In The End ✶ Derek Hale

By hellfiresoulss

127K 2.7K 243

( ON HOLD ) After being away from Beacon Hills for six years, Marlo Stilinski finally returns but with secret... More

𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬, 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐬
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6.2K 122 11
By hellfiresoulss

003 abomination

season two
episode four

A FEW DAYS later after Derek turned Boyd into a werewolf and Marlo was beginning to question if her father and brother knew about her being back in Beacon Hills.

Maybe Scott didn't tell Stiles about her coming home; did they not care? Little did she know though, that Scott told Stiles that Marlo came back to Beacon Hills and is now the 'bad' guy as he doesn't trust Derek and the others and she's the one behind the plans.

"Marlo, are you okay?" Derek asks entering her apartment, "Mhm fine; just curious about Dad and Stiles knowing I'm home" Marlo replies.

"Don't worry too much about them Lo, Scott told Stiles and I'm sure your brother told your father as well, now come on eat" Derek says handing her, her dinner.

Marlo sighs and takes the dinner bag out of Derek's hands and unpacks the nights meal, while Derek walks into her kitchen area to get forks for them both.

"Okay so, tell me what are your plans today soul-wolf?" Marlo asks as Derek enters the living room and sitting on her couch unboxing his food.

"God you and Stiles are definitely siblings; don't call me sour-wolf, Lo" Derek sighs out.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry Der-Bear, is that better?" Marlo smirks; "As much as I don't like that nickname either, it's better than sour-wolf" Derek replies poking Marlo's side smiling.

"I'm kidding Der, I just like pissing you off or seeing you flustered; hey hot-stuff" Marlo says smirking while eating her dinner.

After Derek and Marlo finish their dinner and tidy up the rubbish they sit together on the lounge couch of Marlo's.

"So Lo, are you coming to watch or help me train Isaac, Erica and Boyd tomorrow morning?" Derek asks after a while of sitting together while the music playlist plays in the background.

"Yeah I was planning on watching it and if I needed to, I'd step in and give a few inspirational words, they're your betas though Der" Marlo says tilting her head looking at Derek.

"That's good, I just thought I'd ask and see if you were going to be busy during the training session, but that's good to know you'll be watching" Derek shrugs.

They both laugh and continue listening to the music. "Do you wanna go for a drive?" Marlo asks suddenly, "Sure, but where to?" Derek says.

"Just want to drive around Beacon Hills for a while and get a feel for being home after six years" Marlo sighs.

Marlo gets off the couch and grabs her car keys off the rack beside the door and turns around and holds them in the air shaking them at Derek.

"Come on then, let's go" Marlo walks out of her apartment into the hallway while Derek follows behind her.

While they're driving around Stiles unfortunately witnesses a murder and gets questioned by his father, "Stiles; when were you going to tell me Marlo's back?" Sheriff Stilinski asks his teenage son

"Yeah I'm sorry it slipped my mind after everything Scott and I were doing today, I'm sorry, I don't know if she'll talk to me though" Stiles says sadly looking at his father while Scott pulls up to the auto shop to pick Stiles up since his jeep is being kept as evidence in the murder he witnessed.

"You okay?" Scott asks Stiles; "Yeah; you're right, it's not like you; I mean it's eyes were almost, like, reptilian, but there was something about them" Stiles says.

"What do you mean?" Scott questions him, "You know when you see, like, a friend in a Halloween mask; but all you can actually see are their eyes, and you feel like you know them, but you just can't figure out who it is?" Stiles says.

"Are you saying you know who it is?" Scott asks.

Stiles replies; "No, but I think it knew me" leaving the two scared and concerned about who the reptile creature is and how they're going to deal with this in the future.

THE NEXT DAY, after Marlo and Derek got back from their late night driving session and shared many memories from the past and how they're excited for the future.

The alpha is now standing in the abandoned train station waiting for his betas for their training sessions, as Marlo's standing up above near the entrance just waiting for one of the betas to make the first move against attacking their alpha and beginning their training and preparing them for the future as werewolves.

