I hate that I love you // BTS...

Per Akane_Miyako

51.6K 2.2K 216

*Written 2017 - 2023* Y/n is a 15 years old girl. She is going to school and her two best friends are Amy and... Més

1. Life at school
2. Party time
3. The nice boy
4. School project
5. Should I tell him?
6. I save you
7. I don't fall for him!
8. He knows...
9. I am sorry
For you
10. I love you
11. Alone at home
12. First date
13. The stars
14. My spring brake
15. Old witch
16. Escape
17. New friends
18. Hide and Seak
19. Missing
20. Found him
21. Hospital
22. Hurt
New stories!!!
23. I finally spoke
24. Not ready
Happy Birthday TAEHYUNG
25. Love
26. Flirt
27. Truth or dare
28. Bad habit
29. Wasted
30. He is back
31. I trust you
32. Amy talk
33. Worry?
34. By your side
35. Yes
36. Almost got caught
37. Our relationship
38. Nice gift
39. Mother is back
40. Talking is key
41. I'm proud of you
42. Back to school
43. Success
44. Party basement
45. Detention
46. Mean girls
47. What do I do now?
48. Break up
49. Missed calls
50. Jimin
51. Don't hate me
52. Best friend
53. Help her!
54. Last battle
55. Suicide
56. Ambulance
57. Revenge
58. First time
59. Annoying
60. Convincing her
62. House party
63. Admit it
64. Bad news
65. Jealousy
66. Fight
67. Funeral speech
68. Misunderstanding
69. Make up
70. Party plans
71. Enemies to Lovers

61. Weird date

225 13 0
Per Akane_Miyako

Hi everyone. This chapter is going to be a lot longer. Hope you will like it. Have fun and have a great day!


Taehyung Pov:

I was at my place with Jimin after Y/n told me about the date they will be having. Or that Amy agreed to go on a date with him. Jimin didn't know about this just yet so I was going to tell him. I still didn't know if Jimin actually was interested in Amy in that way or if he just wants a little more action but for now I hope he won't destroy this for himself.

"Alright. What did you want to talk about?" He asked as he finally put his phone away. I cleared my throat and thought about how to start this.

"Well...this is so weird, I feel like a love therapist." As I said that, Jimins eyes lit up and he immediately snooped closer.

"What are you talking about? Do you know something? What do you know?!" He started asking really fast and I couldn't even follow him.

"Woah calm down. Maybe I know something. I had a talk with Y/n." I answered and he looked so curious and couldn't wait for me to continue my speech.

"Taehyung don't fuck with me bro. Just spit it out already!" He yelled and I was really surprised. Does this boy actually has such a crush. I never seen him like this before.

"Okay, okay. Y/n spoke to Amy and she agreed to go on a date with you. But you need to pull yourself together-" I was about to continue but Jimins eyes lit up and he grabbed my shoulder.

"Reallyyyyyt?! What did she say? Is she in love with me? She is head over heel for me." I raised an eyebrow as he started acting that way. What on earth was wrong with this boy.

"Alright, don't get to excited. She only agreed because Y/n wouldn't let lose so she most likely isn't really looking forward to this date." I explained to him and now he was a bit confused.

"Why? I am such a gentleman." He said and I just rolled my eyes. Yeah sure maybe in another universe.

"Whatever. Just try and pull yourself together. Don't be to much in love with yourself and don't talk to much about yourself. Just don't be yourself." I told him but it didn't seem like he was really satisfied with this tip.

"I don't really know if I should take this advice." He thought for a moment and I sighed before placing a hand on his back.

"Alright bro. Just try not to make a fool out of yourself. I think you actually like her." This made him look up at me.

"Maybe I do."

Y/n Pov:

I was walking up and down in my room and waited for Amy to finally call me. It was the day of their date and I was so curious that I could die.

"Calm down. She will call once she is done." Taehyung said from the bed as he was watching some TikTok's. I gave him a glare and he gulped.

"How could I calm down?! It has been hours. What are they doing so long?! I swear to god if Jimin-" I wasn't even done with the sentence as my phone started ringing.

"Pick it uuup!" Taehyung suddenly started yelling and I glared at him.

"Oh now you are screaming. Acting all up at the beginning." I spat at him as I ran over to my phone and answered it.

"Hello, yes???" I said and waited for her to answer. Taehyung looked at me really curious.

