Ethan's POV (Bonus Book)

Par miadaley17

1.2M 52.4K 68.1K

Warning: This book is an alternative view of my book ITAAS. It can NOT be read as a stand alone unless you do... Plus

Chapter Three- Ethan's POV
Chapter four/five- Ethan's POV
Chapter Five - Ethan's POV (part 1)
Chapter Five -Ethan's POV (part 2)
Chapter Six - Ethan's POV
Chapter Seven - Ethan's POV
Chapter Eight - Ethan's POV
Chapter Nine - Ethan's POV
Chapter Ten - Ethan's POV
Chapter Eleven - Ethan's POV
Chapter Twelve - Ethan's POV
Chapter Thirteen - Ethan's POV
Chapter Fourteen - Ethan's POV
Chapter Fifteen - Ethan's POV
Chapter Sixteen - Ethan's POV
Chapter Seventeen - Ethan's POV
Chapter Eighteen - Ethan's POV
Chapter Nineteen- Ethan's POV
Chapter Twenty - Ethan's POV
Chapter Twenty-One - Ethan's POV
Chapter Twenty-Two - Ethan's POV
Chapter Twenty-Three - Ethan's POV
Chapter Twenty-Four - Ethan's POV
Chapter Twenty-Five - Ethan's POV
Chapter Twenty-Six - Ethan's POV
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Ethan's POV
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Ethan's POV
Chapter Twenty-nine - Ethan's POV
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One - Ethan's POV
Chapter Thirty-two - Ethan's POV
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-two/Fifty-three
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59, 60 and 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter Thirty-Four

10.9K 539 156
Par miadaley17

Mia surveyed me up and down with a frown after I pulled away from the kiss. "Why did you stop?" she mumbled, her eyes falling slightly.

I tried to concentrate on what she was saying, I really did try but as weak and panicked as I was, my eyes once again stupidly fell to her lips. She was pouting them a little, and it was far from helping me not think about kissing her.

Suddenly, a hand was waved quickly in my face. "Hellooo, anyone there?" Mia giggled. 

Brought back to earth, I span my eyes back up to meet hers, and seeing the glassy, giddy look in her eyes I instantly remembered to my horror, what I'd just done. I'd kissed her back when she was drunk. Worse than that – when she was drunk, high, and literally on Viagra.

Tearing my eyes away from her, I let out a harsh breath and ran an irritated hand through my hair. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" I snapped aloud.

Mia's face scrunched together, and her head tilted slightly. "What's wrong with kissing me? I wanted you to," she said with a hiccup.

As I locked eyes with her, guilt flooded through my body, filling me with shame. I softly shook my head. "No, Mia. You don't know what you want," I explained softly. I knew full well Mia would never have kissed me sober. Just a few days ago she'd made it abundantly clear she wasn't interested in me.

"I...I," I shifted uncomfortably, almost painfully. "I took advantage, I should have pushed you away sooner."

Mia's eyes widened before starting to water. " don't want to kiss me?" she asked softly, her voice incredibly fragile.

The look of hurt on her face filled me with panic, and so did the tears. Shit, Ethan, you dumb fuck you're making her cry.

"Hey, no, don't cry," I rushed out quickly before stepping forward and cupping her cheek so I could wipe away the escaped tear that had fallen on her cheek. "I do want to kiss you Mia, but just not tonight, okay. Maybe another day," I said as I threw her what I hoped was a comforting smile. More than a part of me hoped that she'd take me up on that maybe another day offer. After all, if she continued doing all this craziness when sober , I was certainly not going to do shit to stop it.

"Come on, let's get you to bed," I said. Taking her hand in mine, I slowly started to lead her over to the bed. I helped her underneath the covers for the second time and tucked her tightly in. Once done I looked down at her with a sigh. "Now, this time actually stay," I stated firmly.

Mia rolled her eyes at me. "Yeah, yeah, Mr. Bossypants," she said before reaching out to give my face a double pat.

I shook my head at her in amusement before making my way back over to the desk. Sitting down, I got back out my pages of study notes and started to shift through them in search of what I wanted to study.

I tried to stay as calm as I could, but my heart couldn't stop racing as an after-effect of what had just transpired. A girl you liked slapping your hand over her boobs, then proceeding to ambush you with a kiss, would be enough to raise any guy's blood pressure.