Just as Marlo's growing bored, Isaac makes the attempt to start the session and moves back to get a running head start and doing flips running towards his alpha.

Isaac launches himself at Derek, the alpha male just immediately pushes him away and Isaac crashes to the harsh rough ground; that process is repeated a few more times as Isaac is getting more and more frustrated and aggressive and trying to prove his point to his alpha and new formed friend watching from above.

As Boyd and Erica watch from the sidelines and taking notes on what not to do and what to do so they can survive the alphas attacks.

Erica then moves to the top of a pole and launches for Derek, the said Alpha just launches her beside Isaac on the harsh ground as Marlo stands at the top of the stairs alongside Boyd and raises her brows watching how strong and broad Derek has become as an alpha.

As Derek grows bored; he begins to move and walks around the two betas and says "Does anyone want to try not being completely predictable?".

As Erica is getting off the rough ground and pounces herself onto Derek and begins to kiss him.

Marlo stands up above and now growing quite jealous about how the younger beta just launched herself at the male, and is wondering why the male hasn't pushed her off yet.

Just as them thoughts enter and leave her head, Derek throws Erica off of him back on the harsh ground and says.

"That's the last time you do that" wiping his mouth from the shared saliva he just shared with the young female beta, "Why? Because I'm a beta?" Erica asks.

"No, it's because he has someone else in mind for you Erica" Marlo says walking down the staircase looking at the young girl, Erica looks at Derek for confirmation and he nods.

"Are we done? Cause I have about 100 bones that need a few hours to heal." Isaac asks and says.

Derek not liking his attitude towards him walks towards the boy and grabs his arm and breaks it.

Marlo not liking that his injuring the boy steps forward but Derek lets go of the boys arm.

"101, you think I'm teaching you how to fight, huh? Look at me! I'm teaching you how to survive!" Derek snarls.

Derek lets Isaac go and gets up and walks over to Marlo who's standing behind him now, and looks at her to see her already looking at him but with the look that says 'be careful, don't hurt him'.

He nods at her telling her his sorry but this is how it's gotta be and sometimes it'll get rough and things will get broken.

"If they wanted us dead, why aren't they coming for us now? What are they waiting for?" Isaac asks recovering from the pain he just suffered.

"I don't know, but they're planning something, and you, especially, know that's not our only problem.

Whatever that thing is that killed Isaac's father, I think it killed someone else last night and until I find out what it is, you all need to learn everything that Marlo and I know, as fast as we can teach you" Derek says walking into the train but not before he shares a look with Marlo.

"Okay, you're done guys, go to school now and we'll discuss things later on, I'll calm grumpy ass down" Marlo says pointing behind her to where Derek just entered.

"I'm scared Mar" Erica says softly, "Me too" both Isaac and Boyd say, "Stay afraid, as bad as that sounds, staying afraid is what's gonna help you guys survive" Marlo smiles helping both Isaac and Erica off the ground from their session with Derek.

"Okay off to school, you guys go" Marlo demands smiling, "Okay, we'll see you later M" Isaac says walking off into his own area as his still a fugitive and can't return to school.

Both Erica and Boyd exit the abandoned train station and go along their ways of getting ready for school and attending for the day.

Marlo walks into the train Derek entered before to see the man being angry and throwing things into a bag, "Okay moody, what's wrong?" Marlo says sitting down beside him.

"Nothings wrong, just worried I'm never going to train them correctly" Derek says, "You will Der-bear, this is only their first training session okay? Don't be harsh on yourself, I'm here too, just go easy on them, and please remember about Isaac's past and don't trigger him please" she says with puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry about breaking his arm, that was uncalled for" Derek says sighing.

"It happened, it's okay and he wasn't angry about it, trust me" Marlo says putting her hand on Derek's shoulder.

After that talk, both Marlo and Derek put things into bags and go back to Derek's loft and just hang out for the day.

"I'm scared about seeing my family again Der, what if they hate me" Marlo says from where she's laying on Derek's bed.

"They don't hate you Lo, Stiles was asking about you to Erica the other day and asked how you were" Derek says walking out from his bathroom shitless and just in a towel from his shower.

