Phakade Lami (My Forever)

Від Tubalole

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Two Separate Worlds, Both Close And Distant To Each Other In Terms Of Class, Love And Wealth Are Brought Toge... Більше

Characters Description
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
New Character Introduction.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Enter Harriet)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 In Violence We Stand
Chapter 18
New Character ✌️✌️
Chapter 19.... Nokubonga.
Chapter 19 Part 2
Chapter 20 (Nomashenge)
Chapter 21 (The Beginning Of The End) Part 1
Chapter 21 (Part 2) The Continuation
Chapter 22 (Again)
New Characters Coming Soon.
Chapter 23 (Betrayal Of The Highest Order)
Chapter 24 (Supper)
Chapter 25 (The Underwear)
Chapter 26 "Misplaced Glory"
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Is this what you want)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 His Love
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
We are coming back.
Chapter 38 (It's Him)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 "Re-Visit"
Chapter 44 (I wish it was a lie)
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (Bipolar)
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 (Zimkhita)
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (This Is My Confession)
Chapter 58.
Chapter 59 ~ 'Just Be Sure'
Chapter 60 'I am staying'
Chapter 61 - House Of Masilo.
Author's Note
Hi *Financial* Plea

Chapter 49

94 14 10
Від Tubalole

“I know this area, better than you and that’s why I am telling you to use this route and not that one... I don’t want to be late for the party,” Hector says, as he looks at Zimele, who is depending on the GPS, for directions.

As they move around Hector’s hometown.
Yes, they’re in Limpopo... because of Kedibone... she graduated and decided to throw a big party in honour of her results.

“I know Mawami, I won’t do such a thing or have you forgotten that, it’s my daughter, or rather our daughter that is finally graduating, ... Papi,” he says with those his weird dimples.
I don’t know how but to Zimele and Hector, Morena and Kedibone... have always been their firstborns and that’s why he spoils them rotten.
Most especially uKedibone.

And we know sooner or soonest, this will be Prince, who is matriculating next year and I can’t say that, I am proud... he has turned out to be smart and different from his father and uncles.
Maybe in his generation, things will be better and their chosen one, will not have to go through this but the only problem here, is that what if they get a messed up person to wear the black bead.
And what if she’s worse, more than Harriet.
And speaking of her, it’s been six months, since her death and nothing happened.
Nobody came to look for her or even try to question her whereabouts, it’s as if... her entire existence and that of her family, was wiped off.
And I know that they were all Killed but still though, nobody to avenge their deaths.
But what can I say they deserved it.

“Mara, let’s be honest... why are we rushing, because it’s going to be a long Afternoon and also evening of nonstop Arabic tone and English,” Zimele says.
They both laugh, because you know what... that’s the truth... she will be speaking through the nose.
Kedibone keeps on mentioning that she wants to stay in Limpopo and start up... her journalism career.
But MmeMoichela won’t have it, she wants her far away from this place.

This PARTY thing doesn’t turn out bad, I mean it’s only the Masilo family, excluding Hector’s cousin and it’s the Dlamini KaDikana clan, yes they came in abundance.
Including Nganono, he has changed but to me and everyone, he is still the same teddy bear.
Zimele has totally rejected the idea of sleeping over, despite the fact that they is over ten rooms in this mansion, yes... they upgraded their rusty dusty home into a double story building.

“At least that side we have bathroom inside our bedroom... look Mawami, I am not complaining but look at this, I usually get erections in the morning, so what would happen, if I wake up with an erected penis and make my way to the toilet, only to meet with your mother on the passage and then her eyes will be glued to my big brother,” he says, pointing to his the man in between his legs and I understand him.

“But Still, why spend so much on booking a hotel room, that won’t even be able to cook proper ‘home cooked’ meal... just tell me why and I will understand,” he asks.

“Hector, I have said my own and it’s final... we are sleeping in a hotel, if the rest of the family, wants to dine and sleep here, it’s most definitely not me, and besides... I want to dog style you,” he says, showing the gesture, leaving Hector mouth opened.
“And the problem is that, wena you scream for Africa,” he says
Oh my God, I am not laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

So that means that their left with no choice but to book a hotel room and that would mean that Zithulele will be staying behind, along with Xolani and Lerato’s Central Africans and by the way, she gave birth last month.... it’s a boy.
Prince is still in Northern Cape and he is now in grade 11, along with Nathi... who is in grade 8.
Zithulele doesn’t even remember Harriet anymore and I feel like to him, he has always known that Hector was his true birth giver.
He is now in grade 4.


