Spearing the Siren

By KKBurns_Author

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In the final novel of the Valkyrie Project, the war between Alfheim, the Dokkalfar, and Helheim comes to a he... More



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By KKBurns_Author

      Valiskar leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest when L'aeric came from the refreshment room, wrapped in a towel. The light elf met his gaze briefly before walking to the bed, sitting down, examining his nails and Valiskar watched him for a moment, his drying white-blond hair resting against his muscular shoulders and back.
      He pushed off the wall and walked to the bed, sitting beside him, taking in his fresh scent with a warm gaze. He lifted some hair from his shoulder, feeling it between his fingers, still finding the color a novelty.
      "Sliding from one partner to the next?" His light elf's cold voice warmed him. When he didn't respond, L'aeric looked at him with a hesitant gaze. Valiskar laid the strand of hair against his shoulder delicately rather than just dropping it.
      "We come from different understandings of fidelity," he said quietly, L'aeric looking down. Valiskar tilted his head. "Did you expect I would honor yours above mine?"
      L'aeric grunted, a derogatory sound, he assumed. He didn't mention his race, but it was in the air between them.
      "You could have discussed it with me first."
      "I would have preferred if you joined us, but that never would have happened." His light elf gave him a look he couldn't translate. "Is this a problem?" he asked quietly. L'aeric's gaze softened.
      "A part of me thinks nothing could be a problem, but a deeper part wonders if that is healthy."
      The back of Valiskar's hand touched his cheek before dropping it.
      "Would you like me to go?"
      "Does that mean you refuse to give up your partners?"
      Valiskar gave him a keen gaze. "Yes," he replied calmly. "You need to think if that is something you can handle."
      He rose when L'aeric touched his arm. Valiskar looked down at him with a warm gaze for the contact. He took a step closer to him, pushing his hair to his back, his hand covering a cheek, his beautiful elf looking up at him with eyes as crystal clear blue as a frosted ocean. His thumb ran over his chin, those eyes he'd seen across rooms and battles for centuries looking up at him with an open expression he never imagined they would have.
      L'aeric gently tugged on the arm he still touched, Valiskar complying, sitting beside him, closer than before. He took his thighs and brought his legs over his, his Ljosalr's gaze heating as Valiskar's hand rested on his hip, the towel hiked up higher on his thighs. Valiskar's other hand touched his chin, a thumb running down to his collarbone. His light elf's eyes softened like a melting icy river.
      "Do you know how many years I dreamed about being with you, like this?"
      Valiskar looked at him with an intense gaze that represented his heart poorly.
      "And what happened in these dreams?" L'aeric leaned forward and gave his lips a delicate kiss, so different from the pleasure master. The purity of it penetrated his heart, and it wasn't a word he would normally attribute appreciation. His fingers ran over his hair at his shoulder rather than grabbing it with aggression that came so naturally to him. "You're so different now," he whispered against his mouth, L'aeric leaning back to look up at him, Valiskar once again captured by those eyes of his.
      "Is it disappointing?"
      Valiskar's fingers captured the ends of his hair, his light elf's eyes softening at the answer he saw in his eyes.
      "I would have killed ten legion generals to get to you, you know that, right?"
      L'aeric's eyes softened with an expression that took his breath away. He took the hand that touched his hair and pressed his lips to his palm, Valiskar freezing, pressure filling his chest. L'aeric lifted his head, pressing his mouth to his with pure passion that moved him. He cradled his head as he returned it in the same measure. His light elf surprised him by gently pushing him back on the bed, moving on top as his kiss intensified.
      Valiskar's hand touched his muscular bicep, running down his side and back as he would touch a sculpture. He hesitated before taking the towel away though his body already reacted to the feel of him on top of him. L'aeric's hands held his face as he continued to kiss him, moving himself up to reach his mouth better, the movement nearly making him groan. His hands graduated to his hips covered in the towel, but stopped there.
      L'aeric leaned back, looking down at him as though confused, and he understood why. The passion in his eyes became muted as he leaned back before Valiskar touched his cheek.
      "You never need worry about that. I just didn't know how far you wanted to take this tonight."
      His light elf's eyes softened once more.
      "I want you to give me everything you gave that pleasure master."
      A smile filled Valiskar's eyes.
      "That was rough, I don't think I could be that way with you."
      L'aeric gave him a tolerant look that nearly made him laugh.
      "You were rough the first time. Do you think I'm some wilting flower, or what?"
      Valiskar smiled, placing a thumb over his lips.
"You're different from him."
      The offense left his lover's eyes for warmth. He brought his thumb away before kissing his knuckles, never looking away from him.
      "I don't much care how you do it, love," he whispered, Valiskar smiling at what he didn't say. His muscular light elf sat up, his eyes sultry as he removed his towel, Valiskar's body easily reacting. L'aeric removed his pants, the tender passion in his eyes holding his attention. When he pleasured him, Valiskar wasn't sure why it humbled him. He didn't feel guilty for being with Navariel, but he knew Ljosalfar didn't see sex in the same way.
      When L'aeric returned his mouth to his, Valiskar took his head and kissed him passionately. His hands found his hair as his passion increased. He rolled on top, holding his wrists on the mattress above his head as he found his neck, his Ljosalfr wrapping his muscled thighs around him. When L'aeric grinded against him, he guessed his elf was less in the mood for foreplay tonight. He leaned back just enough to speak, his partner's body tight as a spring underneath him.
      "I want you inside me tonight," he whispered against his mouth, L'aeric's arms tightening around his neck. When his elf moved quickly as he turned him over, he smiled at his haste. L'aeric didn't bother with foreplay before taking his pleasure, Valiskar aroused by his aggression as he rode him hard, even desperately, his moans like wine on his tongue. His disciplined light elf quickly lost his control and Valiskar loved every moment of it.
      When L'aeric came with a gorgeous, long moan, Valiskar wondered if it was the most erotic sound he'd ever heard. He moved his backside against him sensuously, L'aeric exhaled.
      "I'm still hungry, my Ljosalfr," he teased him. "Feed me."
      He was delighted when his partner didn't laugh or make a derogatory sound before riding him smoothly, like a boat on the tide. His thrusts picked up speed and Valiskar shut his eyes in contentment.

