𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀

twistednoglastia által

754K 34.2K 62.2K

"..It's me, ya girl." [ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏᴘᴀꜱᴛᴀ / ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ] Lights flickering on the two stood staring at each oth... Több

【Who Are You?】
Little Halloween Special!!🎉🎉
Little Holiday Special 🎉🎉🎉
【Forty- O n e】


7.6K 369 1.3K
twistednoglastia által


» "If there are any demons in here, feel free to slither into my heart!" «

you have all forced my hand! 😾
(not rlly, love u guys <3)
(...also yes there are still multiple love interests, obviously)

⚠️suggestive—nothing outright⚠️

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

   "You are so clingy."

   A sigh passed through your lips as you tried to get into a more comfortable position. Jack hummed against your neck, squeezing you against his chest.

   "Dude, you gotta let me get up."

   He hummed again, "You already did."

   "That was about an hour ago to get dressed and stuff." Exasperated you breathed out shakily, trying to ignore your companion nuzzling his face into your collarbone.

   Even when you were finished with breakfast and got up to get dressed and everything, since unlike Jack, you ate before deciding to get yourself ready—it took you about twenty minutes to get the demon to not hang onto you. You weren't mad or frustrated with him about his behavior, just more exasperated, embarrassed and gobsmacked by his actions.


   "Few more minutes," was his mumbled reply.

   Honestly you weren't sure if he was doing this on purpose or if he was exhausted. Shutting your eyes you took a breath to gain your composure, before just relaxing against him. Not like you had anywhere to go, it was only ten in the morning. So here you were, trapped-but-not-really on the couch. The dogs had gone back to sleep, neither one really wanting to fully "wake up" this early.

   Picking up his hand, you messed with his fingers slowly, keeping your eyes fixated on the screen of the television. You weren't even really sure what was being played, you couldn't focus on it but you were somewhat sure it was a one of those really bad tattoo competition shows.

   Glancing down at the ungloved hand in your hold, you carefully bent his claws before unfolding them and repeating this process. Without really thinking, you brought his hand up to your mouth and gently bit his fingers. Almost immediately you realized what you did and expected some kind of negative reaction.

   There was none. Jack didn't really react at all, just wiggled his other claws. You dropped his hand after a second, going back to just messing with his fingers instead.

   After a minute of just watching the dumb show that you couldn't follow, seriously these people were arguing over things that didn't even associate with tattoos, a prick of pain blossomed in the tip of your ear.

   You blinked a few times trying to register what happened.

   "Did you just bite my ear?"

   "You bit my hand."

   You couldn't help but scoff and then laugh. He had a point, he did—you just weren't expecting such a response. Soon, your laughing died down and you again relaxed into silence.

   It was quiet for a while.

   Light poured in from the windows and bounced off the fallen snow hanging onto tree branches. At this point you gave up on watching the TV and closed your eyes. He shifted under you, before taking your hands in his and squeezing them.

   He breathed out contently.

   "You're heart rate is increasing."

   Jack mumbled against your skin, his thumbs traced circles in your palms. You rolled your eyes and closed your hands around his; choosing to ignore the feeling of a blush crawling up your spine.

   He rest his chin on your shoulder, from the corner of your eye you could see his eyelashes fluttering open and closed in a slow manner.

   "Do I make you nervous?"

You turned your head to glance at the digital clock under the TV, you gnawed on your lip in thought.


He tensed before dropping your hands slowly and picking his chin up from your shoulder.

"...In a bad way?" His voice came out, just barely above a whisper.

"No," you both jumped from your own voice. Recomposing yourself, you carefully found his hands again and squeezed them.

"No," you breathed out, less urgently this time.

"In a...In a..." You paused to think, wetting your lips out of habit. His hesitantly rubbed the back of your hands with his thumbs. "...Well not in a bad way."

His ears flicked as he took a moment to listen to your heartbeat.

After a moment he rested his face towards the back of your neck, gently pressing soft kisses against your collarbone.

You could feel him grin as you tensed in surprise.

