The Warmonger's Runaway Princ...

Od TLCsDestiny

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With a few things in the dark of one's knowledge, the Princess Consort Olivia thinks of ways to entertain her... Více

Chapter 1 ** Currently, I am the 'Crowned Princess' **
Chapter 2 ** Lady Venus and that Woman! **
Chapter 3 ** Mad, then Swept Away **
Chapter 4 ** Sudden Fatality **
Chapter 5 **How do I get out of Here!?**
Chapter 6 **Jorne's POV**
Chapter 7 **My New Position**
Chapter 8 **A Maid's Power**
Chapter 9 **Identity Troubles**
Chapter 10 **My idea!**
Chapter 11 **A Very New Development!**
Chapter 12 **In the Middle of Confliction**
Chapter 13 **I've had Enough!**
Chapter 14 **Chance!**
Chapter 15 **Back to Being a Merchant**
Chapter 16 **Strange Coincidence**
Chapter 17 **Ignited with Fire!**
Chapter 18 **Jorne's Confession!**
Chapter 20 **Scary Factor**
Chapter 21 **A Long-Awaited Encounter**
Chapter 22 **Malory's Choice**
Chapter 23 **A door Closing, A whole wall Opening!**

Chapter 19 **My Father's Trick**

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Od TLCsDestiny

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"It seems that reports miss out on things, we all know that. This is your chance, tell me now before we get to work."

Wedge crossed his arms after he said that and looked at Jorne, waiting.

Jorne let out a small smile, "I did only protect her for a time, but it has already been months that I have liked your daughter. I knew of our promise and did initially, whole heartedly want to follow it..."

Wedge interrupted him, "But..."

Jorne picked up a queen piece from the chessboard and said, "It isn't just about marriage between us, actually marriage was just something that got in the way. She did what she wanted to do and through that got my attention. She's cheeky and honestly, I'm glad I let her keep her free spirit, as it saved her life. Going through the thought of her dead...Honestly, I was so happy to find her alive and well that was when your promise started to stretch thin. After being with her more, respecting her virtue, I lost her again because of my other wife."

Jorne frowned, remembering, "Taking an army to war, going to war, fixing up the country that was taken, doing my duties...Nothing compares for me or prepared me for her! Nothing! I was always feeling insecure because of her, feeling like I've let her down."

Putting the queen piece down, Jorne finally looked back at his father in law, "Only with her can she show me what my weakness is. It's that, I thought she would rely on me, but she never has. My weakness is that I thought I had to be relied upon. To make a good country, to have the people have their trust in me, I thought I was being relied on completely, having to do everything but...I see that people can be independent, being able to find a bargain, being able to survive to tell of corruption. I just have to be able to listen and make sure that their independence is something to be noted and not taken away from them...And she had been the one to remind me of this, over and over again..."

Letting out a small chuckle, Jorne continued, "She always did things on her own, never depending on me at all and to be honest, that...I love that about her!"

Wedge narrowed his eyes but dropped his hands to his lap.

Jorne took a deep breath and sat straighter, "Upon finding her once again in my brother's residence, I had just been so happy that she hadn't disappeared like she did the time before. And well, it seemed I didn't think into a promise at that stage, just that...I wanted her by my side. I wanted to keep an eye on her because...I was selfish and wanted her there. And to my happy surprise, she had fallen into my arms easily...I don't like being boastful but at that time, I believe she already liked me too. With all our teasing and fights, it seemed the start of our way to connect to each other and now...I don't want to let her go!"

Wedge sighed, staying silent for a full minute, before saying "Unfortunately, time is against us."

Standing up and going to the map of Icklish, Jorne followed after him, understanding now it was time for business.

It only took a quick moment for Jorne to get over his anxiety, on how he had just confessed his love for the other man's daughter, before going back to his usual self. It was getting quite personal with telling his father in law about his daughter now and had already wished for Wedge to stop the conversation earlier...It was finally time to sigh and get back to business...A subject much easier to speak about!

"Let the others come in too." Wedge stated towards the door and as they waited, Wedge pointed to a few places on the map. "This is Vulmoss, where we are now. These two towns here and here, is the fastest way to the capital, then...On this side of the capital holds quite a number of commoners and slaves. These commoners and slaves are our biggest problem."

Jorne narrowed his eyes on the map, seeing that that place just now was on the far side of Icklish, holding one part of the sea against them. He guessed it would be something called the slumps, the place that the poor would bring up their children and they'd have it quite tough. The best source of income would probably be the area where they are connected to the sea, where they could fish, otherwise they would have to travel to go to work.

The door opened then, and several people came in, Jorne was sure that these people specialized in specific places and was ready to be introduced.

Wedge came out and pointed, "This is our merchant, he has gotten Icklish merchants on our side."

Before Wedge continued, Jorne nodded at him in remembrance, "Valier, nice to see you again!"

The person nodded and Wedge went to the next, "This person, Scraper, he's keeping an eye on the rioting from the slaves and commoners. He's got a few of our men there but has turned a few to our side that have volunteered to stay there and continue to spy. He has only come now to meet you and will go back there."

