The Watterson's Oldest Child:...

By AliceGalaxy3

42.4K 739 449

Ariana Watterson is not your average teenager, she's the oldest child of the Watterson Family. As the Daughte... More

Ariana's Bio
The Responsible
The Third
The Debt
The End
The Dress
The Quest
The Spoon
Y/N's Bio
The Painting
The Laziest
The Ghost
The Mystery
The Prank
The Gi
The Kiss
New Character!
The Party
The Refund
The Robot
The Picnic
The Goons
The Secret
The Sock
The Genius
The Poltergeist
The Mustache

The Pressure

1.3K 29 17
By AliceGalaxy3

A/N: Hey guys! It's me, Author-Chan! Today's new chapter, we have a very special character in my The Amazing World of Gumball book. Do you wanna know? Okay! Drumroll please!

So, the new character will be...

Y/N A.K.A The Reader! Yay!

So I decided to add the reader in my book, since you guys love this book so much. I'll be doing an info about Y/N later right after this chapter.

Enjoy! 💙


Molly, Carmen, Ariana, Carrie, Teri, Penny, Masami and Leslie are inside Molly's new treehouse.

Molly: So what do you think of my treehouse, girls?

All except Masami nod and cheer for her new treehouse.

Leslie: I love what you've done with the bathroom.

The "bathroom" is a hole in the floor with a roll of toilet paper next to it.

Ariana: (Awkward) Yeah, what a nice and neat bathroom you got there, Molly.

Molly: [Off-screen] Thanks! I went for understated chique.

Penny: Molly has such a good eye for interior design.

All except Masami nod and cheer.

Ariana: Or, you can add some decorations in your treehouse and you can paint inside if you want. That'll be awesome to see your treehouse beautiful.

All except Masami nod and cheer.

Masami: Boring! You think because it's in a tree it's all that? Well, it isn't: it's just as boring as a real house. I mean, what is it you actually do in here, Molly?

Molly: Well, uh, I just hang out, watch the boys...

The girls look through the window; Darwin, Tobias, and Banana Joe are cheering on Gumball to jump over a van with a skateboard, at which he slams into, setting the alarm off. Y/N laughs as he takes a picture on his phone. Y/N is Ariana's twin brother and the oldest son of the Wattersons. He had a (e/c) eyes, (h/l) (f/c) hair. He's also a blue cat like his mother and his little brother, Gumball. Y/N also wore (f/c) jacket, (s/f/c) hoodie and a ripped jeans with no shoes like the rest of the family, except Darwin and Anais.

Masami: Laaame! You don't watch boys, you kiss them.

Everyone except Masami: [Surprised] What?!

Masami: Hold on! Don't tell me you don't have boyfriends. You do, Molly, right?

Molly: Uh, sure I do! You don't know him, though. He's way older and... he's in high school! [Smiles]

Everyone except Molly and Masami: Wow!

Teri: Well, my boyfriend is so old that he doesn't have a babysitter!

Everyone except Teri and Masami: Wow!

Carmen: Well, mine's so old, he stopped wearing braces!

Everyone except Carmen and Masami: Wow!

Carrie: Well, mine is so old that he doesn't even have teeth. [Flips her hair]

Everyone looks awkwardly at Carrie.

Masami: What about you, Ariana? Do you have a boyfriend?

Ariana: Me? (Smiles awkwardly) Oh, I don't have one.

Everyone: (Gasps in Shocked) You don't have a boyfriend?!

Ariana: Yes.

Leslie: But everyone calls you, the Princess of Elmore High along with your best friend.

Masami: Come on, Ari. Every boys falling for you when you're around.

Ariana: (Shyly) Umm, yeah, I know. But, I guess I'm gonna find my type.

Everyone except Masami: Ooh!

Then, Penny walks near the window.

Penny: [Sighs] I wish I had a boyfriend. [Looks through the window]

Camera changes to the boys. Gumball gets up and cracks his arms, back and neck.

Gumball: Did Penny see my stunt?

Y/N: It was less of a stunt and more of a fail to be honest.

