That time I got reincarnated...

By Azatoth14

275K 10.1K 1.9K

This story follows the life of rimuru tempest but his past life will be different. After dying fighting for h... More

CH-1 Death
CH-2 Reincarnation
CH-3 Storm Dragon Veldora
CH-4 Dryads
CH-5 Ogre village
CH-6 Goblins and Direwolves
CH-7 Battle of the Ogre Village
CH-8 Shizue Izawa
CH-9 Preparation
CH-10 Orc Lord
CH-11 Kingdom of Tempest
CH-12 Demon Lord Milim
CH- 13 Charybdis
CH-14 Ingrassia
CH-15 Surprise,Shock or Sorrow
CH-16 Revenge
Ch-17 More Problems
CH-18 Fall of Farmuth
CH-19 Walpurgis
CH-20 Crushing Clayman
CH-21 The Church
CH-22 Merfolk Kingdom
Ch-23 Hinata and the Ten Great Saints
CH-24 Hero
CH-25 Spirit Queen Ramiris
CH-26 Tempest Festival Day-1
CH-27 Tempest Festival Day 2 & 3
CH-28 Tempest Festival Day 4(Part 1)
CH-29 Tempest Festival Day 4(Part 2)
CH-30 Tempest Festival Day 5(Part 1)
CH-31 Tempest Festival Day 5(Part 2)
CH-32 Tempest Festival Day 6(Part 1)
CH-33 Tempest Festival Day 6(Part 2)
CH-34 After the Festival
CH-35 Busted
CH-35.5 ?????
CH-36 Labyrinth Updates
CH-38 The Council (Behind the scenes)
CH-39 Shopping Spree
CH-40 Council Meeting
Side Story:- Conquest of Lanquis(Part 1)
CH-146 Epilogue

CH-37 New Friends

2.1K 77 6
By Azatoth14

I take Shuna and Shion with me to go and visit Adalman. I reach the 60th floor and enter.
"Adalmann, I'm coming in." I say and come in. As soon as I announced myself, he fell to his knees. He is exaggerating as well as ever huh? Oh well. I am used to this by now.
"I am willing to take any punishment for my failure."
"Nah. That's alright. I should have known that a wight wouldn't be a good match agaisnt those Paladins."
"Even then-"
"Even then, the main problem is of your strength right? Tell me Adalmann, how much holy magic can you use?"
"Not much."
"I see. What about you Shuna? And who is the one you obtain that power from?"
"I cannot use holy magic Rimuru-sama but due to my skill I can use an imitation. Of course my faith is in you, Rimuru-sama."
"I see. So I hope you understand that the most important thing for holy magic to work is faith. So, on that note, I will give both of you this skill, the secret skill of faith and favor. I learnt it from Luminous. This should help you use holy magic. Both of you should try to learn and master it. You could always talk and discuss in your free time."
"Hai Rimuru-sama." Both said.
"Also, Adalmann, doesn't holy magic hurt you, seeing that you are a wight."
"A little pain is nothing, my God."

So he is just soldiering through it huh?

"Here, use this." I say as a beam of light leaves me.
"This is holy ray. Unlike its name, it is neither holy or demonic in nature. If used properly it will not hurt you. Of course it is harder to control and master."

The next day, me, Ramiris and Veldora were in the meeting room when Milim barged in.
"I heard someone defeated my dragons."
She said as she entered. She was carrying Gobta as a rag doll with her. He was muttering something."I did it. I survived" over and over. Just what did Milim do to her?

"Hmm? Gobta did quite well. I didnt think he would pass hell mode."
"Uhhhh. Good job Gobta. Go and have some rest." He slowly walked? Crawled? I don't know. He was somewhat between them as he went to a nap to his room.

"Before we do anything, now that Milim is here, let's do this." I give them all a quasi-soul and a black ball.
"Now, hold the black ball and imagine a monster. I am warning you though, choose a monster that you like."

After that we all created a monster. Veldora made a skeleton, I made a ghost , Ramiris made a suit of living armor. Meanwhile Milim made a slime.
"Why a slime Milim?"
"I don't know. I thought it would be fun."
"I see."
"By the way, What are we going to do with these Rimuru?" Veldora asked.
"Simple. The other ball you have is a quasi soul. We will put it in our monster and make our soul reside in it. By doing so we can co troll these monsters. We can use these monsters to fight against the adventurers in the labyrinth."
"I see."
"Sounds fun."