I'd barely so much as turned two pages before I became perceptive of the rustle of covers as Mia likely shifted over in bed.

My heart hastened, worried she was going to leap out of bed again and give me another heart attack. I was sure I couldn't take much more of her unexpected behaviour.

"The room is hot," Mia complained loudly.

Spinning around in my chair, I turned to look at her and found her still tucked cutely underneath the covers. I scanned her up and down amusedly. "Why don't you take off your jacket then genius," I chuckled, noticing she still had on a thick-looking black bomber jacket on.

Mia's face instantly lit up. "Oh, yeah," she smiled.

Rolling my eyes with a smile at her silliness, I turned back to my work. I could vaguely hear behind me Mia wrestling with her jacket, and I relaxed a little more, happy she was able to handle that by herself.

There was silence for about a second as I started scribbling down more notes before I weirdly started to hear more rustling of fabric. I thought nothing of it, assuming she must have been trying to get herself comfy in bed.

Just as I thought all was good, I heard a louder sound of fabric turning over before I heard a distinct, and loud sound of stumbling footsteps slowly coming closer.

Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me....

Slamming my pen down on the desk with an aggravated sigh, I swiveled around in my chair to face her. "Chubs, I told you to stay in-"

I instantly stopped talking the second I saw her, and my lips parted in shock, not at all prepared for the image before me. Mia didn't have a top on. She had a black lacy bra on and that was it for her top half. Scarcely able to believe my eyes, I couldn't help but glue my eyes to her chest as all kinds of shameful thoughts crossed my mind. I swallowed hard as I stared, and stiffened considerably. I'd always known Mia had an amazing body, but until this moment, I hadn't realized the extent of it. She looked way too fucking hot.

And making it worse, she was looking me dead in the eye with a small little smug smile on her face.

"W-w-why why is your top gone?" I just about managed to stutter out.

I tried desperately hard to keep my focus on her eyes, but as weak as I was, my eyes kept falling down to her chest.

I swallowed again, realizing I needed to somehow rectify this stressful situation before something bad happened.

"P-put your top back on again?" I stuttered, proposing it as more of a question than anything close to a command.

I couldn't help it – the words felt so unnatural. Telling Mia to put on more clothes was the last thing I'd ever thought I'd tell her to do. My brain was basically programmed to want to see Mia naked at all times. Yet, here I was encouraging her to put more clothes on. It was like life was making an absolute mockery of me.

Mia tilted her head in mild confusion while still sporting a loose smile. It almost felt mocking at this point. "But why would I do that? I was hot, and now I feel cooool," she giggled.

I closed my eyes in frustration, and pinched the bridge of my nose, realizing she wasn't going to be easy about this.

"Mia, just please put your top back on," I groaned. I knew there was only so much more of seeing Mia half-naked that I could take before I did something stupid.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Mia striding closer to me with a smirk. "I will after you fuck me," she bargained.

My head struck up dangerously fast at her words, and my eyes widened larger than they ever had in their life. She wanted to do what to me?

Before I had time to fully process her words, Mia stopped right before me before wrapping both her arms around my neck and climbing into my lap.

My grip on the handrest tightened as I felt her wiggle around as she settled herself into my lap. It was all too much to process, and I couldn't understand how I'd entered a reality where she was now shirtless, on my lap, and asking for sex.

For every eyelash bat she threw my way, and teasing smile, my grip only tightened on the handrest; terrified of the thoughts that were running through my head. Do not do anything, Ethan. Don't you dare fucking do anything.

Finally, by some stroke of a miracle, I shook my head. "No, I'm fucking not. You're going to get off me, put your top on and go to bed," I stated in what I hoped was an authoritative tone. Well, it could have been authoritative if not for the visible tremor in my voice.

Sensing my weakness, she shuffled closer, and I awkwardly hung my arms in the air, afraid to even touch her.

"Come on, Ethan...," she drawled as she started to twirl a loose lock of her hair around her fingers. "Do you seriously not want to fuck me?" she mumbled while continuing to bat her long eyelashes.

At that moment – I could have genuinely cried with frustration, feeling like I was going through a very specific form of sexual torture. I was convinced she was trying to kill me.

