JJ Maybank imagines

By ItsJJsBtch

1.1M 11.2K 5.3K

✨housekeeping✨ ~~ 🤪stupid things have good outcomes all the time ~~ 😡if im the one mediating we've hit rock... More

kook turned pogue
no pogue on pogue macking
thats my girl
self inflicted
don't go
shark week
drugged at midsummers
baby (pt. 2)
baby (pt. 3)
baby (pt. 4)
kiss and make up
car wash
broken promise
phone number
use me
what could've been
chasing you
chasing you (pt. 2)
filming uh-oh
knight in cargo shorts
panic attack
kitty hawk
mrs. maybank
drunk driving
months go by
months go by (pt. 2)
mrs. badass
long distance
surfs up
in sickness and health
best friends to lovers
missing (pt. 2)
missing (pt. 3)
clean (pt. 2)
i'm with you
dating your sister
dating your sister (pt. 2)
break it up
take it out on me
love, your sis
admit it
me and mine
when we were young
surfer boy
i'm sorry
mine? yours.
i'll protect him
kook party
i object
no hands
a forever thing
scared to be happy
spa day
see you later
see you later (pt. 2)
lets run away
red carpet
love story
safe place
sweet dreams
ambulance rescue
falling in love
teach me how to love
daddy dearest
my best friend
i'll protect her
i'll protect her (pt. 2)
drunk talk
bet (pt. 2)
bet (pt. 3)

gone (pt. 2)

7.1K 107 10
By ItsJJsBtch

TW: mentions of blood

This was requested <3
JJ's pov

"Y/n!?" I cried out, grabbing my girlfriends face and giving it a gentle shake, "No, no, no..." I felt tears falling down my face. My arms dropped to her shoulders, shaking her again, "Wake up!"

"JJ..." Sarah said softly, gaining my attention. When I looked down I saw the amount of blood she had lost, it was pooling on the side of her body, "She's lost so much blood."

"No," I stopped her, I wasn't going to allow her to say the next words. Y/n is not dead.

My Y/n. The girl who loved me regardless of my social status. The girl who never cared about anyone else's words. She picked me up, fixed me, made me whole. I refused to believe she was gone.

"Drive faster!" I screamed at Kiara who flinched at my sudden tone of voice.

"Why isn't she talking?" Pope questioned as he spun around in the passenger seat, looking down to see Y/n's eyes closed, "JJ, why did she stop talking!?"

"I said drive! Just drive!" I ushered them. I couldn't focus on anything else. All that mattered was getting my girlfriend to a hospital. I placed two fingers on her wrist, trying to feel for a heartbeat. My stomach dropped when I didn't feel a steady pulse, "Princess?" I whispered, leaning down and placing my forehead against hers. My tears slipped from my eyes and onto her cheeks, "Baby? Wake up."

"JJ, her neck, feel her neck." Sarah's voice held the smallest amount of hope as I looked up at her with my bloodshot eyes. I let my hands make their way to her neck, feeling around with two fingers in an attempt to find a heartbeat.

There it was. It was faint but it was there.

"I-I got it!" I cracked the slightest bit of a smile. My fingers never left her weak pulse as we pulled into the ambulance bay of the hospital. Kiara was the first out, followed by Pope, who pulled the van door open hurriedly. Sarah then jumped out. I was last, grabbing Y/n in my arms bridal style I ran towards the sliding glass doors.

Nurses and other hospital staff stared at me with wide eyes when I entered the building, "We need help! Please!" I pleaded to any pair of ears that was open.

"What happened!?" A man in blue scrubs ran over to us and ushered for a gurney to be brought over, "Son, can you tell me what happened?"

I laid Y/n's limp body onto the gurney and tried to speak. All that came out was cries, repeating, "You gotta help her.." Over and over again like a prayer.

"She got shot!" Pope took charge since he knew I was in no state to speak right now.

"Book an O.R now! All hands on deck, she's lost a lot of blood!" The man yelled as he lifted the railings on the side of her bed and began rushing down the hall. I sprinted behind him, I didn't want to leave her side.

"Sir, sir!" A woman stepped in front of me when we reached a pair of brown double doors, "Authorized personnel only past this point. There's a waiting room right around the corner."

"No, that's my girlfriend, the love of my life. I need to be with her." I looked down at her, my jaw clenching in slight anger at the thought of being ripped away from Y/n.

"JJ, let's go wait for her." Kiara placed a hand in my arm and I flinched, "Come on, we can all wait together."

