How To Stay Afloat (BxB)

Door OsoraZ

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Samuel always has been fortunate enough to enjoy a seamless and comfortable life. He had it all. Good grades... Meer

Chapter 1: Settling in
Chapter 2: Lovely group projects and smalltalk
Chapter 3: Mexican food and bar nights
Chapter 4: DUIs and bus rides
Chapter 5: everyone's got daddy issues
Chapter 6: Anxiety sucks and so do drug tests
Chapter 7: Brothers
Chapter 8: Everyone loves my brother
Chapter 9: Angry words are civil thoughts
Chapter 10: train rides, collisions and a pinch of sexual confusion
Chapter 11: Saturday nights are club nights
Chapter 12: What's a little pill gonna do?
Chapter 13: fake dates and real dates
Chapter 14: a perfect first date would be boring
Chapter 15: So many secrets
Chapter 16: Is that a date?
Chapter 17: wet cake is a criminal offense
Chapter 18: Shrek is life
Bonus: a little character sheet in between
Chapter 19: Sentimental much
Chapter 20: As a friend, right?
Chapter 21: Same friend, different friendship
Chapter 22: Like good old times
Chapter 23: Double the trouble
Chapter 24: A secret boyfriend is still a real boyfriend, right?
Chapter 25: Testing the water
Chapter 26: Birthday boy
Chapter 27: dorm basements are the place to be
Chapter 28: Partners in crime
Chapter 29: time for truth
Chapter 30: Two bros, chilling on a motorcycle
Chapter 31: illegal substances and a menace to family bus
Chapter 32: toilet talks and stupid mistakes
Chapter 33: shame
Chapter 34: I want more days like these
Chapter 35: hidden talent
Chapter 36: Punches probably hurt
Chapter 37: Spilling secrets
Chapter 38: How do I ask for help?
Chapter 39: No tears
Chapter 40: Moms see through every bullshit
Chapter 41: a sunny day in between the rain
Chapter 42: I'm in love
Chapter 43: Jumping bridges and running from the police
Chapter 44: blurred lines
Chapter 45: not your friend
Chapter 46: How to be a disappointment to your parents 101
Chapter 47: light at the end of the tunnel
Chapter 48: a fresh cut
Chapter 49: conflicting feelings
Chapter 50: at least they always have my back
Chapter 51: Let's stay like this forever
Chapter 52: The opposite of a teacher's pet
Chapter 53: therapy is just wasted time and money
Chapter 54: I was born to fuck things up
Chapter 55: a perfect match also has ups and downs
Chapter 56: What a bloody mess
Chapter 57: Befriending the enemy
Chapter 58: Best buddies reunited
Chapter 59: 4 screw ups sitting in a room
Chapter 60: Are we friends?
Chapter 61: lonely and bored
Chapter 62: Cheater
Chapter 63: Advice
Chapter 64: I've had it coming
Chapter 65: Heartache is the worst kind of pain
Chapter 66: A day I'll remember as the worst
Chapter 67: Please
Chapter 68: kids these days ain't shit
Chapter 69: Is it really a relapse if I've never tried that drug before?
Chapter 70: Can love be selfish?
Chapter 71: How can I get out from underneath this guilt alive?
Chapter 72: eyes just like I remember
Chapter 73: a life long subscription
Chapter 74: Let's learn how to swim properly
Chapter 75: How do I always end up like this?
Chapter 76: At least I'm being honest
Chapter 77: Have I gone insane?
Chapter 78: Did I lose sight of the surface?
Chapter 79: Feels like a prison
Chapter 80: Rehab's going the right way and I won't complain
Chapter 81: We're going down together
Chapter 82: christmas with the family
Chapter 83: Told you so
Chapter 84: Sammy vs the world
Chapter 85: enemy of my enemy is my ally
Chapter 86: clear evidence
Chapter 87: there go the taxes
Chapter 88: I hate my relatives
Chapter 89: Maybe I'm cursed
Chapter 90: a lot of alcohol and apologies
Chapter 91: new year, same old mistakes
Chapter 92: Out with the truth
Chapter 93: back in school
Chapter 94: real friends pee in a cup for each other
Chapter 95: Honesty
Chapter 96: forgotten memories
Chapter 97: Life goes on
Chapter 98: Out of sight, but definitely not out of mind
Chapter 99: Purgatory
Chapter 100: boredom
Chapter 101: Paranoia or just realistic precautions
Chapter 102: Unexpected confessions
Chapter 103: It's kill or get killed
Chapter 104: totally crazy, not realistic at all
Chapter 105: See you next life
Chapter 106: bitchy teens with tired eyes
Chapter 107: court day is dissociation day
Chapter 108: Going insane
Chapter 109: You wanna see crazy?
Chapter 110: not quite clean
Chapter 111: first impressions
Chapter 112: grown apart
Chapter 113: Something ain't right
Chapter 114: Things left unsaid will always come out
Chapter 115: Fare well sanity
Chapter 116: Moving forward
Chapter 117: Back in the hood
Chapter 118: Hopes, ready to shatter
Chapter 119: What's a relationship without the fighting?
Chapter 120: Murderer
Chapter 121: last ride
Chapter 122: 2 suspects
Chaper 123: unfaithful
Chapter 124: worth
Chapter 125: I should wear a scarlett letter
Chapter 126: truth come out
Chapter 127: growing closer
Chapter 128: Old feelings
Chapter 129: The perfect demise
Chapter 130: childhood friends never say goodbye
Chapter 131: Back to thinking straight
Chapter 132: not a diagnosis
Chapter 133: forgotten promise
Chapter 134: Pity party
Chapter 135: just like good old times
Chapter 136: manipulation
Chapter 137: Friends can kiss
Chapter 138: friends for life
Chapter 139: Horny bitches and suicidal ghosts
Chapter 140: Paranoia
Chapter 141: Who's the cockroach now?
Chapter 143: Who said we'd never need morse code?
Chapter 144: Finally over
Chapter 145: aftermath
Chapter 146: curious faces
Chapter 147: A stranger among friends
Chapter 148: All my friends are queer
Chapter 149: It's all better than expected
Chapter 150: when it goes to shit
Chapter 151: We're all screwed up in some way
Chapter 152: It must be full moon or something
Chapter 153: Frustration
Chapter 154: Say no to drugs
Chapter 155: therapeutic dreams?
Chapter 156: Drunk adventures lead to sober misunderstandings
Chapter 157: Middle aged woman's wrath
Chapter 158: the ol' switchery
Chapter 159: A mother's love
Chapter 160: You can't bury the past
Chapter 161: How do you measure progress?
Chapter 162: Adam, the tumor
Chapter 163: Like a little kid
Chapter 164: Unearned forgiveness
Chapter 165: Victim
Chapter 166: Jealousy
Chapter 167: Orange juice
Chapter 168: Betrayals and temptations
Chapter 169: Never trust an addict
Chapter 170: Something we're good at
Chapter 171: the sublte things that still affect us
Chapter 172: dates and stress and stressful dates
Chapter 173: Finals
Chapter 174: Orange and fat
Chapter 175: Answers
Chapter 176: Legal temptation
Chapter 177: Another hospital trip
Chapter 178: Anniversaries
Chapter 179: Summit reunion
Chapter 180: Tidal resilience
Chapter 181: A few years later