I swallowed once more as I searched desperately over her face. Pained, I let out a sigh. "God, I want to but-"

Mia silenced me with a finger against my lips and a smile. "Shh, that's all you have to say." Then grabbing a hold of my hands, Mia pulled them behind her before slapping them directly over her ass.

My heart stopped in shock. Okay, it was official, there was no way I was surviving this.

Mia, the ever-improving seductress, then decided to make an already impossible situation even worse by leaning her mouth up to my ear. My breaths grew heavy, and I sat rigidly in place unmoving. My brain was screaming and begging me to put an end to this before I did something dumb, but my heart was racing far too fast for me to act.

"Now, leave those hands here, and just relax," she whispered.

Diving her head down into my neck, Mia then started placing hot, lingered kisses down the column of my neck. I shivered at the first touch, then found myself leaning my head back as my mind drifted away. When she reached the crook of my neck, she sucked hard on the skin, and I groaned in pleasure while kneading her ass in my hands.

I realized the mistake as soon as I did it, and in panic, I swiped my hands quickly off her body and ripped us apart.

Mia looked down at me in confusion and opened her mouth as though about to talk.

"Nope, don't say anything, you've done enough. Get off, or I'll pull you off myself," I snapped sternly. This time there was no waver in my voice, I was sure this time that this needed to stop for Mia's sake. It was wrong.

Mia let out a low groan in annoyance, but sulkily climbed herself off me and rose to her feet.

As soon as she was off, I let out a long groan of shame, and buried my face in my hands, ashamed of what I'd almost let happen. "What the fuck is wrong with me? Why can't I control myself?" I snapped.

"Fine, don't fuck me then. I'll find someone else who is willing," Mia soon hiccuped.

The sound of those words instantly brought my attention, and I snapped my head back up insanely fast. She was not having sex with a living soul in this condition, especially not someone at the fucking party.

Noticing she was marching for the door, I leaped off my chair and ran after her. "No, no, no, no," I called out. In quick three steps, I grabbed a hold of her and lifted her clean off her feet.

She fidgeted and wrestled in my grasp as I carried her to the bed, but I kept my grip firm, refusing to let her go.

"For goodness's sake, how much shit did you eat...," I muttered aloud as I finally managed to lower her to the bed.

With a heavy sigh, I snatched her abandoned t-shirt that still lay on the bed, and dumped it on her head before starting to pull it over her. With not much help from Mia, I managed with an effort to get both her arms through the correct holes and everything in place.

"There, all done," I said with a smile once I was done. I almost laughed at the irony of me being so happy helping her get clothing on. I'd always assumed I'd only be happy doing the opposite.

Mia crossed her arms over her chest, then frowned. "I'm still hot, and I'm still horny," she grumbled.

An amused smile crept to my face, and I bit my lip while trying not to laugh. "Yeah, I know. You've made that extremely fucking clear."

"Anyway, let's see if we can get you to bed for the third time," I chuckled. Then pulling back the covers for a third time, I once again helped her under the covers and tucked her securely in.

My hope was that the more tightly tucked she was, the fewer chances of escape. Lord knows, my blood pressure couldn't take one more escape attempt, and definitely no more attempts of her trying to seduce me.

Looking down at her, I let out a heavy sigh. "Now, please, please go to sleep, Chubs," I begged softly as I gently stroked her cheek.

Thankfully, Mia smiled and nodded her head.

"Excellent! Now if you excuse me, I need to make a list of all the embarrassing shit you've said and done," I teased with a wink before turning around to leave.

I knew I was far from joking when I said that. I had every intention of writing line by line all the embarrassing shit she'd done and handing it to her. It was payback for her torturing me this entire evening.

"Ethan...," Mia called sweetly just as I'd turned my back.

I slowly turned around to face her with eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Yeah...," I answered.

"Can you come sleep beside me?" she asked as she softly batted her eyes.

I let out a snort, finding it hilarious that she thought I was that stupid. "Nice try, Chubs, but I'm not going anywhere fucking near you until you're sober."

"You're mean," Mia said as she pulled a face and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Goodnight, Mia," I chuckled before walking back to my desk.

"Goodnight, Ethan," she yawned. As I settled into my desk chair and swiveled around to face her, I was thankful to find her snuggled into her cushion with her eyes completely closed.

I let out a breath of relief, glad the torture was over. Peace at last.