His gentle kisses slowly traveled up the side of your neck to the bottom of your ear. He laughed a little as your heart rate went up again and you seemed to be struggling on what to say.

He paused and leaned away slightly, you glanced at him from the corner of your eye.

"I'm not making you uncomfortable, am I?" It was quite a sight to see his grin turn nervous and his voice grow meek.

It took you a second to regain your senses as you blinked rapidly.

"N-No, no, you aren't," words at this point were just spilling from your mouth, did you even know what you were saying? You honestly felt a little dizzy and caught off guard, "I just uh..."

Suddenly you laughed, still processing what was happening. He tilted his head slightly as you pulled your one hand away to cover your face as giggles slipped from your lips.

"Sorry, sorry, give me a second."

You carefully repositioned yourself to be sitting in front of him, his lanky legs on either side of you. Jack patiently toyed with your one hand as your giggling slowed.

"Okay," you took a breath. Smiling, you dropped your hand back down to the other and squeezed his. "You aren't making me uncomfortable Jack, if you were I would tell you. It just...caught me off guard."

He blinked slowly, looking a little embarrassed rather than concerned now. Rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, a small laugh escaped him now.



"Then, may I...?"

You raised a teasing brow as his voice began to die out, "May you...?"

   His hands rested comfortably on your waist, and in return you laid yours on his shoulders.

An annoyed and embarrassed grin settled on his face as his brows furrowed, "Please don't make me say it."

   "Make you say what?" Your grin widened as you continued to tease him, leaning forward while moving your one hand to cup his face. In response, your companion was becoming more flustered and embarrassed. He blanked for a second as your thumb brushed against his lips. His face felt hot.

   "You're making fun of me."

   Again your grin grew, "Just a little."

   The demon let out a wobbly sigh, giving you an exasperated look. "May I," he sarcastically started before pausing hesitantly again. "May I...Kiss you?"


Exaggerating a long hum, you grinned jokingly at his restlessness. He frowned against your thumb, his leg bounced to the side of you.

"I dunno..."

He leaned into your hand, brows furrowing.

You snickered.

"I'm kidding," brushing back some of his hair you cleared your throat, "...you may."

It was a little awkward at first, neither of you really doing anything for a moment. Finally, Jack very hesitantly, guided you back down to his level. His claws resting comfortably against the sides of your face. He paused, and a small breathy laugh escape him as a nervous smile wormed its way to his features.

Rolling your eyes, you shook your head jokingly before closing your eyes, cupping his cheek, and kissing him.

   Almost immediately the demon melted under your touch as he kissed back in return, his hands trembled while they hesitated beside your face. Moving his hand up to the base of your neck, he gently combed his claws through your hair.

   His lips were soft, scarred, but soft. You nearly laughed at how much he was shuddering. Rumbling vibrated from his chest contently to combat his awkwardness.

   Pulling away slowly, you once again ran your thumb over his bottom lip. His breath fanned against your hand in an irregular manner.

   A dumb grin spread across his face, despite the fact he was still shaking slightly from nervousness. He felt dizzy and his neck felt hot. With hooded eyelids, he laughed quietly, before trying to sit up to lean back towards you.

   However, you stopped him and pushed him gently back into the couch, snickering from his silly expression. "Desperate, aren't we?" You joked.

   Jack had cupped your hand which rested on his cheek, and pressed it closer to his mouth, allowing him to kiss your palm. Mumbling lowly against your skin, he chuckled somewhat embarrassed, "Very."

   Feeling warm, you scoffed and glanced away at the coffee table. Shaking your head again, you sighed trying to ignore the warmth in your face and stomach. Your companion's other hand dropped from your face and back to your waist.

   Turning back to him you paused, eyes flickering across his face, before you leaned back down to pepper his jawline and neck with soft kisses. The demon grumbled, though you doubted he actually said any words. Leaning back, he sighed blissfully as you practically showered him with affection. In return he gently skimmed his fingers up and down your side rhythmically.

   Then again, you were kissing him.

   Well, until a sudden pain practically stabbed into his stomach. The wind was quite literally stolen from his lungs.