Chapter 142: The whole story

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Door OsoraZ

"Is Adam okay?" I ask as Harry comes out after a few minutes.

"Yeah." He breathes out. He's standing next to the car and I have the door open.

I look at him, waiting if he has more to say.

"He's alright, just extremely angry." He says and looks at me worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. All good." I say. "He didn't hit me that hard. I just bit my tongue."

And that's true. It hurt like a bitch and I fell to the floor, but he definitely held back, otherwise it would have been a lot more painful.

Harry frowns. "Okay. Are you sure? You should probably get home. Didn't you say Austin is coming over? It's close to two in the morning."

Austin hasn't called me because I'm not home. Is he alright? He should have arrived thirty minutes ago.

Harry leans down and looks into the car to Dylan. "I didn't expect you two to be all buddy buddy." He points out.

"Yeah. The argument was all my fault." Dylan says.

It really wasn't.

"Yeah uhm. I'll drive home now if that's alright. Please be careful and text me when you're home." Harry says. "I have to get used to the idea that Noah might be miraculously alive."


"Here?" I ask Dylan as I park in front of the uni dorms.

"Yup. Thanks again." He says cheerfully. "Nighty."

"Wait. Are you alright?" I ask hesitantly.

He smiles and shrugs and then leaves.

As soon as he's out of the car I call Austin. I hear it ringing, but he just doesn't pick up.

I frown at my phone. Did he have to work longer? Or maybe he forgot that we planned to meet up? Maybe he's already at my home and Caleb let him in and they got lost in a conversation.

All possibilities.

But what if Noah is alive and hurt him? What if Adam's reply angered him?

I take a deep breath and decide to just drive straight to his work place since it's kind of on the way.

I drive there and find the bar empty and closed. No need to panic. Next stop: his flat.

Or better: Nora

I stay seated and call her.

"Hello?" She asks me sleepily as she picks up her phone.

"Hi, is Austin home?" I ask her.

"What?" She asks confused.

"Did he come home?" I ask her.

I can hear her groan. "You seriously want me to get up at half past 2 in the morning?" She asks annoyed, but I can hear her get up.

I listen to her walk around, open doors and call Austin's name. Shit.

"Not here. Why?" She asks.

"I- I don't know. I should probably just drive home. He's probably waiting for me and forgot his phone at work or something." I say.

"Right. He said he'd sleep at your place." She notes. "He took the car. Tell him I need it at noon. Good night."

"Good night." I say and look at the parking lot of the bar.

Is that his car?

I get out of the car and walk over there with tightness in my chest.

It is his car. I press my face against the window of the passenger side and see his bag for sleeping over in there.

He didn't come to the car. Did he go out? He's out with his colleagues. Clubbing. Yes. He drank and forgot to tell me he's not coming over.

Please, please just let me know you're fine!

I feel my phone vibrate and pull it out, expecting it to be a message from Austin.

"Home already?" Harry texted me.

I take a deep breath. Fuck. Where is he? Where is Austin?

After two more attempts to reach Austin I decide to give Harry a call.

"Hey! Got home?" He asks as he picks up.

"Harry." I say, now feeling a slight uneasiness spreading in my body.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I- I can't find Austin." I say.

"Isn't he at your house?" He asks.

"No, I mean I don't know. His car is here at the bar." I explain.

"Uhm. Maybe he drank and someone else drove him?" He suggests. "You know how important that is for him."

"Uh, yeah, probably. But- uhm, he'd call me." I say. "Or text me. And he left his stuff in the car."

"Maybe his phone is dead?" He asks.

"No, my calls go through. He just doesn't pick up." I tell him nervously. "And no one could have let him in. Because they'd informed me or already noticed I'm out when I'm not supposed to. But no messages or calls."

"Okay. Okay. Drive home and call me when you're there and he isn't there. Okay?" Harry says. "No need to worry. Alright?"

I feel like my heart's gonna burst out of my chest.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll drive home first." I agree.


Twenty minutes later the car is parked in the driveway and I'm walking inside the house as silently as possible. Please let him just wait in my room!

I close the door behind me and sneak up the stairs and to my room. My empty room.

My heart drops at the realization he's not here.

So I try calling him again and again and again. Each time no one picks up and I'm growing more worried.

Where is he?

