A Muse Her

By EliBees

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Mateo has a terrible, awful crush on Maia Jefferies, the painfully beautiful best-selling novelist who lives... More

A Muse Her - Blurb
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 10

380 33 16
By EliBees

Mateo looked over at Maia as he drove down the quiet country roads back to Crested Butte. She was gazing out the window at the bright snowy landscape and crisp blue sky. She hadn't said much on the ride back and he was nervous that he'd said too much when told her that she deserved better. Maybe he shouldn't have been that honest.

"Are you still okay with everything?" Mateo asked, looking back at the road. "You're awfully quiet."

"Yeah, I'm good. Sorry, I'm just in my head about seeing Sven again," she said, as her phone trilled. "Speaking of the devil." She sighed, glaring at her phone as she tapped a message.

"What did he say?"

"He wants to take me out to dinner when I get back," she said, tucking her phone back into her purse. "I told him I've already got plans tonight."

"Good," Mateo said, turning off the road to the shopping center just outside of town. "He should know that you're not going to stop what you're doing just because he's in town."

"Exactly," Maia said as Mateo parked the car. "I don't know why, but I'm nervous all of a sudden."

"Don't be nervous. If you think about it, nothing's really changing between us. We hang out and go grocery shopping together all the time. The only difference is we'll be holding hands while we do it."

"Yeah, alright," she said, smiling and he was glad for the change in her somber expression. "When you put it that way, it doesn't seem so drastic."

"Right? Now let's get something to go with that beef joint I want to roast tonight."

"Oo!" Maia said with her lighting up as they got out of the car. "Let's do garlic mash and parmesan green beans."

"Really? That's what you want with it?" Mateo asked, threading his fingers through hers.

"Mm-hm." Maia nodded. "That's what I want."

"I'm surprised you don't want your staple mac and cheese or au gratin potatoes."

"Nope, I'm in the mood for mash tonight," Maia said as they walked through the doors of the store.

"Fair enough," Mateo said, picking up a basket by the door before he leaned down to her ear. "You still okay?" he whispered, squeezing her hand and he couldn't deny how much he liked the way her hand fit in his.

"Yeah," she said, squeezing his hand back. "This is fine."

A smile was etched on Mateo's face while he picked out the potatoes and vegetables for their dinner. Maia wandered away from him, drawn to the sample counter and indulged in a few tastings on offer like she usually did.

He chuckled under his breath as he listened to her gush over the mango and raspberry cheesecake. He grabbed a few garlic cloves and fresh basil before he crossed the short distance from the produce aisle to the sample counter. "What tasty treat has got you so excited over here?"

"Oh my God you have to try this," Maia said, holding up a little square morsel of yellow and red swirled cheesecake on a toothpick.

Mateo wrapped his hand around Maia's and ate the offered sample and nearly chuckled at the attendant's wide eyes and whispered gasp of 'sweet Jesus'. "Oh yeah, that's really good," he said, turning to the red-faced woman gawking at them. "Is there a recipe for this?"

"Y-yes, of course," the woman said, giving him a card from behind the counter. "Most people just get the premade ones though."

"Oh no, where's the fun in that?" Mateo smiled, taking the card from her. "I love baking."

"And I love eating it," Maia said, slipping her arm through Mateo's. "Let's go get those ingredients, sir."

"As you wish, my liefje."

Maia smiled as they strolled away from the sample counter. "My little dear," she said as they walked down the baking aisle. "That's kinda cute."

"Thought I'd test it out." He shrugged. "Is it okay if I refer to you like that?"

"Yeah, I like it," she said, looking over her shoulder. "And I think the sample lady might be one of your groupies. She's taking a not so inconspicuous picture of us."

"Oh is she?" Mateo said, leaning down to her. "Should we make it interesting?"

Maia grinned, looking up at him. "I mean, we're here to practice, aren't we?"