"Oh" Marlo says checking him out. "You okay there Lo?" Derek says smirking.

"Fine, just good to know you're fit and all those goddamn muscles; Jesus Christ" Marlo sighs under on breath.

Derek gets a pair of jeans and his classic black long sleeved shirt and puts that on in-front of Marlo.

Marlo checks him out since he didn't care about changing or being naked in-front of her, "Still the same old Derek; never afraid of flaunting his body to his friends" Marlo says laying down on his bed and getting comfortable.

"Oh, come on Lo, we both know we're more than friends, friends don't do what we did three years ago" Derek says looking back at her from his bathroom mirror.

As the memories hit Marlo like a brick, she suddenly goes quiet and doesn't say anything for a while.

"Earth to Lo, are you coming with Erica, Boyd & I to the lacrosse game tonight?" Derek says walking back into his bedroom.

"Yeah why not, give's me something to do and hang out with Erica a bit too" Marlo shrugs getting up and walking towards his front sliding door.

"I'll be back by 5:30, just going to shower and make myself presentable since my family is gonna be there" Marlo says vaguely remembering Erica mentioning Stiles and Scott are both on the lacrosse team now.

"Okay, see you then Lo" Derek replies adjusting the way his sitting on his bed.

Marlo walks out of his loft and immediately lets out a massive breath of air and breath's deeply.

"Why does he have to be so goddamn hot" Marlo says talking to herself getting into the elevator and pressing her button for her floor above Derek's.

She soon arrives at her apartment and makes a beeline for her bathroom for a nice relaxing shower.

She puts on her music and starts humming some of her favourite songs in the playlist and gets in the shower and does the usual shower business.

By the time she finally finishes the shower, it's quite late in the afternoon so she decides to cook some afternoon lunch and grabs one of the blood bags now that she's alone and starts sipping at the blood bag Derek got for her.

He really has treated her like a queen since she returned and she doesn't know how she can repay him.

Some time passes by and she eventually finishes her blood bag and by that time Erica knocks on her apartment door and Marlo lets her in to hang out before they go to the game tonight.

"I'm sorry about making out with Derek earlier by the way" Erica says coming out with the truth.

"It's okay E, just took me by surprise and I can't imagine what Derek was thinking either" Marlo says looking at Erica.

"I just don't want him thinking he chose the wrong person to become one of his betas" Erica sighs and miserably admits.

"Hey, he loves you in his own way E, he wouldn't have chosen you if he didn't think you're strong enough, so don't let those nasty thoughts affect you, you're beautiful" Marlo says putting a piece of her behind her ear.

Erica just smiles and hugs Marlo.

AFTER SOME TIME, the four of them make their way to the school to watch the game, more Erica and Boyd than Marlo and Derek.

Marlo overheard Derek earlier saying to Erica if she manages to get Stiles alone not to hurt him for her sake but to try and get some answers from him as well.

Marlo just smiles knowing he is taking her advice by still being the big bad Alpha werewolf; his still soft towards her.

While Derek and Marlo wait for the perfect time to discuss things with Stiles, they just play jokes and pull faces at each other, kind of like when they were in high school together.

Marlo watches as the players get knocked down by the player named the 'abomination'.

She also watches as Stiles grabs the keys off Allison Argent and sneaks off on his own to god knows what, she smirks to herself seeing Erica looking at her already and they nod at each other and meet in the middle; "You sure you wanna do this Mar?" Erica asks.

After Boyd was put into the game for looking like he could play lacrosse, "Oh I'm ready, don't worry" Marlo smirks and begins strutting off to come face to face with her brother and basically have their reunion.

After Erica listens out for his heartbeat to see where his location is they find him in the coaches office.

Stiles is startled by Erica presence but doesn't realise about the other one behind her waiting for that perfect moment to make herself known. "Hello, Stiles." Erica smirks.

As Marlo stands beside her and watches the shock become apparent on her brother's face at her sudden entrance, "Hiya Stiles, did you miss your big sister?" She pouts and smiles.