"Hey! Found Austin?" Harry asks as he picks up.

I'm crying at this point. "He's not here. Harry, I'm so worried." I manage to get out in between sobs.

"Hey, no. Calm down. He's okay for sure." Harry says. "Just sit down and take a deep breath, alright?"

I do that and sit down on my bed.

"Alright. Do you think he's maybe out? He could be just at a club. He'll call back once he sees your missed calls." Harry tries to assure me.

"Yeah, probably." I answer.

"Look. You also always just disappeared. Maybe he also just wanted to go out without telling anyone. Maybe he's drunk, having fun. He maybe met friends. He'll be alright." Harry says.

I nod my head. "Mhm. Okay. You're right." I say.

"Lie down, get some rest. We can only wait." Harry says.

"Thanks. You're right." I say quietly.

After hanging up, I lie down in my bed, not bothering to take off my jacket.

The exhaustion that rushes through me the moment my head touches the pillow is overwhelming. My eyes close on their own.


I sit up in bed alerted. Austin!

I look at the time on my alarm clock. Almost 5 in the morning. Shit. This can't be real.

I grab my phone and instantly let out a sigh of relief as I see Austin texted me.

I quickly unlock my phone, impatient to read what he texted me. Nothing could have prepared me for that.

"You can either go to the police and tell them that you killed Noah or you come here on your own. You tell anyone, someone dies." His text says. The next message is a location, 20 minutes from here.

It was sent almost two hours ago already.

What to do? What to do? What do I do now?

My whole body is shaking.

Austin is in danger. That's Noah. That's Noah for sure.

I look at the location he sent me. It's slightly outside of the town. A parking lot.

I start hyperventilating from the panic in my chest.

I just have to go to the police and turn myself in?

But what then? Austin could still get hurt.

I'll have to go there.

But I need help.

"Please tell me Austin is alright." Harry says as soon as he picks up.

"I need your help." I say.


"Alright. Just calm down!" Harry says as we sit down in Harry's car together.

"How should I calm down?" I shout angrily.

"Yeah, just- just try." He says.

I take shaky breaths, inhaling and exhaling through my mouth.

"I'll just hide in the backseat and come with you." Harry suggests.

And that's what we do. I send my live location to Caleb and Carla and have my phone in my jacket.



I pull up in the parking lot. It's empty, apart from one car.

"Sammy, we should call the police." Harry says. "That's sketchy as fuck."

"No. No, I can't risk that." I answer. My hands are shaking so much.

"Sammy." Harry says softly.

I can see the lights of the other car turning on. I receive a message. "Don't be shy. Get in the passenger seat."

I take a deep breath. We're going somewhere else.

"Harry. If- if anything happens-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"I'm calling the police. This is too sketchy." He says.

"Harry please." I beg him.

"Please what?" He asks.

"I'll leave the car keys here." I say. "Drive home in case something happens. I don't want you to get hurt."

I hope I'm doing the right thing.

"Sammy!" Harry exclaims. "Are you really that dumb?"

"Wait here. Don't call the police. They could hurt Austin." I order and climb out of the car, ignoring Harry's angry whispering. My legs almost give in the moment I stand up.

I walk over to the other car where the passenger door is already opened for me.

If that's Noah waiting for me I'm gonna shit my pants.

"Hello?" I say unsure as I lean down and see a really, really creepy guy. He looks to be around 25 or older and has really wide shoulders. He's wearing a short sleeved shirt, giving me the opportunity to see just how muscular his arms are.

"Finally. Sit down." He demands.

"Who are you? Where's Austin?" I ask.

"You wanna find out, you sit down." He says.

"I wanna know if Austin is alright!" I say sternly.

He sighs and opens up the glove department on the passenger side and pulls out a fucking gun.

As he aims it at me I instantly freeze, looking at the gun barrel directed at me with my eyes wide open.

"Get in." He orders again.

I flinch at his words and climb into the car, slowly sitting down on the passenger seat with my heart pounding in my ears.

"Take out your phone." He says.

I nod and take it out.

"You don't need to be tracked. Toss it." He demands.

I stare at my phone and hesitate.

Fuck. He's gonna bring me to a different location. Fuck. What did I do? Why didn't I just let Harry call the police?

I feel something hard touch the side of my head and let out a gasp. He's holding the freaking gun to my head. I'm gonna die.

"I said toss it!" He growls angrily.

I whimper and throw my phone out the window.

"Good. Any other devices on you?" He asks.

I shake my head slowly and carefully.

"If you're lying-" He starts, but I cut him off.

"I'm not lying." I quickly say.

"If you lied, I'm gonna kill you. Understood?" He says.

I nod.

"I asked you a question! Don't you have a mouth?" He shouts.

I feel him push the gun to my head, pushing my whole body to the side so my head is against the door frame. I hold up my hands in surrender, holding my breath.

"Sorry, sorry, no other devices. I understand." I quickly say with a whimpering voice.

He removes the gun and closes the window and then puts the car in drive.

I gulp as we pull onto the street, the gun still in his right hand.

I'm gonna die. Fuck. Fuck. I shouldn't have come here.

I hope Austin is okay.

We're driving for ten minutes in complete silence.

"You'd think I wouldn't notice the car following me?" He asks.

I tense up. Of course he noticed Harry following us a few hundred meters behind.

"Looks like your boyfriend's gonna die. You broke the rules." He says casually.

"No! No! I'm sorry! I don't know who that is!" I blurt out.

The panic in my chest is unbearable and incomparable.

"Shut up." He says, sounding almost amused by my panicked reaction.

"Austin's got nothing to do with Noah's death or injury or whatever. I swear-"

He cuts me off. "You want me to blow your brains out or are you gonna shut up now?" He asks me harshly.

I suck in a breath and stay silent.

We park next to an old factory building. Yes. This is where I'll get killed. I'm so stupid. I should have never come here.

