Unraveling the World | HetaOn...

Da preciousprattle

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a tale in which you, the reader, have been living in a cursed mansion your whole life and must watch Italy an... Altro

author's note (1)
1 - not again
2 - running away
3 - the piano room
4 - scarves
5 - visions
6 - lovely stranger
author's note (2)
7 - warm
8 - outcomes
9 - allies
10 - fractured
11- vulnerable
12 - trust
13 - two holes
14 - childlike
15 - constant
16 - ruse
17 - the world
18 - impossibility
19 - changing
author's note (3)
21 - warning
22 - the past (part 1/2)
23 - the past (part 2/2)
24 - sacrifice

20 - lost memories

118 13 10
Da preciousprattle

(image does not belong to me. credit belongs to its respective owner)


"Da... dame desu ne(1)," Japan stuttered.

He was holding the photo frame, everyone peering from behind his shoulders trying to see it too.

On it was a small child with (s/c) skin and (e/c) eyes, smiling widely. On either side of her was who appeared to be her mother and father, also smiling. But there was something wrong with the picture.

Someone had sinisterly drawn x's over the parents' eyes in dark red marker.

"Holy shit," America said. "Who the hell did that? It wasn't you, right, dude?"

You shook your head sadly and gestured for Italy to explain.

"She found it that way." Italy had a comforting arm around your shoulders. "But it doesn't make any sense because the monster can't get into her room- the opening's too small..."

"So who else could've done it?" pressed France.

"Someone not too big or broad. A person with a medium or small frame." Italy frowned.

"Who would do such a thing..." Canada said in a whisper. England was patting his cheek, trying to think of a logical explanation.

"There are no other entrance to your room?" He asked you seriously.

You shook your head slowly. None.

"And this was done only after they died," Italy added, looking down at you sorrowfully. "So it was done by intention."

Everyone stood in silence, contemplating the situation.

"This is strange, but we can't draw any conclusions now. And unfortunately, there are more pressing things to worry about," Germany said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I suggest we take some time to think about this when we're more able to."

Thats true, you thought and nodded in agreement. Then you remembered something. "Have.... something."

"You brought something?" Prussia asked, cocking his head to the side. "Like what?"

You knelt down and with a loud clatter, dumped everything out of your bag onto the floor.

Along with the supplies Canada and you had packed, you had grabbed some extra clothes for you, matches, a flashlight, hair ties, rubber bands, some gentle soap, and an old camera.

America gasped and rushed to pick up the camera. "Oh. My. Gosh. I haven't seen one of these in a long time!"


"It's a super old American model. It prints pictures right away. Is there still film inside it?"


"Ho-ly shiiiiit." America breathed, his eyes still wide. "Wow, I feel so nostalgic."

"Wait, America. How old is that camera exactly?" England asked, an odd note in his tone.

"Um... lemme think..." He squinted and tilted his head to the side, looking at it closely. "1940's, I think."

"Wow, it has been a minute!" Spain exclaimed. "How did it get here? And it looks like it's in pretty good shape."


Ow, my throat. I better stop speaking for now.

"It was just found randomly in the mansion? Is that what took your family picture, chica(2)?"

"Y..." You were about to say yes when you stopped yourself. Your throat felt dry and swollen and itchy. It was very uncomfortable.

"? Does your throat hurt, bella(3)?"

You shrugged, trying to play it off.

"Maybe you should talk less then, (Name)-chan(4). Talking is still new to you, correct? Maybe you should take it easy."

"Yes, take it easy, love," England encouraged.

You nodded. Its for the best. You nodded at them.

"What if we all take a picture? To celebrate our newfound alliance?" America was nearly jumping up in down in his excitement.

"It's not one of those... um, what's it called? Selfie? Selfie cameras? So we can't all be in it together, aru."

"Selfie cameras?" Prussia laughed. China glared at him, the beginnings of a blush coating his pale features.

"Ah, that's a good point." France rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "As beautiful as I would make the picture, I guess I can be the one taking it this time."

"I'll do it." Romano sighed and reached for the camera. "Not like anyone wants me in it anyway."

"That's not true, fratello(5)!" Italy said at the same time Spain said, "Wait! Does it have the option to take it after 3 seconds? Maybe we can do that."

"Nope... think it's an instant kind of camera, dudes. It's, like, old."

"Hmph. Just let me do it," Romano insisted. "I don't really care."

Hesitantly, the nations gathered to get their photo taken. America pulled you and Canada into a kneel beside him, and Italy kneeled down too on your right. The other nations stood in a line behind you four with Japan and Germany flanking Italy.