Mateo slid his hand to the base of her neck "Yes, we are," he said, kissing her forehead. "And now my groupies know I'm a taken man."

Maia raised an eyebrow. "Why do I get the feeling you're happy about that?"

Mateo chuckled, slipping his fingers through hers. "Because I am. I'm hoping being with you will end that ridiculous group."

"It won't," she said, shaking her head as they walked down the baking aisle. "A taken man just makes you even more desirable. They'll just fawn over our relationship."

"Well, I guess that's alright," he said, plucking a few items from the shelves and putting them in the basket. "Because you'll have to say they're your groupies too."

"Oh no, Mr. Hottie on the Hill, they'll always be yours. Now they can imagine themselves with you. I'm replaceable."

"Yeah, but not for a while," he said, wrapping his arm around her waist. "I'm yours for now, Miss Maia."

"And you're far too good at this," she said, biting her lip and a warm tingle ran down his spine. Part of him hoped and prayed for a moment they'd get to use the emergency kiss so he could taste her lips.

"You're good at it too. You don't seem nervous anymore."

She shrugged, wrapping her arm around his waist. "I guess you make it easy to do this."

"I'm glad you feel that way," he said as they strolled down the aisle to find the next ingredient for the cheesecake.

"Maia!" A jovial voice called out as a tall blonde haired man dressed in pressed jeans, a brown leather coat and a thick gray scarf wrapped around his neck, walked toward them.

"Shit, I'm not ready for this," Maia said, gripping Mateo's arm.

Ah. So that man must be Sven. Mateo tightened his grip around her waist. "It's alright," he whispered.

"Shopping in the sweets aisle," Sven said, shaking his head. "You haven't changed a bit."

"And you haven't either." Maia scoffed. "Come on," she said, tugging on Mateo's arm. "Let's go."

"Oh now wait a minute. You haven't introduced me to your friend," Sven said, holding out his hand to Mateo. "I'm Sven Fontein. I'm sure Maia's mentioned me."

Mateo nodded. "She has and it's nice to finally meet you," he said, grasping Sven's hand tight. "I'm Mateo Casparij, Maia's boyfriend."

"Oh really?" Sven said, wincing as he pulled his hand back and turned his gaze to Maia. "You never mentioned you were seeing someone."

A smile curled over Maia's lips as she thread her fingers through Mateo's. "Because it's none of your business."

"I guess not, but I find this hard to believe," Sven said, tugging at his scarf. "I thought we were going to work things out over dinner tonight."

"No, that's what you wanted. I told you I have plans and the only person I want to work things out with is Mateo," Maia said, waving her hand between herself and Sven. "You and I are done."

"If that's how you feel."

"It is. Go back to LA, Sven and leave me alone. You're good at that," she said, tugging on Mateo's hand. "We're leaving."

"Of course, liefje." Mateo grinned. "It was nice meeting you, Sven."

"Enjoy your evening." Sven sneered, pressed a hand to Mateo's shoulder. "You won't have her for long," he murmured, letting go of him.

A chill ran down his spine at the malice burning behind Sven's eyes as he walked away. Mateo knew that look, he'd seen it too many times in his brother's eyes when anything or anyone threatened his ascension to the throne. That was a look of a man who would do anything to get what he wanted and Maia was right to be worried about him.

"Are you alright after all that?" Mateo asked, squeezing her hand as they walked through the parking lot to Mateo's truck.

"I'm fine," she said, heaving a sigh. "I just wasn't expecting to see him so soon."

"Right," he said, opening the car door and sitting the bags in the back seat before he slid his hands to her cheeks. "I think you should stay at my place until he leaves."

"What? I promise I'm okay," she said, patting his chest. "I'm just a little shaken up, but it's fine. I don't need to stay with you."

"Then I'll stay at your place."

"Mateo, that's not necessary." She laughed softly. "What brought this on all of a sudden?"