Jorne nodded and shook his hand, like he had to Valier.

Wedge continued, not fazed to Scraper, who left straight after meeting His Highness. His job didn't entitle anything big and had already seen Wedge prior, so now he was leaving.

"This one is our connection to the nobles that have changed sides, his name is Lord Burns."

"This is a minister of the King, Minister Rou, obviously spying for us now."

"He is Steward Keel, someone who is watching our backs from the barbarians and this one is Hives."

After a shake with each and slight introduction, all the rest of them went to the map and Wedge went into more detail about the plan.

Obviously, Wedge had sent for His Highness because there was minimal left for him to do and so now, they had to prepare for the last part of the big plan by finally going in and taking Icklish and making it a part of Setchra...


"Princess Consort, your father is here."

Raising my eyebrows, I turn away from the window and suddenly run towards the door.

All the time away from my father came to me in an instant!

Looking for him with Theo, writing him letters that never got to him...Worrying endlessly about him and never knowing what had happened!

The door opened before I got there and there he was...My father...

He was in different types of clothes, which I'd never seen him in before, making me stop just before him.

"Father?" I asked...Just in case...

"Who else, child!?" With what sounded like an angry humph, I was then taken into a hug. "I've missed you!"

For so long I had been looking for him...So long!

Hugging him back, my mind was blank for a moment, just feeling glad that I was seeing my father after so long!

He wasn't hurt, he seemed quite well too!

Instead of the clothes, he looked better without the bushy beard on his face, now...It was cut, quite nicely may I add!

Ah, he looked like a one of those rich people...A noble!

...Why did my father look like a noble?

After my father pulled back, I smiled, "Father!"

Seeing him raise his eyebrows at me, I laughed.

Taking me to a place where we could sit down, I fell into a chair, just stupidly looking at my long-lost father.

"You have become silly!" He stated, putting his lips in a straight line.

I laughed again, "No, I haven't seen you in so long, that's all! Father, why didn't you message me!"

Right...Now I remembered all the time of not receiving a word from him! Really, why couldn't he send something! Anything!?

He looked at me and sighed, "I was busy."

Frowning, I hit his hand closest to me and pouted, "Just one word would have been fine, but you gave me nothing!"

Seeing him put down his head, going silent, I got up and hugged him again, "Don't do that...Don't...Disappear!"

Feeling his hand pat my arm, I then heard, "Yes, yes. But you seemed to have been fine without me anyway!"

I shook my head and sat back down, "Father, I was bullied!"

"Who dares!?" He stated, hitting his hand roughly onto the table.

Truly, I never realized it until now but...Father...

Narrowing my eyes at him, I turned my head to the side and then looked away.

I let out a small laugh, because I was mad at myself.

He knew it all...

Whenever my father lied to me, he would act over the top, well I suppose any father would be upset at finding his daughter had been bullied but...That was not it, he also had not looked at her directly.

Hearing him humph, she looked back at him, to him saying, "Why, I can lie to anyone but your mother and you!"

Then, he got up and came before me, kneeling now on the ground, "Oliver, I was asked to help. I didn't just decide straight away, I checked out the circumstances of Icklish first, then I made a decision. As long as you would be safe, I would help Setchra to obtain the lands of Icklish and bring peace. I never thought though that they would break a promise!"

"Uh?" I said. What does that mean!?

My father stayed there, kneeling, but now he looked up at me and let out a smile, "A Princess, honestly, I didn't think you'd fit the roll!"

With that I hit him, "Father!"

He laughed and said, "See! How can Crowned Princess Consort just hit me! Do you hit anyone, uh?"

I pouted, "I don't hit anyone!"

He again laughed and then got up, patting my head, "There there, child. I was just teasing you!"

"I get enough teasing from Jorne!" I stated, still pouting.


With my father's voice becoming serious, I see him sit back down again and look at me. "My dear, are you happy where you are?"


I stared at my father, yet I was lost in my mind, asking myself that exact same question.

To be honest, I was happy, when I wasn't questioning things. I know I loved Jorne, I know I liked being with him. I also know that I did have a want to have a family with him and...To be honest, I felt like it was all worth it, that I was content and never wanted it to stop!

...When I questioned things though, I was worried, scared...Perhaps a bit insecure.

"You're not happy? Do you want me to bring you out of the palace?"

Hearing those words, I swallowed, "No...I'm fine."

Was my father saying that I should...Stay away from Jorne?

I might have been questioning things, but I haven't thought thoroughly on leaving him, to...Leave him...

No...Now, now that my father had brought it up, it felt wrong! So wrong!

I guess I wasn't as bad as I thought! I still really wanted to be with Jorne!

"I can help you, if that's what you want." My father stated, seriously looking at me directly, making me aware that he will indeed do just as he says.

"Do you not approve of Jorne?" I asked, interested in his answer.