"Smile." Romano said dully. Italy pouted as the camera clicked. The photo slowly slid out of the bottom of the camera. Romano shook it lightly between deft fingers.

"Aww, but I want one with fratello!"

"I'll take one," you suggested, accepting the camera from Romano who shot you a brief glower when you approached him. You wanted one with everyone in it.

"Say 'cheese'!" America said cheerily, and everyone did so with varying enthusiasm. You smiled as the photo was taken, suddenly overtaken by a wave of excitement mixed with nostalgia. Your first photo with you allies- no, your friends.

I'll remember this forever.

You peeked at the developing photo. The others saddled up besides you to judge it for themselves.

"Oh, I'm blinking! We need to take it again."

"I think I look pretty good, non(6)?"

"D-does my smile look natural?"

'Fratello, you should smile in the next one!"


"No more photos for now. Let's take more when we escape," Prussia announced, and everyone nodded, smiling at the thought. "Frau(7), hold onto these, won't you?"

You accepted both of the photographs carefully into your grasp, and nodded. "You can count on me!" You saluted.

"Ha! You used your left hand, just like Ita." Prussia chuckled.

"We're twins!" Italy giggled, grasping your hands in his.

You laughed too. "Yeah." Suddenly, you remembered something. You glanced down at your scarf and then back up at Russia. After a second, he met your eyes with a confused blink.


You let go of Italy to bend down to grab something off the floor. Then you handed it to him. He stared down at the object in his hand before asking slowly. "Er... this is?"

"Soap." You gestured to your scarf and then to his. "For washing. It's not as abrasive, so it's good for gentle use on clothes." You mouthed the words slowly so he would catch it. He watched your lips intently for a minute before his eyes widened.

"This is... for my scarf?"

You nodded.

"T-thank you," He stammered, seeming thrown by the gesture. It was rather unexpected. He shifted his weight on his feet, unsure as how to respond. "That is... kind."

You smiled up at him. "You're welcome."

"Oh, I wanted to mention!" Italy exclaimed suddenly. "Before, we also found a clock. We hadn't broken the one in this room yet. We weren't sure we should..." He trailed off. After a moment, he smiled, his eyes twinkling with something newly budded in him. Hope. "I think you already know this, but we're going to get out very soon. There's no need to see memories of the past anymore... And Austria and the others are taking care of things outside."

"Germany? What's the matter?" America asked. You lifted your eyes to see Germany staring at the ground, a troubled look on his face.

"Nothing, I was just wondering... why don't I see any memories from the past? Isn't that odd? I'm the only one..."

"Oh, right, I've always wondered about that, too..." Italy said. "What universe was it...?" He squinted. "You see, America said that the memories were just forgotten but they hadn't disappeared. So, you should still have them, Germany."

"Maybe they're being passed on?"

"Passed on?"

Romano sighed before explaining."What I mean is, maybe Potato Head is the same as Veneziano? Some of Veneziano's memories were passed on to me and we shared them. Because we're very close. In Potato Head's case, maybe all of his memories are being passed to... someone?"

Italy's eyes widened in alarm. "But then... who on Earth could that be? Prussia?"

"M-me?! But I haven't got any of West's memories!"

"Nah, you're a little different..." England rubbed his chin.

"Someone so close to Germany... that his memories are being passed on to them... All of his memories, at that..." France pondered aloud.

"...Or someone who matches his wavelength an awful lot..."

"They have all my memories? But... someone like that- I don't-"

Suddenly Italy's eyes widened to the size of saucers. His mouth parted with a gasp.

Romano noticed his brother's discomfort immediately. "Veneziano? What's wrong?"

"Could it be...?" Italy whispered through unmoving lips. "No...it can't be..."

The room suddenly grew somber as understanding lit some faces. Prussia's head dropped low. "Italy..."

Your ears perked up at the concerned tone. You head swiveled to look at the glum faces around you. Everyone looked down, except for you, Russia, China, Canada, America, and Germany. The latter group looked confused but not too confused— they, like you, figured this was someone Italy knew. Perhaps someone that he loved, too.

"Oh, Italy." France said sadly. "Italy, are you all right?"

"That..." Italy swallowed. "France, you never told me... him... I..."

Romano closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Vene."

Italy startled at the touch. "R-right... never mind. I'm sorry." Then, a pause. "France, can I talk to you for a bit?"