"She's going to be okay." Pope added, walking in front of me in case I tried to bolt down the hall. Sarah had already made her wait to the waiting room as she stared down at her bloodied hands.

Y/n's blood.

I looked down to see that I too had my girlfriends blood stained onto the palm of my hands from trying to help Sarah apply pressure.

"Let's go wash your hands." Kiara kneeled down in front of Sarah. All the girl could do was nod her head with a look of shock on her face.

Me, on the other hand, I stood there. Numb. I felt like I couldn't feel anything, "You should clean up, too, JJ." Pope placed a hand on my shoulder for support. Once he saw I had no intention of moving he gently turned my body with his hands, "Let's wash that blood off your hands."

I let my best friend guide me to the bathroom where he held my hands under the water. Tears still brimmed my eyes but now they didn't fall. I was frozen in a moment of panic and fear.

"She lost a lot of blood," My voice was barely above a whisper as I spoke, "She, uh, there was so much blood, Pope. What if she—"

"No," Pope cut me off, his voice stern, "She's going to be fine."

Once everyone had returned to their spots in the waiting room we fell into a few moments of silence. That silence soon being broken by Kie, "What do you guys think is the first thing she's going to say when she wakes up from surgery?"

"Honestly, I think she's gonna ask for a double shot of vodka." Sarah tried her best to make light of the situation, thinking of the best possible outcome. Pope and Kie exhaled through their nose in a weak laugh.

"She's definitely going to be asking where JJ is." Pope answered with his guess. I looked up at my friends, already knowing what Y/n's first words will be if—no—when she wakes up. I had to think positive, if not for myself, then for Y/n, for the pogues.

"No," I paused, "No, she's going to say, and I quote, 'not my best plan', with that cute smile on her face," They all looked at me as I reminisced on all the times I've seen her beautiful smile.

Y/n's pov

I felt myself beginning to wake up but didn't quite have the strength to open my eyes. Beeping of monitors crept into my ears, the feeling of something soft beneath my fingers. Where was I? Was I dead? Moving my head around slowly I heard voices.

"Guys, I think she's waking up." The voice was muffled, a bit hard to distinguish as my eyes began to flutter open. At first my vision was blurry, barely being able to make out the four figures hovering above me.

"Back off a bit, you're gonna freak her out." That voice though, I'd recognize that voice anywhere. It was the sweetest voice, the one that's whispered sweet nothings to me while I fell asleep, the one who's told me 'I love you' twelve times in an hour.


Once my vision cleared up I saw JJ still hovering over me slightly. Pope, Kie, and Sarah standing to my left.

JJ held a cup of water to my lips and I drank a bit through a straw, coating my throat so it was now less scratchy, "Hi, Princess." His hand fell so it landed in mine as I tried to sit up and when he saw me struggling I felt him make the bed incline so I didn't have to use any muscles. It hurt to even try.

"So," I finally spoke, my voice was horribly raspy, "Not my best plan." The pogues began laughing amongst themselves and I gave them all confused looks.

"I told you guys!" JJ smiled at the three opposite of him, "and there's the cute little smile." His blue eyes looked down into mine, I saw tears swelling in his.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Kie reached down and held my arm gently, "We all are."

"I have never seen that much blood in my entire life." Sarah chimed in, her eyes wide as she held her hands up to show how much blood there was. I'm glad they were making light of it, they knew that's what I needed. I couldn't stand when things got too serious or too emotional.

The plan may have failed, but I was alive.

"I knew you'd pull through, you always do." Pope gave me a smile and I returned it, "We'll give you two a minute." The three turned and walked out of the room as my focus went back to my boyfriend.

"JJ—" I began but was quickly cut off.

"Y/n, please. Can you let me just look at you for a minute?" His elbow rested on the railing of the bed as his hand covered his mouth and I could tell he was trying his best not to cry so I gave his hand the strongest squeeze I could manage. It wasn't much but he returned it softly, "I thought you were gone. I thought I lost you."

"I'm right here, J, I'm not going anywhere," I whispered. Trying my best to lift my other hand to cup his face, I was stopped by the IV wire and huffed.

"Let me." He mustered a small chuckle and leaned towards me, placing his hand in the side of my face and pressing his lips against mine, "Don't ever scare me like that again." His words were whispered against my lips as I quickly kissed him again.

"I'll try my best."


Not sure if this is exactly what you wanted for a part two but I actually kinda like it so I hope you do too🫶🏼

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