Banana Joe: Don't tell me you wanna impress those... those... those... perfumed sissies!

Gumball: You mean those girls over there? Tch, nah... [Flexes his arms] They wouldn't care about a handsome bachelor, twelve years old, who likes foreign cinema, fine dining, extreme sports and long romantic walks on the beach by moonlight.

Banana Joe: Let's make a pact, right here, right now. Pals before gals! [Extends his arm]

Darwin & Tobias: [They put their hands above Joe's] Pals before gals!

Y/N: I prefer bros over hoes, but that works too. (Looks at his phone)

Gumball: Eeehh... [Shrugs] Okay...

He puts his hand with the other boys, then looks to the window. Penny waves, and he does the same.

Tobias: Wait, wait, wait! Let's make a blood pact!

He tries to use a stick to make a wound in his hand, but he cannot.

Y/N: (Deadpanned, sighs) Stop it Tobias, you look like an idiot.

Molly: So, your turn to tell us, Masami. Do you have a boyfriend?

Masami: [Nervous] Yeah, he is... it's... it's... [Looks through the window] Darwin!

Everyone but Masami: Darwin?!

Ariana: (Gasps in Shocked) My little brother??

Masami: Yeah, he's great because... he's got legs and, you know... a head. [Fakes a smile]

Carrie: Okay.

Ariana: (Nervous) Oh, boy.


Y/N, Gumball, Darwin, Banana Joe and Tobias are together; Tobias is still trying to make a wound in his hand.

Y/N: (Sighs) Tobias, when will you stop doing that? We're in the school.

Gumball: Yeah dude, stop it already.

Tobias stops trying to wound himself. As he does, a group of giggling can be heard.

Banana Joe: Guys, guys, guys! Enemy at twelve o'clock.

Gumball, Darwin and Tobias look at their watches.

Banana Joe: No, this way! [Points at someone]

The camera moves to the girls.

Masami: There he is.

Banana Joe: Remember, pals before gals.

The boys nod.

Masami: Hello, sweet cheeks.

The boys: [surprised] WHAT!?!

Carrie: Oh, c'mon. He is not your boyfriend, Masami.

Masami: Ha! He so is. Look. Hold my book, boyfriend. [Gives a book to Darwin]

Darwin: Uhhh... Okay?

Masami: I'll show you how he likes me at the treehouse.

The girls leaves while laughing.

Y/N: How the fuck does my little brother have a girlfriend before me?

Then, all of the boys looked shocked as they turned around to Y/N, who looks at them in confusion.

Y/N: (Confused) What?

Gumball: (Surprised) You don't have a girlfriend!?

Tobias: (Shocked) All of the girls in the school literally calls you "The Prince of Elmore High". Same goes to your hot twin sister, Ariana, who is "The Princess of Elmore High".

Y/N: (Surprised) Really? Well damn. Anyways, back to Darwin's situation.

Banana Joe: I can't believe it. You, you, you... girl-lover!

Gumball: It's always the quiet ones.

Darwin: [Throws the book on the ground] She's not my girlfriend! What am I gonna do?! WHAT AM I GONNA DO?! I know, I'll just run away and hide forever!

He jumps out of the window; he walks away with a limp.

Darwin: [Crying] I'll never forget you, guys!

Gumball: That was dramatic.

Penny: [Off-screen] Hey, Gumball.

Gumball's face lightens up and he waves at Penny.

Gumball: Hey, Penny.

Penny: Wanna walk me to the canteen?

Gumball: [Extremely happy] Definitelyyyy... [Notices Banana Joe and Tobias looking at him] definitely not, definitely not now, but maybe... later?

Penny looks confused at Gumball, as Banana Joe and Tobias disapprove of him. Gumball then sighs and jumps out of the window like Darwin did; walking away with a limp.

Penny: Okaaaay? [Confused, waves to him] See you later. Oh, hey Y/N!

Y/N: Oh, hey Penny!

Ariana: (Waves to Y/N) Hi, Y/N!

He turns around to see his twin little sister, Ariana. He smiles softly as he waves her back.