I glance around, finding a streetname and number. I repeat it in my head a few times. Maybe I can somehow call for help. Fuck. I hope Harry called the police. What was I thinking? I can't handle this on my own.

I can see Harry park the car around 200 meters away, next to a closed shop.

"If you try anything, you're dead." The guy warns me before climbing out of the car.

I reluctantly get out myself although my feet barely work.

He holds his gun towards me, but then waves it, signaling me to walk to the opened door.

Harry, please call the police! Please! Don't listen to my dumb naive words please!

I've never felt fear take me over the way it does when I enter the building. It feels like I'll never get out again. This is my end.

We walk along a corridor and then we're in some type of warehouse. We walk through it and end up in a different warehouse.

"Finally!" I can hear a cheerful voice say. I forget how to breathe when I identify the voice.

No fucking way. No fucking way.

Standing before me is Noah. Alive. Obviously alive. But like- what the hell?

"Aw, you look like you've seen a ghost. Thought you'd seen the last of me?" He asks me.

"Someone followed us." The big guy says.

Noah drops his friendly expression and glares. "Get that person in here! Now." He orders and the guy leaves without hesitation.

"No, please don't hurt him!" I instantly blurt out.

"So you didn't follow my rules." Noah says and hisses. "Ooh, this is gonna end ugly."

I can't believe it's really Noah.

I glance at his head. The shaved part of his head gives me a clear view of a slight scar on the side of his head.

I glance at his hand. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He's actually missing half of his middle finger on his left hand.

"Oh this?" He asks, holding up his hand. "A nice present you gave me. Did you know how bad an infection from a freaking human bite can get?"

I'm so scared. I can barely breathe.

"Where's Austin?" I ask him.

He chuckles. "Asleep. You should focus your worry on yourself."

"Austin has nothing to do with all this!" I say angrily.

"True. But he's important to you." He says, clearly enjoying this.

"Noah. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry for all that, but please don't hurt him. You can do what you want to me, but please." I beg him.

"Oh. You're trying to bargain here? Look around. Does it look like you're in the position for that?" He asks me amused.

I feel so scared. My whole body is trembling with fear.

"So, you didn't come alone, huh? Who's with you?" He asks.

"Harry." I mumble quietly and Noah suddenly doesn't look as relaxed and amused anymore.

"I'm walking. Ouch." I can hear Harry complain behind me.

Noah's eyes go wide when he hears his voice. I turn around just as Harry gets pushed through the door, stumbling around.

Harry looks at me with a frightened expression. But then his eyes focus on someone behind me, Noah.

Harry's jaw drops as he looks at his cousin. "Noah." He whispers as tears appear in his eyes.

I look at Noah, who stays silent, just staring at Harry.

In a matter of seconds Harry sprints past me and is hugging Noah tightly.

"Noah. You're- you're alive!" He exclaims through sobs. "I'm so relieved. I can't believe this."

Harry has his arms wrapped around Noah and has his whole weight on him. Noah sits down with Harry as they both still hug. Harry is crying uncontrollably while Noah just looks empty.

"Noah. Why didn't you reach out? I thought- everyone thinks you're dead! There was a funeral and all that. Why didn't you reach out?" Harry asks him as the sobs shake his whole body.

For a moment I think it's all gonna be okay. That is until Noah speaks.

"You weren't supposed to come here." Noah says nonchalantly.

"What?" Harry asks him confused as he pulls back to look at Noah.

"You chose him over me." Noah says quietly as Harry looks at him irritatedly.

Harry shakes his head frantically. "No! No, I didn't. I- I had no idea!"

"You know what happened that night, don't you?" Noah asks and starts chuckling, rubbing his face with his hands. He sighs loudly. "Uh fuck. You really stayed friends with the people who tried to fucking kill me!"

"But you're alive." Harry says. "You're alive. They didn't kill you."

"But did you know that?" He asks.

Harry shakes his head. "I- what- what was I supposed to do?"

Noah inhales sharply through his nose. "Too bad. So many years of friendship all ruined."

"Noah, no. You were- I-" Harry stutters. He turns around and looks at me for a moment.

"Fuck. I didn't want you here Harry. This is gonna be hard." Noah says. "You're on their side."

"I- that's not true!" Harry claims. "I- I never forgave them. When I found out what happened- I- I needed proof. I didn't have proof. I'm just here because I wanna help you." Harry says.

Harry is lying. I can tell he's scared of Noah. He's lying to somehow get us out of here.

And if I can tell, Noah can tell, too.

I have to help with the story somehow.

I gasp. "That's why you secretly recorded Adam and me?" I ask Harry.

Harry turns around and looks at me confused.

Fuck. If we can get Noah to trust Harry we can get out of here somehow.

"I thought you're on my side!" I shout, trying to sound hurt and betrayed.

Harry stands up abruptly and turns around to me. "How could I be on your side?" He yells angrily. "You two tried to kill Noah! You think I wanna be your friend after that?" He asks me.

I gulp. He's just acting, right?

"God. Do you know how hard it was to keep up that act for so long? I despise you!" He yells with a quivering voice. "If stupid Adam hadn't noticed my phone I would have gotten it all on the recording."

Noah also stands up and dusts off his pants. "Let's put that loyalty to test." He says and pats Harry's shoulder, making him flinch.

Noah nods his head to the guy whose name I don't know and he walks over and hands Noah the gun.

I watch him silently as he places the gun in Harry's hands.

The muscle guy walks back over and grabs my hair and shoulder and pushes me on my knees.

Am I getting fucking executed now? Fuck. Fuck. This is so not fair. This is not how I deserve to die. Come on. I don't wanna die.

I feel the tears well up in my eyes and can't stop them from running down my face.

I'm gonna die.

"Wha- what do you-?" Harry asks Noah.

