A Paw Patrol Story 9:The Batt...

By PawPatrolChaseFan

4.3K 49 48

When a young Rockruff arrives in a completely different world, she is hunted down by every threat Matthew, Ch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Final Chapter
Main Theme For Part 2

Chapter 6

296 4 7
By PawPatrolChaseFan

Matthew and Copycat had started fighting. Matthew was mainly defending himself, thinking of a way to attack Copycat.

Matthew:(There are moments when he opens himself, I need to find at least one of those moments, then I can counterattack.)

Copycat: You can't defend yourself forever!

Copycat then launched a fireball towards Matthew.


Matthew used his keyblade to deflect the fireball, sending it back to Copycat. The fireball hit Copycat, sending him crashing into one of the nearby buildings.

Copycat:(Groans) (He's smart, I'll give him that.)

Matthew:We don't need to keep fighting, just stand down!

Copycat:And let the prophecy come true? Not a chance!

Matthew: Prophecy?

Copycat: That's right, you wouldn't remember. Maybe it's better if I keep it that way!

Copycat used his superspeed to charge right at Matthew. Copycat raised one of his paws, and slashed Matthew's left arm.


Matthew saw that his arm was rapidly bleeding.

Copycat:I don't know what that Rockruff was talking about, you're weak!

Matthew:You think one cut on my arm is enough to make me give up?


Matthew: Thunder!

Suddenly, a massive lightning bolt struck Copycat. Parts of Copycat's costume are completely ripped apart.

Copycat:(As long as I can keep him busy, Harold so have no problem with what he's planning to do.)


Copycat:You better take that grin off your face!

Matthew: It's gonna take a lot more than you to take me down!

Copycat:Why don't you just surrender to us? We will just take you and leave the Paw Patrol alone.

Matthew: I'm not going anywhere with you!

Copycat: You're gonna learn the hard way that nothing stops me obtaining my goal.

Matthew:A goal that will lead to the deaths of many innocent people!

Copycat:Oh, so you have caught on?

Matthew:Just like Arthur, the rest of you are working with Calamity Ganon.

Copycat:I see that living with puppies didn't make you any dumber.

Matthew:If someone dies, so help me…

Copycat:You think you have what it takes to kill me? Don't make me laugh! You've let the pups do all the dirty work for you!

Matthew:Not this time. Why do you think I've chosen to fight you by myself? I'm done hiding!

Copycat:All you champions really are as annoying as the Yiga Clan said.

Matthew: I'll tear down anyone who harms this world, or my friend.

Copycat:Those are some big words for someone so small.

Matthew:I may be small, but I'm more than enough to take you down!

Meanwhile, Champ and Moby seemed to be struggling against Arthur.

Champ: He's a lot stronger than before. The meteor must have made him stronger.

Moby: No kidding.

Arthur:Even your parents could put up a better fight than this!

Moby: What's the plan?

Champ:I don't know.

???:Stay away from them! 

Arthur was suddenly pinned down by Grace.

Arthur:You escaped, how?

Grace:I had help!

Champ and Moby noticed that Ella and Tuck had arrived and were now helping out the others.

Champ: About time.

Arthur pushed Grace off him. Grace started smirking.

Grace;Now you have to fight the three of us.

Arthur:The outcome will still be the same.

Grace:I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Grace looked at Moby and Champ.

Grace:Can you two still fight?


Champ:We need to catch him off-guard.

Grace:Leave that to me.

Arthur:If you three are done talking, it's time for you to die.  But, before I kill anyone…

Arthur suddenly appeared in front of Champ.


Arthur placed a paw on Champ's forehead. Arthur's paw began to glow as Champ passed out.


Grace:What did you do?

Arthur: Let's just say that he won't be helping you two any time soon.

Moby:The meteor must have given him the ability to place someone under an illusion.

Grace:We have to destroy that energy badge he has, it's the only way to wake up Champ.

Moby:You lead!

Grace charged at Arthur, who immediately punched her right in her gut, making Grace fall to the ground.



Arthur:This is pathetic, you three are even weaker than your parents.

Arthur was then punched by Moby.

Moby:(Growls) Step away from my friends.

Arthur: You know, your mother was the only one who speculated that I was up to something. So in order to keep myself from being more suspicious, I decided to play nice until the day of the Calamity. Now that she's dead, the only thing that stands between me and the throne of Puplantis is you, the brat, and your grandfather.

Moby:A part of me wants to believe that you're still a good person deep inside. But the other part of me wants you dead!

Arthur: You really are nothing but a child.

Arthur attempted to attack Moby, but Moby moved out of the way and tackled Arthur and started biting down on his neck.


Moby: Yield, and I'll let go!

Arthur growled loudly as a powerful dark aura appeared around him.


Arthur knocked Moby right off him as he placed a paw on Moby's neck.

Arthur:You see that over there?

Moby turned, seeing that Matthew was struggling against Copycat.

Arthur:He can't hold out for much longer.

Moby:(What do we do?)

Meanwhile, the pups seemed to be doing well against Harold, Ladybird, and the Duke.

Skye:We need to finish up here, so we can help out Matthew and the others.

Chase:We need to get rid of the Duke and Ladybird first, since those two can fly.

Suddenly, Ladybird was hit by a fireball, sending her crashing into the ground.