Erica grabs Stiles's arm, he doesn't bother commenting still gobsmacked at his sister being here and on their side at that.

"Marlo? What?" Stiles stammers out.

"Oh little brother, I'm sure you knew I was back in town by little Scotty?" She tilts her head.

"Yeah he told me" Stiles states.

While Erica and Marlo continue dragging Stiles to where they know Derek is waiting in the swimming pool.

"Ow, ow-ow, ah" Stiles mutters while being dragged by Erica, "Aw, yeah" Stiles mumbles unhappily when seeing Derek.

"Stiles" Derek says smugly, "Derek" Stiles replied.

Marlo and Erica stand beside Derek with smirks on their faces. "What did you see at the mechanics garage?" Derek questions.

"Uh, several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting" Stiles replies.

Derek, Marlo and Erica both laugh; Derek being Derek dramatically squeezes the basketball making it hiss out its air.

"Holy god" Stiles trembles, the three stand there amused by Stiles fear, "Let's try that again" Derek demands with a smug look on his face.

While on the lacrosse field Boyd keeps flashing his eyes and worrying Scott and begins to play quite well until the opposing team rams into him sending him flying onto the ground injuring himself in the process, while the ground gasps.

Allison, his mother and Allison's grandfather Gerard make their way down to make sure the boy is okay from hearing his leg snap from where they were seated.

As Scott groans in pain, Allison rushes up to him; "I'm fine, I'm healing, it's okay, the book." Scott mumbles out still in pain.

"It's not in his office, it's gotta be at the house, Scott your leg, oh my god, your leg is broken" Allison says in concern.

"Not for long" Scott says while Allison helps him stand.

Coach rushes up towards them and says "Don't move"; his mother also overwhelmed with fear and concern for her son, says "Scott!".

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm fine, I'm fine" he smiles at his mother, "I could have sworn I literally heard a bone breaking from where I sat" the mother says in concern.

"Heard it? I felt it" Coach says, "Seriously guys, I'm fine" Scott says not wanting anyone else to worry, "We should go" Allison says to her grandfather.

"Hold on, I wanna ask him one more thing." That thing being if he would like to attend a dinner with him and his ex girlfriend's family, who also dislike him because his a werewolf.

Back with Derek, Marlo, Erica and Stiles in the schools swimming pool area.

"All right, the thing was pretty slick looking, um, skin was dark, kind of patterned-uh, I think I actually saw scales, is that enough? Okay? Cause I have somebody I really need to talk to" Stiles grunts at Derek's face not being amused and wants more information.

"Um, all right, fine, eyes are um-yellowish and slitted, it has a lot of teeth" Stiles goes on about the creature he saw in the mechanic shop Derek, Marlo and Erica look above him to see the creature they're curious about ready to attack them.

"Oh and it's got a tail too, are we good?" Stiles asks.

Marlo and Erica look at the creature in fear and starts breathing heavily.

Stiles asks them if they've seen it because they have looks on their faces like they know exactly what's his talking about as the creature starts hissing Stiles suddenly becomes aware and turns around and looks up at the thing.

It screams at them "Woah" Stiles steps over beside Marlo in fear, the creature jumps down from the second story area where the seats.

Derek is straight into protective mode and transforms into his alpha werewolf form ready to save and protect Marlo, Erica and the human in the room, the creatures throws Erica against the nearest wall knocking her out immediately.

As it begins looking at Marlo, Derek goes into even more protective Alpha mode and starts fighting the scary creature.

"Run!" Derek yells at Stiles and Marlo but unfortunately gets scratched at the back of the neck "Derek, your neck" Stiles says worried knowing the creature as a venom that paralyses you.

The creature hisses and tries to slice Marlo next but her being a vampire and having super speed works to her advantage as she gets on top of it fighting the creature like monster thing.

Unfortunately for Marlo, the creature bites her and throws her against the wall beside Erica injuring her so she's unable to get up, although the venom doesn't paralyse her.

She watches in fear as Derek and her brother try and escape the tailed creature.

"Come on, come here" Stiles says putting Derek's arms around his neck and begins trying to run with the heavy man beside him.