Ariana: Wanna join us to the canteen?

Y/N: Sure!

He catches up to her. He may be serious and stoic in the Wattersons Family, but his loyalty to his twin sister makes him different.


Y/N and Gumball is in line to get his food, cracks his arm.

Darwin: [Whispering] Gumball! Y/N!

Gumball looks under the table.

Darwin: [Whispering] I'm scared.

Y/N: What are you doing?

Gumball: Darwin? I thought you ran away forever.

Darwin: I got hungry.

The girls are at the table, laughing.

Darwin: Oh, no! They're here.

They peer through a column.

Darwin: What am I going to do?

Gumball: Don't worry, buddy.

They start walking away with their trail.

Gumball: If you can't see them, they can't see you.

They splash their trails on their face and start walking. They crash with a number of columns before they stop at the girls' table.

Gumball: Ok, I think we're safe.

They remove the trails from their face and realize where they are.

Gumball & Darwin: [They scream, but gradually stop] Hey.

Y/N: (In monotone voice) Hey.

Ariana: (In optimistic voice) Oh hey guys!

Masami: Yeah, hi. I was just talking about you, boyfriend. Come and sit by me.

This made Darwin whimpers.

Masami: Oh, c'mon! Don't be shy, sugar lumps, and give me a hug. [Gets close to him and tries to kiss him]

Gumball: Excuse me. Is... there room... for one more. [Gets in the middle of them] So, what are we talking about?

Masami: [Gets away from them] Ha! Well, before you so rudely interrupted us, we were talking about how Darwin is gonna kiss me in the tree house.

Y/N: (Surprised) Yo, what?!

Ariana: (Surprised) Say what?!

Darwin: (Shocked) What?!

Masami: Yeah. Because that's what boyfriend and girlfriend do. [Winks] Come on, boyfriend, let's go somewhere more private.

Darwin is still shocked.

Masami: Boyfriend! [Leaves]

Darwin starts leaving, but then stops and turns to Gumball, Y/N and Ariana.

Darwin: [Whispering] Help... me!

He leaves. Gumball, Y/N and Ariana are the alone ones left in the table.

Ariana: Well, what should we do now? Darwin is in big trouble right now.

Gumball: Don't worry, buddy. I'm here for you. Pals before...

Then, Penny passes by and winks at Gumball.

Penny: Hi, Gumball.

Gumball: Hey, Penny.

Gumball: Where was I? Oh yeah, Darwin!

Y/N: How come girls don't wink at me?

A girl walks by and winks at him, but he doesn't noticed that, however, Ariana noticed that. She was all completely dumbfounded.

Ariana: Umm, you completely dense about that.

Then, a boy walks by and winks at her but she doesn't notice. However, Y/N saw that as he glances at the boy who winked at Ariana causing him to immediately walk away.

Ariana: Anyways, where were we?

Y/N: Oh shit, almost forgot about Darwin.

Ariana: Should we help him from Masami?

Y/N: Eh, Gumball can handle it.

Ariana: Hmm. Yeah, I bet he would.

The twins walks out from the cafeteria.


At the swimming pool of the school, Masami was looking for Darwin.

Masami: Darwin! Darwin, where are you? Darwin? Darwin! [Leaves]

Gumball passes by and notices some bubbles coming out the pool.

Gumball: Huh?

He looks at the pool, sees Darwin underwater.

Gumball: What are you doing here?

Darwin mumbles underwater, making what he says inaudible. Then, a pair of bubbles he made pop, revealing what he said.

Darwin: She won't find me down here. She hates getting her hair wet.

(A/N: Uhhh, she clearly doesn't have any hair, just filled with clouds. ;-;)

Gumball: Really?

Masami: [To Rocky] Hey, have you seen Darwin around?

Gumball: [Looks at the high dive] Don't worry buddy, I'm on it.

On the high dive, Gumball gets dizziness from the height.

Gumball: Oh, oh man. [Takes a deep breath] Pals before gals! [Jumps off]

Penny: Hey Masami, have you seen Gumball anywhere?

