Spearing the Siren

By KKBurns_Author

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In the final novel of the Valkyrie Project, the war between Alfheim, the Dokkalfar, and Helheim comes to a he... More



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By KKBurns_Author

      Navileth put down his transport next to the intact Dokkalfar cruiser, disappearing in the shadow of the mammoth vessel. He exited, sealing his ship with a password, bringing his pack over his shoulders. He stepped onto the ground, looking up at a pekid sky. He found tracks nearby, all belonging to Dokkalfr tread. He found the cargo door, taking a device from the vest underneath his thick coat. He pressed an access code into the command box and the ship hissed as the ramp slid down and the door slid to the side.
      He walked up the ramp, finding himself in the cargo area before taking long strides up another ramp to the central corridor. After a few feet it split in three directions. He ran his gloved hands over burn marks along the walls, memory taking him to the command center three decks up. The lift operated perfectly, taking him to his requested level, the doors sliding open. He walked quietly down the corridor until he stepped inside.
      He noticed the carnage from where he stood, not needing to go inside to know there was no one living inside it. He walked up to the command console against the wall directly ahead of him, finding the controls operational. He ran a scan of the ship's systems and found the vessel had landed properly, following post-flight procedures.
      He walked to a dead soldier and slid his spear from his sheath before turning and walking out, heading back to the cargo bay. He sealed up the ship on his way out, tapping another code into his device. He searched for more tracks, still finding only Dokkalfr tread. He looked up at the maudlin sky, unable to tell if it spelled a setting sun.
      Navi brought his pack closer to his neck, gripping the spear as he headed for the white forest a good hour's walk away. He stayed focused on his surroundings though his mind wanted to wander, curious what had made them abandon the vessel. The soldiers could have killed the admiral, but he didn't believe that. He'd heard stories about this naracan, and something told him it would take more than soldiers to bring him down, even a ship full of them.
      The sun began to set by the time he reached the trees. As he walked down a rough path, he stepped in some kind of liquid. When he recognized it, he gripped his spear tighter. He paid attention to the trees above him as he passed, watching out for any moving shadows. He walked what seemed like hours before he saw the first carcass, hung from a tree.
      Navi walked up to it, noticing the clean, precise cut of the decapitated xenomorph, and recognized it as a Ljosalfr's work, rather than the brutal, emotional killing style of Dokkalfar. He found himself smiling at his instincts being proven correct. As he walked, he found more hung carcasses, killed in the exact same way, hung in the same way. They gave him an odd sort of comfort.
      Navileth stopped walking at the tremors that ran through the ground. Next he felt vibrations then heard a pounding sound. After that came the sound of breaking branches. He found a hollow trunk and snuck inside it, pulling a few branches in front of it. He waited for the noises to grow louder. The ground shook and he saw something thick like a tree trunk drop onto the ground outside his tree. His chest vibrated as the pounding continued before it died in the quiet of the forest.
      He pushed his way out, looking down at the huge footprint by his feet. He kept walking.

      Darkness had fallen in the wood as Navileth bent to bring some water from a stream into a tin cup. He drank from it when his elvish ears picked up a humming. He raised his eyes to the water that seemed to vibrate with life. When he heard the thud behind him, he rose.
      "I'm touched."
      Navileth turned to give the admiral a mixed look, noticing his armor had grown dirty.
      "I saw your handiwork on the path."
      Lysandril gave him a look like he tried to look into his soul.
      "I wasn't expecting a search party."
      "What's going on, sir? Why did you leave the cruiser? It's clearly undamaged."
      Lysandril's gaze gentled. "I sealed it."
      "I found a way inside. Where are the soldiers?"
      "Around here somewhere. I roam around, looking for threats and come back to them."
      Navileth wondered if he should have so much in common with a Ljosalfr admiral.
      "Why didn't you just stop the ship from entering the atmosphere?"
      "I was a little busy with a few of those creatures in the command center. Evidently, a soldier had managed to get free and was in the middle of plotting a course that would lead right into the planet when one of them attacked him."
      "But you stopped the ship from burning up. Again, I ask, why not just come back up into the atmosphere?"
      Lysandril gave him a warm look.
      "I'm afraid you overestimate my skill, young one." Navi grunted suspiciously. "Since the ship was already in planetary burn, I had to land it."
      "And then?"
      "And then more of the creatures who had clearly been waiting to ambush us did just that. We had to leave the ship to keep from being overrun. Now we're hunting them down before they can do much more damage."
      "Or you could rile up a few and send them toward Hel's cave."
      Lysandril shook his head, looking up at the canopy of trees above them.
      "I wouldn't disrespect them by using them like cattle."
      "Of course. Cattle that you could have slaughtered inside the ship, but decided to let leave it." Those light green eyes only met his gaze, giving away nothing. Navileth gave him a look. "You destroyed the nest, didn't you?"
      "You've encountered these things before, child?"
      "I have. On many worlds. It would have been nothing for an elf of your status to wipe them all out at once."
      "I'm flattered—"
      "It's not like Ljosalfar to be self-deprecating." The admiral gave him a chiding look, but didn't respond. "You're going after Hel, aren't you?" He saw approval fill those light elf eyes.
      "You shouldn't be here, child. You have a purpose far from here."
      He turned away toward the woods behind him.
      "Is this wise? You have how many elves with you? Ten?"
      "Eight," the elf said, tossing a smile over his shoulder. "I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but I am in no danger."
      Navileth shook his head. "She has an entire army of the dead—"
      "I'm aware of what she has, child. Don't worry about me. I'm sure your enforcer is wondering where you've gone off to."
      Navileth strode up to him, giving him a determined look.
      "I think you're being foolish."
      The admiral gave him a fond look.
      "Message received."
      Navi folded his arms across his chest.
      "So now I'm dismissed so I can go be a breeder?"
      Lysandril smiled impishly, momentarily amusing him.
      "You did see the queen did you not? Imagine her not crazy and then complain."
      Navi looked down at the ground, chuckling briefly. He looked up at him.
      "What makes you think I swing that way?"
      "I doubt you, my child, have ever not swung every which way."
      Navileth laughed. "You're calling me a whore."
      The impish smile in the ancient elf's eyes amused him.
      "I wouldn't dare say such to the future Dokkalfar consort. But I doubt the new queen will be complaining."
      Navi smiled. "Trying to flirt with me to distract me?"
      The elder elf's eyes turned kind, warming him.
      "Not all compliments are rooted in sexual desire, child. You must go now and leave my work to me. I do not rush in blindly. You must trust me."
      Navileth gave him a concerned look. But he said nothing more before walking back the way he'd come. Gaeleth turned to watch him go fondly. He hoped the next heir to the throne possessed the kindness of its father.