"Alright. You guys. You can go to Kurobee to make him weapons for you. But don't tell him about these, okay?"
"Hai." They say and start planning how to make a team and all.

After a few days, we are still polishing our skills. We have better equipment and teamwork now. It actually seems fun. Of course, I am not cutting slack. I am doing my job properly and only playing, I mean, experimenting in my free time.

Meanwhile, in Seltrozzo

Two figures could be seen in a room. These two figures were Yuuki and Johann Rostia.

"So, Demon lord Rimuru knows about you, Yuuki?"
"Yep. I am pretty sure he knows my plans. He even took the kids away. I was thinking of using them as bargaining chips if u get caught, but now? I have nothing on him."
"Couldn't you have defeated him?" A girl, who just came in asked.
"Nope. Just Rimuru alon would be impossible. Let's not even start talking about the storm dragon and his subordinates. I mean he has a primordial demon serving him. What do you expect me to do? I suggest that we don't do anything to have a direct confrontation with him.

The girl, Maribell, thinks for some while. She was not a simple girl. Just like Rimuru, she was also a reincarnated person. Her family, the Rosso, have always ruled the Western Nations in the shadow and economically, but now that Demon lord Rimuru suddenly appeared, their position was worsening. Both Maribell and Rimuru had the same goal, to effectively have a control over the western nation.

"Very well. Invite the demon lord to join the Western Council."
"Do you think he will join?"
"Why wouldn't he? Would he rather fight against the Eastern Empire on his own?'
"I see."
"Johann, come with me. We will discuss this further." Saying so, Mariabell leaves and Johann follows. Left alone in the room, Yuuki lets out a sigh.
"Are you an idiot? Idiots are so hard to control. Damn it. Of course he will reject. Us humans, to him will be more of a burden."

After that Yuuki goes back to free guild in Ingrassia. Kagali was already there along with the other three.
"So, what happened boss?" Laplace asked.
"Nothi-" Just as Yuuki was about to answer, someone teleported in. Everyone just stared at the person. It was none other than Rimuru.

Rimuru's POV

"Yo Yuuki. You fine?"
"Ahh. Yes. Wait. Why are? How?"
"Are you talking about the barrier. Don't sweat about it."
"I didn't want to do this but" as soon as he says this, he dashes at me. He coated his hand with his unique skill and tried to stab me. He managed to break the barrier as it was a skill but was unable to break through the skin.
"Are you done? I already knew about your connection with Clayman and Rosso."
"What? How?"
"Secret. Anyway, isn't your dream of world domination too childish."
"What do you know? I have done a lot to fulfill it. I was so close to do it."
"I know. You are already in control of the western nation. Maybe a few more decades and Guy and Rudra would have collided and you would have taken advantage."
Yuuki looked surprised as to how I knew.
"Surprised? Doesn't matter. Anyway. I actually came here for two things."
"And those are?"
"I want you to continue acting as Mariabell's puppet. After that, till the time you don't interfere with me, I will not attack you. So? Do we have a deal?"
"I sure have a lot to gain from it. But what about you? You're gaining nothing from this. This wouldn't be a deal if you gained nothing from it."
"Hoh. That is interesting. Then let me make a proposal just like a demon lord would.
'Join me Yuuki, and I will give you half the world.'
Well, not really, but I can guarantee that you will be able to live a happy life with your friends."
"You still didnt tell me what you gain from this."
"Actually, I want you to do a job for me. I want you to go to the Eastern Empire and give me information on it. After I deal with the Rossos."
"I see."
"And don't even think about going against me." As I say that, i slice of the neck of Footman, Tear and Laplace. Kagali looks at me with horror while anger fills Yuuki.
"You bastard."
"Don't worry. I can revive them. But remember, I can kill you just as easily." I blow a hole through Yuuki's stomach. Just as he looks down to see where I pierced him, Kagali starts crying and tries to attack me shouting but they just stop after hitting my barrier. I then revive all of them. Meanwhile, Raphael also analyzed Footman's soul.
"So? Do you accept?"
"Of course, you wouldn't be treated like disposable pawns. That is my guarentee. Also think about what is best for them." I say pointing to the clowns.
"Very well. I agree."

