Velsura! - That Time I Got Se...

By Lobotomiskii

18.5K 727 373

**NEW CHAPTERS ON SUNDAY** "It is I, the Great Storm Dragon: Veldora Tempest! Now, uhm- you see, I may have c... More

Chapter 1 - Oh hello, me
Chapter 2 - A Village in the Forest
Chapter 3 - Battle of the Goblin Village
Chapter 4 - I've Been Found Out!
Chapter 5 - The Hero King and The Evil Dragon
Chapter 6 - Meeting Shizu
Chapter 7 - Our Histories
Chapter 8 - Tormented Flames
Chapter 9 - An Ominous Fate
Chapter 10 - Visitors
Chapter 11 - The Conference
Notice 2
Chapter 12 - Before the Storm
Special Chapter! - Christmas in the Empire of Monsters!
Chapter 13 - Tempest vs. Orcs
Notice 3
Chapter 14 - Awaken
Chapter 15 - Shizue and The Empire of Monsters
Chapter 15.1 - Diary of an Arrogant Dragon
Chapter 15.2 - Best Buddies
Chapter 16 - Shizue has a Crush!(and some other boring things like diplomacy)
Yet another notice(look, I'm really sorry)
Chapter 18 - The Demon Instructor
Chapter 19 - Annoying People and Headaches with Fuze

Chapter 17 - Uncle Veldora!

718 30 22
By Lobotomiskii

Writing format:

[[Ciel/Raphael/Great Sage]]

{Skills or Abilities}




"Telepathic Dialogue"

Internal Monlogue/Emphasis



Veldora POV:

"It is me, Demon Lord Milim Nava! Now, tell me what you are doing here, Veldora?"

Ah, great.

It's Milim.

How does she know it's me anyways?

"Milim... how did you recognize me..."

"Fufufufu, you can't escape from my Milim Eyes!" She grins, pointing at her glowing eyes. "Now, now! Tell me, what is going on here? You're doing something exciting, aren't you?" Milim hops around excitedly.

She doesn't change at all!

Of course, unlike myself, the great Veldora, who has experienced many a great character arc!


"Milim, my niece! As you can see, I am undergoing the noble task of building an empire!" I raise my fist proudly.

"An empire? That's..." Milim appears to be in thought, obviously thinking about how marvelous I am! "Very out of character of you, Veldora. Dad always called you an idiot."

{Critical Hit!}

How could she! That's it! I shall tolerate no more slander towards myself! I shall punish her as I see fit!

"That's not very kind of you, Milim! I'll be taking away your candy if you keep making such mean comments about me!" I snarl at her.

"What's... a candy?"

Oh, right... She doesn't know what candy is yet...

Kia-ha-ha-ha! Then I shall be the first to introduce my niece to the delights of the culinary world! I should never have allowed Rimuru to take that opportunity from me in the first place, but no matter!

"Listen up, Milim! I, Veldora Tempest, invite you to the Empire of Jura Tempest for a feast!"

"Hmmm... I don't feel like it." Nani!? "Food is boring, and even disgusting, sometimes."

I can't believe I forgot! The poor thing has been fed poison for her whole life! Worry not Milim, under the care of Uncle Veldora, you will suffer no more!

"No no, Milim, you just haven't tasted good food before!" Using {Gluttony}, I take out a jar of honey and toss it over to Milim. "Here, try this!"

Milim takes the jar and eats it whole.


Personally, I prefer not eating the glass part, but I'll let her do her thing.

"Na- Nani! This tastes amazing!" Her eyes light up like lanterns, as she spits out the glass shards. "Gimme more! Gimme more!"

"Kua-ha-ha-ha! It's good right? Now, lets bring you to my empire!" I beckon for Milim to follow me, which she does.

We land at the outskirts of the city. Before we entered, I made sure to set up some ground rules for this unruly child.