You held the photo in your hands, playing with the edges of the frame. You had scratched at the red marker marks until nothing was left but a little crimson lining where your nails dig into it. The vivid red color lined your fingernails, and the sight of it made you feel uneasy.

"Don't worry, (Name). It's just... Italy has some has things he needs to think through- past baggage that he needs to overcome." A sigh. "Don't we all."

"Who's 'he'? Ah, well..." A redirected response.

"(Name)-chan, Italy will be fine. He's just a bit down. Soon he'll be back to his happy, normal self."

"What is France talking to him about? Well, you know the guy mentioned earlier- ouch! Hey!" Spain complained, swatting away the hand that punched his side. Spain then rubbed his head and looked at you with eyes you understood. They were eyes of apology- he wouldn't tell you how Italy knew this mysterious man.

You knew you should keep your head out of people's business, but you were concerned. It was like a switch flipped in him- and you didn't know how to make it better. Italy was currently talking to France at the corner of the room, alone. Romano watched them with rapt eyes besides Spain. He was the one who had punched him, though his eyes did not leave the duo he watched.

Finally, after a minute of quiet surveillance, Romano turned to you with a scowl. "It's none of your concern who they're talking about. Why don't you mind your own f—-ing business?"

You recoiled a bit at his hostility but nodded. Spain reproached his younger brother figure, but you didn't mind too much. It was true.

You wrote down your response. It was a placating one, one you hoped he'd understand. Spain took the book from you when you were done and read the words aloud for you.

"How can I cheer him up?"

"How can you-!" Romano was already prepared to be angry. He cut himself off suddenly when he registered your words; he didn't seem to expect that response. His stiff shoulders deflated in and he exhaled deeply before speaking in a low tone. "I don't know. I think he has to deal with this first in order to move past it. It's been... well, a long time." Spain and Romano shared a knowing look.

A long time? You wondered. But instead you wrote, "I see."

I'll find a way to cheer him up, you vowed, picking yourself off the ground where you sat. Italy was just departing from France when you caught up to him.

"Oh, hi, bella," He greeted you normally. You took the chance to look at him closely. He seemed down but not as down as you thought he would be. Maybe France talked him down?

"Hello." And then, though you were loathe to ask him directly, you found yourself asking him, "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay?" He confirmed the question, to which you nodded. "Oh! You don't have to worry about me. I'm okay. France just said something that cleared my head a bit."

"He did?"

"Yeah! He gave me something to think about..." He sighed and looked into the distance. "Memories are weird things, aren't they, bella?"

Very weird. You agreed with a nod.

"Do you have someone you don't want to forget?"

The question lit a lightbulb inside of you. "Yes. My mother, my father, and... Um..." You scratched your head. Weren't there more people than that? You thought there was at least two. But that couldn't be right. If that was the case, you had already forgotten these people. Your shoulders slumped. "I forgot."

His brown eyes turned apologetic. "I'm sorry, bella. But you can always remember them again, right? Big brother France was telling me that memories never go away fully; they just get pushed to the back of your mind."

"Do you really think so?" You asked tentatively, hopefully.

"I do," He affirmed. "I think everything is going to work out okay. We'll get out, we'll remember, we'll be ourselves again."

You looked down at your hands. Who were you really? You didn't know how you were like before all the madness. You remembered seeing the monster for the first time, but before that was all a blur. You were very young then- you didn't understand much except there was a bad monster who you had to stay away from. At that time it didn't feel life or death to you.

All you knew was that without this house, you wouldn't be you. You wouldn't even exist. Living in this house made you who you were.

That made your existence seem cursed. You could almost laugh. Wouldn't it have been nice to never have been born then?

But looking at Italy's face, your thoughts hesitated. If you weren't alive, you wouldn't have met Italy. You looked around the room. Or Canada and America and France and England and Prussia and China. Your friends. At the thought your heart squeezed a bit- painfully. You still weren't sure if your own existence mattered much given the circumstance of your birth, but at least there was a positive outcome to your existence: you would help them get out. And that was all that currently mattered.

"What... do... you... miss?" You asked quietly, hoarsely. Your throat still hurt and you hadn't intended to speak- the words just slipped out on their own.

