Monkey Queen (Yue and friends)

By Fahemalillianaltaee

39.3K 815 1.2K

What if Monkey king's successor was actually a girl instead? Her name is Yue who loves taking care of her unc... More

Character info
A hero is born pt.1
A Hero is born pt.3
Bad weather
Duplication gone wrong
Coming home
Noodles or death
The great wall race
Impossible secret date Pt. 1
Impossible secret date Pt. 2
Skeleton key
The end is here
πŸŒ΄πŸŒ…Beach specialβ˜€οΈπŸŒ΄
Revenge of the spider queen pt.1
Revenge of the spider queen pt. 2
Revenge of the spider queen pt.3
Revenge of the spider Queen pt. 4
Revenge of the spider Queen pt.5
After math
The truth
Back to the Celestial Realm
The Huli-Jing's and a monkey
Jade Face vs Yue
Sparkle Speckle Fairy Freckle
Dumpling destruction
Sweet' N Sour
Sweet N' Sour aftermath
Minor scale
Mateo's (MK) heat
Shadow play
A close encounter
A twisted Nightmare

A Hero is born pt.2

1.7K 30 12
By Fahemalillianaltaee

Previously On Monkey queen (Yue and friends)..

"Hey Tang Cut it out for the kid! If you keep doing this. This is going to be annoying for her." Pigsy said is he glared at Tang. Yue Swims up to the surface until she pops her head out of the water to take some air.

Yue went up to the edge and lay down on it to take some breathes, until she hears a voice "Finally, after all this time, we have the means to lift Monkey kings legendary staff." Princess iron Fan spoke with a smile at the sight of a small green hill where a staff was piercing the earth, covering vines and moss.

'If they're real then that means the legends are real and they're going to released the demon bull king from his imprisonment!' Yue thought to herself as she put the pieces together.


Meanwhile with Mira and the others....

Mira just looked around the pool, trying to find Yue while swimming around. "Did she go deeper?" Luna asked as Mira come out of the water shook her head for no. Which worries Luna, then she looked at Chad who starts passing still worrying for his big sister figure and his senior as Luna decided to look for her by diving into the pool while the others shouted her name as Yoichi began to follow her not wanting to loose his best friend.

Yoichi and Luna are swimming around looking for Yue until they saw the cave in the ocean. They both got curious as Yoichi started to grab Luna's hand which got her by surprise as Yoichi and Luna swam toward the cave until finally the saw the surface light in the distance.

They swim up to the surface until they pop their heads out of the water to catch their breathes, and they went up to the edge and lay down on it to catch some breathes until they hear voices and decided to follow it.

"You fool, You think we haven't tried that already? It's going to take more than a few robots to lift the monkey kings staff, only those deemed worthy can wield it, *summons the power glove* but I, red son, have designed this gauntlet to bend it to my will." He said while Luna and Yoichi heard a gasp and spotted Yue almost slips on the edge because of the rocks breaking apart but she quickly grabs hold of the edge of the rock bridge.

Yoichi and Luna both look at each other and nodded meaning they got the same idea. They go up to the rock bridge, and managed to grab Yue, which surprised Yue and the golden bird, they pulled Yue with all their might until finally they were able to put Yue and the edge safely Which Yue is grateful for that and told them to shush and signal them to watch and do not make a sound as they both nodded for agreement.

And then look back at Red son who get's on top of the mountain and grasp it with the power glove. But as soon as he grabs it an unknown force tries to push him away, while trying to lift the staff, Red son grunted as he tried to lift it up more as he struggles which causes his hair and eyes ignite with fire.

Yue marvels the sight with interest while Luna and Yoichi panicked. 'Is his hair really on fire right now?!?' they both thought in panicked while Yue continued to watched red son lifting the staff along with the golden bird, he screamed as princess iron fan watched him, making the surroundings around them starting to crumble.

Until Red son finally breaks the staff from it's grasp. "Yes! I did it!" Red son yells in victory. The bull clones behind him starts to applaud, except for the armless clone, who looks down in dismay. Nothing happens. "WHAT!?! Why isn't anything happening?! Mother, you are sure this is the right mountain?" He ask rather rudely to his mother before he gets off the mountain. "No. Maybe it was that other mountain with a magical staff sealing away my husband!" Princess iron fan said with a sarcastic tone,

They both noticed the ground started to rumble until the mountain broke as the demon bull king frees himself from the mountain. "Yes, Father! Rise! Rise! Rise!" Red son cackles, the green fog cleared, to reveal the glowing green eyes of the demon bull king. Yue, Luna and Yoichi trembles watching the purple fearless bull emerged from the ground, his appearance changed from his previous one after years being trapped from the mountain.

