Her Heart

By Purple_papers

1.8K 102 9

"AVERAGE" is the sole descriptor that 26-year-old Anaisha Singh assigns to herself. Having resided within the... More

Author's Note


105 2 1
By Purple_papers


Samaksh's heart twinged with a subtle ache as he observed Anaisha, enveloped in a tender embrace with her mother, leaning gently against the car while awaiting their departure.

Today marked Anaisha's departure for Germany—a day both of them had mentally prepared for but hoped would never arrive too soon. Their schedules had been relentlessly busy since their engagement, leaving them with scant opportunities to meet. However, they had resolved that Samaksh would accompany her to the airport in the early hours of the morning before heading directly to work. It was their sole chance to steal a few moments together before parting ways. Thus, there he stood, at the unforgiving hour of 3 a.m., grateful for any fleeting moments he could share with her.

As Anaisha made her way towards the car, Samaksh straightened, his gaze catching the glimmer of unshed tears in her eyes, illuminated by the faint streetlights. Sensing her need for a moment of solitude, he quietly waited, allowing her the space to gather her thoughts and emotions.

Once settled inside the car, they exchanged farewells with her parents and commenced their journey. The quiet ambiance enveloped them until Samaksh, reaching across, intertwined his fingers with hers, tenderly placing a kiss upon her hand. Anaisha turned to him, her grip on his hand tightening in silent acknowledgment of their shared bond.

As they drove towards the airport, a heavy silence hung between them, both grappling with the impending separation in their own way. Sensing the need to extend their time together, Samaksh decided to park the car a bit farther from the terminal, allowing them a few precious moments before Anaisha's departure.

Glancing at her, he noticed her turned profile, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery beyond the window. Yet, the soft sound of her sniffles betrayed her inner turmoil.

"Anaisha, please don't cry, sweetheart. What happened overnight? You were so excited..." he began, his voice filled with concern.

Her response came in a wavering tone, mixed with brief laughter tinged with sadness. "I was, and I still am, but I don't want to leave, Samaksh. These past few months have been so wonderful, amidst all the changes in our lives. I've grown used to having you around, and the idea of being apart... it just doesn't sit well with me."

Samaksh listened attentively, his heart aching at her distress. "I don't want to dismiss your feelings, Anaisha. But this opportunity is huge. You've worked so hard for this, even before we met. These three months will pass quickly, I promise. Focus on the amazing journey ahead. You're about to live your dream, Anaisha, and that's something to be incredibly proud of. I might not have said it often, but I truly am proud of you. And though it pains me to say goodbye, knowing that you're taking steps towards your career goals brings me joy, even if it means spending some time apart," he confessed, his voice thick with emotion.

Anaisha's uncertainty lingered, her expression filled with anxiety. "I don't know, Samaksh. I just hope I can handle this. It's going to be really tough."

"Look at me," he gently urged, his hands enveloping hers as he turned to face her fully, his gaze unwavering.

"This distance won't mean a thing, Anaisha. I know it's going to be tough at first. Let's establish a few ground rules, okay?" Samaksh proposed, his tone earnest.

"First, let's find a time each day when we can call each other, at least once. If we're too busy, we can text, but we need to ensure regular communication," he suggested.

"Two, we FaceTime whenever possible," Anaisha added, her voice gaining some of its usual energy.

"Absolutely, that's my girl," Samaksh praised, relieved to see her returning to her usual self. "Three, no hiding anything from each other. We share everything, no matter how we're feeling."

"Four, no indulging in panipuri from Chotu's stall. That's our thing," she insisted, pouting slightly, which only made Samaksh want to embrace her even more.

"Okay," he chuckled, fighting the urge to pull her into his arms. "And five, take care of yourself, no matter what. I'm serious about this. I don't want you overworking or neglecting your health just because there's no one to keep an eye on you. Understand?"

"Okay. And that applies to you too," she agreed, glancing down at their intertwined hands.

"Now, come here," he said, pulling her into a warm hug and planting a kiss on her temple, eliciting a contented sigh from her.

Later, they found themselves in front of the check-in gate. Anaisha waited by the car, checking her documents on her phone, while Samaksh loaded her bags onto a luggage cart. Once he finished, he stood beside Anaisha, patiently waiting for her to complete her preparations.

""All set? It's almost time. I think you should check in," Samaksh suggested, his hands tucked into his pockets as he rocked on his heels, unsure of what else to say or do.

"Yeah, I think so too," Anaisha agreed, but instead of heading towards the gate, she slowly approached Samaksh and hugged him, standing on her toes. Samaksh reciprocated, tightening the embrace and burying his nose in her hair. After a few moments, Anaisha loosened her arms and hesitantly placed a small kiss on his cheek before whispering a goodbye.

Swiftly, she turned and pushed her cart towards the check-in gate. Samaksh watched her until she was safely inside, then waved back when she looked back at him. He waited until she disappeared from his sight before returning to his car, sinking into the driver's seat, lost in thought.

Mixed feelings surged through him. He was saddened by her departure, proud of her pursuit of her dreams, anxious about the coming months and their relationship, yet also happy to see her stepping out of her comfort zone. The hugs she initiated and the kiss today meant everything to him. He hoped the distance wouldn't erode what they had built over the past few months, forcing them to start anew. Just as he prepared to head to the office, his phone chimed with a message.


Done with checking the luggage in



Great !!

I'm just exiting the airport.

Have something to eat on the way.

 You've been up for a while now 

And also driving 

Yup I will. 

Drop a text when you've boarded.


Btw thanks for today :D

No problem , sweetheart .

I would do anything for that kiss.😉

NVM bye Samaksh 

Now off you go to work 

While I get myself some food 😌 


Bye , baby ❤️

Have a safe flight

Samaksh smiled to himself as he started the engine and drove off to work, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside him. Meanwhile, Anaisha headed off to buy herself some breakfast, determined to make everyone proud no matter what challenges lay ahead.

As Samaksh navigated through the morning traffic, his mind kept drifting back to Anaisha. He couldn't shake off the feeling of her absence, even though he knew it was only temporary. Despite the busy road ahead, his thoughts were consumed by memories of their time together.

As the day progressed, Samaksh found himself constantly checking his phone, hoping for a message or call from Anaisha. Each notification brought a surge of anticipation, but the screen remained disappointingly blank. Meanwhile, Anaisha gazed out of the window of the plane as it soared into the air. She felt a mixture of emotions - happiness that her dreams were coming true, sadness at leaving her home, and anxiety about what the next few months had in store for her.

In the evening, as Samaksh was winding down for the day, his phone lit up with a message from Anaisha, letting him know that she had safely landed in Germany.



Landed safely 

And got the keys from the landlord



                                                                                                                                                                           That's great.

                                                                                                                    Settle in and call me whenever you can.

Yeah will do .

                                                                                                                         I know there is something else as well

                                                                                                        You've been typing for the last 5 minutes now

Fine you win 😑

I miss you ALREADY!!!!

                                                                                                                                                              I miss you too baby

                                                                                                                                      I promise this will be over soon 

Yeah , I hope so too .



Okay .

Will talk to you later 

The landlord is here

 To give me some instructions

Bye  ❤️

                                                                                                                                                                Bye sweetheart ❤️

                                                                                                                                                                                 Take Care.

After exchanging messages with Anaisha, Samaksh felt a pang of longing in his chest. Each message from her brought a wave of warmth and comfort, yet it also served as a reminder of the physical distance between them. As he read her final message, he couldn't shake the feeling of missing her already. He sighed, longing for the comfort of her presence . Despite the distance, he found solace in knowing that she was safe and settled, but he couldn't wait for the day when they would be together again.

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