"Good." I say and heal him.
"Oh, also, Kazaream, I will be exploring those ruins with Milim, so could you bring a few archaeologists with you. We will be going in about a month. I will tell you the proper date later.

"By the way,Kagali, do you know anything about Jahil?"
"How did you know about that name?"
"I have my own sources."
"Tell him Kagali. If it's personal matter then I won't force you, but I don't think you need to hide anything from him." Yuuki said. It was more like he didn't want to risk me getting angry. Oh well.

"I see. Jahil, he was the one who possessed my father, the king. After that he continued to do experiments on me until I died. Even after I died he revived me as a deathman and continued to experiment with me. That Bastard!! At that time I had not realized he was possessed. When I told him to stop being this way, he cursed me. He cursed me and gave me that damned body. I used to be a princess of the most powerful country and due to his experiment, I became a monster. That body with all the scars and hideous look. The people started calling me Curse Lord." She said and stopped for a second and continued.
"Of all the things, the only thing I am glad about is that I could meet these people, who I call family. Especially Yuuki." She said the second part blushing.
"I see. Sorry for making you remember something so painful." I say and went to Yuuki and whispered," You better help your wife, Yuuki."
"Ehhh? What do you mean? Me an-"
"Shush. Think about it before you speak. Don't hurt her feelings and sort out your own first."
Me and Yuuki whispered to each other.
"By the way, if I may be rude, Rimuru-sama, why did you ask me about him?"
"Hmm? You don't need to be that polite, you know. Anyway, I believe we might have to meet Jahil in the future. If he becomes our opponent, i will invite you to take revenge. Also, remember about the ruins. Anyhow, remember our deal Yuuki." I say and teleported away back to my room.

Meanwhile, in the room

"Was that the correct choice boss?" Laplace asked.
"Wait, don't you remember?"
"Remember what boss?"
Both Yuuki and Kagali looked surprised.
"Don't you remember? You guys were, were killed?"
"What are you saying boss? We are all still alive."
"Could it have been an illusion? " Kagali asked.
"No. He most probably wiped out their memories." Yuuki answered.

Rimuru's POV

I go back to my room in the labyrinth. I have nothing else to do tonight, so I decided to do something that I really had to do.

I took out all the dragonite I had and create an artificial body. It was based on my body, just a little more feminine. This was of course because of C.C. As a sort of memory of her, I created this body.

>Raphael, can you inhabit this body?<
<Yes. It is possible.>
>Please do so then.<

I feel a part of me leave my body and inhabit the body. It felt weird.

"What does Master want me to do?"
"I am sure you know what I have been thinking, but I will say it once more. Milim has a way of literally having infinite energy, you know that as well."
"So, I think we should also have something that could create energy for us. Even if it is not infinite. You have access to my memories as well, right?"
"So, can you salvage regarding the Mobius System?"
"It is possible."
"So, I actually want you to create a Mobius System. It can, in theory, create infinite energy but was too idiotic to make in our previous world. But in this world, magicules exist. I am sure that they will help in stabilizing it."
"Understood. So, master wants me to create the Mobius System."
"Yes. And not only that but these as well."

I lay out the blueprints of what was in my previous life, a state secret. There were massive turrets. These turrets required a lot of energy in my previous world and hence used as a last resort. It was so costly to use that Space Council had banned its use against human enemies. It could only be used against monster invasion in my previous life. Along with that there were guns, bullets, a few bombs and a 'paralyzer'. It was a bomb that turned all the nearby electronic devices and weapons dead.

"Of course, these blueprints will need a lot of tweaking. Like instead of electricity, we will have to use and disrupt magicule."
"Understood. But may I ask, what is the significance of this body?" Raphael says pointing to herself.
"Nothing. I thought it might evolve along with you and become a better part of yourself."
"I see."
"Then good luck. I hope that you will be able to finish them befor the Empire attacks."
"Yes. Currently I expect them to attack in a year latest. These will be prepared till then."
"That's good. Also you can split your conciousness, right?"
"Yes. So I can still remain inside your mind and soul."
"Alright. Also, make sure that no one knows about your existence."

After that I leave the room and go back to the castle.


I hope you guys enjoyed. Like and follow.

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