Monkey Queen (Yue and friends)

By Fahemalillianaltaee

39.6K 816 1.2K

What if Monkey king's successor was actually a girl instead? Her name is Yue who loves taking care of her unc... More

Character info
A Hero is born pt.2
A Hero is born pt.3
Bad weather
Duplication gone wrong
Coming home
Noodles or death
The great wall race
Impossible secret date Pt. 1
Impossible secret date Pt. 2
Skeleton key
The end is here
🌴🌅Beach special☀️🌴
Revenge of the spider queen pt.1
Revenge of the spider queen pt. 2
Revenge of the spider queen pt.3
Revenge of the spider Queen pt. 4
Revenge of the spider Queen pt.5
After math
The truth
Back to the Celestial Realm
The Huli-Jing's and a monkey
Jade Face vs Yue
Sparkle Speckle Fairy Freckle
Dumpling destruction
Sweet' N Sour
Sweet N' Sour aftermath
Minor scale
Mateo's (MK) heat
Shadow play
A close encounter
A twisted Nightmare

A hero is born pt.1

2.1K 32 42
By Fahemalillianaltaee

~17 years later~

"The thing you need to know to understand about old legends, is that the story story is never finished. There may be no pages left to turn, but there is always more to the journey. Rising from the netherworld, the demon bull king attacked. No one could stop him. No one could resist. No one except... the legendary Monkey king. Th Monkey king used his magical staff to pick up a nearby mountain. He trapped the demon bull king underneath it. The monkey king sealed the mountain with the staff that no other being could wield, trapping The demon bull king forever. With the battle won, the Monkey king vanished, never be seen again. Legends says that the staff still lies on top of that mountain. The one thing to keeping our world from a certain destruction. And with the demon bull king gone, civilization was able to advance into the amazing Island we now live in. And it's all because of the monkey king."

Yue finished telling her book report while her whole class gave Yue an applaud before the bell rings, releasing students from class and they begin to gather their belongings. "All right thank you miss Sanzang, now don't forget class, next week we will have a field trip in China next week be sure that your parents sign your permission papers I gave you yesterday. Miss Sanzang, may I have a word with you?" her teacher ask. "Oh? Sure Mr. Chen what is it? " Yue ask as she was getting ready to go home, "Yes, please have a sit." The mythology teacher answered as he gestured to space in front of his desk, allowing her to get a chair to sit in front of the teacher.

"What you did today was outstanding that you knew of all people actually know your mythology quite well, and who know's you might be a college professor in your future if you haven't figure what career you want when you grow up." He suggested as he messed with his pen and it's cap was out of his normal habit. "Thanks Mr. Chen, I'll keep that in mine. I'll see you tomorrow in class." She said as she left the classroom, on her way outside the front of the school to get her bike, she grabs her bike helmet, her bike lock keys, and her school bag from her locker. 

As she made it outside of school, she went straight to her bike, unlocking her bike lock to release her bike, She picks up her bike from the ground and get's onto it as she then begins to pedal zooming ahead leaving the school grounds. Yue sees the red light as she stops her bike, she then grab her headphones and put them on her head. She searches some music on her phone, Selects Shakira, and then "try everything" from the list. Thus... "Try everything plays in the back round as the light changes to green.

She starts pedaling through downtown as she take a good look at the people, both humans and all mythology creatures getting along, living in perfect harmony which makes Yue smile, as she continue riding her bike, keeping her eyes on the road. Then she sees another red light and stops her bike, as the guys looked at Yue with hearts with their eyes and their face turn red. Yue gave the guys a sweet smile and a small wave, which cause the guys making a wolf whistle sound making Yue blushed for embarrassment as soon as the light changes back to green. Which causes Yue to peddle faster to get away from the boys who make the wolf whistle sound just for Yue.

(You see, Yue is very popular with the boys at her school, she's been getting good grads since she was 14 at her school called Izayoi Academy. She was a 1st year back then which makes her a 3rd year, She goes the same School as Chad, Mira, Maurice and Racheal but that's the story for another time. )

Yue got pass the trees while she keeps riding the bike until she saw another traffic lights. She look at her phone to check the time. "Almost there." She mumbled herself. As the light changes she starts peddling as fast as she could make it. Luckily she made it right on time at the noodle shop called Pigsy's Noodles. "Made it just in time." Yue said to herself as she park her bike and strap it down with her bike lock. She enters the shop and shouted "I'm home~!" Until she saw a few familiar faces, That are two adult, four middle school teens, six children, and one alien.


Tang Sannzang the 13th (In this version Tang is the descendant of the great monk)




(Luna is wearing these modern clothes)

(These are Luna's clothes just picture with Luna wearing modern clothes and her hair is the same like the one on top of the Pokémon avatar picture)







(Ignore the beast sides and focus on the human side please I don't own this art someone else deserve credit)

"Hi sweetie, how was school?" Pigsy ask as Yue hang her jacket and her school bag on the hanger and answered, "it was great Uncle, I learn that the monkey king lives in flower fruit mountain with his cute little monkey friends. And I got an A plus on my report" said Yue. "Oh Yue I'm so proud of you when you learn about Monkey king. It seems like only yesterday I found you when you just little baby, and now there she is, a full grown lady." Tang said as he gave Yue a hug with anime tears, which made everyone from Yue's school sweat drop while Luna and Stitch along with her friends laughed at this.