Gumball: Oh no, I can't do that to Penny. [Sighs] On one hand, I create a diversion to save Darwin, but on the other hand, I splash Penny and look like a—

Suddenly, he falls flat on the water's surface and sinks, making a loud slapping noise.

Penny: What was that?

Masami: I don't know, but it sounded painful.

Penny: Oh, well! See you at the treehouse. [Leaves]

Masami: Darwin!

Darwin comes up inhaling, with water coming out of his mouth and nostrils.

Masami: There you are! C'mon, we're going for ice cream. [She flies off and Darwin follows]

Gumball remerges, reddened.

Gumball: Aaaaahhh...! Oww...

He hops around moaning in pain before he grabs a pair of ice cream cones Idaho was carrying and puts them on his chest.

Idaho: Hey!

Idaho leaves angrily. Rocky passes by and notices the ice creams on Gumball's chest.

Rocky: Hey, dude. Nice bikini!

Gumball: Thanks. Oh, Rocky, wait! [Takes the ice cream off his chest] You've had girlfriends before, right?

Rocky: Oh yeah! Thousands of 'em!

(A/N: Ayo what- 💀)

Gunball: And how did you get rid of them?

Rocky: Well, usually, I just close my eyes and open my heart, and when I open my eyes again, they're gone...

Gumball: What do you mean?

Rocky: Well, I guess they don't want me to talk about my feelings...

Gumball: So, you mean, openly expressing your emotional turmoil, rather than coming up with a convoluted little scheme. It's so crazy it just might work.


Gumball is in a wastebasket and gives a thumbs up to Darwin who is nervous. Then, Y/N and Ariana walks pass by and sees Gumball in the wastebasket.

Ariana: Oh, hey Gumball.

Y/N: Why the fuck are you hiding in the waste bin?

Gumball: Sssssshhhhh! Keep it quiet, you two.

He still hide in the waste bin as Y/N and Ariana shrugs as they watches Darwin and Masami.

Masami: Darwin!

Darwin: Listen, Masami. This is very difficult for me to say. I'm leaving. We've had good times together, but it's just not right for me. I can't help how I feel. It's not your fault, it's mine. I'm just not ready for something this amazing. You deserve someone better. Now farewell, dear heart.

Masami glares at Darwin, and he waves at her, giving her a go on motion. Then Masami looks she's about to get angry, but starts crying.

Ariana: (Whispering) Oh, no!

Darwin: [Whispering] What should I do?

Gumball: [Whispering] I don't know.

Leslie: [Passing by] Nice work, Romeo.

Darwin: Okay, okay. I didn't mean it. Boyfriend joke. Look, I'm laughing. [Fake laughing] You can stop crying now, please.

Then, Masami shoots a lightning bolt and still crying.

Darwin: Please, I'll do anything you want. I'll go to the treehouse. I'll... I'll-I'll kiss you.

Suddenly, this made Masami immediately stops.

Masami: Okay, see ya there, sweet lips.

He watches her leaving, Y/N was shocked and had no response. Ariana wave her hand to his face but he doesn't move or blink or talking.

Gumball: [Walks over, chuckling] Oh, man. I am so sorry.

Ariana: (Walks over) Well, at least, you tried.

Darwin: [Face turns red] What did you make me do? WHAT DID YOU MAKE ME DO?! I have to kiss a girl. I'm going to get married, I don't wanna get married. Urgh! [Walks away]

Gumball: I'm sorry, dude. Don't be like that...

Darwin: [Rushes back in] Not cool, man. NOT COOL! [Walks away again]

Gumball: Don't worry, buddy, I'll save you!

Darwin: [Calling off-screen] How?! You need to have a date to get in that treehouse!

Gumball: Yeah, that is true.

Banana Joe: [With Tobias] And what happened to "pals before gals"?

Gumball: That's cool, I'll find a way to save him.

Banana Joe: You better, cause if you don't, we will.

He and Tobias left. Y/N, Ariana and Gumball was left behind.

Penny: [Passing by] Hi, Gumball.

Then, Gumball follows Penny happily while giggling. Y/N and Ariana looks at them, dumbfoundedly.