Only now did I see that there was one thing that had not come in my marriage, and that was approval, well...At least she didn't see her father approve!

"I will only approve of him if you do!" He said, looking defiant.

I laughed then, not sure if this conversation should even be said, as it was something quite serious...

I know I had wanted to leave the palace as a Crowned Princess, but at least I had been a maid then!

What my father is stating is purely getting me out of the palace even though I would be a Crowned Princess!

What would the King say or do about that!

Taking a deep breath, I went to talk, only to find the door opening.

Seeing Jorne come straight to me, I also hear my father say, "I am still talking to her, Your Highness!"

Widening my eyes to my father's obvious anger towards the Crowned Prince, I was speechless!

"Wedge, it sounds more like you are asking for a fight!" Jorne stated, sitting down next to me and taking my hand.

"I am not!" My father stated, looking away from both of us. I saw my father sigh then and look at me again seriously, "I wanted her to believe that if she wanted to, she could walk away."

"I won't let her." I heard Jorne say determinedly.

I blinked, looking at one and then the other.

"It's not up to you boy!" My father stated angrily!

If only I had a moment to go over those words but seeing Jorne having a glaring fight with my father, showing me that they have already met at least once before and even have some type of weird relationship, I opened my mouth to speak but...What could I say?

'Father, stop fighting with the Crowned Prince!'?

'Jorne, you did actually interrupt our reunion, as I hadn't seen my father in years'?

My father's voice calling my name brought me out of my thoughts, "Oliver!?"

"Yes?" I answered. I think I was just too stunned at the moment, seeing my father after so long...Then to see him act the way he had with Jorne...

"Tell me..."
Jorne interrupted him, looking at me, "Please, Oliver! Don't let him talk you into leaving me!"

Oh...So it really could happen then, if Jorne was so worried...

The poor man, he looked...So...

Jorne moved his chair closer to me and then took in my other hand as well. "Stay...Stay with me."

An unseen pain fluttered into me, seeing Jorne's face. He was desperate, a Prince, a Crowned Prince, was desperate...He could have any girl, have power and take over countries!

'Stay with me'

Of course I will!

That...Was my first thought, my first want and my first answer to his face and those words!

Of course I will!

I turned to my father, who had gone silent and was watching me.

...I had a strange feeling that my father had me in a play right now!

Looking back at Jorne, I finally understood, that if there was a time, it was now!

My father being present gave me courage yet, I also felt like I may even regret this chance...Yet I felt like I should do it...

"Then tell me...That, maybe...In a year or two. Will you just dismiss me?"

Jorne immediately replied, "No!"

So, I then said, "Can I hold you to that? That if you get another woman, I can bring this up and what? What then?"

Jorne went silent, looking at me like...Oh, I just hurt him, didn't I?

"You don't trust me?" His words...

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

Seeing Jorne go quiet and seeing the pain on his face, I felt absolutely terrible! But...This had to be talked about in some degree! I can't go to the palace to be abandoned later! I just...Can't!

Seeing him take a deep breath in and stop looking at me, my heart felt like he was breaking...Perhaps, somehow, I could have said it in another way...A way where he knew that I had all intention of trusting him, that I was only bringing this up to give a fair notice...Basically, this was something I didn't want to happen but would make me feel better knowing it was there...Like a net that would catch me...

Seeing him let go of me and stand up, I saw my father slightly shake his head and I swallowed. This was it...This is what my father wanted?

Grabbing hold of Jorne's hand and pulling at it, so that he would sit back down, I started to really panic.

If my father was shaking his head like that, it wasn't for anything good!

If Jorne or I do anything else that my father didn't like, he'd probably go ahead and somehow dissolve this marriage...Our...Marriage.

Jorne looked down at me and I then put my other hand to his and pulled even harder, "Sit down!"

With much more effort, Jorne sat down and continued to stare at me.

"Idiot!" I said.

Sighing, I laced my fingers with his, and said, "I don't want to be abandoned again. I don't want to be trapped and abandoned. That's all! I'm not...Questioning much else..."

For a while, we just stared at each other and finally, both of us realized that we were somewhat scared or worried, perhaps both. We both had conflictions and worries...

Seeing gentleness back in his eyes, I smiled at him, "I'll stay with you. I want...To stay with you. I want...More. Just...If worst comes to worst..."

Jorne interrupted me by hugging me and saying, "I know, you'll do something! Something that would make me regret ever making you mad! Don't worry, my Love, I don't think I have any room in my heart for anyone else!"

Yeah, I suppose I just wanted to bring out this one thing, the one thing that had always been the barrier between us. This barrier had been there from the start, as I saw him with the weasel, and now...Now that I have practically said that I won't tolerate it, I felt so much better!

Was that all I wanted, all this time? To threaten him!?


Whatever! I felt so much better all of a sudden!

"I see."

Looking to my father, who was now suddenly getting up and leaving, I had an idea that my father will most likely not do anything now.

I have to admit, I think we got close to losing this marriage! That shake of the head that my father did still gave me goosebumbs!

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