Our Love's Never-Ending Journ...

By Killutsuki30

92 22 3

Yorknew Ocean.... A place where normal people live in, people like you and me. This ocean is where three king... More

Chapter 1: Arc 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Arc 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Arc 3

Chapter 12

5 1 0
By Killutsuki30

Tsuki's Offer; The End Of Kurapika's Search

3rd Person’s POV

“I will come with!” Gon implied as he took a step forward in front of his father. “It was my fault why Gin was kidnapped in the first place and I can’t just wait here, doing nothing.”

“No, I forbid you to come with them. If anything happens to the both of you, it will just cause much bigger problems.” The King exclaimed as he rubbed his temple.

“But I-”

“Enough” Gon protested but was silence by his father. His Aunt Mito comforted him as he stood there disappointed with himself.

The room was filled with silence after the small argument of the King and the prince. But the silence disappeared when the other prince spoke.

“Perhaps, I would be of an assistance Your Majesty.” The kurta prince suggested. “I, myself has experience with sailing through seas, I could help them find Gin” he requested to the King.

“Possibly, but how would King Kurta and your mother react to this?” The king questioned as he rubbed his chin.

“Mother and father would surely be shock with this information but I am certain that they will agree to my decision.” Kurapika replied proudly.

“Very well then. Captain of the blood moon pirates, Prince Kurapika will accompany you on this journey and will be the sole witness of this agreement in your part.” The King exclaimed.

“Of course, Your Majesty. Although I would suggest that we would depart tomorrow at dawn for my crew and I still need to ready the supplies for the journey and” the lady stopped as she bowed to the King. “I would like to see my brother”.

“Hmm…Alright” the King sighed as he composed his posture. “General Morel, please lead the captain to the dungeon to see her brother”

“Of course, My King” The general respectably replied.

The other royals started heading to their own chambers -except for the king- as the said general started walking to the direction of the dungeon.

Before Tsuki followed the general, she ordered her crew to head to the ship and prepare for tomorrow’s departure.

The crew agreed and went to the ship where Leorio and Knukkle awaits.

Tsuki followed the general until they arrive at the rear side of the palace where the dungeon lies.

They entered the dungeon and the general led the lady captain to the certain white-haired boy’s cell.

There Tsuki saw Killua sitting on the bed cell looking to the direction of the only window -with bars- of the cell.

The lady gestured to the general to go out and would like to be alone with her brother.

The white-haired boy smirked as he felt the presence of his sister. He smiled, looking at the lady in front of the cell.
“I’m not surprise to see you here Onee-san” Killua stated looking at his sister. “I’m guessing your plan worked perfectly”

Tsuki just hummed in response and look at Killua. “I hope you won’t try escaping here, Killua. I don’t want for this plan to fail.” Tsuki sternly stated while looking at her brother.

Killua laughed as he smirked once again. “Don’t worry, I won’t try to do anything stupid as you always say.”

“You did a splendid job not resisting to the guards when they arrested you” Tsuki praised her brother as she slightly smiled.

“That’s what you told me to do” Killua said but frowned and look at her sister suspiciously. “I don’t know what deal you made with the King, Onee-san (sister). But I can tell that it was successful.”

“It was, it turns out that the king’s only daughter was kidnapped by pirates, which works perfectly with my plan in persuading the King to trust us that may help us in this mission.” Tsuki grinned mischievously.

“So, you’re saying that, I’ll be stuck here while you and the others will go and rescue the princess?” Killua questioned as his sister only smiled at him.

“You really are smart Killua” Tsuki humorously stated making the boy sigh. “We’ll be back in four days’ time, that’s why I warned you not to do anything stupid while we’re away. The King already gave out his words to never hurt you, as long as I will bring the princess unharmed. And please, don’t give them a reason to hurt you.” Tsuki kneeled down and caressed Killua’s cheeks lovingly as the boy just nod.

Tsuki stood up and was about to exit the dungeon when Killua spoke. “The prince of the Kurta Kingdom is coming with you, right?” Killua asked which Tsuki replied with a silent ‘yes’.

“Is Gon allowed to come with you?” Killua asked once more.

“Unfortunately, no, his majesty did not allow him to-” Tsuki was cut-off by the white-haired boy. “Let him come, he yearned to see what’s out there. Please Onee-San, he’s my friend.”

“I’ll see what I can do” Tsuki replied before going out of the dungeon as her brother has a small smile on his face.


On that night, Tsuki and her crew stock up the supplies inside the ship along with the necessities that was given by the sister of the King -Lady Mito-.

While Tsuki stocked up the boxes, the thought of what Killua said crossed her mind making her glance at the palace.

She made her way towards the palace, getting off the deck of the ship as her crew watched her with curiosity, wondering where their captain was heading.


I stood by the gate of the Freecs Kingdom as the guards looked at me, speculating what might be my purpose in coming to the palace on such a late hour.

“I wish to see prince Gon” I said straightforwardly.

Surprisingly, the General came and was astonished to see me by the gates.

One of the guards explained the situation to the general and permitted me to enter. He led me to the hallway which leads to the room of the said prince.

While walking through the hallway, we were able to cross paths with the king. I gave my respect by slightly bowing my head and the general did the same.

“If I may ask, what are you doing here on such a late hour, young lady.” The king asked looking directly at me.