Y/N: What is happening today?

Ariana: It seems Darwin is having his first kiss with Masami. Also, Gumball wasn't helping at all.

Y/N: Yep, he decided to let Darwin be.

Ariana: So, are we going to save Darwin from Masami?

Y/N: Hmm, nope. Let them be.

Ariana: (Hesitant) ...Okay.


Darwin and Masami arrive at the ladder of the treehouse.

Masami: After you, Boyfriend.

She winks at him and Darwin gets scared.

Darwin: [Whispering] Somebody, please, help me.

Masami: What did you say?

Darwin: Nothing! I'm climbing, climbing.

He climbs up the treehouse and sees Gumball inside with the others.

Gumball: Hey, Darwin!

Darwin: [Gasps] Oh, no! They got you, too!

Gumball: [Sarcastically] Oh yeah, they got me. It was horrible, ohh. Oh, no, don't drag me in there and kiss me. Hehehe. Oh, well, now that we're here...

Masami: So, girls, where are all of your boyfriends?

There was an awkward silence from the girls, along with whistling.

Masami: Also, where's Ariana?

Leslie: Outside, with her brother, Y/N.

Teri: [Inhales] Okay girls, confession time. [Inhales] My boyfriend's not real.

Everyone gasps, then the rest of the girls, and Leslie, confess as well.

Masami: So, me and Penny are the only ones with boys to kiss. Darwin?

He tries to sneak out of the treehouse.

Masami: Come on, boyfriend!

Everyone except Gumball and Penny starts chanting "Kiss" as Masami tries to kiss Darwin, while he is backing away from her.

Darwin: Gumball, do something!

Gumball: Just a minute. [To Penny] Hehe, sorry, I have to save my best friend.

Suddenly, Penny grabs his hand, making him dazed.

Penny: I'm really glad you came.

Darwin: [He's at bay] Please, you don't wanna kiss me! I taste like fish!

Darwin gets away and Masami ends up kissing the wall.

Masami: Get back here!

Darwin: Ahhhh, Gumball!

He is running from Masami in the background and they start to fade out, while Gumball and Penny are by the window. Meanwhile, Y/N and Ariana are at the outside, they sees the scene and they both laughing. Ariana took out her phone and record the whole scene

Penny: It's such a beautiful day, Gumball.

Gumball: Yeah, but not as beautiful as your antlers.

As the camera sweeps past Penny, the background of the treehouse disappears as her and Gumball are now floating in the vast majority of space.

Gumball: [Sighs] Can you feel the universe moving around us?

Penny: Uh, yeah, it's more like a swaying motion, actually.

Outside the treehouse, Banana Joe and Tobias are chopping down the tree. Y/N and Ariana saw that and they were both shocked.

Ariana: Guys, what the heck are you doing?!

Banana Joe: Chopping down the tree! Pals before gals!

Ariana: My brothers are in there!

Gumball: Let's kiss and remember this for all the eternity.

Masami: Let's kiss, so I can show these losers who's boss.

The tree starts falling, Gumball is sliding to Darwin, both with their lips puckered up, and Penny and Masami are shown reacting to Gumball and Darwin kissing by mistake as well Y/N and Ariana, they're both petrified for seeing this.

Banana Joe & Tobias: Timber!

The tree falls over on Banana Joe.

Gumball: Wow, that was amazing. Kissing Penny was like being run over by a unicorn.

Darwin: And kissing Masami wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Gumball: Bye, Penny.

Darwin: See ya later, Sugar lumps.

Gumball: [Sighs] What fascinating creatures.

Banana Joe pops out of the tree bush, with his head being peeled off.

Banana Joe: Pals before gals!

Y/N and Ariana, on the other hand, still petrified and stunned to see their little brother just..... Kissed... For the first time.

Y/N: I'm gonna bleach my eyes.

Ariana: Please don't tell me that I record the whole scene.

Y/N: Maybe.

Ariana: Okay, well, I'm gonna bleach my eyes too.

To be continued

A/N: What do you guys think of Y/N as Ariana's twin brother?

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