“Zimele,” he says in a low toned voice.
“Mawami,” he responds, whilst passing through the many pictures of I don’t know what, on his phone.
“I want to open a beverage company, particularly one that will have it’s doors in wine 🍷, in beer 🍺 and another in whiskey 🥃,” he says, turning to look at Zimele, who is quiet and is just looking at him, with his arms crossed.
The phone is already placed aside.
It looks like, their in a hotel room.

“And then, why are you looking at me, like that,” he asks.
“And why would you want to open up a alcohol company, I mean don’t we have enough already... I mean we just rented a R12000 room for one night,” he says.
“I know but I want my own and not our own... you and your brothers have a company but I have nothing to my name... I want to leave something for Zithulele and... my other children, something for them to remember me on,” he says.
“Okay, it sounds like a great idea but... don’t you think that it would be better if you stayed at home and just open those legs, every time I enter through the door,” he says.

Mara Zimele, I don’t where Hector found him.
Hector quickly takes his leave and goes to the bathroom... it’s as if he finds pleasure in traumatizing him.
“So now what, you are not talking to me,” he says as Hector enters into the bathroom and shuts the door.
“Yoh, Okay, but you still have to open those legs, when you come here,” he says.
That’s it... he married a broken head man.


It’s a good thing that Hector made sure that all restaurants and their operations, were given to Ziyanda, the ghetto queen.
She still doesn’t want to continue with giving the huge family, children.
She wants to maintain her vagina and keep her breasts up.
And guess what, their already arriving at the same time... yes, it’s only Nganono and Mabutho that slept there, along with Lerato and Mukuna, and that’s because she needed help from MmeMoichela regarding her new-born son.

But anyways, the yard is very busy and it’s not a joke but I guess, this is exactly what happens, when you invite the entire Dlamini KaDikana family over and not forgetting the Masilo family.
Hector is busy trying to cook a feast but not without the help of Ziyanda and the newborn mum, Lerato.
I can’t believe she getting married into two weeks from now.
Her dowry has been paid and it was paid in hundreds of thousands, so I can’t wait for the main course, her wedding.
After all she is always the one planning the white weddings of the family, from Hector... to Ziyanda and the now dead, Angelina.
I miss her 😞😭.

But I see Nganono and he is talking to his older brothers, as they braai the meat 🍖 and now where is Zithulele.
Oh, he is there with Lerato’s newborn and he looks just like his brothers, who are still super naught and by the way, their going to grade R, next year.
“I want my baby now,” that’s Mukuna and he is stretching his hands to Zimele.
He wants to carry his son, his third born child.
“Wait, just give me two minutes and I will give you,” he says.
He stands up and moves to the corridor, leaving Mukuna amazed and you should see MmeMoichela’s face... she was watching them, the whole time.

“Now look, growing up... we had this woman that was staying next to us, and her name was... I even forgot her name but she had a daughter and every single time, Ubaba brought bags of oranges, that one,” he points to Zimele, who has already stuffed up, his mouth with meat.
“He would always run off and give that woman, oranges... every time and when my father comes back, he would say that... he was just paying the lobola bit by bit, for her beautiful daughter,” and immediately everyone laughs.
Shame, Mabutho knows how to embarrass his brothers, most especially now that almost everyone is at the dinner table.
Yesterday was a party but today, it’s supper ‘family only'.

One can see the joyful mood that  is taking place between the Masilos’ and the Dlamini KaDikana family.
Families that were once at war, over business and murder... today their all enjoying the good meal.
I can see Uncle Lucas, Uncle Daniel and his wife.
They have changed but I still believe that it’s same people, behind those rich and glamourous outfits.
Being rich is nice, most especially if you don’t work for it.
“So now that you have graduated baby sister, what are you planning to do,” – Nkosi.
In all honesty, everyone except Zimele, has always taken Hector’s siblings as their own siblings but Zimele takes them, like his children.
“I don’t know but I will see,” she says.
“You can come and work for us but one condition and that’s... dealing with our negative publicity, because Wow... everyone always has onion to say about us,” Nkosi.
I am laughing, just like everyone but honestly speaking, everyone always has something to say about them.

Hector is only smiling but stops smiling, when he looks at his phone ringing.
In the middle of the various jokes being thrown at the dinner table, he quickly stands up and goes off to answer the phone in the corridor and immediately Zimele follows him behind.

“I hear you... don’t worry, he knows already... thanks, bye-bye,” he says as he cuts the call and then meets with Zimele.
He is standing and his back leaned against the wall.
“It’s them, have they set the date,” he asks.
“Yes, I will be going in May and it will be on the 30th,” he says.
“On our anniversary but it’s okay, I understand... just know that I will support you through the entire thing,” he says with a sad face and low toned voice, as he goes back to the dining room, leaving Hector behind.