"See? You just gotta pull that trigger. The rest is already done for you." Noah explains in a soft voice as he points to the pistol in Harry's hands.

Harry's hands are shaking like crazy, the gun shaking in his hands.

"What- what do I shoot at?" He asks Noah.

Noah lets out a laugh. "You got three guesses."

Harry looks at Noah confused. "I- I don't understand. I don't-"

Noah rolls his eyes and grabs Harry's hands. "Both arms straight." He says and aims the gun directly at me while Harry is holding it with his shaky hands. He's standing a couple of steps away from me.

"Here. That's where you gotta put your finger." Noah says as he pushes Harry's finger to the trigger.

I'm constantly flinching, shutting my eyes, fearing he'd shoot any second. I can't stop the immense fear that's making my head all foggy. My breathing is coming shorter and my vision is blurred with tears.

"Good job." Noah says with a gentle voice. "Now shoot him!" Noah shouts harshly in Harry's ear.

My whole body is shaking from my shivers and my sobs and my heavy breathing.

I can see the gun shaking in Harry's hands, like it's gonna fall to the floor any second now.

"You hate him. Right? You hate him for all the lies he told and all the things he did to me." Noah says to Harry, saying it right to his ear.

"I- I- Noah, can we please- he- let's tell the police what happened." Harry suggests. "You can come back home. Please, Noah."

"Harry. This is a test. You already failed the other one. This is your last chance. I don't wanna hurt you, but if you choose him, I'll have to." Noah says to Harry.

I can't hold back a whimper as Harry meets my eyes.

"Is- is Austin alright?" I ask. "Please just let me know if he's okay!"

Noah sighs and rolls his eyes. "Yeah. For now."

I look back at Harry. "Please just make sure he's okay." I beg him and then look at Noah. "When I'm dead you'll let him go, right?" I ask. "And you won't hurt Adam or anyone else, right?"

He smirks. "Depends on Harry's decision."

I snap my eyes back to Harry's.

And then I notice something. That guy is standing right behind me. Harry surely has never held a gun in his hands before, let alone shot at someone. He could hurt or kill that other guy.

Either he's a crazy suicidal psycho-

Or the gun isn't even loaded and he's just putting Harry to test. Noah wouldn't kill me so fast. Nope.

But I could be wrong and I'm fucking scared.

Fuck. That acting is gonna take all I got. Fuck, I have to do this.

"Harry. Shoot me!" I say.

He starts crying and shakes his head slightly.

"Do it!" I say through gritted teeth, holding back sobs.

Please don't do it! Please don't let me die! I wanna live. What if it's a real loaded gun?

"You got a minute to make your decision." Noah says and pulls out a cigarette and lights it casually. All while Harry is sobbing, the gun shaking in his sweaty hands.

"Harry. It's okay. You hate me. I- I don't wanna live anyways." I say to him.

Please don't do it. Please let me live! I just wanna live.

I can see Harry's finger on the trigger shaking and I squeeze my eyes shut.

I flinch when I hear a thump and open my eyes.

Harry is on his knees, the gun still in his hands, pointing to the floor now.

"I can't do this. Noah. I can't kill someone." He cries out.

Noah lets out a loud sigh and drops the cigarette and steps on it.

"Okay. I'll do it for you." He says softly and touches the gun. "Give it to me."

Harry's whole body is shaking. "Noah, please don't kill him!"

"He also didn't hesitate to make pig food of me!" Noah shouts.

Harry flinches. "Noah, please. You left them no choice. You're crazy. You need help. This isn't really you." Harry begs him.

And Harry blew the only chance we had.

I can see something in Noah's expression change. It looks like he expected it, but is still disappointed and hurt by Harry's honesty.

The human expression on Noah's face is quickly replaced by something more controlled. Something sinister.

"Let go!" Noah says through gritted teeth as he yanks on the gun.

"No, please!" Harry pleads and holds on to the gun.

Noah violently rips the gun from Harry's hands and stands up.

Harry's arms are suddenly wrapped around Noah's leg. "Please don't hurt him!"

Noah pushes Harry's head back and as Harry lets go, Noah kicks him in his gut.

"Harry!" I call out as he falls to the floor, clutching his stomach in pain.

Noah picks up the phone that fell out of Harry's pocket and looks through it before he throws it to the ground. "I told you fucking braindead fuck to get rid of all electrical devices." He shouts.

I can feel the guy behind me flinch at Noah's words and it makes me wonder what relationship they have. Are they friends? Is the guy holding me here voluntarily? Does Noah maybe pay him money?

"You won't need that anymore." Noah says and kicks Harry's phone aside.

He looks at Harry with disgust. "Traitor." Noah spits and then aims the gun directly at me. "Any last words?" He asks as he stomps over towards me.

I bite my lip and close my eyes, letting the tears run freely.

"Noah, stop!" Harry shouts desperately.

Noah drops his hand and smiles at me. "You're right." He says and pushes the muscle guy back and grabs my shoulder and pulls me up.

He pushes me forward, making me stumble until I'm on my knees again, right in front of Harry.

He grabs my hair and presses the gun to the side of my head. "Better like this."

As I meet Harry's eyes, they're filled with fear and pain. His face is so close to mine.

I wanna smile for him. Tell him it's okay. But instead I just sob uncontrollably because I'm so fucking scared. Noah is gonna kill me and there's nothing I can do to stop him. He has the upper hand.

"I'm so sorry." Harry says to me.

"I'm sorry!" I say back.

And that's when Harry's eyes go wide as he looks to the left, to Noah's hand before he quickly shuts them and covers his ears.

That's it. Either I'm gonna be dead now or it's not loaded.

I hear the trigger being pulled, followed by a loud noise. I whimper as I feel something hit my head.

I fall to the side. Not sure if Noah pushed me, but I fall on my side and open my eyes.