Letting out a long groan, I shifted uncomfortably before straightening my spine out, so I was sitting normally. Blinking my vision into focus, I looked around and realized I was sitting bent over a desk in a dark room. From the agonizing cramp that was shooting up and down my back, to my stiff neck, I was sure, I must have fallen asleep over the surface. Remembering back to last night, all that had happened with Mia started immediately started coming back to me.

Swiveling around in the desk chair, I glanced anxiously over to the bed and to my relief found her still curled up in a ball under the covers. Her eyelids were gently closed peacefully, and she was hugging her cushion as her chest rose and fell to an even beat.

The corners of my lips twitched upward as I took in her now extremely calm and cute image. It was a startling contrast to her aggressively seductress-like behavior last night.

It was because of that behavior that I'd had to force myself to sleep hunched over the desk last night. I knew full well if I slept anywhere near her, she'd do something crazy, and my blood pressure had experienced enough for one night.

Satisfied she was resting safely, I rose to my feet and crept quietly over to the door. The second I'd made my way into the corridor; I caught my reflection in the big mirror on the opposite wall.

Apart from the fact my hair was a mess, and sticking up in various directions; the other thing that caught my eye was my neck.

There was a rather large purple to pink colored mark in a giant oval over the top of my collarbone. With furrowed brows, I walked closer to the mirror in inspection. I scanned it over a couple of times before I suddenly realized what it was – it was a hickey.

That's when I realized Mia must have sucked my neck a little bit too hard last night. I felt a fierce burn rise up my cheeks as I looked at it. God, my friends weren't going to let me hear the end of this...

Suddenly, I was starting to feel mild sympathy for the two times I had stupidly done it to Mia. Actually, scratch that I felt no guilt, it looked hot on her.

Taking one last look at it, I continued on my path and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. I figured I should get some paracetamol for my back and for Mia when she woke up with what was undeniably going to be a disgusting hangover. I didn't envy her one bit.

When I'd collected the medicine, and made up a hot chocolate for Mia, I returned back up the stairs with the supplies on a tray.

Gently pushing open the door with my back, I whistled a light tune as I made my way through the door.

Just as I glanced over at the bed to put down the hot drink, I blinked in surprise, finding myself staring at a very awake-looking Mia, who sat straight up in bed.

Her hair was still messy from sleep, and she was staring at me wide-eyed, and cautiously.

I released a gentle smile, hoping to put her at ease. "Oh wow, you're up earlier than I thought. I'd assumed you'd be knocked out till one o'clock," I chuckled as I finally placed down the mug. "How are you feeling?" I asked as I took a seat at the edge of the bed.

Mia let out a heavy sigh as she threw her head back against the headrest. "Fucking horrible," she complained as she started to massage her temples.

Looking around the room, her brows furrowed once again. "Where the hell even am I?" she asked.

"In Lucas's spare room," I answered honestly.

"At Lucas's? Why the fuck am I at Lucas's?"

My heart stopped upon her question, realizing just how little she seemed to remember. This was going to be extremely uncomfortable to have to explain.

My eyes rocked back and forth between hers nervously. "Do you seriously not remember anything from last night?" I asked slowly.

Mia looked away from me briefly, and a crease formed between her brows as she thought. "Well, I remember being at May's sleepover," she mumbled.

"And after that?" I probed.

She paused for a few seconds as she tried to think. "Oh, and then Lucas invited us here," she said, locking eyes with me with a smile.

"And then?" I repeated, feeling more nervous now.

"And then...and then...shit!" Mia cried. "The cookies! I ate the fucking drugged cookies. I was high last night. Oh shit. That's why I can't remember anything," she stammered out in panic. Grabbing a hold of her knees she pulled them tightly to her chest and started to hyperventilate while rocking back and forth like a crazy person.

"Am I a druggy now, Ethan. Is this my life now? They say all it takes is one time, and then you're hooked for life," she rambled on as she stared me up and down with wild and panicked eyes.

I stared her over with widened eyes. "Holy shit, I haven't even told you what you did yet," I muttered with a nervous laugh.

I threw her a guilty smile, wondering if it was even morally right to even tell her the truth at this point. I certainly wouldn't want to hear someone tell me I'd straddled a person I didn't like when I was drunk and tried to kiss him, and do other shit with him.

