Burn Me Right

By Nyxiden

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Autumn Wraith took a step a 20-year-old shouldn't take. She was naïve for her own ruin. One wrong move, or sh... More

Diabolus et angelus eius....
Angelus Mortis
manes praeterita
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter- 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91

Chapter 15

908 33 22
By Nyxiden

Autumn felt frozen in fear, unable to do anything but feel the approaching figure. Zyler stood at the foot of her bed, observing her. He loved watching her while she was asleep. The fact that he could do whatever he wanted at that minute gave him a feeling that all the lives he took couldn't—and knowing that she wouldn't have time to react if he decided to take her life or her made him hot and bothered.

On the other hand, Autumn's fear didn't leave her. Every time, Zyler took a step, another teardrop slid down her cheeks, imagining the worst. "Please, lord, save me," she prayed silently. But who would save her? No one. As his steps got closer, the feeling of dread intensified. The feeling of being frozen in fear persisted.

Zyler stood there, watching her sleep. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her; something about her beauty mesmerized him. Her chest rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm, and her long hair was spread out over the pillow like a fan. Her creamy legs were covered with a comforter. Clutching the comforter with his fingers, he slowly dragged the bedsheet off her body. He didn't want that useless cloth to cover her delectable body from his eyes. He was conscientious in his moments, not wanting to wake her up.

Autumn felt every bit of it. She felt the cloth sliding from her chest to her hips and then to her feet, exposing her smooth legs to him. She pulled Peaches closer to her body and hid his face in her chest, ensuring he didn't make noise and put both of them in danger. The man noticed it but disregarded it as a usual sleepy reaction. He bent down to the level of her feet. His warm breath fanned her ankles and feet. This intensified her breathing further. Now that she didn't have the blanket to hold on to, she dug her teeth into her lower lip, controlling her need to sob louder.

Zyler picked her feet in his arms, stroking them gently, feeling the supple skin under his rough palms. He had always been a man of discipline and control, he controlled his dick not to give in until the woman begged for it, and they did. They sobbed for it, and that is when he would give in, but with one look at this girl, his world turned upside down. A burning ache to touch her was burning down his soul.

This girl made him feel alive like no one else had before. Like she was a possession to win or a trophy to keep with him.

Despite his best efforts to resist her, Zyler found himself drawn to her like a moth to a flame. He wanted to keep his distance, but the more he wanted to stay away, the more he craved her. He would find himself daydreaming about her at work, losing focus on his tasks at hand.

Despite his inner turmoil, Zyler could not help but lust after the girl. He would find himself thinking about getting lost in her eyes, imagining what it would be like to be with her. He knew he should stop but couldn't resist the temptation. She is not even fit to be his maid. Why was he after her? Little did Zyler know that temptation can be a dangerous thing. It can take even the strongest of men and turn them into something they never thought they could be.

Sighing, he touched her feet with his lips. Her skin felt inexplicably smooth under his lips. Once wasn't enough. He needed more, a lot more than what he was doing right now. Panic set inside her when she realized what he was doing. He was kissing her feet, but why would one kiss her feet? And then she felt it. His teeth dug deeper, making fat tears slide down her chubby cheeks.

Zyler dug his teeth inside her delicate skin, biting it hard enough for her to hiss. Autumn's breath halted in her throat when she realized she had hissed. She was paralyzed with fear in anticipation of what he will be doing.

Zyler smirked, loving the reaction he got out of her. He climbed on the bed and kissed her tender feet to her meaty thighs. A cloud of fear and disgust coiled in her stomach. He was rising, and she could tell it by the pattern of breaths following up her body. But it didn't elevate further. He stopped at the lower portion of her thighs, another kiss at the apex of her thigh. This time with a little more need to feel that skin under her, he dug his sharp teeth into her skin, this time to hurt her, and he did. She felt all the depth of those bites.