I don’t even know why he is sad, I mean he gave Hector permission to go ahead and have the womb removed, yes he gave him... allowance to proceed.
It wasn’t easy but he told him that he has accepted, so now I am asking myself that.... why the fuck is he sad.
But anyways, I am seeing these ladies and this... man and it happens that their in a Wedding dress shop.
Yes, they came to Limpopo for a graduation party but decided to shop a wedding dress, for Lerato... after all the woman is finally getting a ring on her finger.
The Wedding is in two weeks, like I said earlier on and almost everyone has been invited to the wedding of the century that will be held in Mpumlanga.
It’s been so many years and now the woman is ready to marry the man that has pumped her with dozens of sperms, resulting in three central African.

“I don’t want that one and besides it’s not expensive... I have been given R5 Million to spend on the wedding and you are bringing dresses in the price range of R100000, am I really that cheap... and what’s worse, they have a wacky design,” Lerato says to the woman that brought those ‘night gowns’ to her.
Like doesn’t she have sense or did they lock it, somewhere far.

“I am really soon but the problem is that Tarcise has not arrived,” she says.
Well, Tarcise is the person that they wanted from the onset but it turns that he is very busy and when I say busy, I mean extremely busy.
But I am sure that he will arrive shortly and you must see him... he is Congolese but that man is an epitome of male beauty.
Congolese men along with Nigerian men and not forgetting South African men, those men are the epitome of beauty, the rest like me... are just handsome, because God created us from the leftover sand, whilst gifting other men.

“Okay, it’s fine... let me follow you and please let us find something beautiful and classy, until Tarcise comes over... Sis’Zee and Aunty come with me,” she says.
That Aunty is Uncle Daniel’s wife and as they go, they leave behind Hector and MmeMoichela.
She looks at him, before letting out a heavy sigh.
“Look, I know you married into a crazy family, that has some of it’s  members... either dead or missing but I want to know something or rather ask something... why don’t you give Zimele, another child.... I mean you can’t stay on nothing... because the last time, I checked Zithulele was not yours,” she says.
Not everyone in the family, knows of the fact that Zithulele belongs to Hector and that Buhle belonged to Harriet.
He choose to keep it a secret, because he didn’t want his family,  to take him away.
Yes, the day before Hector’s family left after Buhle’s burial, Uncle Lucas said that... any disruption caused to him by this family, he will be taken away.

“Look Mme, this is between Zimele and me... and besides I don’t feel like having a child now... I mean what would I do for that child... what will I leave behind for them,” he says.

“Why are you stressing over that, you are married into a billionaire family, like... why would you think about that... I mean they is so much money in your family,” she says.

“Yes but that money doesn’t have my name on it and also it doesn’t belong to me... it belongs to them... the Dlamini KaDikana people...,” he says.

MmeMoichela is about to talk, when she begins to sniff around and I tell you for a fact that this particular perfume is strong... it’s as if the person that applied it, wanted to leave a statement behind and they sure did.
She looks at the back and you got it, right... it’s Tarcise.
A fashion icon.
He is practically dressed in designer outfits.
Now I see why Lerato wanted him, this man is an epitome of fashion and beauty... move over Nkosi a bit but not far and as for SJ.... shame you can throw yourself in the river, because the fashion God is here.

“Bonjour, How are you,” he says with a deep bass voice.
Somebody save me, I can’t take it... that voice is burying me.
MmeMoichela is lost but not Hector, nah he is looking at the eye candy in front of him.
“Good Morning, Mr Dlamini KaDikana and Mrs Masilo,” he says... giving them handshakes.
“How do you know my name,” Hector asks.
Tarcise smiles and moves to place two dresses that are safely kept in bag plastic bags.
“Everybody knows you... infact I am pretty sure that your popularity is, at the same level with likes of Kelly Khumalo, Tiwa Savage and Connie Ferguson,” he says.
Oh my God 😂, that smile that he keeps on flashing is shaking Hector and his mother can notice.
“Lerato!!!,” she shouts and that immediately brings Hector back to his senses and slowly he begins to look down, but with a hidden smile... forming at the corner of his mouth.
Lerato immediately comes and wraps him in a hug and for me... I so wish that Mukuna was here, I mean he is so jealous to a point that he won’t even allow a fly to touch his beautiful wife.
But anyways I am not there, I want to know why uHector is busy looking at this man called Tarcise, with such an eye.
And what makes it... worse is that this man is also looking at him... with an eye.
I can’t even describe it, bathong.
I don’t like what I am seeing.
Hector is not like this.
Anyways see you at the WEDDING.

©All Rights Reserved by George Osumba.


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