"Where is it? Can you see it?" Stiles says panicked. "No, just hurry" Derek replies trying to look for Marlo in the process, "Call Scott!" Derek demands.

Stiles being Stiles drops his phone and drops Derek's arms trying to retrieve the phone.

Although Derek being under the influence of the creatures venom is unable to stand and begins to fall into the deep pool beside them, "Stiles, you son of a-" Derek yells before falling into the pool completely.

Stiles worried if he leaves his phone outside the pool he won't be able to retrieve it but also the slightest bit worried about the werewolf who's currently underwater.

Before his decision is made he hears his sisters voice "Stiles! Get Derek!" She yells out from where she's laying.

He automatically listens and dives into the pool getting Derek and resurfacing so the man doesn't drown.

Gasping and spluttering can be heard from where the female vampire is laying and she lets out a breath of relief knowing Derek and her brother are okay.

"Where did it go? Where is it do you see it?" Stiles asks, "No" Derek replies, "Okay, maybe he took off"

The creature screams in the distance basically answering his question it hasn't gone anywhere, "Maybe not" Derek replies.

"Lo, are you okay? Is Erica okay?" Derek yells out to the woman.

"I'm fine Der, got the wind knocked out of me but I'm all good, Erica on the other hand is still out cold" Marlo answers.

Derek sighs in relief and Stiles notices how the older alpha took that breath of relief after knowing his older sister was okay.

"Okay thank god you're okay, do you think you could help Stiles by keeping me afloat in this pool so he doesn't accidentally drown me?" Derek asks.

Marlo laughs as she gets up slowly but carefully making sure the creature doesn't know she's moving and attack her, "Yeah I'm coming now" Marlo replies.

She dives into the pool and helps Stiles hold Derek up from him sinking down to the bottom of the pool floor and drowning, "What do you think it wants?" Stiles asks.

"Us as it's night snack" Marlo says. "Will you get me out of here before I drown?" Derek asks Stiles mostly knowing Marlo is still weak from the bite and can smell the blood coming from her wound even with the water.

"You're worried about drowning? Did you notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor-sharp teeth?" Stiles snarls.

"Did you notice that I'm paralysed from the neck down in eight feet of water? Not only that but your sister is seriously injured and bleeding still from the bite of that thing with 'razor sharp teeth'" Derek snarls growing worried about Marlo as she's betting pale and weak.

"Okay, I don't see it and don't worry Marlo, I'll get you two out of this soon" Stiles says also noticing how pale his older sister has become.

He begins swimming over to the edge with the slight help of the injured Marlo, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, stop, stop" Derek suddenly says making the siblings stop immediately and see what Derek noticed.

The creature was walking along the pools ledge hissing at them. "What's it waiting for?" Stiles asks.

Marlo begins feeling even more weaker as time flies by and pale as well, both Derek and Stiles are growing worried she might not able to hold herself up for much longer.

"Lo, let me go and save your strength, Stiles is okay holding me for a little while" Derek says looking at Marlo slipping in and out of consciousness.

She doesn't let him go and fights the weakness in her body telling her to sleep.

"I'm okay Der, I promise, just tired" Marlo says.

"Don't fall asleep please Marlo, stay awake" Stiles says growing more worried about his sister, one because they're family and two she'd drown because of the pool they're currently in.

As minutes turned into hours, they all began feeling even more tired; some more than others, between panting breathes and sore muscles from keeping their legs moving to keep them afloat.

The creature comes back doing as it did before, circling the pool and keeping its prey in the dangerous area; as the creature tries to get closer to them, but before doing so, it immediately flinched backwards at the touch of the water.

"Wait, did you see that? I don't think he can swim" Stiles says with thought.

Derek looking over at the creature in confusion before focusing more on Marlo closing her eyes and snapping herself awake again and again.

The creature just circles them over and over again not growing tired of its plans to get at least one of them to itself.

Stiles now growing breathless and exhausted; "Okay, okay, okay I don't think I can do this much longer" Stiles says running out of breath from keeping Derek up above the water and kind of Marlo now since she is extremely weak but still conscious.