"Bella! You shouldn't be talking!" Italy scolded. "But what do I miss? I miss a lot of things. I miss my beautiful home country, Italia." He smiled blissfully. "Its people, its views, its culture, its art. Oh, it's so beautiful! I will show you one day, soon. I also miss hanging out with Germany and Japan normally- going to hot springs or- heck- I even miss training!" He laughed. "I miss pizza and pasta- sure, we can make it here, but the ingredients are too lacking! And I miss flirting with bella ragazzas(8)-" He cut off suddenly, looking at you with wide eyes. His cheeks flushed. "I-I mean, I miss meeting new people, and all my human friends too. I miss the sky..." He tilted his head back and sighed deeply, staring at the ceiling. "I miss seeing the stars. I miss campfires and beach days. I took it all for granted." He looked at you wistfully. "Is there anything you miss, bella?"

You frowned, thinking deeply. You took out the journal again and flipped open to a new page.

"I miss my parents. I miss my mom's (favorite dish). I miss the sound of my dad's laughter. I miss You stopped when tears welled up in your eyes. These were not things you could return to, unlike Italy. Only things you had to leave behind. You cleared your throat and finished writing. I miss everything and everyone I knew that doesn't exist anymore.

Italy nodded sympathetically. "Oh, bella..." He hugged you. In your ear, he said, "When we escape, you can come live with me and fratello. We'd be happy to have you! We can talk and take naps together and play games..." He pulled away and smiled at you brightly.

You smiled at him, touched. "Thanks, Italy."

"Ve~ you're welcome!" He chirped happily. "Oh, I just remembered!" He looked at you and beamed. "Earlier, before we settled down after arriving back, I talked to fratello and he agreed to have his hair done by you!"

You were surprised. "He did?"

"Yeah!" Italy smiled angelically, but behind his eyes, you saw a kind of deviancy. Your mouth twitched. "It took some convincing, but he finally came around! I think he's warming up to you!"

You thought about how he cussed you out earlier and smiled dimly. "If you say so."

"C'mon, let's go! Fratello~" Italy pulled you along back to where Spain and Romano sat.

Romano huffed as you both approached. "Took you long enough to get here." But you could see the relief in his face at Italy's sunny disposition.

"Italy, you look better." Spain gave you an appreciative wink.

"Yeah! France and bella cheered me up! And we're here to do your hair, fratello~"

"Ugh, now? Do we have to?"


"Fine." Romano clearly was not happy. You caught his eyes and they narrowed at you- so much for what Italy said earlier.

But either way, you ended up sat behind Romano with your legs crossed and Italy beside you. Italy and Spain chatted as you worked on Romano's auburn locks.

"I keep forgetting everyone's new names now! I remember mine and fratello's but yours and everyone else isn't sticking."

"We should start calling each other by those names so we can practice them. It's not like we'll be able to use them in other contexts."

"That's true! Hmm, Spain, yours was..."

"Watch the curl," Romano- Lovino- grunted as you worked your way up his head. You nodded to yourself as you twisted the strands delicately between your fingers, making sure to give it a wide berth since he told you to.

"Oh! That's pretty!" France and Spain- Francis and Antonio- oo'ed and aa'ed at your final creation. "Well done!"

"Wow, it's so bella~" Italy- no, Feliciano cooed.

You stopped touching Lovino's hair and stared at him tilting your head to the side. He blinked at you, confused.

"Bella?" You asked aloud. You had assumed it was a nickname of sorts. But apparently it was an adjective?

"Oh." Italy and Romano and Spain all exchanged glances. When you turned to Italy again, his face was darkened in a deep blush. "It means beautiful."

Oh! Your mouth fell open in shock. So he had been calling you beautiful the whole time? Even since the beginning? You felt heat rise to your cheeks. Feeling strange, you cupped your cheeks and felt the warmth there- did you have a fever?

"Hahaha!" Antonio and Francis both laughed at your expression. Feliciano, on the other hand, looked sheepish, but also grinned after a second. Lovino was looking at Feliciano with a strange expression, his olive eyes squinted. "Hmph," was all he said.

"It would look even more beautiful with flowers in it, wouldn't it, Italy- I mean Feliciano?" Feliciano hummed in agreement.

"Flowers?" You asked.

"Yes, like hibiscus or a rose or something."

"What does it look like?" You hadn't learned much about flowers in your lifetime. It was hardly necessary for you.

"Oh! You don't know?" Antonio was surprised. You shook your head. "Well, roses are red usually and they look kind of like this," He cupped his hands slightly to make a dome with the opening at the top. "And it has a spiral of petals in the center like this." He drew a spiral shape in the dome with his finger. "And hibiscuses are flowers with fewer petals that are more wide open like this," He made a bigger dome with his hands. "And then have this pollen thing that sticks out the center. I think hibiscuses are pink, but maybe they can be other colors?"