Mia's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Why? What did I do, Ethan? Why are you smiling? I don't like that you are smiling, Ethan?" she blurted out quickly. Her eyes were working over mine rapidly as though trying to read my mind.

"You really don't remember a single thing?" I repeated again slowly.

"Not a single thing," she nodded.

Looking away, I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly before nervously meeting her eyes. "Well, I don't know even know where to start, Chubs. Last night was certainly eventful," I chuckled.

"Just spit it out, Ethan, and tell me what I did already," Mia snapped impatiently, her eyes widened and afraid.

"Okay, okay," I laughed. "Well to sum it up, you get really horny when you're high Chubs. Like ridiculously fucking horny," I finally admitted to her.

The second I'd spoken the words; Mia's eyes widened with so much shame and horror that I felt worried for her. She just sat staring at me frozen and rigid with one eye slightly twitching as though she'd entered a state of shock.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot," I added unhelpfully as I rose from the bed. Walking quickly over to the desk, I snatched up the piece of paper that I'd written for her last night before returning back to bed.

"Luckily for you, I took it upon myself to comprise a list of all the embarrassing things you did," I said as I handed it over with a smile.

Mia threw me a nasty look before snatching the paper out of my hand in her flash. There was silence as her eyes danced down the page, and her face only grew brighter and brighter red, the more of it she read. Any time her eyes looked close to calming down, they'd widen again when she landed on something else on the list.

After some time – a long time might I add, Mia finally looked up at me slowly. She chuckled hardly. "Cool, so I essentially assaulted you," she joked even though there was little to no humor in her tone.

My eyes softened, not wanting her to think that's how things went down. She had a great excuse for acting the way she did while I on the other hand didn't. "No, of course, you didn't you were were...just ...," I paused, trying to find the right words. "Very into me," I finally mumbled, trying hard to conceal the growing smile that I was failing miserably at hiding.

Mia growled in annoyance before grabbing a pillow from behind her and chucking it at me. I caught it easily enough with a laugh.

Suddenly Mia paused, and turned to me slowly, and cautiously once more. "Ethan, what did you do when I came on to you?" she asked slowly.

I scratched the back of my neck nervously. "Well, I stopped you," I swallowed. "Well eventually anyway. I might have maybe kissed you back for a teeny-tiny second but that was it, I swear," I said, guilt flashing through me.

I eyed her nervously as I awaited her reaction. It would be more than reasonable for her to be mad.

Mia threw me a light smile. "You don't have to feel bad, it's a reflex I guess," she shrugged dismissively.

I kept quiet, knowing it was best not to let her know that a reflex was far from being the only reason I'd kissed her back. My body was practically programmed to respond positively to her when caught off guard.

Mia's eyes then drew low and stared at something above the top of my shirt.

"Shit, did I give you that?" she mumbled, her eyes widening once more.

I glanced down and then up again before remembering that she must have been talking about the hickey. I felt my face burn once more. "Yeah, I forgot to put that on the list....," I mumbled.

"God, I've done a lot of embarrassing shit. But this," Mia laughed. "This is a whole new level," she groaned as she buried her face in her hands.

Starting to feel seriously bad, I threw her a comforting smile before silently crawling onto the bed beside her. I wrapped an arm around her in comfort and shuffled closer. "Hey, there's no need to be embarrassed, you did all that shit when you were high. You wouldn't have done it otherwise," I laughed as I looked down at her.

Mia became oddly quiet as I said that, and a weird look flashed behind her eyes as though there was more she wanted to say.

After a second more of silence, Mia suddenly rocked her eyes between mine. "Wait, did you sleep in here last night?" she asked cautiously.

"Yeah, but at the desk, don't worry," I explained with a soft smile, sensing where her mind was going.

Mia's eyes flashed with slight guilt, but she threw me a grateful smile, nonetheless. Then surprising me, Mia shuffled closer and nestled her head in my shoulder.

I immediately stopped breathing, unable to believe what was happening. It felt so good to feel wanted by her for comfort. It was the last thing that I'd ever think she want from me.

"Thanks, Ethan," she whispered.

Looking down at her, I couldn't resist brushing away a small baby hair that had fallen near her eye before looking down at her with a smile. "No problem," I mumbled. 


Author's note:

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed xx

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