Derek knowing what Stiles is planning more worried about Marlo about himself says, "No, no, no-no, no, don't even think about it".

Stiles slightly offended replies "Could you just trust me this once?" "NO!" Derek yells, "I'm the one keeping you alive other than Marlo, okay? Have you noticed that?" Stiles says.

"Yeah, if you let me go Stiles, you might kill Marlo that's what I'm worried about look at her! And when the paralysis wears off, who's gonna be able to fight that thing? You or me?" Derek snarls in Stiles face as they both look at the vampire woman seeing she's blue and freezing and extremely weak.

"That's why I've been holding you up the past two hours? Alongside Marlo" Stiles says.

"Yup, you don't trust me, I don't trust you, I don't know if Marlo trusts you, but you need her and I to survive, which is why you're not letting me go" Derek replies.

Stiles looks at Derek and his sister now debating on what he's about to do, and if they're going to hate him after this.

He lets Derek go and because Marlo is holding onto Derek, they immediately go under water.

"Stiles!" Derek yells before the water swallows him and Marlo.

Stiles swims over towards his phone hoping if he gets a hold of Scott, his werewolf best friend will be able to come save them from this nightmare.

As Marlo and Derek sink to the bottom of the pools floor they look at each other and as Marlo's already weak starts feeling the affects of no air in the lungs and starts gurgling and swallowing water and drowning.

Derek watches in horror and hopes Stiles will make the right decision and save them both but mostly her.

Stiles stops and starts swimming really quickly to get his phone before dialling Scott's number, as Scott answers; "Scott!" Stiles nearly screams out with joy when the boy answers only for him to hang up on him not even five seconds later.

Stiles looks at the phone betrayed his best friend hung up on in this kind of emergency, not knowing why he did so.

He looks down to where both Marlo and Derek are on the bottom of the pools floor and looks back at his phone before deciding to drop his phone and save his enemy and his sister.

He dives down to get them; he gets to Derek first but because he had more air he points over at Marlo; so Marlo can be picked up first and then him, although they will be resurfacing at the same time; he just needed to know Marlo was safe and breathing.

As they reach the top both Derek and Stiles take huge breaths allowing air into their lungs not realising that Marlo hasn't taken any breaths.

Both caught up in the moment of catching their breaths; they soon look over at the woman and realise and immediately start panicking.

"Marlo, come on, please don't do this to me or dad." Stiles say holding onto to her but her arm is also wrapped around Derek's waist and hasn't gone limb yet.

"Lo, come on, wake up. Breathe for me gorgeous, come on" Derek chants.

After a few moments they grow even more worried about her not breathing, "Tell me you got him!" Derek says in an angry tone.

Stiles groans and starts growing panicked, little do they know that their rescue is on the way to the school right now after figuring out what Gerard keeps the bestiary which is on his flash drive Stiles had before all of this mess.

Scott pulls up out front of school and bolts into the school after calling Stiles and it not going through; he finds the flash drive with the book they need to figure out what the creature is, but before he takes off; he hears the creature scream and figures out why Stiles called him earlier and needs help desperately.

"I can't stay up any longer, I need something to hold on to and we need to make sure she doesn't let you go" Stiles says motioning to Marlo, who still isn't breathing.

Stiles looks around and finds the diving boards handle, and decides that's enough to hold on to, he starts swimming slowly making sure Marlo's body doesn't let go of Derek's.

Stiles grabs onto the handle to stay up above the surface his fingers slip and they all go underwater but not before Scott's rips them all out of the water.

Derek yells out "Careful, careful, Marlo's not breathing; don't yank too hard" so Scott listens and only gently throws him on to the floor beside him.

The two who were in the water other than Marlo stare at the roof and breathe the air that's around them, not before Derek's setting his plan into motion of healing himself so he can save Marlo.

Stiles who's still panting and spluttering, crawls his way over to Marlo and Derek's side and breaks Derek's arm with the advice from the male himself to trigger his healing process.