"Ok, Milim. In the city, you are not allowed to fight people. You are not allowed to destroy things. And you will not call me Veldora in public." She tilts her head in confusion at that last part. "I am currently undertaking a great task that requires my identity as the Storm Dragon to remain hidden! From now on, you will refer to me as Rimuru Tempest!"

It looks like she understands, so we head into the city.

And almost immediately, we come face to face with our first obstacle.

"Ah, Lord Rimuru!" Gabiru lands in front of us with his troop of goons. "Who's that child you got with you there? She's pretty cu-"


This will be a significant emotional impact for Gabiru, that's for sure.

"I am not a child!" Milim growls. "I am a Demon Lord!"

"Milim! How could you have already forgotten the first rule!" I sigh in disappointment. "I was planning on giving you more honey, but I guess I'll just have in in my tea inst-"

"I'm sorry! Please, I need the honey! The honey is the only thing that sustains me now noda! Please, I beg you, don't take away my honey, Uncle Ve-" I quickly shove my hand in her mouth to prevent her from disclosing any more super top secret government classified documents on a public street.

"Uhm- I mean- *sob* Uncle Rimuwu..." She whimpers meekly, as her tears begin to fall. "I won't do it again, I promise..."

"Hmph! Fine, I'll let you off this time! I won't tolerate any more, though!"

She nods excitedly, happy that she got her honey back.

"Alright, lets take you to the main bui-"

"Lord Rimuru!" Oh, Benimaru. "What happened to Gabiru? And who is that child with y-"

Oh brother.


Shizue POV:

He he he he he...

It's finally complete...


Yes! I've finally finished my 1:8 scale Veldora figurine with... *cough*- R-removable... c-clothing...

It's not like I'm gonna do anything inappropriate with it, though! I promise!

I'm just gonna... you know...

"Shizue!" EEP!

I scramble to hide the doll from Veldora-san.

"Let me introduce you to my niece!" He barges in to my room with a small pink-haired girl.

"This is my niece, Milim!" Huh... Niece? Is she another slime?

"Hello! I'm Milim Nava!"



"DEMON LORD MILIM!?" I'm going to faint...


If she's Veldora-san's niece...

That means Veldora-san is actually the Storm Dragon!

I'm... not feeling... so good...


3rd POV:

Unfortunately, Shizue has passed away due to shock. We will all remember her.

Just kidding, but she might as well have.


Veldora POV:

"Shizue!" I rush to Shizue immediately after she passes out, managing to catch her before she falls to the floor.

Dammit! Why did she suddenly collapse!?

"Uncle Veldora! Uncle Veldora!" Milim grabs my cloak. "Look at this! I found this on the floor!" She hands me a doll whose features closely resembles me, but much smaller.

"D-did Shizue make this?" Strange, why would she make a doll that looks like me... ?

Of course, that must be it! She has recognized the true greatness of I, the Storm Dragon Veldora, and is paying tribute by making a doll of me!



Hmm... what is this warm fuzzy feeling I feel...

Whatever. I have more important things at hand!

"Wow! This thing is really cool!" Milim fidgets with the doll excitedly. "I can even remove it's clothes!"

"Kua-ha-ha-ha! Now that is certainly interesting! This is obviously a display of art with deeper meaning! Clearly, the fact that the clothes can be removed is an artistic statement towards the greatness of I, Veldora, as I am purely flawless in all forms, clothed and naked!" Fufu, this is truly a perfect reminder of how great I am! Surely, Milim must feel the same-

"What's so great about you, Uncle Veldora?" Pfft- what is that supposed to mean!?

Milim, at least it seems, didn't mean to hurt me, and was genuinely asking a question. Still... it kinda hurts...

Nevermind! This is the perfect opportunity to educate little Milim about her uncle's greatness!

"Fufu, if you want to know, then listen well! You see, the grand tale of Storm Dragon Veldora starts 25,000 years ago..."


3rd POV:

Veldora then spent the next 2 hours telling Milim a highly embellished adaptation of his life story, which the dumb author was too lazy to write, so you'll just have to deal with it.