   From the surprising jolt, the demon snapped up, suddenly very aware of his surroundings.

   It took him a moment to realize he was on the floor and now very awake. Listening for movements, Jack groaned and laid his head back on the carpeted floor of your room as the annoying demonic husky glanced down at Jack from his spot on the bed, a wide smile evident on his fluffy face.

   The demon's ear flicked as he listened to your footsteps from in the small kitchen of your living space. It took him a bit longer for his dream to come back to him, which immediately caused feelings of embarrassment and shame to swell in his gut as he covered his face with a clawed hand. Another groan ripped past his lips.

   The canine staring down at him laughed lightly, his tail swaying behind him coyly, "Rise and shine, demon-eyes!"

   "Shuddap," was his gruff reply.

   Again, Smile laughed, "Awh, did I disrupt your precious beauty sleep?" Narrowing his eyes with a teasing snarl the dog spoke, "Too bad, you're still not out of the doghouse, bud."

   Jack glared at the other through his claws, "Ha, ha."


   ...Followed by a loud crashing sound.

   Both entities immediately sat up and turned towards the sound. Scrambling to get up, kicking off the blanket that tangled around his leg, Jack called your name worriedly, nearly tripping out of the doorway when Smile bolted through his legs.

   The demonic canine skidded to a stop when he reached around the island counter and slowly approached worriedly. Luigi already stood beside you as you sat on the floor against the bottom cabinets, holding your arm grimacing. A flipped over pan laid out across the floor a bit farther from you. Luigi whined and pressed his snout to your leg.

   Shakily you leaned against your old canine muttering, "I'm alright bubba-boy...I'm alright."

   Blinking away unshed tears, you grinned wobbly at Smile, "Hey buddy, 'm sorry, did I scare you?"

   The husky frowned and gently pawed your other leg, not really trusting your insistent mutters of being fine.

   Jack cautiously stepped around the island counter, stress lines being evident in his concerned expression.

   You didn't even look at him before spitting out a response harsher than you meant to, "I'm fine."

   Your companion ignored the snarky tone of voice and took the pan from the floor and placed it up on the counter. Treading back to you, he crouched to be at your level.

   "What happened?" He asked softly yet sternly.

   Your lips pulled back into a thin line, "Nothing, it was nothing."

   His brows furrowed and a frown tugged at his lips. Your shoulders sagged forward in a manner of giving up as Jack carefully took your arm which you were cradling. Smile grimaced at the sight of blood staining the bandages around your forearm.

   "...The weight of the pan strained my injury or somethin'," you mumbled.

   "I'll rewrap it." He said after a moment, "Did you take any pain meds?"

   "No, I haven't eaten yet."

   The demon nodded, knowing already he would've scolded you for not eating before taking pain meds if you said yes.

Hooking an arm under your legs, and using his other arm to support your back, "Wha—Jack!", he carried you back to the couch and plopped you down. You frowned at him.

"I can walk, y'know." Thinking about your words for a second, you sighed, "...but thank you."

Jack paused and wavered for a moment standing there. You raised a brow at him when he hesitated longer than he usually would. Shaking his head slightly, the demon got himself moving.

A second later, Luigi laid down beside the couch, giving you his infamous sad puppy-eyed look. You sighed at him, wanting to pet the canine but resisting in fear of aggravating your wounds more. Smile followed after but sat up on the couch next to you instead.

"I'm okay," you assured them, not even sure if the dogs understood you. Either way, they both still stared at you alert, almost expecting you to move or show any indication of being in more pain. You sighed.

   Jack meandered back in. He placed down a pack of pain meds on the coffee table with a glass of water. He held out a bowl, you took it wincing and muttering thanks, it was full of some off-brand cereal you bought last week since it was on sale. He disappeared again for a moment before reappearing with your "first-aid kit", it was much more well equipped compared to the last time he had seen it.

   You didn't care for the taste of your cereal but it was better than nothing. It tasted a little like cardboard but if honey was dumped onto it. Though you still were angry your plans to make eggs failed due to your stupid injuries. It was awkward to raise the spoon back and forth, the repeating actions making your already aggravated skin sore.