The green glowed slowly died from his eyes revealing two yellow eyes that looks down at Red-son and princess iron fan.

"Flesh.. Bone.. I have returned to the realm of the living." Said demon bull king, flexing his arms. Yue gasp when she leaned closer as she begins to slip luckily Luna and Yoichi grabbed her hand trying to pull her up as hard as they can.

Princess iron fan eyes started to get teary eyed at the sight of her husband, after centuries of being apart, they were finally reunited at last, she slowly goes up towards him to greet him. "Oh, demon bull king. How I've missed you." She greeted her husband happily. "Princess iron fan, is it really you, after all these years?" The demon bull king leaned down to her level, gently cupping her face with his large hands, she leaned into his touch. "Yes, my love, it is me. We're finally together again." She sniffed, wiping her tears of joy away.

Demon bull king smiles, yellow gaze on his wife. "Years have been truly kind to you," he flirted making her smile. "How did you free me?" DBK asked as princess iron fan moved away to reveal Red son still holding the staff with the gauntlet, "hello father... I've missed you" red son said smiling. Demon bull king looked down at his son, his now teenage son in surprise.

"My son..." he said lowering down and gently placed his large hand on his sons head. "The last I saw you, you were small enough to fit the palm of my hand" demon bull king said, Red son smiled happy to see his father again after so many years.

Demon bull king stood back up and noticed the gauntlet holding Monkey king's staff. "I believe you are the one who freed me?" Demon bull king asked and red son perked up and speak. "Well I did moved the staff. I learned to harness it, to make it my-" He was cut off when the demon bull king stood taller and his eyes began to glow green, making Red son nervous. "-our power." Red son corrected himself, not wanting to piss his father off. "Excellent, my son." Demon bull king said smiling.

Red son smiled at the praise he was receiving from his father. Red son turns, grinning with glee, "Now together, we the demon bull family will plunged the world to darkness!" said Red son, holding the staff above his head. Luna and Yoichi are struggling to hold Yue as her hands began to slip, Yue couldn't hold on anymore, and she finally slip right out of Luna and Yoichi's hand and screams until she landed on top of Red son and red son drops the staff.

Yue gets up, and looked down and sees red son on the ground and realized the situation she was in which make's the girls face turned as she immediately got off of him. "Oh no! I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to land on you!" Yue apologized. "ARGH!! do you know what you did?" he turns to her, eyes glowing red, "You've ruined my-my-my-" He stops staring at her wide eyes when the moon shines on her skin, red flames dying down and his red eyes gazed at her when he sees her clearly, one moment the cave was dark but now the clouds move away from the moon, he now sees how beautiful Yue is. Red son blushed at her beauty.

Her eyes are bright as the morning blue sky, her hair is black as ebony, and her skin as white as snow. And her our glass figure that makes you feel all giddy inside. The swimsuit she was wearing made her absolutely gorgeous, "beautiful..." he said in awe but realized what he said, Red son covered his hand and blushed madly.

Making Yue blink in confusion but realized what he said as she began to blushed madly and looked away from him because she realized he was staring at her while wearing her swimsuit and yelped before she could cover herself, and it made princess iron fan and demon bull king shocked including the bull bots, because they never seen the demon bull prince gets so flustered.

Then another scream came from above as the two children fell on top of red son, making a small dust fog surrounding the three, making Yue wince at the side, when smoke cleared.

Yoichi and Luna sat up, Yoichi rubbed his head painfully after a hard fall he and Luna had received as Luna rubbed her back, Yue quickly get's up and ran towards the kids. "Luna! Yoichi! Are you two ok? where does it hurt?!" Yue asked in a panicked and worry tone. Luna smiled and said, "Yeah we're ok." then Yoichi mumbled, "Remind me to never trust that golden bird again Princess." Luna chuckled painfully as Yue smiled in relief as the kids gets up and noticed the demon bull family and the bull bots in front of the kids and Yue. "Uh... hi..?" Yue laughs nervously.

Until Red son snap out of the dizziness and yelled at the kids angrily. "Get off of me you brats!!" And gets up causing the kids to fall and hid behind Yue for protection as red son looked at the kids not looking at Yue as his cheeks turn a bit red and tried to hide it, which failed miserably as the bull bots and Red son's parents noticed it, but let it slide for now.