"Sven just gave me a bad vibe," he said, letting his hands fall from her cheeks. "I didn't like that look on his face when you told him you were done. He's definitely not done with you and I don't think he cares or even believes we're together."

Maia nodded. "He probably doesn't. I told you, he likes to get what he wants and right now that's me."

"Yeah and that worries me."

"Another thing you should know about Sven is that he won't do anything to harm me or his reputation. So, you don't need to worry," Maia said with a smile tugging at her lips. "But thank you for caring."

"You're welcome, but would you mind staying at my house tonight? I'll make dinner and you can take over my office and work all night," he said, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. "I'm sorry if this sounds extra, but I really didn't like that look on Sven's face."

Maia shook her head. "You're not being extra," she said, smirking. "It wouldn't surprise me if Sven makes an impromptu visit to my house just to be an asshole. So, it's probably better if I stay and work at your house tonight anyway."

"Okay," Mateo said, letting out a sigh of relief. "And my offer still stands, you can stay at my place as long as he's in town, if you think it's necessary."

"It might be," she said, laughing softly. "I did say camping out at your place was one of the ways you could help me before we decided to fake this relationship."

"You did," he said, nodding. "And after meeting Sven, I know why. So, my home is always open to you."

"Thank you. I'm really lucky to have you as my friend right now," Maia said, pressing her hand to his arm. "This really means a lot to me."

"You don't have to keep thanking me. Doing this for you isn't a burden and it means a lot to me that you want my help," he said, taking her hand. "Now that we've had an eventful practice, how about we go make dinner so you can get back to writing?"

"Yeah, I'd like that." Maia beamed. "I'm ready for that cheesecake and are you sure you're happy for me to take over your office?"

Mateo chuckled. He'd be happy for her to take over his life, if she wanted it. "Yeah, I hardly use it. I don't mind if you turn it into that chaotic mess like yours."

"Fuck off." She laughed as he opened her door for her. "It's controlled chaos, thank you very much."

"Whatever you say, Miss Maia, but you can do what you like with my office," he said, closing the door with a grin splayed across his lips as he walked around the truck and slipped into the driver's side.

God, he wished Maia actually felt something for him and he could act on his feelings without dragging her into a feverish media storm over his sordid love affair.

Mateo looked over at Maia jotting a note down in her notebook like she did when a random burst of inspiration struck her and his heart thumped as he started the car.

For the first time in the eighteen months he'd been away from home, he wanted to go back and take her with him.

He looked away from her and shoved that selfish thought to the back of his mind. One fucking outing as a fake couple had him wishing for more and he had no business wanting anything else, but her friendship.

She didn't need any more complications in her life. Finishing a novel was hard enough and now her ex was on track to disrupt that. Maia didn't need him adding to that and he certainly didn't need to complicate his life either.

He'd keep this farce up for her while she was here and after that he'd let her go. He most likely wouldn't be around the next time she came to Colorado and since he'd never tell her who he really was, she'd probably never find him.

So, he should just make the best of this time with her and focus on keeping her ex from interfering with her work.

A/N: Okay before we get into wtf Mateo was just thinking about...um they really make a cute lil couple 🥰 And now, what the fuck does Mateo mean he's going to let Maia go and she won't be able to find him? They JUST talked about staying friends after all this was over??? Also, Sven gives me bad vibes too, there some possessiveness there and it's a bit unnerving. I'm glad Mateo offered to let Maia stay as long as she needed....

I'm very sorry it's only a once chapter weekend but there was absolutely no time for me to write any more than a chapter this week. You wouldn't think elections would get that intense at a University Students' Union, but well. it's been a very emotional week managing it, so I'm glad I got to get this chapter out and I hope you enjoy it 😊🥰 If you'd like to to read ahead, you're more than welcome to read up to chapter 20 on Patreon.

As always, thank you so so much for reading, Little Bees! I hope you have a wonderful week and I'm anticipating being on a regular schedule next week!

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