      Valiskar lay on his side, watching his elf's eyelids droop, perspiration on his forehead, his hair damp around his face. His eyes opened wider, softening on him watching him. Valiskar moved closer to him, brushing his hair from his eyes.
      "I like the way you make love," he said quietly, those ice blue eyes heating.
      "And I love that you want me to."
      The back of Valiskar's hand brushed his cheek.
      "I don't know if anyone could deny such beauty."
      L'aeric's eyes filled with emotion though he couldn't imagine the information came as a surprise.
      "Nor could I."
      Valiskar's hand took his cheek as he kissed him passionately. His light elf returned it with desperation that once again moved him. Valiskar held him tightly, this Ljosalfr commander who'd taken him by surprise, and continued to do so the longer they knew each other.

      Alvaen stepped inside their bedroom, stopping just inside, the door sliding shut behind him to watch his chancellor snore logs on his side of the bed. He walked up to him, smiling down at the dignified second most powerful elf in Svartalfheim, his mouth open as he snored loudly. Loridian woke, his eyelids drooping when he realized he stood beside the bed. A sleepy smile came to his eyes, touching his heart as it always did.
      "I thought you were in your room tonight."
      Alvaen sat beside him.
      "And I thought you would be acquainting yourself with a certain pleasure master," he said with warmth in his eyes. His chancellor blinked at him as though confused but he knew he wasn't slow.
      "Are you saying you'd let me? Now you tell me."
      Alvaen's heart filled with warmth that such an elf would keep himself from pleasure just for him.
      "I didn't think I'd be able to stop you when you went in for that meeting."
      Loridian's gaze gentled. "A promise is a promise."
      Alvaen looked down at the mattress, smoothing the blanket.
      "I don't remember you promising," he said quietly.
      "You told me how it had to be. Shouldn't I have listened?" he asked gently. Alvaen returned his eyes to him that said all the things he couldn't say.
      "Thank you," he whispered. Loridian reached out a hand, palm up. He took it, Alvaen snuggling next to him on a hip, his chancellor looking at him with a heated gaze he knew all too well. Loridian touched his face, a thumb on his bottom lip.
      "You're worth it."
      Alvaen shut his eyes as he kissed his thumb. He opened them, his chancellor giving him an intensified look. He grabbed a hip and pulled him on top of him, Alvaen giving him smiling eyes.
      "I wondered what took you so long."
      "Sometimes you're incredibly distracting."
      Alvaen took his hand, running his bottom lip over his palm without looking away from him.
"Only sometimes?"
      "You better get over here and kiss me quick, sexy beast."
       Alvaen smiled as his legs settled around him, leaning down to kiss him. His chancellor's hands found his back in a rough touch, stopping just above his ass. The growl in his throat made him smile, ruining the kiss as he leaned back a little.
      "Navariel has nothing on this," he said as he grabbed a butt cheek with gusto, surprising him. The sultry smile in his chancellor's eyes almost made him laugh. He found himself on his back, giving his mate a delighted look as Loridian settled on his side beside him, those naughty ice blue eyes making his night. His chancellor's hand caressed his face and neck, those eyes of his caressing other places.
      "What made you come here if you thought I was otherwise occupied?"
      "I thought I'd wait for you."
      Loridian dipped his head, kissing him with sudden hunger that worked on all the right places. He gave his lips another, softer kiss that somehow aroused him more than his lust.
      "I missed you," Alvaen whispered before he realized it, Loridian taking his bottom lip between his teeth briefly, his growl going straight to his groin. Alvaen lifted his mouth, brushing his lips over his. "Touch me," he whispered. "Grab me—" he cut himself off when his mate didn't wait for him to finish, his hand grabbing him between the legs in a fierce grip that instantly made him hard as a rock. His hand covered his, tightening his hold as he leaned upward, tasting his bottom lip before releasing it.