"ARGH, DID YOU KNOW WHAT YOU TWO JUST DID?! YOU RUINED MY MOMENT AND MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL IN FRONT OF A GIRL!!!" Red son yells in rage while his eyes and hair were on fire as the kids looked shocked and scared.

DBK took a step forward next to red son as red son looked up to see his father glaring down at Yue and the kids. "three little eavesdropper has fallen into our midst. It seems a waste to crush something so insignificant as my first act as ruler of this world of this new world, so be it." and when he was about to step on Yue and the kids, Red son stopped him before he could, "Wait father!" DBK looked at his son, confused as he spoke up, "What is this?"

Red-son cleared his throat as he moved his hand away for a bit and spoke up "waste not your energy on these peasants. Please, allow me to show you how powerful I have become in your absence!" DBK looked at him with glowing green eyes as he spoke "as you wish"

While nobody was noticing, Yue,Luna and Yoichi tried to slip away while whispering to the kids, "Come on kids, let's leave this place while we have the chance" the kids did as Yue said as they tried to do so, but failed as Yue quietly gasp when Red-son turned around, just before she and the kids could escape. "In some ways... you're very unfortunate, noodle girl" she looked up as she panicky backed up more until she hit the staff.

"Not many insects are lucky enough to be stamped out the demon bull family!" Red son continued as Yue turned to see the staff as she heard "Monkey king staff" she then heard a loud stomp as she looked up and see Red-son as he angrily spoke "Are you even listening me? I, red-son will not be disrespected! You're history!!" Red-son yelled, flames surrounded around him as he attempted to grab her, which Yue screams in panic, falling around a bit, then she lifted the staff to block him. To Red-son's disbelief, he was shocked when he saw the staff blocked his gauntlet. "No way! How could you possibly lift the monkey king's staff?!" Red son said who was shocked.

Yue creaked open her eyes, taking a glimpse of the staff that she held in her arms and looks at the tip of the golden glow of the staff in awe. "This is impossible." Princess iron fan said filled with bewilderment, while her husband on the other hand was looking down at Yue angrily with a growl. "I don't know what's going on here, but I'm about to end it! That staff is mine!!" Red son yelled as he and the bull clones are about to take the staff back. "I'm suppose to have my BREAK!!!" Yue yelled as she swung the staff releasing golden energy making Red-son and the clones fly back by a sudden force.  "This can't be!" DBK said as red son and the bull clones came crashing down harshly on the ground while DBK steady himself.

Princess iron fan grunted as she looked at Yue who was shocked and surprised at the same time. "Uh, that was more explosive than I expected." Yue confessed, "That was awesome Yue!!" Luna says with sparks in her eyes as Yoichi nodded with agreement.

Princess Iron fan slammed her fan on the ground with a loud clang. "Stand back!! I don't know how I'm doing this stuff!!" Yue warned them as the kids couldn't help but laugh while sweat-dropping. "That staff doesn't belong to you little girl. Hand it over." Princess iron fan commanded her angrily, Yue looked at the staff, then look at princess iron fan and gave her a determined look and answered "No." Then the staff plants itself to the ground liked it moves itself as soon as she gave princess iron fan an answer. "Okay, I didn't even moved that time!" She spoke as she and the kids suddenly yelped when the staff extended, the trio yelled when the staff launched the trio into the air and into the pool that they went, as princess iron fan watched, and furiously yelled "UGH! She can't escape with that staff! Even the children are launched with her!"

She turned around to look at her husband, who had a dark aura around him, tinted with anger. "Centuries trapped in oblivion, plotting my revenge, and all thwarted by another... Wukong!?! I will tear the flesh from her bones!" He angrily yelled, his brows furrowed. "Calm down my love, don't let those memories cloud your mind." Princess iron fan spoke, cupping her husbands face as he kneeled down. "Father, please allow me to get the staff. I won't fail you a second time!" Said red-son.

As demon bull king looked at his son who had the look on wanting to get the staff to impress him but he knew he had a thing for a certain black haired girl but didn't want to bring it up. To Red-son he wanted to get the staff back, but in the back of his mind he wanted to see the girl who he somehow found beautiful to him.

"See that you don't, my patience is past it's end." DBK warned Red-son, red-son looked at his father as he turned around "of course, father" as he goes after Yue when his mother stopped him as he looked at her confused, "mother?" She looked at her son and spoke "I have a question to asked before you leave."