Zyler could smell the scent on her, so incredibly seductive. Her incense burned his soul, a thirst that he could never quench, not even if he drank all of her ultimately. "My sweet girl," his deep voice did something to her. It was scary and velvety at the same time. If it were under a different circumstance, she would've felt something, but right now, she could only feel his sinister laughter before he took her life. Her mind painted pictures of him laughing while he choked her. Adrenaline was pumping in her blood, and she was wide awake, feeling the assault on her body.

What should she do? Should she tell him she was awake, but would that ruin her life? Would he retaliate and hurt her? So many thoughts were running through her head. She was seething at the same time. She didn't like that he was touching and kissing her, and the fact that he thought he could break in and do anything he wanted enraged her. She didn't like that someone was making her feel useless in her own house.

He rubbed his tongue, soothing the bite on her thigh, "what is he?" she wondered. Why was he biting her? Humans don't bite humans. Was he a ghost? Or worse, a demon? Didn't the movie insidious tell that humans astral project and ghouls come out from another dimension? Was he human or supernatural? Was she alive or dreaming? She couldn't tell. She felt vulnerable. She didn't like that she was going crazy. This is not a dream, is it? She could feel a chunk of her skin under his teeth. He was biting, nibbling, licking, eating her skin. What is he doing? Autumn's heart sobbed at the assault.

Zyler gazed at her with longing eyes. She was an enchanting beauty. Elevating on his knees, he settled on either side of her body. He noticed how she was hugging that puppy. The need to strangle that dog coursed through his body. That is his place, his sanctity. How dare she bring someone into it? How dare she let something that is not remotely human touch her that way.

He will punish her for it. Bending down, he blew a breath on her cheeks. Autumn felt it, please lord, I haven't been that bad, have I? why are you punishing me then? Then his gaze moved onto the place where the dog was hiding. So fucking beautiful, like two beautiful pillows, the wretched thing rested on her chest. Happy and content, jealousy burned him like a wild forest fire. How lucky is that dog?

He traced his knuckles on her cheek. So fucking beautiful. Her beauty ignited his raw need, his primal desires. Lustful fires consumed his heart. With one look at her body, he was gone. His eyes moved to her heaving chest, she was breathing hard, and he thought it was due to the heat in the house. Little did he know, it was due to his presence.

He watched her every breath and every move with an unrelenting gaze. He didn't know what this tiny woman was doing to his heart and dick. She was small, so small he could crush her entire being under him while she struggled to accommodate him. Oh! What an arousing thought to fuck her and make her his.

Autumn waited for him to leave, but the man did not move. Instead, he bent closer and placed a kiss on her earlobe, and she cringed under him. She could tell he was huge by his figure shadowing her. As he came closer, her heart pounded in her chest like a drum, and her breaths came in short, ragged gasps. Every muscle in her body was tensed, and her mind raced, constantly fearing for her life.

The fear was overwhelming, a crushing weight that threatened to consume her at any moment. She couldn't shake the feeling that I was being hunted, pursued by something that meant her harm. The adrenaline coursing through her veins kept her alive, but it also made her feel like she was in a dream, where every step was an effort and every breath a struggle.

He was bigger and stronger than her. His tongue rolled in her ear. Is he a dog? Or does he like human meat? Jeffery Dahmer, is that you? Or is it your ghost? Why lord? Why send serial killers to me? Is it because I joked that I would like to meet one? Please, lord, don't. I don't like to be a human burger. That would be really bad. I am only 20. I don't want to die. She chanted in her head.

The man was hard now. He needed a release. Being this close to her was making him. The thought of waking her up and wanking on her body made him harder than a rod. He palmed his erection and fisted it tight to a point he could no longer hold on. Zyler began stroking his dick, watching her body fall and rise. He could no longer refrain his body from acting. "Fuck, that's a good girl," he growled. That growl generated fear within her body. His voice was deep, intense, and passionate, fueled by a sense of danger and excitement.