      "Tell me you want me," Loridian said in a low voice, his mouth hovering above his parted lips. Alvaen groaned as he began rubbing his hand against his erection.
      "I want you so bad," he moaned.
      "How bad?" Loridian grunted, working him faster.
      "So bad," he said in a weak voice only this elf could inspire. He brought his mouth closer. "Fuck me, Loridian, I need it..."
      "Say my name again," his chancellor commanded as Alvaen panted against him. When his mate squeezed him, a sound he didn't recognize rose from his throat. He gasped.
"Loridian, please..."
      His mate yanked his pants down, and he nearly came at the aggressive movement. Loridian's hand in his hair pressed his head to the pillow, his other hand working him with agonizing slowness. Alvaen pushed his body against his hand, needing it faster, a moan deep in his throat as he closed his eyes. Loridian's teeth momentarily found his chin. His hand increased speed and sequential moans from beneath him filled the air.
      "Come for me, come now," he commanded in a growl and Alvaen cried out as he obeyed. He exhaled, relaxing.
      "You're an evil elf," he whispered breathlessly. Loridian captured his earlobe between his teeth. Alvaen pushed him onto his back, straddling him, his chancellor's desirous eyes on him as his hands grabbed his hips. Alvaen took his wet hand and put it around his own member, Loridian's eyes heating. Alvaen grinded against him mercilessly, Loridian's hands on his ass pressing him harder against him. Alvaen arched his spine, Loridian's hand finding his throat as they moved against one another.
      After Loridian orgasmed with a groan, Alvaen leaned against him, holding his wrists against the mattress as he bit his neck. Loridian moved his hips against his and they fell into a rhythm. They both orgasmed again after a slow burn release, Alvaen's hand tight in his hair. Loridian wrapped an arm around his waist and Alvaen went still, resting his cheek on his shoulder. Loridian's hands ran up and down his back under the tunic he wore in a comforting touch that nearly put him to sleep.
      Alvaen leaned back, Loridian's hand finding his face, a thumb touching his bottom lip while Alvaen's eyes softened.
      "Sexy as hell, as always," Loridian murmured.
      "You bring it out in me."
      "My darkling."
      Alvaen's eyes heated. "Aways." He brushed his black hair from his face, taking in the way his chancellor looked at him, with tenderness and possession that captured his entire heart. "You remember that first shower together?"
      He loved watching the desire fill those dominant blue eyes.
      "I remember I couldn't believe you were going for it. When that ass of yours started rubbing against me, I thought I'd died and went to Valhalla."
      Alvaen gave him a pleased look.
      "That was hot."
      Loridian chuckled. "You were. My little spitfire. I wanted you so bad that night." Alvaen gave him an impish look that made his chancellor chuckle. He squeezed a butt cheek. "My naughty darkling."
      Alvaen's gaze heated. "It was amazing I got to the shower. When you came inside, I knew I was done for."
      "I never thought I'd want anyone so much, not even Lillevenn."
      Alvaen's eyes softened. "I'm flattered."
      "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't agreed to be my mate."
      The words pulled on his heartstrings.
      "You know I couldn't have denied you for long. I'm weaker than I appear."
      Loridian's hand covered his cheek.
      "There's nothing weak about you. You're not by my side simply because of the sex, you know."
       Alvaen's gaze warmed. "Thank you."
       Loridian leaned upward and gave him a little kiss that touched him. He rested his head on his chest, wrapping his arms around him. Loridian exhaled, his hand running down his hair.
      "I love you, my darkling."
      The words easily penetrated his heart.
      "And I love you, my chancellor. So much."
      Loridian's arm tightened around him, making him feel treasured and safe, something he never thought to feel again, after the darkness.

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