He tilted his head to the side, still confused, "what is it?" He asked, then princess iron fan simply asked, "do you have a crush on the noodle girl when you laid your eyes on her?" Red-son blushed at his mother's question as he stuttered and answered "N-no, I d-don't ha-have a crush on Th-that noodle girl! She's just a peasant, nothing more! Nothing less!" Both of his parents looked at him with a deadpanned looks on their face, 'he's really in love with her.' Both of them thought at the same time but decided not to say anything else as they both watched Red-son dive in the pool to find Yue and the children.

Princess iron fan closed her eyes and hummed in thought as Demon bull king looked at his wife, "what are you thinking of, my love?" He asked as princess iron fan opened her eyes and looked at him and spoke, "I've been thinking, if our son is dating the noodle girl with the power to wield the staff of the monkey king, then maybe it could bring wonders to us."

Demon bull king thought of it for a moment, then an evil smirk appeared on his face, "if the little thief and our son get married, we could wield every single power of it, we could be unstoppable!" He suggested as he and his wife smirked as they looked at the pool where Yue, along with the kids left after Red-son went to dive in and chase after them. "I think we have found our key to success!" Princess iron fan exclaimed as she and her husband started to laugh evilly, echoes of their evil laugh filled the cave.

Unknown to them, the golden bird that pecked Yoichi and Luna landed on the ground and looked towards the pool exit she along with the kids and red-son left.

Meanwhile, Mira and the others were waiting for Yue, Luna and Yoichi to come out since 22 minutes ago and started to worry about them, "ugh! That's it! I'm going after them!" Chad shouted as he was about to go after them, Mira was about to stop him for doing something reckless until she hear a burst from behind her.

Mira turned around and saw Yue, Luna and Yoichi land on the edge of the pool. "Yue! Luna! Yoichi! Are you guys ok!?" Natsumi asked as the gang getting right beside the other three. "We've got to leave the cave before he-" Yue was cut of by Red-son who burst out of the water, while steam came off of his body because the water was over his body. "noddle girl!!" Red-son shouts as Luna shrieks before She and Yoichi went hiding behind Yue. "It's him! He's here!" Yue shouted as she started her fighting stance while holding the staff. Mira pulled out a dino caps that transform into a weapon from her pocket giving red son a head start.

Red son be charges as Yue and her friends charges at Red son and they all started to fight, Chad was about to strike but he only got punched by red son and throw him to the ground and Chad groaned in pain. The others gasp. "CHAD!" They yelled in unison. They took their eyes out and went to strike Red son as Mira and Yue grabbed Chad by the arms and dragged him away from the fight.

They set him to the wall and ran to see their friends are gutted bad. "NO!!" Yue shouted as she ran and strike him while he dodges her attacks while the others groaned in pain and saw Yue and Red-son fight one by one. Yue tries to land a hit on red son using the monkey king's staff while red son dodge her attacks.

Yue gasped as red son grabbed Yue's wrist to make sure she won't go anywhere. "Yue!" Yoichi shouted as he tried to get up but Luna and Stitch stopped him before he could hurt himself because of his bruises. "I believe you have something that belongs to me noddle girl. Give me the staff and I promise to leave you and your friends alone." Red son said as Yue looked directly at him and answered. "No! This staff belongs to Sun Wukong the monkey king. You can hurt me all you want but leave my friends out of it!" As soon as she gave him the answer,

Red son smirked evilly as he grabbed her chin to make sure she looked directly at him which gives Yue the shivers down in her spine by looking at his red eyes. "Then I'll just have to take you with me then." Red-son said as Yue widen her eyes in shock at what Red son had said. "GET AWAY FROM HER!!" Mira yelled as she pushed red son off of Yue, she grabbed Yue's hand and ran to her friends who are badly bruised.

Mira pulled out a ninja smoke bomb, throw it down to the ground causing a smoke made them all disappear into thin air. Red-son got out of the pool where Mira had pushed him and find out that Yue and her friends are gone. Red son growls in anger until his hair and eyes burst into flames. "NOODLE GIRL!! WHEN I FIND YOU, I'M GONNA TAKE THAT STAFF AND MAKE YOU MINE!!" He yelled but realized what he said that last part. Red-son blushed madly as he look around and saw no one is there.

