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By Reci0L

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Inspired by @Guardian_Angel-21 November 6th, 2022 The day of Japan's first ever VRMMORPG to ever release,. A... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Nightmare
Chapter 2: A New Hope?
Chapter 3: Training Begins
Chapter 4: The First Dungeon
Chapter 5: The More the Merrier
Chapter 6: Illfang the Kobold Lord
Chapter 7: The Pink haired Blacksmith
Chapter 9: Greed
Chatper 10: The Black Cats
Chatper 11: Surprise!
Chapter 12: The Trap Room
Chapter 13: Loved
Chapter 14: The Dragon Tamer
Chapter 15: The "Safe" Zone
Chapter 16: Selfishness
Chapter 17: Lambent Light
Chapter 18: Raid
Chapter 19: The Army of Two

Chapter 8: Dreams

117 3 1
By Reci0L

December 24th 2022

The Christmas season has arrived, decorations were hung and people were out and about. That also includes our main duo, wondering together side by side through the cities streets after a days work in the dungeons that roamed the floor. Their walk was interrupted by a familiar black swordsman.

Kirito: Hey, fancy seeing you guys out. great job on the mini boss we fought today by the way.

Klein: yeah, you two fought so well together, it was awesome!

Asuna became slightly flustered with embarrassment due to the compliment from Klein. Remembering the fight vividly.


A roar rippled across the forest as metal clashed against one another, getting ever so louder as you get closer. Upon arrival at the battlefront we can see 4 players fighting the before mentioned mini boss and it's minions.

Kirito: Muzan! Switch!

The now announced player jumped to replace the player before him, rushing towards the boss. the boss swung its blade to keep the swordsman at bay, Muzan used his own blade to counter its attack with a deflect before planting a heavy blow to the boss delivering a devastating decrease to its Health bar, while the attack momentarily stunned the boss, vulnerable for a finishing blow

Muzan: Asuna!

A bright blue blur dashed passed passed the masked swordsman, quickly striking the boss with multiple strikes with precision and speed. Another blow to the mini boss, causing it to explode to cyan crystals. Notifications started to appear in front of the four players before allowing them to view the items they have earned.

Kirito: nice work everyone.

Flashback Ends

Upon remembering that fight the chestnut haired girl replied to the two swordsman in front of her complimenting them for the fight

Muzan: You guys did well... especially you.

Asuna: eh?

The swordswoman snapped her head towards the masked man beside her, which earned a tilted head radiating confusion from the man as if he had said something wrong. Asuna stood there struck by the boys words, she didn't know how to react or if she even could react. She could feel her face burning up, and a uncontrollable pounding in her chest, this was an experience she has never experienced before. Could it be? That she felt a certain feeling for this boy? Surely not.

Muzan: did I say something wrong?

Asuna: w-what!?!? N-no you didn't, it's alright!

The shorter girl started flaying her arms in-front of the boy, hoping he would get the message. This sudden action cause the boy to drop the subject and carry on chatting with the other two in front of them. She let out a sigh as if she was thanking the gods from being freed by the awkwardness, before joining in on the conversation in front of her.


Our duo were alone again walking down the streets of the town of beginnings. A thought arrived in Asuna's mind.

Asuna: *sigh* tomorrow is Christmas, and just like every other Christmas Day, I don't have anything planned at all.

with Asuna not knowing what she will be doing. She decided to ask the swordsman next to her, his decisions on Christmas Day.

Asuna: soooo... do you have anything planned for Christmas?

Muzan: I do.

Asuna oh... what do you have planned?

Muzan: I'll be meeting someone.

Asuna: is this someone special?

Muzan: yes... she's a friend of mine.

Asuna: a she? Oh...

Muzan: would you like to accompany me?

An invitation? She isn't going to be a third wheel is she? Not wanting to be a bother she declined, not without telling Muzan that she would bother the two of them.

Muzan: don't worry... You won't.

Even with this reassurance she was hesitant. Not realising that the masked swordsman started walking.

Asuna: huh, Hey! Wait!

Catching up to him, she was slightly frustrated but she accepted the invitation none the less. Walking what felt like a few minutes they have come to a complete stop. This gave Asuna the chance to look at where they have stopped. She was looking at what looked like a church. Taking a step through the open gate and walking up to the door, Muzan gave the entrance door a firm knock.

???: coming!

The door swung open to reveal a short girl with brown hair, glasses, a dark green dress and an apron. How did this woman know Muzan?

???: oh Muzan, it's good too see you again

Muzan: likewise Sasha.

Sasha: Please, come in.

Walking through the door Asuna got the sight of a life time. She took in the sight of children running around and playing games. She looked over to her masked partner. His face...Unsurprised.

Sasha: good job on the recent victories. I was worried that you weren't going to make it back. Th children started missing you.

Muzan: if you were worried about me, you could have looked through your friends list. It should be more than enough reassurance.

???: oh hey, it's been a while since I've seen you guys.

The beater duo looked over to the source of the voice and to their surprise saw the former leader of the assault team. Diabel. Alive and well.

Muzan: so you were the helper that Sasha was talking about... good to see your not doing anything wreck-less.

Diabel chuckled nervously, rubbing his nape while sweat-dropping. Asuna was so confused, so many questions were roaring in her head, with so little answers to compliment those questions.

Child1: Hey! Uncle Muzan's here!

All the children looked towards the direction the child was pointing towards and they all began to run towards the masked man like a stampede of buffalos and began bombarding him with questions.

Child2: Hey! Hey! did you defeat the boss today!

Child3: Are you here to spend Christmas with us?