Scott roars at the creature and begins fighting it while the other two try and focus on breathing and Derek healing.

Finally after ten minutes of getting the venom out does he notice the creature not knowing what it looks like from the mirror piece is Scott's hand.

He also unwraps Marlo's arms around his waist and puts his head to her chest and he relieved she has a heartbeat she's just unconscious and probably full of water, so he starts breathing into her airways and she awakes with a gasp and splutter of the water.

"Good job Lo, cough it out, good, good" Derek comforts Marlo while she's adjusting to being awake after being basically dead; if she was human she would be gone.

She's still incredibly weak from the bite from the razor sharp teeth of the creature and has to be wrapped soon due to her blood loss.

After a while Erica comes too and joins the two and asks what happens to find out her sister and best friend 'died' for a little while, Erica hugs Marlo so tight.

"Too tight E, can't breathe" Marlo grits out, Derek just smiles and thanks the lord for not taking her.

After a while of calming down they all get up and head back over to Scott and Stiles to discuss things with them.

The two boys are looking at the bestiary by the time the three join up with them.

They hear Stiles ask Scott, "Is that even a language?" Scott sighs and says.

"How are we suppose to figure out what this thing is?" Derek filled Marlo and Erica in on what the creature is and decides to share with the two teenage boys.

"It's called the Kanima" Derek says walking up to them, with the girls following behind, clearly still exhausted.

"You knew the whole time?" Stiles scoffs, "No, only when it was confused by its own reflection" Derek says.

"It doesn't know what it is" Scott replies; "Or who" Derek nods.

"What else do you know?" Stiles asks. "Just stories, rumours" Derek says.

"But it's like us?" Scott asks, "It's a shape-shifter, yes, but it's not right, it's like a-" Derek states.

"Abomination" Stiles finishes, Derek nods slightly afraid and the girls can see it.

"Derek, we need to work together on this, maybe even tell the argents" Scott says: "You trust them?" Derek angrily asks.

"Nobody trusts anyone, that's the problem, while we're here arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger and faster than any of us, and it's killing people! And we still don't even know anything about it!" Scott yells.

Marlo still being weak steps forward and clings onto Derek; "I know one thing, when I find it; we're gonna kill it" Marlo states while turning around with Derek.

Not before Derek turning around again; "We do have one advantage and someone faster than it and she's standing right here" gesturing towards Marlo who just slightly smiles.

Scott and Stiles look at the pack they just took off in anger, confusion, betrayal, hurt and even jealousy.

"That's my sister" Stiles says quite emotional.

"She's not the monster Stiles, she died tonight and came back" Scott says hugging his best friend.

A while after leaving Stiles and Scott, Derek took Erica home and decided he'd stay with Marlo to make sure she's okay.

Whule helping her inside of her apartment, he helped her lay down in her bed; "You really scared me tonight Lo, I thought you were gone for good" Derek says standing above her.

Marlo just looks at him in adoration, "Come on" She pats the bed motioning him to lay down with her and he accepts and lays down while she turns slowly cuddling into his chest and side.

"I'm not going anywhere Der-Bear; I promise" she whispers before dozing off into a deep sleep.

Derek didn't sleep much that night, he steps out into the kitchen of Marlo's apartment and lets a few tears slip down his face.

"Did she really die?" Someone says behind him startling him, Derek turns around and noticed Isaac coming out of Marlo's guest bedroom.

"Yeah, she was bitten quite deep and then drowned, we had to save her" Derek replies, "Are you okay?" Isaac asks his alpha, "I'm fine; Isaac, go back to sleep" Derek mutters.

Derek hears whimpering coming from Marlo's room and realising she's having a nightmare, and goes back to bed beside her and as soon as she feels his presence; she stops whimpering and snuggles into him again.

He just smiles and allows her to cuddle into him. He was so close to losing the girl he loves tonight and he can't fathom how he would react if she dies.

𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒔 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔!
Long Chapter for ya'll
The end was my favourite bit; he lovesss her
She really is a mother figure towards Derek's betas; he may be the alpha; but she's the alpha's queen

More chapters coming soon!


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