Few moments later, the demon bull family went back at the abandoned construction site, a factory is seen as bull clones were using the machines to make more of them while DBK sat on his throne, with red-son helping him create new armor-like for his father. "And That should about do it." Red son spoke as he pulled his masked up staring at his father. "It's... heavy." Demon bull king spoke as he stood up while red-son back up. "Uh, Th-that's because it's not powered up yet, the suit absorbs energy to create energy. and what better source than a magical staff that kept you underground!" Red son explained to his father. "You mean the staff you lost!" DBK growls angrily as red-son growls, flames flickering as he nervously step back a bit from his father.

"Ah, yeah. It was the noodle girl! I-" Red son nervously spoke but was cut off when his mother was laughing as he turned to see his mother flying towards them, "Oh don't toy with him my love. we will get it back. I have bull clones scouring the island. it's only a matter of time." Princess iron fan chuckles as she landed softly on the ground. "And while we wait, the furnace can convert other things into energy." Red son threw his guard face into the suit, Demon bull king let out a roar as continued "The more rare item, the more powerful father will become. And once we have the staff, he will be unstoppable!"

Princess Iron fan smiled evilly as Demon bull king smiled at the armor his son made as he sat on his throne, pulling up a hologram. "Now to find something rare and expensive. Something that will give me the power I deserve." He chuckles darkly.

Meanwhile, with Yue and the others who are at the noodle shop, Mira place an ice pack gently on her boyfriends forehead. While Natsumi, Hunter, Keitaro and Luna wraps around Yoichi and Hiro from head, and arms with bandages. "So let me get this straight. You and the kids went deep in the pool and found princess iron fan and his son red-son, freed the demon bull king by removing the monkey king staff?" asked Tang as Yue zoom towards her and exclaimed, "Yes!! We've got to get to flower fruit mountain and find the Monkey king!! It's the only way to save everyone before the world is destroyed and I have proof!! See?!"

She then pulled out the staff as they looked at the staff until suddenly the staff moved again, it extended itself and crushed the table where Chad and Mira are while getting their bandage to heal themselves as Tang went to fanboy mode. "M-M-Monkey king's staff!! I knew it all along! The legendary weapon only he could wield to seal away evil!!"

Tang held Yue's arm as she sigh and took her arm away gently from her uncle. "Wait a minute. Why do you have it?" Tang asked. "Alright I'll bite. If the staff is here, then where is the demon punk now?" Pigsy asked. "Maka maka!" Stitch got everyone attention as Luna look up to her phone and realize what stitch have meant. "What did stitch say kiddo?" Chad asked, "He said he's at a shoe store." Luna answered as the others were shocked. "WHAT?!" they all shouted as they looked at Luna's phone as Luna showed them the video that showed DBK was absorbing all the limited edition shoes, which made the others very worried and scared.

Meanwhile, DBK was absorbing so many objects and destroying everything in sight, red-son landed on top of a building with his jetpack on his back. Red-son smiled evilly smiled at the chaos his father was creating, "Yes! with every item absorbed, my family comes one step closer to total domination! Once we get the monkey king staff, we'll be unstoppable!" Red-son exclaimed.

Yue and her team are riding inside of pigsy's noodle food truck while being squished in the truck while Pisgy drives like a mad man, of course before they left Yue and the others minus stitch went home to change into their casual attire before leaving.

"It's very tight!" Luna said all squished up. "Hang in their Luna." Yue said while sitting in the front with her uncles. "Pigsy, watch where you're going! You're going to kill us!" Tang exclaimed with a scared tone. "He's right Uncle pigsy! We gotta get to flower fruit mountain without getting car crashed! All we have to do is drive through the ocean and get to flower fruit mountain but to do that we're going need a boat to get there! Simple!" Yue said as she showed her uncles her journal she used for her homework. "Guy's! Demon bull king has moved onto town! he's destroying the tea stalls!" Racheal shouted while the others started to freak out. "Not the tea stalls!!" Luna shouted "All the more reason to get the staff back to Monkey king! It's the only place he could be. Right Uncle tang?" Yue asked her uncle for confirmation.

As tang adjusted his glasses. "Hmm, indeed However, flower fruit mountain is hidden deep in unknown territory. So I guess we better head back!" Tang said as he chuckle nervously, "WHAT?!" the gang minus Pigsy yelled, as pigsy grabbed his face and scolded him. "Ah, shut it you big baby! I know a guy that can take us there. The most dangerous. Deadly. Raged-filled warrior I've ever known!" Then Pigsy slammed the gas flinging everyone over as the car screeched and stopped as they were stopped in front of the docks in one piece. "Sandy" Pigsy said which made everyone feel scared.

To be continued...

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