It was full of need and greed and need "fuck, Willow," he moaned her name. Why was he saying her name? and more importantly, how did he know her name, specifically her middle name? What else did he know about her? a sense of anger settled in her stomach. "What is this guy," her mind wept. She didn't know. Do people call out for others when someone is in pain, but why is he in pain? She had so many questions. His eyes were closed, and his jaw clenched tight to the point she could hear the grinding noise. She didn't know what he was doing or what was happening there. All she knew was that the man was in pain. His breathing told her that he was aching for something, for what she didn't know.

"Oh, fuck," he moaned one last time cumming in his pants. He was about to pull it out entirely and come on her, but it was too late. His pants took the majority of it.

Autumn held her breath and waited for him to move, but he didn't. Instead, he settled himself next to her, lying down. She felt the bed dip next to her. She knew it could not hold the weight of him and her. "Please make him leave, lord," she begged the creator. "I am scared," she wanted to cry but could not do it. Not with him next to her. What kind of test is this? She cannot cry. She cannot let her tears flow freely.

Who sleeps with a dangerous person next to them? She didn't have the courage for it. Can you do it?

Who is he even? Does she know him? Was she someone from her neighborhood, and why did he smell good? She could tell his cologne was different, like musk and leather, a unique combination of odor, unlike anything she had ever sensed. He didn't act. She could tell he was still.

Zyler laid down next to Autumn and eyed her with more desire. His thirst wasn't quenched yet, he needed more. He wished he could wake her up and thrust into her relentlessly until he and his thoughts consumed her. Once he takes her, she will be his. There will be no going back. He knew this was lust, he wasn't a fool, and that's why he should get this over with as soon as possible. In these moments, his mind was a jumble of thoughts and feelings, and it was taking all his effort to maintain control. He told himself that she was a low life, not worth his effort, and that he was just observing, but deep down, he knew that was not true. The line between attraction and obsession is fine, and he fears this girl might have already made him blur it.

The girl was making him into a horny beast than he already was. Even her toe was enough to make him hard. Sighing, he closed his eyes while Autumn wondered if he would leave. She cannot sleep with a knife in her chest.

Minutes passed, and so did hours, but Zyler did not leave her house, and the girl didn't open her eyes. Around 6 am, his alarm buzzed. The bed on her right recoiled due to his weight. She realized it was already morning. She had no idea how she survived that night with him. He walked to her side, but he didn't carry a flower with him this time. She will be receiving a special gift after a while. He will make sure of that. With that cunning thought, he left the spot.

After she heard the window shut, she opened her eyes and released a breath she had held for so long. She opened her sticky eyes, fluttering her wet lashes. She let peaches off her chest. This good boy will receive a lot of treats for not waking up. After a few deep breaths, her fear subsided, and she got up, plopping on her elbows.

Her eyes felt heavy. She didn't have a wink of sleep last night. How could she? There was a man hovering on top of her and in her bed for a few hours. She turned her head to the left, where the flower had been the last few days, hoping to get proof, but there was done. The nightstand was empty. She clutched her head as a shooting migraine rose up to her head.

She needed coffee today. Autumn wasn't a coffee drinker, but she desperately needed one today. If not, she will die. She let Peaches out the door and made herself some strong, bubbly coffee. There was absolutely no voice, she didn't play music as per habit, neither did she crank up the TV. She sat there, rotating her spoon on the edges of her mug, thinking about last night's events.

Picking up her phone, she dialed Rowena. "Hello," her sleepy voice greeted Autumn.

"I don't think I can come to the library today, Ro. I am tired, and someone broke into my house last night," she let the last part out a little late. She heard the line go silent and the door knock the next minute.

As soon as she opened the door, Rowena ran inside. "What do you mean someone broke into your house last night?" she was just as scared as Autumn was.

"That means someone broke into my house last night. I could feel him," she plopped on a chair. Silence, there was absolute silence in the house.

