The Echanted One

By ShaunaRoberts304

96 9 4

Amethyst Sharpe is just a plain ordinary human girl living in a magical world filled with fairies, elves... More

Chapter One...
Chapter Two....
Chapter three...
Chapter Four....
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven...
Chapter Eight.....
Chapter Nine.....
Chapter Ten...
Chapter Eleven....
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen ....
Chapter Fourteen....
Chapter Fifteen.....
Chapter Sixteen....
Chapter Seventeen.....
Chapter Eighteen...
Chapter Nineteen...
Chapter Twenty.....
Chapter Twenty -One..
Chapter Twenty -Two...
Chapter Twenty -three...

Chapter Five...

8 1 0
By ShaunaRoberts304

Amethyst ran and kept on running until she reached the comfort of the bungalow.

Opening the front door, she went straight to her room, sat down on her bed and tried to calm her rapid breathing down.

Once she settled down her breathing, she decided on having a quick shower before heading back downstairs for dinner.

In the kitchen she could hear her Aunt working up a storm.

The aromas coming from the kitchen got up Amethyst nose and made her stomach growl like some sort of grizzle bear.

Walking into the kitchen, Amethyst went about setting up the table, while her Aunt continues working her magic.

There was garlic roasted potatoes, glazed pumpkin, honey carrots, peas and smoked corn on the cob.

Her Aunt had done a roast lamb with a mint sauce, and for dessert she had whipped up an apple-pie.

Serving out the food, both Amethyst and her Aunt sat down and got stuck into it.

The food was absolutely scrumptious, and not long after they had finished eating, they both settled down for a nightcap before turning in for the night.

Bouncing down the steps and making her way to the kitchen, Amethyst stopped  to pick up Ambrosia, carried her to the kitchen and fed her.

She then took a seat at the table, and her Aunt says," Morning child, hope your hungry?"

Not one to knock back a plate of bacon and eggs for breakfast, Amethyst holds up her plate and says," I won't say no!"

Not long after she finished having breakfast, she  trudged on down town for something to do.

Not in any hurry, Amethyst took her time and soon found herself out the front of the bakery.

Suddenly from out of  nowhere, she hears Pandora say, " Holly cow, look I found Phar Lap!"

Amethyst looked straight at her and says,
"Oh your sooo freaking hilarious aren't you?"

She croaks her head sideways as she looks at Amethyst and says," Yep, and don't you forget it!"

Pandora than asks Amethyst what the go was the other day when she took off the way she did and left her behind.

Amethyst apologized for bolting on her and tells her that she doesn't understand what came over her, all she knew was, she had to leave.

Pandora stares straight at her as she says,
"Okay, I get all that, I truly do... But  seriously, you can't keep bolting everytime Kaito comes within range of you. You need to learn how to chill.... Just relax."

Amethyst knew what she was telling her was true, but still it was easy for her to say, as Pandora's not the one who feels awkward.

After awhile Pandora suggested they go see what Echo, Briony and Reverie are up to and see if they're up for a walk.

Once they tracked down Echo, Briony and Reverie, they all went for a walk along Jade's passage, down to the Winter bridge that lead them to Sleeping Water Lake.

In the cooler months, Sleeping Water Lake is known to freeze over. But during the much warmer month's, like today - the lake is so inviting, with it's crystal clear water, the sweet scent of Dragon Berry and jealous Lilac growing in the gardens around the picnic area.

And the breeze coming from the Sleeping Buck eye trees was lovely.

Plus the fact how bloody peaceful it was, seeing they were the only ones there.

Amethyst had always loved this place since she was a small child, and now as a young adult, it still reminds one of her favourite spots to hang out with her friends.

Sitting in the picnic area gas bagging away, Reverie starts telling Echo, Briony, Pandora and Amethyst about her latest squeeze.

A guy she meet the other day at the Modern Butterfly Tavern.

"His name is Knox. He is 22, very handsome with  long jet black hair and jade coloured eyes. He works at the Tavern.... Well actually, he owns it."

Echo, Pandora, Briony and Amethyst all smiled at her and said,"  That's wonderful, we're so happy for you."

Honestly, she's never looked anymore happier than she did right now.

So deep in thought, Amethyst didn't hear what Pandora had said and when she asked her to repeat herself, Pandora just shook her head at her and  said not to worry about it.

A few hours later, they all called it a day and started to get up to make a move on heading back.

When  suddenly Amethyst spotted something or someone standing in the distance.

Feeling literally freaked out, Amethyst says,
"Hey guys, did you see that? Someone or something is over there."


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