“Forgive me for suddenly intruding Your Majesty, but I would like to see your son, prince Gon” I told him my intentions.

“And why would you want to see my son?” he interrogated with such a serious emotion.

“I’m sorry Your Majesty, but it is quite personal” I smiled as he processed my response.

“Very well, you may go. General lead her to the prince’s quarter.” The king ordered as the general bowed.

The King walked pass my figure but I didn’t dare look back. The general started walking once again and I followed. He stopped by a door designed with green leaves on it.

“This is the prince’s quarter” The general said as he looked at me sternly. I nodded and was about to knock but stopped by the general’s words.

“Don’t even try to hurt the prince or I won’t hesitate to behead your brother.”

“If I wanted to kill the prince, I shouldn’t have made a deal with the king to rescue the princess just to get my brother out of the dungeon. I should’ve killed him secretly, don’t you agree? And I would like to see you try and kill my brother, it would be entertaining to see but right now I think I could already see the outcome.” I smirked at him as I knocked on the door.

The prince opened the door and was shocked to see me. I smiled as he let me enter his room leaving the general outside.

I watched him and the general talk while I looked around his room and caught a glimpse of photo frames with pictures of their family.

I notice a knocked over frame and examined it and found a picture of the long-departed queen of the Freecs Kingdom. She has beautiful light green hair, pretty hazel eyes and a sincere smile on her face. A girl full of adventure was shown on her expression.

I frowned as I put the picture down and thought of what would she feel when her children were locked inside the palace because these misunderstandings that were going on here in Yorknew Ocean.

The princess and the prince weren’t supposed to be involved in my plan. Killua didn’t befriend the prince for the mission, he did that on his own will. Killua wants the prince to have an adventure and to explore the ocean.

‘All I have to do is to get him out of this palace and I know exactly how to do it’ I grinned as I watched the prince close the door.

He looked at me nervously but I smiled at him to calm him down. He gestured for me to sit on a couch as he did the same. He had his head down and can’t seem to look at me directly. I was about to say something but he clears his throat and looked at me.

“Umm…. What can I do for you miss captain?” I giggled at his question.

“Well…. first of all, you can call me Tsuki and second, I didn’t come here to let you do something for me. I came here to make a proposal with you” I stated.

“May I ask what this proposal is for?” he asked confusingly.

“Didn’t you say, you wanted to be the one to save your sister?” I proclaimed and gave my mischievous grin while he looked at me confusedly. “I’m going to help you accomplish that by getting you out of here.”


After my private conversation with the green-haired prince, I retreated to the dock where the ship was anchored.

When I arrived at the dock and was greeted by my crew who are still wide awake and seems to be waiting for my presence.

“Senshou (Captain), where have you gone to?” Palm asks worriedly

“Just went to see a very important person” I answered with a chuckled. “All of you should take some rest, we’ll leave early tomorrow”

“Oh good, I’m really tired” Leorio stated.

“Except Knukkle and Leorio” I continued as the crew giggled.

I went over to the empty barrels and stood there silently, while the two followed.

“What are we going to do here Senshou?” Knukkle asked leaning over on one of the barrels.

“I have a really important task for the both of you” I grinned.

‘This is going to be an interesting quest’


I sat on a chair and faced my study table. I grabbed some papers from the table and a pen.

I decided to send a letter to my parents to give them information about Gin’s situation.

After writing the letter, I folded the paper and sealed it up. I went over to the bird cage where a dove rested inside but stopped midway in front of my door when I heard footsteps outside.

I opened it and took a peak, and saw the lady captain walking in the hallway towards the exit. 

I glanced at Gon’s door and wondered if the lady came through there.

‘What could be her true intentions? Seems like she’s hiding something’

I closed the door and walked to the bird’s cage, I tied the letter on the dove’s leg and sent it off by the terrace. While watching the dove fly towards the night sky, I caught a glimpse of the lady captain once again -exiting the palace gates and heading to the direction of her ship.

I studied her figure gently walking down the outskirts of the town and a gentle smile made its way to my lips.

I closed the windows of the terrace and glanced on the necklace on my desk as I remembered the day I snuck out of this palace and hid myself on one of the alleyways.

That was the day I caught a glimpse of a white-haired girl; her sparkly sapphire eyes were the reason why I got enchanted by her.

I got mesmerized and forgot about the reason I snuck out in the first place. She seems to noticed my presence and observe her surrounding, while I hid in the shadows of the alley hoping she hadn’t saw me.

When the royal guards came looking for me, the girl grabbed the guy next to her and ran off, not noticing that she dropped her crescent moon necklace.

I picked it up and hid once again.

That was indeed a great memory to remember for I have search for her all these years just to find out that she was the lady pirate who infiltrated the ocean 5 years ago. Still, I need to return the necklace to her possession and forget about my interest to her. For I am betrothed to the only princess of the Nostrade Kingdom and I have to do my responsibilities for mine and the Kurta’s reputation. On the day of my crowning as king will be the same day that the wedding will be held.

Now that Gin has been abducted, I am certain that the ceremony will be rearrange and that will give me more time to forget about her yet she showed up unexpectedly like a snow unpredictably falling from the sky.

We’ll be together in this journey and I don’t know if I can forget about her anymore.

“Still…. I’m glad to see you again, Lady Captain"

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