Shizue POV:


What... happened?

My surroundings feel soft... I'm most likely in a bed...

"-nd then, I swooped in a defeated Dagruel with one single punch, and h-" Huh? Who's that? Is that Veldora-san?


Isn't Veldora-san...

"THE STORM DRAGON!?" I immediately jolt awake at the thought.

"Oh, hey, Shizue! You're back!" Veldora waves at me from across my room, wearing that same, cute grin he always has. "I was just telling a grand story to my niece! Wanna join?"

His niece...

"I-Isn't that... D-Demon Lord Milim... D-destroyer..."

"Hm? Are you alright, Shizue?"

"No! I'm not alright! I didn't think you were THE Storm Dragon Veldora!"

"Kua-ha-ha-ha! It's amazing right! You are standing in the same room as a legend!" He thumps his chest with his fist, and laughs, as if this is somehow funny!

"Shut up! That's not what I mean, idiot!" I try to strangle him, but he blocks me with one arm.

After a bit of struggle, I stop, having been completely exhausted. "*huff* I just- I don't understand- Why are you pretending to be a slime now!?"

The pink haired girl - Demon Lord Milim, suddenly speaks up. "Yeah, thats what I wanna know too! How did you become a slime, Uncle Veldora?"

"Kua-ha-ha-ha! I was just about to tell you that part of the story!" He jumps up again, striking a funny pose. "So, after the war ended, and Rimuru defeated Ivarage, everything returned to normal! Except for me, because Rimuru thought it would be funny to send me back in time as a slime!" Veldora sighs melodramatically, emphasizing his struggle.

"Wow! This Uncle Rimuru sounds so cool! I can't wait to meet him!" Milim exclaims.

"Wait..." I ask. "Rimuru? Isn't that your alias right now?"

Veldora looks at me for a second, before breaking into a his 3 piece laugh again. "Kua-ha-ha-ha! Very well! Let me enlighten you: Rimuru Tempest is my younger brother and the fifth True Dragon! He was a reincarnated otherworlder that was originally a slime, before evolving into a True Dragon!"

A slime? Is that why he's a slime now? And I didn't know you could evolve into a True Dragon! That sounds ridiculous!

While I'm still trying to process this information, Milim and Veldora were already on a different conversation topic.

"Ah, darn, I've run out of honey." Veldora sighs in disappointment, and immediately after he says that, Milim starts to pout.

"I want more honey! Uncle, go bring me more honey!" This... This cute little brat is THE Demon Lord Milim Nava?

"Alright, but my stomach supply has run out. We'll have to go outside to get more- Hah! I forgot! I still need to introduce you to the rest of the city!" Veldora grabs Milim frantically and pulls her out of the window with him. "Shizue, meet us at the town square!" He yells back, while I'm still flabbergasted at the events that just unfolded before my eyes in the last minute.

"I... I need a therapist..."


Fuze POV:


Too many things have been happening lately. First, the Storm Dragon up'n vanishes. Then, a sentient slime founds a village in the middle of Jura. Then an orc lord appears, and gets defeated by that same slime, who has now expanded his town into an country that claims over 60% of the forest!

Now I'm being forced to travel to this new monster country and set up diplomatic ties with this slime creature, and worst of all, I'm being accompanied by the biggest group of idiots imaginable!

I need a break, but I don't see one coming any time soon...

I just... I can only hope that nothing outlandish happens...


(A/N): Hi, everyone!

Update on my current situation: As you may know from the previous notice, my bad test results have resulted in a limit being imposed on my screen time, which, in turn, will reduce the amount of time I have for writing.

Thankfully, I have 2 more upcoming tests, which if I score well on, my parents will agree to remove the screen time limits. However, that still depends on if I do well. If I do, Velsura will return to having weekly uploads on Sunday, but if I don't, unfortunately, you can only expect one new chapter every 2 or 3 weeks.

Anyways, thanks for reading Velsura!

1936 words.

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