.·°¯°·.¸.->Snow Falls<-.¸.·°¯...

By EnhasFavRat

522 60 2

↷LEILANI only posessed the purpose to study and then leave the country while only leaving behind a small grou... More



16 3 0
By EnhasFavRat

The bell chimed, pencils were dropped and celebratory laughs were yelled.

Liz ran to Leilani and grabbed her arm. "We're done! We're actually done!"

Though everyone was celebrating, Leilani felt solemn. She knew what was coming.

"Soo..." Liz dragged on, sensing her friends mood. "You'll be going back tonight, right?"

"My flights at 1am tomorrow. Make sure you keep in touch, ok?"

Liz nod and hugged Leilani. Thruthfully, the two weren't that close. knowing that their exchange program would be ending soon had prompted the girls to keep themselves from getting close to eachother.

As we all know, that wasn't the case for everyone.


Sunoo met Leilani later that evening, just outside the house. He had asked her to accompany him to the nearby park just before dinner. And so, Leilani had complied.

Currently, the two sat on the grass watching children play together harmoniously.

"Leilani Walters, you have officially finished school! It is our dying wish to know, what would you like to do to celebrate?" Sunoo comedically held out his fist to the girls mouth.

Chewing her lip, the girl was anxious. She didn't know if she should say it or not.


"I was thinking..."

"You see..."

"Please just spit it out already."

Leilani looked away from the boy and focused on the playground. Sunoo did the same. Maybe it would be easier for the girl to say what she wanted if she didn't have his attention on her.

"You and I are so close. And we care for eachother alot. Like more than normal people do. And I trust you so much. And I hope you trust me so much too. And I think that I won't find someone like you ever again. And that may be the same for yo-"

"I won't judge you. Just say what you need to say." Sunoo halted the girls endless ramblings, getting her attention.

"Well... Would you like to be my first kiss?"

To say that the breath had been knocked away from Sunoos lungs would be an understatement. The boy was at a loss for words or emotions.

"Did I overstep my boundaries? I'm sorry."

Leilani looked at the boy, still no reaction from him.

"I'm sorry for ruining the mood. It was just a thougt-"

Leilani was interrupted by soft lips being pressed onto hers.

Wow. They tased sweet, like cherries.

Shocked, the girl took a few seconds to process what was going on before she closed her eyes and kissed the boy back.

Sunoo smiled and Leilani could feel it. They pulled away after a few seconds and smiled at eachother.

"Congratulations on finishing your exams."

"I know I said that I'd never fall in love like this, but you, Leilani Walters, make me feel as if nothing else matters."

Leilani smiled at the boy, tears forming in her eyes. She had never felt this type of happiness and delight before. Who knew if she would ever feel it again

The kids from before gathered around the 'friends' and cried.

"Eww! They kissed!"

"Did you see that? They have cooties now!"

Watching their delighted reactions, Leilani cupped Sunoos face and kissed him again, earning more reactions from the kids.

Pulling away, the two laughed happily and got up. It was time for dinner.


Hanbin, Sunoo, the mum, the dad and Leilani all sat around a table. They ate delicious food, drank tasty drinks and laughed loudly.

Tonight, they were all present to celebrate Leilani, and Leilani only.

The group conversed about how the girl was when she first came to the country, how she hadn't known a word of Korean and how she felt so uncomfortable around the family. And now she was leaving as if she were a whole new person.

The mum and dad were the first to leave, muttering some excuse about sleep so that the kids could spend time together.

Hanbin teased the kids the whole night. Everytime they held hands, Hanbin would be there.

Everytime they smiled at eachother, Hanbin would be there.

Everytime they even looked at eachother, Hanbin would be there.

At this point, breathing the same air as eachother would result in endless teasings.

Finally escaping from his evil lair, the duo made their way down the street for a walk.

"Hey watch it! Sunghoo-?" Sunoo yelled after the man that had bumped into his shoulder.

"N-no! Wrong person." The boy walked away hurriedly.

"That was werid. Why did he avoid me? Is he in trouble?" Sunoo muttered, looking at his friend who grew smaller and smaller into the distance.

"You should probably go after him." Leilani suggested.

Sunoo shook his head. Hoon would be fine, he was a big boy that could take care of himself.

"Plans for tomorrow?" Leilani asked, breaking the silence between them

"My families coming back, so I'll probably spend some time with them."

"Could you maybe...come to the airport?" Leilani wistfully asked.

Sunoo smiled sadly and shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I'd be able to handle that."

Leilani didn't try to argue with him. She knew that he was doing the best that he could. He had to protect his peace. Afterall, who knew what the duo would do when it was really time for her to leave.

The wound up into the same place the duo had first met. The raggedy cobblestone path that Leilani had taken Sunoos money.

"This place is history, Kim." Leilani smiled, stopping the boy from walking any further.

From her pocket, her phone rang. It was Hanbin, probably telling her to come back home so that they could do her final packings and whisk her away to the airport.

Sunoo noticed this and frowned slightly. "I guess this is the end, isn't it?"

Leilani couldn't hold it anymore. One year drop fell, and then another. And another. Until finally, the girl was sobbing hysterically into her palms which were covering her face.

"I cant accept this. This can't be the end."

Sunoo decided to stay strong for now, just as Leilani had doen for him many times before. He couldn't believe his eyes, his Lani was crying. For them.

Bringing a tissue out of his pocket, the boy wiped the girls tears and tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Don't worry Lani. Everything happens for a reason. If it's meant to be, it will."

Leilani hiccuped a little and looked into the eyes of the boy Infront of her.

Gosh, Leilani loved his eyes.

She leaned forward and kissed Sunoo desperately. And sunoo kissed back. They grabbed onto eachothers clothes, rubbed eachothers backs and caressed eachothers faces.

They kissed desperatley, as if they were begging the universe to let them be together.

Slowly, something cold and wet fell from the sky. It was the last snow fall.

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