Blood of My Death

By TheStory1983

344 38 2

Blood of My Death follows twin sisters as they travel to a remote location, hoping to aid one twin to walk ag... More

Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter One - Part One
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter One - Part Two
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter One - Part Three
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Two - Part One
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Two - Part Two
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Two - Part Three
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Two - Part Four
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Three
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Four
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Five
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Six
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Seven
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Eight
Blood of My DeathBlood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Nine
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Ten
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Eleven
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twelve
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Fourteen
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Fifteen
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Sixteen
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Seventeen
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Eighteen
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Nineteen
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-One
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Two
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Three
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Four
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Five
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Six
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Seven
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Eight
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Nine
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-One
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Two
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Three
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Four
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Five
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Six
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Seven
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Eight
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Nine
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-One
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Two
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Three
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Four
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Five
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Six
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Seven
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Eight
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Nine
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Fifty
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Fifty-One
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Fifty-Two

Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirteen

7 1 0
By TheStory1983

Begin Memory Series Sequence 482000152451983...

Memory Series Sequence Sub-001-0909.

After meeting outside the cafeteria and exchanging pleasantries with my sister Kristen and Dr. Warren, we went our separate ways. Three blue arrows guided Dr. Iris and me down several corridors on the first floor to a new area. The path led us to the end of the typical clean, pristine, all-white corridors to an elevator. We stepped into the elevator like we had done before without saying a word. We took this elevator for the first time, but it did not differ from the others. Upon further inspection, I noticed the typical panel that allows authorized employees to select the floor they want to visit was missing. The second matter I saw was that the floor indicator screen above the elevator doors was not present. It was necessary to determine which floor we were on or to control which floor we could access. We were utterly at the mercy of whoever controlled the elevator. The elevator had not moved after several minutes of waiting, and Dr. Iris noticed this. As the minutes passed, I became nervous.

"We're not moving," Dr. Iris stated.

"Could there be a problem with the elevator?" I asked.

"I doubt that. More likely, the lab personnel are testing our patience," Dr. Iris replied.

"So, its purpose has to do with the mental trial, then?" I responded.

"More than likely. There is no way to know how long we will be here," Dr. Iris added.

"Fucking great. Just what I needed today. Being stuck in an elevator for God knows how long," I snapped.

"I'm not too hot about the idea either," Dr. Iris replied.

As Dr. Iris stared at the ceiling, I looked over at her. She had been on my mind for some time, but I hadn't looked at her in a while. 'I didn't dare to think about my nieces and my mother. It brought too much pain, as I'd promised to call every night. I should have protected us, but I failed. Focusing on the people surrounding who could help me is all I can do.' The golden-blonde-haired woman wore her usual black pencil skirt and white dress shirt with black stockings. 'DNA Labs was gracious enough to provide her with the clothing she brought with her.' She had her lab coat on, which covered her figure up, but I had seen her enough without the lab coat to have all her features memorized. I couldn't help but think about how gorgeous she was after I heard what she said.

'Shit, my head is in the gutter again.' Looking upon Dr. Iris.

I glanced away so she wouldn't notice my intense gazing at her. I couldn't help myself from doing so. Dr. Iris and Dr. Warren were the only two other human beings we could connect with, and if it weren't for them, I couldn't imagine us making it this far. It wasn't like we made it clear to those around us we were interested in both men and women, but we had always liked both. We didn't live in the big cities, so it wasn't as common for females to like males and females just the same. It wasn't something Kristen, and I ever talked about either. We never directly spoke to each other either, but I knew we both knew by the conversations we would have with our friends from high school or college. It's just something we learned about each other and was a twin thing. We knew each other better than we knew ourselves.

So whenever my eyes would wander upon Dr. Iris or Dr. Warren, I would try my best not to stare at them to where I would draw attention. I didn't want to offend them because it wasn't like we could learn personal things about them. Of course, that was one of the forbidden rules, but I had caught the doctors staring at us a few times. Maybe it was wishful ambitions, or they were doing their jobs and monitoring us.

'As hostages themselves, they were not with our captures. Alternatively, they could have been insiders sent to take note of our emotional state and report anything useful to Ashland.' I looked down at the floor of the elevator.

I shook my head quickly, shaking those awful thoughts out of my mind.

'Rachel and Diane wouldn't do that to us. They were in the same boat that we were. Dr. Ashland treated them just as bad as us, if not worse. He seemed to have an intense hatred for them, even though he hired them. They couldn't be working with him, and I knew that deep down in my heart. I remembered how Diane had comforted me this morning when I cried. I felt the warmth within her and knew it had to be real. Her concern for Kristen and me was genuine. Rachel cared equally for Kristen and me.' I closed my eyes tightly.

"Are you okay?" Dr. Iris asked in a sympathetic voice.

"I'm fine," I replied, looking up into her eyes.

My eyes were watery, and I knew she could tell I was about to tear up.

She raised her hand to move my hair behind my ear and spoke calmly.

"I'm glad you're fine. You're tough as nails, aren't you? I can see where Kristen gets her strength from," Dr. Iris said.

"Well, someone needs to be the tough one, right?" I said jokingly, with a slight smile.

Before moving, we sat on the elevator floor for nearly half the day. We spent most of that time discussing topics they allowed us to discuss without getting into many personal details. Dr. Iris talked about what she did six months before our arrival. As we applied for different medical trials, I told her about them. I went into detail about Kristen's medical condition, and she explained how the implant surgery would go. On the surface, anyone listening to our conversation would believe we were chatting within the guidelines of the rules.

We learned more about each other than those listening could have possibly realized, and for the first time since coming here, I felt normal. All my concerns had melted away, and I believed we would make it through. But, unfortunately, we had allies here that felt the same way we did, and despite their attempts to break us, they would not get that satisfaction.

I felt a noticeable difference in the travel time in the elevator compared to earlier elevator rides. Upon arriving at the floor, we were both unsure which one we were on. That irritating hologram met us the moment we stepped off the elevator. Still, unlike all the other times, the hologram didn't tell us what floor we were on. As with all the other floors, this one was no different, just a long hall with no identifying markers. It is very easy to get lost here; therefore, we were like mice in a maze because it would be easy to get lost here.

The blue arrows took us down several corridors, and I was worried about where we were going. As we followed the blue arrows down each path, we didn't speak. The blue arrows led us to our destination after an hour of non-stop walking. A thin horizontal line appears on the wall before opening, revealing a room right before our eyes. Dr. Iris seemed to be just as shocked as I was, and I looked at her. There could be hundreds of rooms on every floor, even the ones we have been to, and we would never have known. The thought of that is a frightening realization because it meant we couldn't trust our eyes.

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