"Girl, you won't believe." She started and I threw my hand to my mouth. I couldn't wait to hear the tee.

"Put it on speaker." Taehyung whispered to me and I did so. Amy started yelling us everything that happened and I couldn't believe it.

Author Pov:

Amy didn't really give a lot of effort before going on the date with Jimin because she wasn't really expecting much. She knew how Jimin was and she also knew that she would have to deal with his weird flirting but she wasn't really into some kind of things. On the other hand Jimin stood at least an hour before the mirror deciding what shirt to wear and he also practiced how to talk with her. It was the first time he gave this much effort. He never really cared about topics to talk about or what he should wear because usually he doesn't really talk a lot and the clothes are also not that important because sooner or later they would land on the floor but this time it was different for him. He didn't even know himself when he started to like her this much but he didn't even think about taking her to bed. He actually wanted to make a good impression and change her mind.

"Alright Park Jimin. Get your shit together. Hi beautiful. You look sexy...No, that sounds like a fuckboy. Hello darling, we have an amazing day today...Oh my god no!" He practiced how to greet her but it wasn't really working. At the end he decided to just go with the flow and he walked out of the house and down to his car. After one last big breath, he sat inside and drove off. Amy's house was just a couple of minutes away so he went to pick her up. His hands were sweating as he was holding the steering wheel and he couldn't stop thinking about how to act. Once he arrived at her house, he could already see her outside with her arms folded before her chest.

"Oh fuck, was she waiting for to long." He hit his hand to his palm as Amy walked up to Jimins car.

"Should I open the door? Or is it to much? Will she think I am acting up to much. But it could also be cute." Jimin was thinking way to much about it because Amy was already in the car. She cleared her throat so he would stop daydreaming and he looked at her nervous.

"Hi." Was all he said and inside he already regretted it.

"Yeah, hi to you to." Amy answered a bit confused because she already noticed Jimin acting strange. Without another word Jimin just started driving to the restaurant he reserved. Once they arrived Amy's yawn dropped.

"We will be eating here?" She asked really surprised and Jimin nodded shyly.

"Don't you like it? We can go somewhere else. Maybe I shouldn't have decided on my own." Jimin got a bit frustrated and was about to get back inside the car but Amy stopped him.

"No, no wait. It's alright I was just surprised because Ethos place is very expensive." She added and that made Jimin smile.

"Well I just wanted you to know that you are worth it." He winked at her as he said that and Amy just rolled her eyes and started walking inside the restaurant.

"Oh fuck." Jimin sweared under his nose once he saw Amy's reaction and ran after her. The waitress shoved them their table and they sat down. Jimin was still really nervous and had no idea how to act or what to talk about.

"Do you know what you will get?" Amy asked him as she was already going through the menu. Jimin grabbed it as well and started reading it but he didn't understand a word.

"Not really. These are some weird things here." He said as he was looking at the meals name confused. Amy cleared her throat and that made Jimin look up.

"You have the French menu in your hands." She said a bit annoyed as she looked around if anyone saw them. Jimin picked up the other menu embarrassed and they both picked a dish silently.

"Have you decided yet?" The waitress came and wanted to pick up their order.

"Lobster." They both said it at the same time and that made them look at each other. Jimin turned a bit red and gave Amy a small smile. She turned away awkwardly. The waitress smirked at them and walked away.

"It is nice here." Jimin started as he was looking around the restaurant.

"Yeah." Amy answered and also took a look at all the other people sitting there. Only older people were sitting there talking about some political stuff. They really didn't fit into the vibe. Jimins eyes landed on an older couple who were scolding a waitress.

"Amy look there." He said and Amy looked over to where Jimin was looking.

"This wine tastes like from a convenient store and the bread is dry as hell." The man said and the woman was obviously embarrassed.

"Can't you just eat so we can leave." She told her husband quietly but he wouldn't stop and just kept on complaining.

"Some people have way to much money." Amy said as she rolled her eye at the old man almost yelling now.

"Yeah. He should chill and smoke a joint or something." Jimin said and regretted it right away. Was it to much with the joint? What will Amy think now? To his surprise she started giggling.

"I think he wouldn't only calm down but pass out. Look at his rich ass." She said and now Jimin started laughing quietly as well.

Amy's eyes landed on a family who looked like were arguing with the son.

"I can't believe you had your first kiss and you haven't told me about it. You are not allowed to kiss!" The mother yelled at the boy while he was just playing on his phone annoyed.

