The Spectacular Spider-Man

By SilencedVidar

11.6K 165 69

Y/N Parker's parents died when he was four, his Aunt May and Uncle Ben took him in and raised him. Twelve yea... More

The Spectacular Spider-Man
A Sticky Situation
With Great Power...
... Comes Great Responsibility
Finding Gargan
A Really Good Lawyer
A Bombing
The Spectacular Spider-Man Volume 2
It Was Supposed To Be a Nice Day
Being Distracted
A Sharp Tail
A Reveal That's Unbelievable
Mind Games
The Final Fight
Two Years Later
What Just Happened?
Going Through the Portal
Spider-Men Making Cures
Liberty Stand-Off
Back Home

Calm Before the Storm

233 6 0
By SilencedVidar

The Peter Parker from this Universe just got off the phone with J. Jonah Jameson to lure the villains to you. Before that, you all assigned names.

Younger Peter: Okay, guys. It could be any minute now.

Older Peter: Yup. Almost done.

Peter: You know, Max was, like... the sweetest guy ever. Before he fell into a... pool of electric eels.

Older Peter: That'll do it.

Peter: All the things I wish I could've done things differently.

Older Peter: Well, to have a second chance.

The Older Peter leans against a nearby steel bar

Older Peter: And there it goes...

Peter: You okay?

Older Peter: It's just... my back. It's kind of stiff from all the... swinging, I guess.

Peter: Oh, yeah, no, I got a middle back pain, too.

Older Peter: Really?

Peter: Yeah. You want me to crack it?

Older Peter: Yeah. That would be great.

Peter: You ready?

He picks up the Older Peter's back and cracks it.

Older Peter: Yeah. That's good.

Peter: How is it?

Older Peter: Wow. That's good.

Peter: Right?

Older Peter: That's better. Yeah. Wow.

Peter: God, this is so cool. I always wanted brothers. We should do this again. Like, all hang out.

Y/N: It's nice.

Older Peter: We should maybe focus on...

Peter: ...on not getting killed tonight.

Older Peter: Yes.

Peter: For sure yeah. That's a good idea. I'll just grab all of your numbers at the end, of battle.

Older Peter: You got it.

Peter: So, you like make your own web fluid in your body?

Older Peter: I'd rather not talk about this.

Peter: No, I don't mean to...

Older Peter: Are you teasing me?

Younger Peter: No, no, no, no, no, no.

Y/N: He's not teasing you.

Younger Peter: It's just that... We can't do that, so naturally we're curious as to how your web situation works. That's all.

Peter: If it's personal, I don't wanna pry. I just think it's cool.

Older Peter: No. I wish I could tell you, but it's like, I don't do it... Like I don't... Like, I don't do breathing. Like, breathing just happens.

Peter: Whoa.

Older Peter: It's like when it releases. It's like a clean release.

Y/N: Can I ask something?

Older Peter: Yeah.

Y/N: Is it like, when you think it, it webs. You know what I mean?

Older Peter: That's a good way to put it.

Y/N: Cause we have a mechanism.

Older Peter: Right.

Y/N: But for you is it like, 'Web'. And it webs.

Older Peter: Not even conscious at this point.

Y/N: It's just like riding a bike.

Older Peter: Yeah.

Younger Peter: Like, does it just come out of your wrists, or... Does it come out off anywhere else?

Older Peter: Only... only the wrists.

Peter: You never had to web block? Cause I run out of webs all the time. I had to make my own lab. And it's a hassle.

Older Peter: That sounds like a hassle, yeah. But I did, actually, as you said that. I was like, oh... I had a web block.

Peter: W-Why?

Older Peter: Existential crisis stuff.

Peter: Yeah, don't get me started on that.

Older Peter: I'm not sure what to say. It's just a natural thing. It just happens. I don't know.

Peter: It's pretty cool man. I wanna see the holes.

Younger Peter: Hey, what are like, some of the craziest villains that you guys have fought?

Older Peter: Seems you've met some of them.

Peter: That's a good question.

Older Peter: I fought a... an alien... made out of black goo once.

Younger Peter: No way! I fought an alien, too. On Earth and in space.

Older Peter: Oh.

Younger Peter: Yeah. He was purple.

Peter: I wanna fight an alien.

Y/N: Me too.

Older Peter: I'm, I'm still, like... that you fought an alien, in space. I'm almost simultaneously really stunned by the fantastical nature of these things. And it's also just like, Yeah.

Y/N: Monday. It's just a Monday. I fought a guy who pretended to be Spider-Man once, did crime and everything. Jonah really loved that time.

Older Peter: I'm sure he did.

Peter: I'm lame. Like, I fought a Russian guy in a, like, a rhinoceros machine.

Y/N: That's cool:

Peter: No it's not.

Older Peter: Hey, can we rewind it back to the "I'm lame" part? 'Cause, you're not.

Peter: Aw, thanks. No, yeah. I appreciate it, I'm not saying I'm lame.

Older Peter: But it's just the self-talk maybe we should, you know...

Peter: Yeah, listen...

Older Peter: Please... You're... You're amazing. Just to take it in for a minute.

Peter: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Older Peter: You... You are amazing.

Peter: I guess I am.

Older Peter: You are amazing.

Peter: Thank you.

Older Peter: Will you say it?

Peter: No, I kinda needed to hear that. Thank you.


Younger Peter: Alright guys, focus up. Can you feel that?

Older Peter: Yeah.

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