JJ Maybank imagines

By ItsJJsBtch

1M 10.4K 4.9K

โœจhousekeepingโœจ ~~ ๐Ÿคชstupid things have good outcomes all the time ~~ ๐Ÿ˜กif im the one mediating we've hit rock... More

kook turned pogue
no pogue on pogue macking
self inflicted
don't go
shark week
drugged at midsummers
baby (pt. 2)
baby (pt. 3)
baby (pt. 4)
kiss and make up
car wash
broken promise
gone (pt. 2)
phone number
use me
what could've been
chasing you
chasing you (pt. 2)
filming uh-oh
knight in cargo shorts
panic attack
kitty hawk
mrs. maybank
drunk driving
months go by
months go by (pt. 2)
mrs. badass
long distance
surfs up
in sickness and health
best friends to lovers
missing (pt. 2)
missing (pt. 3)
clean (pt. 2)
i'm with you
dating your sister
dating your sister (pt. 2)
break it up
take it out on me
love, your sis
admit it
me and mine
when we were young
surfer boy
i'm sorry
mine? yours.
i'll protect him
kook party
i object
no hands
a forever thing
scared to be happy
spa day
see you later
see you later (pt. 2)
lets run away
red carpet
love story
safe place
sweet dreams
ambulance rescue
falling in love
teach me how to love
daddy dearest
my best friend
i'll protect her
i'll protect her (pt. 2)
drunk talk

thats my girl

21.9K 157 42
By ItsJJsBtch

this one is irl on set

this didn't happen in the show, literally just made it up but that's what fanfics are for right? creativity.

"Ready for your big scene?" Madelyn asked as she sat next to me in my trailer. I stopped scrolling on Instagram and let my phone fall onto my chest.

"No," I huffed, "Why did this have to be my scene? Jonas could've given it to you or Madison."

"Dude, no way," She sat up and I mimicked her actions, both of us now sitting crisscross from one another, "this is your characters big come back scene, it's designed for you."

Which is was. In the show Rudy and I's characters got into a huge fight, causing them to break up. Then I come back and practically save the day and his life, "I have to jump off a huge building into the water, wouldn't you be terrified too?"

She held her arms up in defense, "I'd ask for a stunt double." We both laughed and my trailer door opened, revealing Madison and Rudy.

"Hey." I greeted, ushering them inside but they denied.

"Jonas needs us on set, your scene first." Rudy smiled and I felt my stomach drop.

"Come on, I'm excited!" Madison quickly ushered us along as I hesitantly got up and followed. Rudy grabbed my hand as we walked to the set, I saw the building and the harness they set up. It was basically there so I wouldn't hit the water too hard or fast, it was a controlled jump. I swallowed a lump in my throat and stopped.

"I can't do this." I tugged Rudy's arm back as Madelyn and Madison continued to their spots, catching up with JD and Chase.

"You can, I know you can." He smiled down at me and I groaned. I was terrified of heights and thankfully I've been able to avoid them for two seasons, until today, "Don't look down, just jump."

"Easy for you to say." I joked and gently shoved his shoulder with my own.


I stood on top of the building as I was secured into the harness, careful to follow my boyfriends words and not look down.

"Lookin good, Y/n!" Chase yelled and did the hang ten gesture with his hand, causing me to look straight down at him.

"Oh, wow," I gulped, "shouldn't have looked down." The guy connecting me to the harness laughed.

"First mistake but you'll do great, shake it off. No chance of missing the water, promise." I nodded my head at his words. Thankfully the water was right next to the building since we were filming at a harbor.

"Chase!" I heard Rudy scold him and I kept my eyesight towards the sky, begging myself not to look down, "You're doing great, babe!"

"Y-yeah, thanks!" I stuttered a response and soon heard them all cheering me on.

"You got this!" JD yelled.

"You're gonna nail it!" Madelyn next.

"Deep breathes, girl!" Madison reminded.

I held onto their words of encouragement before hearing Jonas call out, "Everybody on their marks?!"

I held my hand up into a thumbs up and I'm guessing the others did as well, soon hearing, "Action!"

I immediately got into character.

Sprinting to the edge of the rooftop of the warehouse I looked down at the group, "JJ!" I screamed, watching as the fight scene broke out. We were supposed to be ambushing the gold before it could get onto the ship but failed when Charles Esten, AKA Ward, caught us. Sending an army of people to attack.

"Avery!?" Rudy called back out, following the script the pogues looked up at me in confusion. Suddenly being thrown off by one of Wards minions he was 'hit' over the head and thrown into the water.

I gasped, making my hands shake before standing up and taking a deep breath. When I opened my eyes I jumped off the building, using my leg to push me. I could feel the harness making the fall a bit slower than usual, but not so slow that it would look weird.

My eyes closed as I held my breath, splashing under the water I undid the clip and the harness slid off. I swam to the surface and over to the blonde, who was holding his breath face down in the water.

"JJ!" I screamed again, falling into my character. Suddenly it was life or death. The love of my life drowning in front of my eyes, "Come on, breathe!" I improvised a line as I flipped his body over.

I could hear the others continuing the scene as I held Rudy above the surface, shaking his face and following script to try and do mouth to mouth. Tears fell down my cheeks as I let out a sob, "JJ, please, you can't leave me!" Another improvised line.

As the camera closed in on us I felt Rudy begin to kick his legs slowly, helping me to support his weight. Moments later he coughed up the water he was holding in his mouth and I sighed in relief.

"Avery?" He stuttered, looking over to me in shock.

"JJ, I'm here." I smiled. He looked around, a bit 'dazed' as I swam us slowly to the dock. After we both got onto the wooden dock he laid on it, taking deep breathes, "Just breathe, deep breaths."

"Where did you—how did you get here?" He asked.

I snickered with tears still in my eyes, "I jumped." His eyes followed my finger as it pointed to the nearby rooftop.

"You jumped from there?" His jaw dropped and I nodded my head, "That's my girl."

"Cut!!" Jonas yelled, all of us breaking character, "That was perfect! I don't even think we need to do it again!"

It was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I figured we have to redo the scene multiple times and I wasn't mentally prepared for that.

"Okay, that was awesome!" JD cheered as he joined us on the dock as we stood up. The rest of the group followed close behind.

"That was...terrifying," I nervously smiled, still feeling the adrenaline, "but awesome."

"I knew you could do it." Rudy pulled me into his side, "I liked the improv, you actually sounded scared."

"I was, I got into the scene and felt like you were actually in danger." I admitted, "Kinda just clicked, I wasn't as scared to jump 'cause I knew you were at the bottom."

"That's my girl." Rudy smirked and shot me a wink, kissing me on the temple.

I loved being his girl. On and off screen.



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this is just a little, by little I mean a lot, collection of JJ imagines because let's be real, JJ is the shit and we love him so enjoy๐Ÿ˜‰
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