I bring my hand up to my head confused. I'm not hurt at all.

I'm holding my breath, unable to get any words out. My assumption was right after all.

Harry is still holding his ears closed, with his eyes covered by his knees.

Noah starts laughing loudly.

"You can open your eyes now." He says to Harry, unable to hold back his maniac laughter.

Harry just shakes his head and cries, his eyes still closed.

I lean forward and grab Harry's hand. "Harry!" I call out.

He looks at me shocked and then at Noah.

Noah aims the gun against his own head. "A toy gun." He says amused and pulls the trigger, a yellow little ball hitting his head and falling to the floor where it rolls out of sight.

He laughs some more while Harry leans forward and throws up all over my hands.

"Oh wow. That was fun. A real gun is a tiny bit heavier and louder, you moron. You really think I let you die so quickly?" He asks me. "Aw. Sammy. You should know me by now."

"Looks like you also get to know the real me." He says to Harry. "I didn't want that, but you came here on your own. Not my fucking fault."

Harry is still retching and crying on the floor.

I watch Noah as he holds his hand to his heart. "Heartbreaking. Harry, you've always been way too soft."

I wipe my hands on my jeans, having Harry's puke all over them. In any other situation I'd be disgusted, but right now all I feel is fear.

Fear. It's in my whole body, eating me alive. There's no way to flee, to stop this. My only way out is my death. It's inevitable.

"Harry, do you remember when I killed that cat?" Noah asks.

Harry looks at him confused.

Noah laughs. "I think that was the first time I saw you faint from seeing blood."

I can see Harry's eyebrows draw together in confusion.

"You don't remember, do you?" Noah asks him.

We watch Noah step around, looking satisfied with himself. "Time for honesty. You know. I've always been kinda different." He says. "I liked watching other people be in pain. I found it incredibly exciting when someone in a movie died or when someone got hurt in real life. I realized that pretty early." His weird smile makes it all the more disturbing.

Harry's face is full of tears and he hiccups as he watches Noah circle us.

Is he gonna tell me his whole life story and then kill me? Is that what I have to listen to before I die? I don't wanna listen to that shit.

"Obviously I thought it could be something we enjoy together since you were always my closest friend." Noah says. "But no, no, you of course didn't get it. You didn't wanna admit the thrill you felt. When I killed that stupid neighbour's cat you just started crying."

"What cat?" Harry asks him confused.

"Don't you remember? The one that scratched you." Noah says.

"Tubbs?" He asks shocked.

"That's the name." Noah says satisfied.

"Tubbs disappeared when I was six or seven!" Harry exclaims.

"Well, you were so horrified. You looked at me like I'm a monster for killing it." He says. "Luckily you fainted and never mentioned it again. But it made me realize that something must be wrong with me. Because you didn't like it."

What the fuck is going on now? Just how fucked up is Noah? I shouldn't be surprised that kid Noah was just as messed up, killing innocent animals.

"Hard times." Noah says. "That's where all this shame started. When I looked at your horrified face." Noah says and starts laughing. "You look just like you did back then when you were seven years old. The same expression."

"You look at me like I'm a monster for what I do." He says.

"But you know what?" He asks. "There are people that are worse than me. People who do shit and seriously believe they're good people." He says. "People who call themselves victims."

He's talking about me now.

"Did you feel bad for my death?" He asks me as he crouches down next to me. "Huh?" He shouts in my ear when I don't answer.

I sniff and nod my head. "Yeah. I d-"

"Liar." He shouts and stands back up. "No, you didn't."

"It was an accident." I say through tears.

"That's what you also told Harry, right?" He asks and looks at him. "Am I right?"

I bite back tears. "Noah. You tried to kill me. Adam just tried to stop you."

He laughs. "No. No, that wasn't an accident." He says and points to his head. "Your little friend Adam is a fucking killer. That was no accident. Hitting me one or two times would have been an accident. But he didn't stop. Oh no."

Does he want my compassion? Does he want my pity or something?

He smiles. "I'm not gonna lie. I'm not even mad at him. He has guts. But he did sound pretty pathetic when he cried. Tell me, what is it that's going on between you two. I always thought you're so obsessed with Austin."

Why won't my body stop shaking? My whole body quivers like an earthquake.

"Did he try to kill me out of love? Isn't that cute?" He asks. "He's almost like me."

"You have no idea what love is." I say angrily as I glare at him.

He grabs my chin and leans closer to my face. "Yes I do. Maybe it's a different kind of love than what you know."

He drops his hand and stands back up. "Anyways. When I woke up in the trunk I gotta admit I was kinda scared."

I look at him surprised. He woke up?

"Oh man. That Adam guy was crying like crazy when he hit my head again with the wrench that he found in his car." He says and points to his forehead and cheek where he has scars.

I glance at Harry who looks just as spooked.

"He apologized like a thousand times and hit me repeatedly until I acted like I passed out again." He says with a smirk. "Sammy will be safe. Sammy will be safe. He kept muttering. In that moment I realized you must have been alive. Just one more reason for me to survive this whole ordeal."

I'm gonna be sick. No. That's not what happened.

"Well. He carried me over and I heard pigs. He just heaved me over the fence and ran back to the car, crying like a little child, without even making sure that his plan worked. It didn't. Those stupid pigs just trampled over me and squeaked." He says and giggles. "Well, they were heavy, I gotta admit getting trampled isn't nice. They got fed in the evening and weren't hungry. But as I said they were heavy. Getting out wasn't that easy."

"Does it feel good to know that his love for you turned him into a cold hearted killer?" He asks me and I instantly feel more tears in my eyes.

Did Adam really do that? He wanted to actually kill him?

He shakes his head. "Man, against all odds I dragged myself back home only to find that all the stuff I had packed was missing. And then I realized what was going on." He smiles wide.