      William turned as the brigade commander walked onto the operations deck.
      "That was quick," he said with a level gaze.
      "He's fine. He seems to think he can take out Hel with the few Dokkalfar soldiers he has with him."
      William raised an eyebrow. "That would be quite strange for your people, wouldn't it?"
      "The Ljosalfar and Dokkalfar working together to kill the queen of the dead? No, that would change history."
      He turned and walked out, William looking after him curiously.

      Navileth walked into their bedroom, slipping out of his long, black coat.
      "Just what did you think you were doing?"
      He looked toward the refreshment room to see his lover filling the threshold. Navi gave him a gentle look.
      "I came back, didn't I?"
      "I'm here to watch your back—"
      "No, you're here for me."
      Osric's brows drew down in displeasure.
      "I'm not here as your fuck buddy, Navi."
      Osric's gaze gentled. "I'm here in the capacity of your enforcer, Navileth. That is my function."
      "Can't I just have you with me? Why do you have to fulfill a function?"
      "Because that is my place in your life—"
      "You're my partner, Osric."
      "Your partner that you leave behind while you go on a dangerous mission—"
      "You do know who you're talking to, right?" Navileth asked gently, Osric giving him a look.
      "Boy, do I."
      Navi grunted a laugh. His eyes danced and his lover gave him a tolerant look, fondness around the edges.
      "A Ljosalfr admiral flirted with me."
      Osric grunted, but there was a smile in his eyes.
      "Your ego truly has no bounds, does it?"
      Navi gave him a playful look.
      "Don't you think a Ljosalfr would find me sexy?"
      "Hmm," Osric said with now suggestive eyes he loved. "I think a rock would find you sexy, but—"
      "Then come over and give me a kiss."
      Osric shook his head. "What about me would make you think I'm that easy to manipulate?"
      Navi unzipped his pants, giving him a sultry look.
      "I've seen it," Osric said flatly.
      "You and half the Dokkalfar star system."
      A smile filled Osric's eyes. "Isn't that the truth."
      Navi dropped his pants, pulling his tunic over his head, Osric watching, despite his tough words.
      "Trying to make up for the fact you're going to be screwing some royal hermit soon?"
       Navileth lifted his hands, giving him a charming smile.
      "My skill set is finally going to come in handy."
      Osric chuckled as Navileth sauntered up to him, loving the growing heat in his enforcer's eyes. Navileth jumped up, wrapping his arms around his neck, Osric holding his ass up as he wrapped his legs around him, giving him a sultry gaze before he gave him a little kiss. He pinched one of his butt cheeks.
      "Do that again, I'll kill you."
      Navileth gave him a naughty look as Osric brought him to the bed, throwing him down. Navi put a foot on the mattress, swaying his knee as he gave him a mischievous look.
      "Ready to teach me a lesson, Daddy?"
      Osric guffawed. "Gods, I adore you, Valhalla help me."
      Navileth smiled up at him suggestively before finding his knees, walking up to him, grabbing his belt. He raised naughty grey eyes to him as he unbuckled it. He dangled it in front of him.
      "I think I need to be disciplined this time."
      Osric chuckled, swiping the belt from him. Navi moved his ass side to side, his enforcer's gaze heating.
      "You have been very bad."
      Navileth nodded solemnly. "I need a firm hand."
      Osric grabbed his neck as he pulled him forward for a kiss. He shoved him onto the mattress, Navileth smiling up at him.
      "Assume the position, then, before it goes worse for you."
      Navileth moved quickly, turning over, sitting up on his knees, shaking his ass. Osric almost laughed too hard to swing the belt.

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