"Mom I am 17. It's not a big deal." He answered and the mother became hysterical.

"I don't care how old you are. You are my baby and I'm your mommy! Nobody can take you from me!" She yelled and Amy looked over to Jimin confused and Jimin had the same look on his face.

"You heard that right?" She asked him and he nodded his head still not believing what they just heard.

"We really don't fit in here." Amy said and Jimin agreed.

"Let's get lost." He said and Amy nodded her head.

"Yes please." They walked out of the restaurant while the waitress ran after them.

"Your food is ready!" He yelled and the two started running outside. They quickly jumped inside Jimins car. Jimin drove off and they started laughing.

"I can't believe päpple like that exist." Amy said while laughing. Jimin laughed as well and for a while they made fun of the people they saw in the restaurant.

"Let's just get some corn dogs." Jimin suggested and Amy nodded her head. They stopped at a nearby convenient store and decided to go for a little walk with their corn dogs and soda.

It was already getting kind of dark so it was really peace full outside.

"I have to say, it was kind of fun. I don't even want to imagine what the bill would have looked like." Amy said laughing again.

"Yeah, I guess we really didn't fit in there. I don't know what I thought when I reserved there." Jimin got a bit embarrassed as he said the last sentence.

"It's okay. At least we had something to laugh about." Amy smiled at him and Jimins face turned red again. He felt nervous again but not like before. Now he was also having fun. Even though she didn't want to fully admit it but Amy had fun to. She didn't think Jimin could also be funny not just flirty.

"Do you want to try mine?" Jimin held his corn dogs out to Amy and for a second she was hesitant but then gave in.

"Why not." She took a bite out of his and that made Jimin smile.

"Yeah it's good." She said and now Jimin was looking at her hand. Not because he wanted so bad to try hers but he just wanted some cute interaction with her.

"You want me to give you mine now right?" She glared at Jimin and that made him chuckle.

"Well only if you want to." He said and Amy rolled her eyes but held the corn dog up to Jimins mouth. He took a bite out of it while he looked eyes with Amy. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink and she immediately looked away. Jimin noticed it and it made him smile.

"I am going to be honest." He started and that made Amy look over to him again. She got curious.

"I was really nervous at the beginning. And you being so annoyed didn't really make it easier." He started explaining and now Amy rolled her eyes which made Jimin chuckle again.

"Well I wasn't having the best thoughts of you but you shouldn't be surprised because of that." She explained. It made them both laugh but Jimin stopped walking and became serious. Amy turned over to him and he looked her deep in the eyes.

"Are you still thinking bad about me?" He asked her sounding really serious and he really wanted to know.

Amy didn't answer just looked at Jimin kind of speechless. She has never seen him this serious.

"I like you. And not just like anyone else." He added and Amy got really surprised. She really thought that Jimin only wanted to see her in his bed but now she was doubting it even though it was weird because she has never seen him like that. They haven't known each other personally for that long but Amy always knew him because he was popular at school because he was such a player. She collected her thoughts before she started speaking.

"You are not as bad as I thought." Was all she said and that made Jimin chuckle.

"Well that doesn't sound as bad as I imagined." He said and stepped a bit closer to her unintentionally. Amy got surprised but didn't step back. They looked at each other and both of them started blushing. Jimin slowly moved his hand closer to Amy's and stroked over it. She didn't pull away just stood there not knowing what to say or do. It would be a lie to say that she wasn't feeling warm inside. Jimin thought about kissing her but he didn't want to make her feel like one of the girls he had because every minute he spent together with her, it mad whim realize more and more that he actually really likes her.

"It's getting late." He said first because he saw that Amy was speechless. She took a step back and cleared her throat.

"Yeah. We should go back." Amy added and the two started to make their way back to Jimins car. This is how their first date ended. Amy would have never thought that she would actually enjoy this day but she did and was happy to learn about this other side of Jimin. This opened her eyes and now she also wanted to know more about him.

End of flashback

Amy told them everything that happened and they couldn't believe their ears. She sounded happy.

"I can't believe this boy. He actually changed." Taehyung whispered to Y/n and she nodded shocked.

"He was so different. I really never seen him like that before." Amy added and that made Y/n thinking.

"Do you like him?" She asked and for a couple of seconds Amy didn't answer. The two waited for her answer really curious and once she finally said something, their mouth dropped.

"Maybe I do."

Continua llegint

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