"How did you know, and what else happened?" Rowena took a seat next to Autumn. Autumn wanted to say he hovered over her and was in pain, but she decided not to

"I don't know," Autumn pouted.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Rowena pulled her hair. Autumn smiled. She never left her side. Rowena had always been a good friend to her ever since she stepped into this town.

"Are you sure?" Rowena stressed this time.

"I don't know, Ro. This is messing with my head. Autumn went on to explain.

"Have you ever had that eerie feeling when you wake up, and you can't differentiate between a dream and reality?" she handed a coffee cup to Rowena. Rowena knew Autumn never made coffee unless she was very stressed and judging by her state. She knew something horrible had happened.

"It's like your mind is playing tricks on you, blurring the line between what's real and what's not," she sipped the bitter drink, and so did Rowena.

"Your heart is pounding, your mind racing, as you try to understand what's happening. You're not sure if the events that took place were just a figment of your imagination, or if they actually happened," Rowena paid attention to her friend without missing a beat.

"This situation is like that. It's a disorienting feeling that can leave you feeling shaken and unsure of yourself," Autumn saw the lines of worry on Rowena's face.

"You try to shake off the feeling and convince yourself that it was just a dream, but the memory lingers, leaving you wondering if it was all just a figment of your imagination or something more," she put the cup back on the counter and poured a lot of sugar into the cup.

Rotating the spoon in the ceramic cup, she sat herself back. "What do you want to do now? You don't know if it is true or real. You are confused. Unless you come to a conclusion, we won't be able to do anything," Rowena said.

"Can I sleep in your house tonight?" Autumn gulped her coffee in one drink.

"Of course, Atty, don't even ask," Rowena hugged Autumn, and so did, hoping this would go away soon.


Zyler hopped in his car, reaching his house. He sent Lucius's picture to Cole and asked him to get information on the guy, and in minutes Cole called back.

"Where did you get this photo?" Cole asked sharply.

"I found him wandering around something I crave," Zyler answered, jumping in the shower. He had to beat his meat again. Why the fuck was he acting like a teenager who had just discovered a woman's body? His dick will rot at this rate, but it is okay as long as it is for her.

"He is Bane Maddox's son," Cole let the death news slowly. "Hmm," Zyler knew what this meant. Bane Maddox is a pervert. He had multiple media accusations that he beat his woman to death. His brother lived in England, and apparently, so does his douche son.

"What about this boy?" Zyler turned the tap and let the water flow on his body.

"This boy Lucius is bad news too. His prior girlfriends went missing, they were found dead later, one girl was admitted into hospital beaten brutally, she was the only girlfriend of his that was alive," Cole admitted, not understanding why Zyler wanted this information.

"I should've killed Bane, to begin with," Zyler closed his eyes and imagined killing him.

"All right, post a job opening for a publisher that will work closely with me," Zyler ordered in a sonorous tone.

"Fine," Cole didn't want to argue with Zyler.

Grabbing the body wash, Zyler poured it on his body. Lucius is after Autumn, then, for what? To sell her or to ruin her? He was aware of Maddox's businesses. His brothers ruled England's tech side, and Bane himself in America's. Was this bastard eyeing after his Black Dahlia? Nobody should. Only he has the right to torture her.

Zyler told himself he didn't give a fuck give about Autumn; he didn't want Lucius to get a taste of her before he did. "Yes, that was it. That was what he told himself. Picking up his phone, he decided to text his Dahlia to stay away from that Lucius bitch.


Autumn and Rowena sat in her living room talking, trying to divert themselves off the current situation when Autumn's phone dinged. It was a message from a new number. "Hello, Autumn, this is Lucius. I was hoping we could meet and discuss a job offer I have for you," her brows creased reading it.

"How did you get my number?" everything terrified her now, especially texts from the numbers she had never talked to

"You applied at one of our subsidiaries. I will let you know more details if we can meet," he responded almost immediately.

"Sure," she responded, asking him to send the details—finally, some sunshine in her life.

What do you think of this chapter? What is Zyler planning further? 6 more likes before the next update. 

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