Yue chuckled while giving her uncle a hug for comfort trying to calm her uncle. "Hey Tang. Cut it out for the kid! If you keep doing this. This is going to be annoying for her." Pigsy said said as he glared at Tang. "I'm sorry Pigsy it's just that ever since I found her as a baby. She become my pride and joy!" Tang said as he let go of his adorable niece as Yue gave her uncle a box of tissues. "Thank you sweetie..." Tang took a tissue and blow his nose, then he took the box of tissues from his niece.

"Hey Yue, I heard there's a pool in the cave in the forest not far from the town. We should go there and have fun." Said Mira. "But I don't have any swimsuit with me and I can't leave my uncle working in the shop alone." Yue said not wanting to leave her uncles alone. "Don't worry about me sweetie. You go take a break and have fun with your friends." Said Pigsy patted her back for reassurance. "Ok, if you need me feel free to call me ok uncle?" Yue ask as she and the others are ready to leave and leave the money on the table to pay for the food they ordered unlike Tang. "I will sweetie, and be careful on your way back ok?" Pigsy ask as Yue  nodded, as she ran outside leaving Pigsy and Tang alone, Pigsy heard the sound of someone eating and saw Tang eating a bowl of noodles and pigsy saw this and looked furious, Tang stops and look at pigsy. "Hey get back here you coward!" Pigsy's voice can be heard outside. "No, Pigsy!" Tang was trying his best to flee. "I want my money!" Yue could hear her uncle unleashed his wrath on her uncle which cause the others to shake her head, Yue chuckled nervously as she unlocked her bike lock to grab her bicycle and starts peddling to go to the shop to buy her a swimsuit.

As soon as they made it to the store, they walked in to fine what swimsuits that suits her, so Yue tried on many swimsuits asking her friends for their opinion. They all 'eh'ing or shaking their head.

Finally Yue came out with her final swimsuit and smiled and the others nodded with two thumbs up. Yue smiled and looked in the mirror. "A peach, monkey king loves peaches." Yue said as Mira and the others expect Luna and her friends chuckled as Mira decided to say. "Ok Yue, change back to your normal clothes so we can pay your swimsuit." Yue nodded for agreement as they left the counter to pay for her swimsuit. After that, they walked out of the store, so they can make there way to the cave so they can swim in the pool.

Later on, they made it to the cave and change out of their swimsuits in the bathroom outhouse so no one can see them changing. As soon as their done changing in their swimsuits they went outside of the bathhouse to get their safety equipment just in case something bad might happen. After organizing their safety equipment, Yue and the others like to explore the marble-like tunnel to reach the sparkling pool.

"Wow." Yue said in awe as Yoichi shouted, "cannonball!" as he dive into the pool. The others chuckle as they all but Hunter and stitch dive into the pool. Yue and the girls are just swimming around while Luna is teaching Hunter how to swim while stitch was laying on the towel relaxing while Chad and Maurice are getting the food ready for the barbecue while Yoichi, Natsumi, Hiro, and Keitaro are getting the picnic ready before lunch is ready.

A few moments later Yue found another cave in the water, she got curious as she swim towards it wondering how long she last to hold her breath until she saw the light and swam towards it.

If you see the light that means there's an opening in the cave. Yue swims up to the surface until she pops her head out of the water to take some air.

Yue went up to the edge and she lay down on it to take some breathes, until she noticed a golden bird, which makes her confused, 'why would there be a bird here?' She thought as the bird flew out of her sight until she hears a woman's voice. "It feels like I've waited an eternity for this moment. Is everything in order?" She then heard another voice, a male voice.

"Just making the final adjustments, mother."

This made Yue gasped, she quickly hides behind a few rocks, then she looked out again, there she saw a mountain, on top was a tree planted there and the ray of sunlight was shining at the staff which made Yue tried to look closer so she could see better. "Finally, after all this time, we have the means to lift Monkey king's legendary staff." The women spoke with a smile. "Monkey king?" Yue whispers before her eyes widen at the sight small green hill where a staff was piercing the earth, covering vines and moss. "No... that can't be" Yue narrows her eyes, "it's all just stories..." She then look up in front of them and saw the monkey king's staff on the mountain. "Wow! It really is the monkey king staff." Yue awed at the staff, Yue goes up to the rock bridge and looks on the tip from there, until she saw the golden bird from earlier was standing on the bridge. "My love will finally be returned once we remove the staff. Huh?" She said with glee then noticed one of the bull clones, started climbing into the mountain towards the staff, and attempts to pull the golden staff of the ground. Until his arms ripped off. Falling down in progress, looking at his arms, realizing they're not there anymore.

"You fool! You think we haven't try that already?" The redhead scoffs. "It's going to take more than a few robots to lift monkey kings staff. Only those deemed worthy can wield it. But I red son, have designed this gauntlet to bend it to my will." Yue gasp until she slips on the edge because of the rocks breaking apart but she quickly grabs hold of the edge of the rock bridge. "Red son?... (gasp) then that means he's the son of Demon bull king..." she turned her gaze towards the demoness, "and she's the demon bull kings wife, princess iron fan!" She gasp as she put two together and whispered to herself, 'if they're real then that means the legends are real and they're going to released the demon bull king from his imprisonment!'

To be continued

I was inspired by Monkie kid X female oc by JessicaMGarcia4, LMK: Female Mk (The adventures of Female MK) by CutieKiaraCat, Lego Monkie kid: the grand adventure of 5 siblings by Lotusdragon, Female Monkie kid by Bflens and the tales of monkie princess by Terry19 I hope you enjoy and I promised I will make more soon! Bye~!!

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