"Of course you played victim like you always did." He says. "I laid low. Made sure you feel safe. But simple tasks like going grocery shopping are hard if you're wanted by the police." He says and holds up his left hand. "And I had the perfect problem that could help me stage my death because my finger was freaking rotting from your filthy teeth."

That can happen? From a bite?

He walks around casually as he continues his monologue. "A lot of time went into this plan. Now I'm dead. But my poor family is looked down on by society because of your lies." He says through gritted teeth. "And I do feel bad about that. So this is how it goes. You'll write down a statement. You'll write down how you killed me and how Adam and Dylan helped you get rid of me. How they helped you fake all the injuries I gave you. How you fucking lied about every single thing you said about me. And then you'll write how you can't live with the guilt anymore."

"The good thing is that your brother is already informed that you're with Austin right now and he agreed to explain it to your parents who otherwise wouldn't let you go anywhere on your own. He told them you're with him. So guess what's gonna happen while your parents are at church to pray for their miserable son to get well." He says with a smile. "You guessed it. You'll kill yourself. Best would be if you did it at home so your parents can find you. Don't you think?"

I can hear Harry whimper, holding back sobs and trying to control his rapid breathing.

Noah turns his head sideways. "They're gonna cry a river. But deep down they'll be so relieved that the disappointment they had to call their son is finally dead." He looks to the ceiling. "Can you picture that Sammy?" He asks me, locking his eyes with mine.

I shiver as he says my name.

He smiles and leans down to me and I shut my eyes, not able to hide how scared I am.

He whispers my name and I flinch.

"The problem is that we got two more people to take care of." He says and smiles.

Austin. Harry.

"Good to know that you already have some experience with stabbing other people with knives." He says.

I look at Harry and then back at Noah confused.

"Sorry Harry. I guess today is finally the day that we part forever. If you had just stayed out of this." Noah says. "But you do understand that I can't trust you anymore. What if people believe your story and start searching for me?" He shakes his head. "Now that would be bad."

He claps his hands excitedly, making Harry and me flinch. "Isn't that so fucking fun? Are you two as excited as I am?" He asks.

I can hear Harry sob as he breaks down crying.

Noah kneels down next to him and pats his head while Harry ducks away scared.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure it's quick for you." He says. "You'll be asleep, okay?"

"Don't hurt them please!" I beg him. "Please Noah. No one's gonna believe them anyways. You are dead. You are officially dead. Who'd believe that you did that?" I ask him. "Please! Harry and Austin never did anything against you."

"Oh they didn't?" He asks. "Harry didn't steal my laptop?"

"That was me!" I shout. "I stole his keys without him noticing. Harry didn't know that."

"Harry was a witness at court." He says. "Right, Harry?"

Harry is just crying uncontrollably.

"I guess that's a yes." Noah mumbles.

It's all my fault. It's my fault. Harry and Austin are gonna die. Just because of me.

All my fault. It's all my fault. I hate myself. I'm at fault.

"Let's see." Noah says. "You tend to black out and do random stuff, right?" Noah asks me.

I wonder where he got all the information while maintaining his anonymity.

"Crazy, huh?" He asks. "We don't even have to come up with a story about why you killed your boyfriend and your best friend. You just killed them in your craze."

My breath is coming shorter. I can't. This is too much for me. I can't. Fuck. It's all because of me.

"Harry texted me updates. All the time. About your life. His life mainly. You know?" Noah says.

I look at Harry and he gives me a fucking peace sign with his hand while crying. I guess that's his way of saying sorry.

Fuck what?

"Dear Noah, it's been a week since I found out you're dead. We visited Sammy at the hospital." Noah reads from his phone.

He reads more, but I block his voice out.


How can I get out of this?

I look around, my eyes landing on the door where we came in. If we run now, could we get away?

"Try it." Noah taunts me. "Run. See if you can get away. I'm sure Austin understands why you left him behind to die."

My breath hitches. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What do I do? I gotta do something. Anything.

Is Austin here somewhere? He must be near. He must be here.

"Noah. Please. What's gotten into you?" Harry cries out.

While Noah's eyes are concentrated on Harry I glance at Harry's phone on the ground. I need his pin code. Or I have to wait til someone calls and then I can pick up the phone. Or I can call the police.

I just need Carla or Caleb to see my location and get suspicious and search for me. That's all I need.

"Alright. Let's get started." Noah says and nods his head to the muscle guy.

He brings him a piece of paper and a pen. I wonder why he knows what to do. Did they plan every detail? Are they communicating telepathically over psycho frequency?

Noah lies the piece of paper on a tray and then down next to me. "Write what I tell you." He orders.

"Dear mom and dad, dear Carla, dear Caleb." He lists. "Anyone else you should address?" He asks. "Oh right, Kevin and Adam maybe."

I have the pen in my hand, staring at the piece of paper.

"What are you waiting for?" He asks me and grabs my head and pushes me down towards the sheet.

I whimper and start writing.

"Hang on." He stops me. "Do you write the letter first or do you kill Austin and Harry first?" He asks me innocently. "What is more likely for you?"

How did all that escalate so quickly? How did I become responsible for so many people dying? Could I have prevented all this?

"I guess we go for the first one. So add their names." He demands.

He rips the piece of paper away and hands me a new one. "Just write 'dear everyone', will you?"

Harry's phone is lying with the screen facing down, but it's lying on a pebble and it's dark in here, so I can see the screen light up, hopefully with a call coming in.

I just need to get to the phone and pick up and explain where we are. I remember the address.

I quickly stand up and shove Noah towards where Harry's phone is lying.

I punch him as hard as I can and he stumbles back.

"Sammy!" Harry shouts worriedly.

I look at him for a moment and as I turn back around the fist is already coming my way and I fall to the ground, right next to Harry's phone.

