be the typical definition of normal but I still want him or her to have the closest thing to a normal childhood. They won't have that if as soon as they're born they have to right something Mommy and Daddy couldn't. It's not fair and is disappointing to think about.

Letting go of Dominic's hand, I trailed my fingers across the hidden bump with a wordless apology to my unborn. Despite this, I promise I'm going to make sure that he or she gets to be a carefree child for as long as possible. As soon as my flattened palm was against my belly the other hand still holding on to Harold began to warm up. There was this tingle sitting in the palm of my hand that sort of itch. Dominic's heart is beating rapidly, matching the same rhythm as mine. It's loud and thunderous, almost like a drum. Then just as quickly as it all started, it stops.

Fuck! It stopped!

I really didn't want to look up at Harold because I didn't want him or anyone to see the tears of disappointment trying to force their way out but did so as a reflex when I heard him gasp. This man is more than a foot taller than me so I practically have my head to the ceiling when looking at his face and it's because of that awkward angle and the fact that we're standing directly under a light that I almost missed the flash in his eyes. An increasing smile was spread across his face and once again I found myself doing it back.

"We did it..." Dominic whispered beside me, standing stock still with his eyes wide and focused on his father.

"Did what? What's going on?" My mother piped in lightly, taking a curious step forward. Even though I saw Harold's eyes change color and can feel the presence of his wolf, I'm not ready to get happy yet.

"We did it...WE DID IT! How? How did we do that Jade?" He excitedly popped out question after question.

I laughed feeling those same tears make a run for my cheeks but for a different reason this time. Swatting them with the sleeve of my shirt I tried to regain my composure needing to see if this is really happening.

"Mom? Could you come here please?" My voice shook with each word. Like Harold with Dominic, she seemed a little hesitant but quickly crossed the room and took our hands. Every now and then she'd glance over her shoulder at Harold, I guess to figure out what was going on since neither of us has to yet to explain anything. I placed my free hand on my belly right away this time but nothing happened.

Shit! We got too excited too soon.

"What are we doing differently?" There's nothing different as far as I can tell. Dominic is holding my mother's hand as am I and my other hand is over the baby. This is the same exact thing we did with his father so why isn't it working now? "This is how it was minutes ago. I had my hand here," I moved my hand down to the left side of my stomach just above my belly button, "and my eyes were closed thinking about how much I really wanted to do this for so that the baby won't have to."

A small huff resembling dull laughter rushed through Dominic as a small smile made its way onto his face. "So was I..."

Staring at each other for that brief moment, we exchanged words through our eyes only. While still holding on to my mother's hand we both began thinking of our unborn. Just like before, our hands warmed and our hearts sped up but instead of looking away this time, I focused on my mother's eyes waiting for that flash. She gasped and blinked once long and hard. When her eyes opened I saw the flash of her wolf and instantly broke into a smile. That was it! That was how we did it! Together, side by side with the greatest symbol of our union as our motivation.


An emergency meeting was called after we restored the current Alpha and Luna. It lasted well into the early morning hours since we had to touch each and every pack member. To be on the safe side we included children and infants just in case Cameron's powers had somehow reached them and when it was all over I was dead tired. News of our pup also came out at that meeting considering I was touching my belly the whole time. As I thought, there were some that gave me strange looks that I can only speculate about but it is what it is. The only look that did concern me was from Dominic's mother. Restoring her wolf was probably one of the tensest moments we've ever experienced. When she first laid eyes on my stomach her expression was blank.

 When she took her son's hand she looked at him with so much love and regret but when she looked my way to take my hand, she failed to look me in the face. It seemed like I was invisible to her and I could tell that it was bothering Dominic. I felt his frustration and even the stress of our strained relationship weighing on him so when the Alpha suggested the entire pack go for a run to celebrate the return of their wolves I encouraged him to go and spend the time with his Dad. He was refusing to leave me at first but with a promise that I would go home and go to bed, he relented. I sent him off with a kiss and watched everyone including Jax and Kayla run toward the clearing as they let off howl after joyful howl. I turned toward the house that I knew would be pretty much empty aside from a few of our guards and Trent and his men but at the last second, took a detour.

The walk was pleasant considering the cool air that was brushing by me. I just rubbed my stomach with each step and continued forward, seeing this time as bonding time with me and the baby. I'll admit that a part of me was jealous when Dominic said that he'd already bonded with our pup and was hoping for the same connection. Maybe I'll just have to wait until he or she is about three or four and bribe them with cookies. Light laughter escaped through my nose as I approach the perfectly decorated front lawn separated by a long stone walkway. I have no qualms about this and actually feel confident knocking on this door. When it opens, however, my mouth does go a little dry.

Sheryl stepped from behind the heavy looking oak door actually looking me in the eyes this time. Her face held the same blank expression as before inducing an exasperated sigh that was cut off by an unexpected move. Reaching through the doorway she gripped my hand gently and pulled me inside, shutting the door once I was in.

"Would you like something to drink? Water, hot tea? Maybe sit and get off your feet for a second?"

"Thanks but no thanks," I smiled as best as I could. "What I came here for won't take that long and I have to get back before Dominic's finish the run." She nodded nervously folding her hands together in front of her. Her? Nervous? I never thought I'd see the day. She came at me from the start like an angry lioness defending her cub. I never would have ever thought this woman knew what it meant to be nervous. "I just want to say that I understand why you reacted to me the way you did in the beginning and that I don't blame you one bit. I'm not yet a mother but I can say now that it would hurt me to have to watch my child go through what you did when Dominic lost Alice. You were just looking out for what was best for your child and I get that but like I told you before Mrs. Cruz, my intention is not now nor would it ever be to hurt him. You can take my word for it or you can keep your guard up but I'd like for this to end now. We don't have to have a close relationship—"

Before I could complete my statement Sheryl had me pulled to her rubbing soothing circles into my back. "I'm sorry! For everything. He was right. You make him happy and I see that now. You don't have to let me into your lives right away but I would love to be a part of it." Hearing that touched me deeply. I don't want to be at war with my mate's mother and if this is a start to something better between us, I'll take it.

I placed my arms around her accepting the hug. We stood there for I don't know how long, just embracing each other in silence. It was hard but I managed to break the hug deciding it would be best if I made it home before Dominic since I did promise him I was going. As I pulled back Sheryl rubbed my stomach and smiled. I walked out of there feeling better than I have in a really long time. It finally feels like things are coming together. All we need now is to bring all this bullshit with Cameron to an overdue end.

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