Child4: did you bring any presents for us?!?!

Child5: is she your girlfriend?

This caused Asuna to fluster in embarrassment from the sudden question, thankfully it went unnoticed.

Diabel: okay, okay that's enough from you guys I'm sure, Muzan will be able to have games with you soon enough.

All the children began to scurry off, leaving the four older individuals to start preparations for the night.

Sasha: sorry to ask this Muzan, but are you able to cut some firewood for us? Diabel is a bit preoccupied with the children at the moment.

Muzan: alright...

Sasha began cooking meals for everyone in the orphanage after Muzan took his exit to the back this gave Asuna the opportunity to ask Sasha how she knew Muzan. But she was nervous. Thankfully she didn't have to start the conversation.

Sasha: oh! where are my manners, my name is Sasha and I run this orphanage with the help of Diabel. Muzan has told me a bit about you accompanying him on his endeavours.

Asuna: that's alright, and my names Asuna, also how did you know Muzan?

Sasha: Muzan usually visits us and donates money so we can buy food for the children and other expenses. He's been visiting ever since the first floor was cleared. But given how busy he is, we understand if he can't visit often as the children would like. As for actually meeting him, I was out in the forest when I saw a group of children being chased by a pack of vampires. Once the vampires had spotted me, they immediately became aggressive. But thankfully Muzan was nearby to dispatch the mobs. But not like how any other player would defeat them. He did it in a way that was... uhhh... unpleasant to watch. It's was like he stored anger towards the mobs because even after he killed those vampires he defeated other mobs without such gore.

This was foreign news for Asuna. Not once has she seen him display such anger towards anything nor can she even imagine it at all. She had always seen him in a calm and relaxed manner, even in fights he's always composed and rational but not wanting to pry in deeper she stopped the conversation there.
What's cause him to have such a grudge towards a specific mob? Vampires to be exact.

Muzan: I'm back...

Sasha: Great! Let's get to cooking shall we?


Midnight was fast approaching. The feast has concluded. The chestnut haired woman didn't feel as sad as other holidays. Her parents were always away and her brother was overseas so she couldn't really spend holidays how she wanted to. Exempt for the times she would spend some holidays with her grandparents. She would cherish those days down to every moment. She was currently watching the boys that were currently having chess duels with Muzan seeing if any of them could beat him but ultimately couldn't. While some of the girls were watching them play with the rest sitting listening to Sasha read stories to them.

Sasha: alright everyone, it's time for bed time.

Child1: but what about our present Uncle Muzan brought us?

Sasha: you will be able to open them tomorrow morning when you all wake up okay?

Children: yes ma'am

After the children scurried off to their respective bedrooms. Asuna spotted her masked partner sitting outside on the doorstep. Approaching him.

Asuna: Tired?

Muzan:... mildly... may I ask, what did you do on days like these?

Asuna: as in?

Muzan: out in the real world... on the holidays. It's a personal question... you don't have to answer it.

Asuna: ... well... if I'm gonna be honest with you... I mostly spent the holidays alone. My parents are such busy people their always away from home. My brother is overseas so he is never home. I've only spent some holidays with my grandparents, in which I cherish very much.

Muzan: *nod* ... its good to know that I wasn't the only one that was alone.

Asuna finally felt like she was having a meaningful Christmas. Knowing more about the mysterious boy, bit by bit. But also had a sense of importance in her. Finally spending a Christmas Day with someone she felt comfortable with.

Asuna: hey... at least we're not alone this year. That's something to think about.

Muzan:... i guess your right... would you look at that...

Asuna was confused for a moment before she felt something land on her face. Taking a moment to look up, she saw white flakes float down with such grace. Opening her menu with her right hand she looked at the time.

Midnight... Christmas had arrived.

Smiling at her menu knowing that today was a moment to remember. She hadn't realised the little wrapped object come into her view. Looking over she looked at the masked boy infront of her holding the gift that was before her.

Muzan: for you...

Taking it within her elegant hands, she could feel her face slightly burn up which she hoped would be blended in with the night sky. She looked over to the boy to her side only for him to give a nod of approval to open it. Ripping the wrapping she rose a little black box before opening it.

She found a necklace with a small vail of golden sand which she found odd. Looking over to the boy resulted her to tilt her head slightly to signify that she didn't understand the meaning of the present.

Muzan: it's sand from the Sandman. The Sandman in folklore is meant to make a journey around the world at night driving away nightmares to replace them with pleasant dreams.

This took the swordswoman by surprise. Not once has she mentioned about her constant nightmares. But for some reason it's like he could tell and was considerate on helping her

Asuna: *smile* Thank you Muzan... this... means a lot.

Opening her game menu she started scrolling through to find what she needed. When she found it. It spawned slightly above her to catch without damaging the contents inside. Passing it over to the masked player for him to open it.

Muzan: a whip?

Asuna: mhmm. Had it made by Lis. I've noticed that your vulnerable at range so I got you something that's in between.

Muzan: thank you Asuna. I really appreciate it.

Asuna: Merry Christmas, Muzan

Muzan: *hidden smile* ... Merry Christmas, Asuna

Looking up to see the night sky, forgetting that they were within a death game. They couldn't deny the game's beauty. With the night covering the Town of Beginnings. Only for its streets lights to shine like stars upon the earth


And done hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter. I've tried my best to not copy everything from Guardian_Angel's Broken cause that would be a d*ck move and I want it to be original

So hopefully I've done a good job

Let me know if I have

I'll start working on the next Chapter straight after this one.

Yours truly, Rec0iL

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