"I wonder who messed up your face so badly." Noah says. "I bet a few more punches aren't gonna make much of a difference." He says as he pushes me down by my shoulders and kneels over me.

He punches me in the face and then in the throat. I start coughing from the hit to my throat.

"Luke. Can you see if the sleeping beauty is already awake?" Noah asks. "That could be fun. And make sure Harry can't run off. It's time for Harry to sleep anyways."

Everything is fucking spinning. But as Noah is focused on talking to the other guy I grab Harry's phone and slide it underneath my body to hide it from Noah without him noticing.

"Uh fuck. I'd love to just punch you until you're dead." Noah says through gritted teeth.

I groan in pain and start coughing yet again as I turn to the side, watching as the other guy, Luke, is tying up Harry's hands behind his back with a tape and saying something to him. Harry isn't crying right now, he's lying on his stomach and just stares in my direction. Not even at me, just into space. Luke is also tying up his ankles.

He says something to Harry as he sits him up by picking him up by his armpits.

"Hey. Don't dare to talk to Harry!" Noah shouts angrily.

Luke flinches and nods. Even he seems scared of Noah.

Fuck. Fuck. I can't stop this. How am I supposed to get out of this if Harry has already given up?

Noah snaps his fingers and I look back up to him. "Don't worry about him. He's gonna have a more pleasant death than you will."

I let out a shaky breath. Concentrate. I need to concentrate on getting out of here.

As Luke hands Noah the tape he smirks. "So, are you gonna continue the letter or do I need to punch you again?" He asks.

I nod my head. "Please just don't hit me anymore." I beg him.

"Good decision." He says.

"Harry. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry for everything." I say because I feel like once I write this letter it's over for us.

I hope he just kills me. He must be bluffing. He can't kill Harry and Austin.

Harry doesn't answer. He just closes his eyes as new tears spill out.

Noah puts tape over my mouth. "Stop talking. You're fucking annoying." He says. "Don't worry I'll take it off when you're dead so you won't feel it when your peach fuzz comes off with the tape."

He moves down to my legs and wraps tape around them to make it impossible for me to walk or run away.

"Your hands are free until you write that fucking letter." He says and then stands up, walking over to where I left the pen and paper.

I use this moment to roll to the side and quickly grab Harry's phone.

I try to unlock it, but don't know his password. I hold it up for Harry to see and his eyes go wide.

I hide it underneath me when Noah turns around and comes back.

As he places everything down in front of me again I glance at Harry. He moves his hands down over his butt and slips his legs through so that he ends up with his hands tied in the front. Harry has ridiculously long arms. I couldn't get my arms over my butt. He uses his fingers to show me his code.

2. 3. 2. 6.

Noah crouches down in front of me. "Will you write it now?" He asks me.

2-3-2-6. I gotta remember it.

I have to contact Caleb. Or Carla. I can send my location. I can't call the police with my mouth taped.

I'm gonna be in so much pain. I throw the pen as far as I can and rip the paper in two.

Noah starts laughing. "Can you believe that?" He asks amused, looking towards Harry.

"Man. I really wanna hurt you so fucking bad right now." He says through gritted teeth. "But too many bruises would bring more questions. At least if no one else is bruised. I guess Austin will have to do."

"You two got into a fight. Maybe he tried to stop you or maybe you two just had a fight." He explains. "I had no idea that little Sammy could punch someone this hard. Poor Austin."

I take a deep breath through my nose. Please don't hurt Austin!

Noah cups his ear. "I hear no complains. Let's do it like that. Everytime you misbehave will be a punch for him."

He walks away to get the pen again.

I use the moment to unlock the phone with the pincode and call Carla. I rip off the tape from my mouth, but before she can pick up the phone Noah turns around and I quickly press the tape back in place, turn the phone to silent and hide it underneath the tray that is used as a table for the letter.

I feel my fingers shaking with fear. I can't afford to make another mistake.

How am I supposed to tell her the freaking address if I can't talk?

"Here." Noah says and places the pen in my hand. "Start writing or I swear to god-"

I lean forward and start writing.

"Uhm. Where- where are we?" Harry asks Noah loudly, talking a lot calmer now.

He's trying to help. He watched me call Carla.

"What?" Noah asks confused.

"Uh, well, what place is this? Was that a factory?" He asks.

Noah sighs. "How should I know?" He answers. "Do you really wanna spend your last minutes alive talking about the building?"

That makes Harry shut up.

I've written down the beginning of the letter and start humming to gain Noah's attention.

"Good boy!" He says as if he's talking to a fucking dog. He pets my head.

We continue like this. He tells me what to write down and I obey, using my own words. Every time he's unhappy with what I write he smacks my head.

I stop writing when I hear footsteps and look up to see Luke walking in with Austin, who's barely conscious, his arm over Luke's shoulder and his legs dragging over the ground with each clumsy step.

He's got blood running down from his nose, but it's already dried. He looks completely confused, like he's not even fully aware what is happening.

Noah grabs my head, pushing it down. "Eyes on the letter."

I'm gonna get out of here. We're all gonna be fine. It's all gonna be okay. Carla is surely listening. She's gonna get us out of here somehow.


First of all: Sorry for the cliffhanger. I hope everyone loves the fact that Noah is alive and not one bit less sadistic and insane.

Second: I need to vent.
Yesterday right after publishing the last chapter I walked down the stairs at a trainstation and got pushed down the last steps by two guys. Why? Because of my rainbow tote bag. When they told me they'd kick my teeth in and make sure I can't walk anymore so I would never dare to come back, I bolted out of there and just stood in front of a police car until they left. (Yay, police being helpful for once) Thanks to the strangers walking by and doing absolutely nothing to help me. I hate humans and I just wish this world was easier on queer people. I can't even imagine how hard life must be for so many people.
End of rant.

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