You listened intently, thoroughly fascinated. "Are they pretty?"

"Yeah, they're very pretty!" Antonio and Francis smiled affectionately at you.

You smiled and presented Antonio your- Feliciano's- journal and a pen excitedly. "Can you draw it for me?"

"Oh, um," He hesitated before taking the pen and journal. "Sure."

After a minute of drawing, he presented you the flowers. He scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, it's not the best."

You took it in your hands. It was pretty. "Thank you!"

"Wait, let me see." You handed it to Francis. Suddenly he snorted and covered his mouth with a burst of laughter. "Pfft! This is terrible!"

"Show me," Lovino demanded at the same time Feliciano said "Can I see it?" Francis passed it to them.

"Oh, it's not that bad..."

"Are you kidding? It looks like a f—-ing two year old drew it."

"Thanks a lot, guys," Antonio said sarcastically before taking the book from Lovino and giving it to you.

"What is your favorite flower?"

"My favorite?" Antonio pursed his lips. "Hm... the red carnation, maybe? It's my country's flower." When you were able to give him the journal again, he stopped you with one hand. "I don't think I can draw that one. Sorry, chica."

You turned to the others hopefully. "You?"

"For me, the rose, of course! A symbol of romance." Francis winked and posed.

"Me? Um, my nation's flower is the lily, but I..." Feliciano pondered for a moment. "I think I like daisies. And I'd be happy to draw it for you!"

You beamed and handed it to him before turning to Lovino who seemed distracted. He raised an eyebrow at how your gaze was pointed to him. "Hm?"

"Your favorite flower, Roma."

"Oh. I... like roses. I guess." He looked away. "Can I take this out now?" He gestured to his hair.

"Oh, okay." You turned to see Feliciano's drawing and gasped. It was so clean and detailed. You took it in your hands and marveled at it. "Can you draw rose and hibiscus too?"

"Sure!" Meanwhile, Antonio pouted. "So mine wasn't good enough?" You rushed to say no and apologize. His scowl eased and his lips turned upwards in a smile. "I'm kidding. Realx, chica."

"Daisy's are easier to draw than roses and hibiscuses, big brother Spain- I mean big brother Antonio! Don't feel down! It wasn't that horrible."

"So it was a little horrible, then?"


Antonio sighed. "Never mind. Just draw."

You waited impatiently for him to finish, watching as he drew with expert control of his hand. You wanted to ask him how he learned to draw, but his eyes were focused on the piece. You watched as the sketch became a clearer drawing of first a rose and then a hibiscus.

"Oh!" You held it up once he was done. It was beautiful. Internally, you thought, It doesn't look much like Antonio's rendition... But you didn't voice that aloud, of course. You stood up.

"Hm? Where are you going, belle(10)?"

"I want to ask everyone." You looked down at Feliciano with earnest eyes. "Come with me?" you pleaded, your hand outstretched to help him up.

He laughed and took your hand, standing up. "Si, signora.(11)" He kept his hand intertwined with yours even as you stood. You felt your heart stutter a little but weren't sure as to why.

You both made your way around the room and asked everyone their favorite flowers. Feliciano had to drop your hand to draw, but in between his hand was always in yours. As you waited for him to finish, you would stare at your hands, deep in thought. You wondered what your favorite flower would be- you still weren't sure. You liked all Feliciano's drawings so it was hard to choose.

China- Yao- chose plum blossoms, Japan- Kiku- chose cherry blossoms, Germany- Ludwig- chose blue cornflowers, Prussia- Gilbert- chose white roses, America- Alfred- chose roses, Canada- Matthew- said he liked all flowers and didn't have a strong preference to any, and England-Arthur chose roses. Finally, it was time to approach Ivan aka Russia and ask him.

"Maybe we shouldn't ask Ivan," Italy said unexpectedly, catching you off guard. When you asked why, he simply shrugged and looked away, not answering your question. You peeked at him curiously but didn't pry. Maybe Italy was wary of Russia, too. You just wondered if he had a reason.

"Vene, it's time for dinner! Come help me." Lovino called out to his brother.

"Si! Un momento.(12)" Italy turned to you apologetically. "Can you ask Russia- Ivan- by yourself? I'll draw his flower later, I promise. I have a feeling I know what it is."

You shot him a thumbs up and he smiled at you once before spinning around to go help in the kitchen. You watched him go before turning, yourself, and walking to Russia.