   From the corner of your eye, you could see Jack fumbling with some pillows on the other end of the couch. He stopped when he found his mask hidden under one, it must have been forgotten when you fell asleep. He fumbled with it for a second, his back towards you. You watched as he hesitated before bringing it to his face.

   "You're putting it back on?"

   He jumped a bit.

   "Uh, yeah," he cleared his throat. It sounded like he was going to say something else, but stopped.

   Leaning back into Smile's fur, the husky didn't seem to mind instead he actually settled more to make it comfortable for you, you hummed a bit disappointed.

   "Whatever makes you more comfortable."

   Stirring the soggy mix of milk and cereal you muttered, mostly to yourself, "...still think you look better without it."

   You weren't completely honest with that statement—the mask had its own charm, but still, it was nice to actually see him.

   He fidgeted before finally setting the mask back down on the table and switching it for the first aid kit. Stiffly, you leaned over and placed your bowl down to exchange it for the water and pain meds.

   After downing two, you turned to face him after he sat down beside you—quite awkwardly actually. Sitting criss-crossed, you offered your arms as Jack popped open the kit.

It was pretty silent as Jack worked. Not wanting to look at your messed up arms, you rested your head against the side of the couch.

"...That thing," you started after your first arm had been cleaned again and rewrapped.

Your gaze drifted towards your tattered coat which had been untouched from where it last had been.

"What was it?"

Jack pressed a little harder on your second arm by accident. He mumbled an apology, his brows scrunching together.

"It's called 'The Rake'."

You thought of your original encounter with it.

You thought of Habit.

"The Rake..." Pausing to think, you hesitated, "What...is it?"

Jack frowned, his lips pressed together in thought.

"It...Well it isn't human, despite it's appearance, and it isn't related to any type of canine."

You raised a brow, "A canine?"

He half-shrugged, "You'd be surprised at how many people call it a dog, or 'dog-like' because of it's behavior."

"...Is it...does it..." You stopped yourself, not sure of what you actually were trying to ask next.

The demon paused.

"The Rake is a complicated creature," he sighed, "I haven't been able to...get a complete understanding of it's anatomy or physiology."

"However," he continued, "based on my own interactions with it and what I've heard, it does seem to have the same level of intellect as a human, and understands basic human speech and patterns."

Continuing in his work, he cleared his throat, "Other than that and their sense of rejuvenation, I don't know much about it."

A frown tugged at your lips. Yes, this information was valuable, but it didn't feel like what you needed to know. Or perhaps, what you wanted to know.

"...Though, I'm sure I can find more information."

Jack added softly.

"You don't have to do that," the words slipped from you before you knew it.

Your companion gave you a lopsided grin.

Pressing your lips together, your shoulders relaxing, you sighed and backtracked.

"Thank you, Jack."

His claws lingered above your arm with the bandages. His ears twitched a little and his posture shifted.

"Anything that will keep you safe."

The conversation fell back into comfortable silence, leaving him to work and you to think.

Habit had wanted to kill it. You still don't know why he wanted to, but you certainly were starting to understand the hatred for the creature.

...You were being involved in all the chaos again. You had seen the "rake"—and a feeling in your gut told you that you bound to see Habit soon because of that.

Would you end up seeing everyone else again too?

Oh jeez, what were you going to do? What about Lizzie? Theo? Tracy? Luca?

Well...you were taking Luca to see your grandfather and aunt soon...maybe chaos would hold until then. Hopefully.

With that theoretical deadline...you could think of something. You would have to.


You had to pick him up later.

You glanced at Jack, he was finishing the bandages.

Everything would work out. It had to.

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

» "But all my dreamin' is not enough!" «




Just cause I said there would be a kith doesn't mean it would be real >:)))))

Okay, off I go to take a nap because holy crap im so tired from socializing with people irl.

also, HABIT, Masky, Jane, and possibly Nina interactions are planned to be seen more...
cough. cough.

...and of course a lovable videogame dork and the wine demon...

Olvasás folytatása

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