They looked up seeing Claw and Sweetie on Sparks' back.

Claw:Are we late?

Marshall:Why are they here?

Rubble: Matthew must have called them.

Suddenly, the pups realized that they had lost their powers.


They noticed that a giant robot had taken the meteor from the Lookout.

Rocky:This was a distraction!

Skye started falling from the sky.


Claw:I got her!

Sparks quickly flew upwards, Skye then landed on the dragon's back.

Skye: Thanks.

Sparks landed on the ground, allowing Skye to get down.

Sweetie:We need to get the meteor away from Harold.

Claw: Sweetie, stay with them, I'll deal with the robot.

Sweetie got down as Sparks began to fly towards the robot.


Sparks launched a fireball at the robot, causing it to drop the meteor.

Claw:Now to destroy it…

*Loud Roar*


Suddenly, a massive T-Rex bit the robot's neck, and completely ripped off its head.



Claw noticed that a pup was on the dinosaur's back.

???:The name's Rex.

Claw:(Chuckles) My name is Claw, nice ride.


Claw: Let's get this back to the Lookout, that way the pups will have their powers again.

Just as the T-Rex was gonna pick up the meteor, something grabbed the T-Rex's leg. They saw that the headless robot was still active, but it looked very weak.

Claw:Oh no.

The robot pushed the T-Rex, causing Rex to fall down and land on the ground, and even fall out of his wheelchair.



The robot grabbed the meteor and immediately took off towards the town.  Claw got off Sparks and helped Rex get back in his wheelchair.

Rex: Thanks.

Claw:Is your dinosaur alright?

Rex saw that the T-Rex was unconscious.


Claw: Come on, he'll be alright.

Claw helped Rex get onto Sparks' back as the dragon took off towards the town. Meanwhile, Matthew and Copycat both seemed to be quite exhausted. Each fighter was pretty bruised up.



Matthew:(I need to end this quickly.)

Matthew and Copycat then saw that Harold's robot had fallen to the ground, leaving the meteor right near City Hall.

Matthew:And here I thought that Harold wasn't going to use any robots.

Copycat suddenly grabbed Matthew, throwing him right next to the meteor.

Copycat:Now this is a good place to watch your friends die!

Copycat looked towards the beach, seeing that Moby and Grace were struggling against Arthur.

Copycat:Those champion children are going to die, and you have no one to blame but yourself for dragging them into this.

Matthew saw that Champ was unconscious.

Matthew:(Come on Champ, get up!)

Copycat then saw Harold and the Duke had injured most of the pups, leaving Chase the only one standing. Even Sparks had been knocked out.

Copycat:You fail them!

Matthew looked up at the sky.

Matthew:Zack, Gloria, Nora, Bolt, Nathan, I'm sorry. I should have been better, I led everyone to their deaths.

Matthew then fell to the ground, completely unconscious. Chase turned, seeing that Matthew had been knocked out.


Copycat:Now then.

Copycat then slammed Chase to the ground.


Copycat:You are quite stubborn than the rest.

Chase:Get up Matthew!

Copycat: Don't bother, it's not like he can hear you.

???:Stay away from him!

Suddenly, Arrby tackled Copycat.

Chase: Arrby!

Arrby: I'll hold him down, go to Matthew!

Chase quickly made his way over to Matthew, trying to wake him up.

Chase:Come on, wake up buddy.

There was no response.  Chase began to cry.

Chase:(Sobs) I'm so sorry for being overprotective and standing in your way. I just wanted to keep you safe. You've done so much for us. You may be tiny, but I've never met someone with a big heart like yours. You were afraid of me when we first met, but look at you now, now you're fighting to save us all. But we can't do this without you, so please, wake up.

Copycat suddenly tackled Chase and started choking him.

Copycat: You've lost!

Copycat then noticed that the meteor began to glow brightly.


Small energy beams began to come out of the meteor and each beam began to hit Matthew.

Chase: Matthew?

Copycat and Chase saw that Matthew was beginning to stand up. Matthew suddenly had a massive colorful aura around him.

Copycat:What is this?

Chase:(The meteor must have finally given Matthew powers.)

Matthew summoned his keyblade and pointed it at Copycat.

Matthew: You're finished!

Copycat: Awfully cocky aren't you?

Chase saw that he had his powers back. Chase then used his sonic bark to get Copycat off him.


Chase looked at Matthew.


Chase lowered his head as Matthew placed a hand on his muzzle.

Matthew:Thank you, for everything.

Matthew suddenly vanished.


Matthew started to heal each pup. Once the pups were fully healed, they began to get back up.

Marshall:Look at you, Matthew!


Skye:You go on and finish Copycat, we'll deal with Harold and the Duke.

Arrby:Stay safe.

Matthew then vanished then reappeared in front of Copycat.

Copycat:(He's faster than before.)

Matthew: Ready for round 2?

Copycat: Don't think just because you have gained some new powers, that you actually stand a chance against me!

Matthew:I have friends that are counting on me, I won't fail them!

Matthew:(Champ, once you wake up, I leave Arthur up to you.)

What is this new power Matthew has gained from the meteor? Will Champ wake up from Arthur's illusion? And will the Paw Patrol be able to save Adventure Bay?

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