He was sitting alone, staring blankly at his phone in his hands. You approached slowly, book in hand, so as not to startle him. "I-Ivan?" You asked softly.

He jumped anyway. "D-da(13)?" He hurriedly shoved his phone in his pocket. Then he turned to look at you. "Oh, it's just you. Do you need something."

You smiled at him before showing him a page of the journal. "I'm asking everyone what their favorite flower is."

"My favorite flower?" To your surprise, his eyes lit up. "Sunflowers, for sure. I love sunflowers."

"Sun-flowers? Like the sun?"

Russia chuckled once. "Yes, exactly."

"That's nice. I like that." And you meant it. "Why do you like sunflowers so much?"

His smile fell as he thought about that. He furrowed his brows. "I guess... they remind me of warm places. I would love to live in a warm place instead of in the snow." When he saw the look on your face, he continued. "My country is usually pretty frigid. One day, I want to live in a warm place, even if just for a little while." He paused, rubbing his chin. "Sunflowers... they're very beautiful. And happy, you could say, since they're bright colors- typically yellow. And they grow tall, even as tall as you, (Name)."

You gaped, not believing him. "Really? What's the tallest they can be?"

"Hm, I'm not sure, but at least a couple meters." He showed you his guess with his hand. It was taller than him. "Like this, maybe?"

"Can you draw one for me?"

"Draw one? Ah, sure, but I'm not the best drawer..." He took the journal and pen from you and began sketching. As he was working on it, he asked. "Why the interest in flowers?"

"Pretty," was all you said. He nodded thoughtfully. "They can be very pretty. What's your favorite flower?"

You waited for him to look up before answering. "Let me see your drawing first."

You looked at the drawing in awe. He wasn't as good as Italy, but he was better than Spain. To you, it looked like a little sun sitting on a stem. He even drew a little person standing next to the flower. He pointed at it. " A person for reference," he explained. You nodded seriously and mouthed a thank you.

"You're welcome," he replied. "And your answer?"

You stared at the drawing for a long time. There was something about the picture that moved something inside of you. You weren't sure what it was. All you know was that it did remind you of warmth and the sun, and you liked how tall it was. You wanted to see one in real life, to see what Russia found so beautiful and happy. Your finger traced the petals gently.

"Sunflowers," you said.

Night fell and the room grew quiet as people began to go to sleep. Feliciano wanted you to sleep with his little circle so he pulled up a cot for you, to the chagrin of Alfred and Matthew, who wanted you to sleep near them. Eventually you ended up squashed between both groups as a compromise. Matthew was on your right with Alfred beside him, and Feliciano was on your left with Ludwig, Kiku, and Lovino on his other side. You were contented to be anywhere near your friends, really, so you didn't put up much of a fight. You took the spot that they agreed on without complaint.

It was nice to have a full belly and a moment of peace and to be encircled by your friends. You felt warm and happy. But you were still nervous to sleep even though the door was locked. You tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable or feel sleepy enough to actually sleep. Eventually in the late hours of the night you fell asleep and gratefully sank into unconsciousness.

You opened your eyes only to be blinded by brilliant sunlight. You lifted your hand to block the beam; as you did, you processed where you were.

It was a beautiful little meadow with lush green grass and speckled with pink and white flowers. It was a very serene picture that put you at ease immediately. But as you moved to lay back down, you couldn't help but feel something was missing.


Oh, a familiar voice. A person you knew. That was what was missing. You sat up with a smile, eager to meet your friend in this perfect place.

At first the light blinded you again, making you see a silhouette instead of a whole person. You saw that they were short in stature. Then you cut off the light again with your arm and were greeted with a familiar but unfamiliar sight.

Pale skin. A black hat and a black cape that rustled and flew with the wind. Brown slacks. Ice cold pale blue eyes. A boy, maybe five or six years old.

He wore a serious expression, but as you locked eyes, his lips lifted into a small grin.

"Hello again, (Name)."

foreign words A/N (please correct me if I'm wrong!):

-dame desu ne(1) = (that's) no good

-chica(2) = girl (Spanish)

-bella(3) = beautiful (Italian)

—chan(4) = (Japanese)

-fratello(5) = brother (Italian)

-non(6) = no (French)

-frau(7) = woman (German)

-bella ragazza(8) = beautiful girl (Italian)

-si(9) = yes (Italian)

-belle(10) = beautiful (French)

-si, signora(11) = yes, ma'am (Italian)

-un momento(12) = one moment (Italian)

-da(13) = yes (Russian)

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