Stuck In The 100 - The 100 x...

By 3li_Xoz0

7.3K 214 96

I was just a person, chilling in my house. Playing videos games, watching Netflix, etc etc. You know, the nor... More

Ch 1 - Pilot
Ch 2 - Earth Skills
Authors Note:
Earth Kills
Murphy's Law Part 1
Twilight's Last Gleaming Part 1
Twilights Last Gleaming Part 2!
His Sister's Keeper Part 1

Murphy's Law Part 2

524 21 11
By 3li_Xoz0

⚠️TW: Hanging, Fighting, Violence, Threatening, and Angry Crowds⚠️


"Is this the kind of society that we want?" I look to Clarke hearing what she said shocked. All my efforts to stop this are failing! What do I do, oh god. Clarke turns and faces Bellamy,  You say that there should be no rules. Does that mean that we can kill each other, without-- without punishment!" Clarke states, finding her voice, her oh so irritating voice. "I already told you, I didn't kill anyone." Murphy defends himself. "I say we float him." Someone yells from the crowd and multiple voices agree. It sounded quieter than I remembered, almost like less people were talking. I look like Clarke with fear in my eyes, "That's not what I'm saying." Clarke said taken aback. "Why not, he deserves to float. It's Justice." Said someone, who I beleive is named Connor. I look at Murphy with wide eyes, he looks back before looking around to Clarke. "Revenge isn't justice!" Clarke exclaimed, starting to realize how big of a monumental fuck up she's made. "It's justice. Float him!" Connor shouted! Several people agreeing and chanting "Float him! Float him! Float him!" Over and over again.

A wave of realization passed over Clarkes face as she looked around with wide eyes. Murphy realizing the gravity of the situation, tries to make a run for it only to be tripped and beat up by a handful of people. Many people were kicking him and shouting while Clarke tried to stop everyone yelling for them to get off of him while being held back. "Stop! Please stop!" I yell, tears welling up in my eyes as no one was listening to me. I start to move towards him only for my arm to be grabbed by Octavia who held it with a tight grip. I looked back at her and she looked at me with "don't do it eyes." Some were yelling to hang him, others to get off and stop, and some were just spectating on the sidelines. I looked back at the scene and horror filled my eyes as Murphy was being pushed down a hill. I yanked my arm away from Octavia's grasp and started heading closer to where the rope would be tied.  I grab a small hand axe holding it behind my back. I look at Charlotte who seemed horrified as she should. 

I know she's just a kid, but I can't help but still be mad at her. If she would just say something now, she could stop this before he gets hung! I look back as they had him up on the box gagged. I starred at him with wide teary eyes, and he starred back. "You can stop this! They'll Listen to you!" Clarke yelled to Bellamy. I looked at him giving a silent glare. Sometimes silence can say a lot more than words, he looked at Murphy, then me for a second then back to Clarke. "Bellamy, you should do it." All the instigators then started chanting for Bellamy to do it, he looked back at Clarke, they to Murphy, and then everyone around who was chanting for him. 

"I saw you in the woods with Atom! I know your not a killer." Clarke pleaded, while he looked back to Murphy who was shaking his head no. "Bellamy, don't do this! Don't..." Bellay started nearing the box, Clarke chasing after him yelling for him to stop, just as he was about to kick the box, I brought up the axe to the rope and swung it as hard as I could.


Just as the box fell over, the snapping of a rope was heard, and Murphy, instead of hanging, fell to the ground with a loud thud. "JUST FUCKING STOP! ALL OF YOU. WE DON'T EVEN KNOW IF HE ACTUALLY KILLED WELLS OR NOT!" yelled Y/n who held an axe and a had a look of fire in her (e/c) eyes. There was a moment of confusion and silence. Charlotte seemed horrified at the situation slowly backing away like a coward, while Clarke and Bellamy seemed relived. One half of the crowd was relived and the others, angry and confused. Some people started shouting and yelling out of anger and begun to approach Y/n angrily. She backed away, axe held out in front of her. Bellamy turned to Clarke yelling that this was her fault, and Finn came out from the bushes yelling, "What the hell are you doing!" he started approaching Murphy only to be held back by Connor who threatened him with a knife. Murphy lied there on the ground unable to move looking up and over at Y/n who had cut him down gratefully. 


As people angrily started approaching me, I held out my axe in front of me pointing it towards them. I looked at Murphy who lied on the ground in binds, and then behind into the woods and made a run for it. I ran through trees, dodging branches and stumps. I kept running till I could no longer hear the camp, adrenaline the only thing that kept me going. I looked behind me seeing that no one was following and slowed down, coming to a halt to catch my breath. I sat on a fallen over tree running my hands through my (h/t) (h/c) hair and sighed in relief. I look back up to suddenly see Lincoln in front of me. I stare with wide eyes, and he stares back, just as he raised the handle of his sword to knock me out I yell, "Wait! Ai laik Y/n kom Skaikru! Lets talk!"

3RD POV: (back at camp)

As Y/n turns and runs, Charlotte shakes herself out of Octavia's grasp and yells, "Stop! Ok! Murphy didn't kill Wells! I did." She declared and everyone got real quiet after that looking at her in shock. "Oh my god." Clarke mumbles and rushes over to Murphy to untie him and check his injuries.

. . .

" Bring out the girl Bellamy!" Murphy yelled from outside the tent that Clarke and Bellamy rushed Charlotte into. "Why Charlotte." Bellamy questioned, "Because!.. I was just trying to slay my demons like you told me." Charlotte replied looking guilty. "What the hell is she talking about?" Clarke asked, uneasiness laced in her voice. "She misunderstood me. Charlotte that is not what I meant!" Bellamy defended. "Bring the girl out now!!!" Murphy screamed, Charlotte heard it, terrified she says, "please don't let them hurt me!" Bellamy turns to Clarke and Finn, "if you guys have any bright ideas, speak up." There was a pause of silence, "Now you stay quiet!" Bellamy exclaims. "Those are your boys out there." Finn remarked, "This is not my fault! If she had listened to me, or Y/n those idiots would still be building the wall and Y/n wouldn't be missing!" Bellamy yelled, referring to Clarke. There was a pause of silence as Murphy yelled, "You want to build a society, Princess? Let's build a society! Bring her out!" Charlotte glanced out the tent flaps terrified, "No! Please Bellamy." She pleaded, Bellamy sighed and bent down to her level. "Look Charlotte, hey, it's gonna be ok. Just, stay with them." He reassured her, referring to Clarke and Finn. Bellamy went out the tent to talk to Murphy, while Clarke and Finn helped Charlotte escape through the back of the tent.


"How do you know the language of our people?" He questioned seeming slightly concerned. Uh oh, this is bad... "Uh- th-thats a secret!" I blurted out unsure of how to respond to him, "I-I just do ok!" Truth is I taught myself it back in my world before I came here. It was pretty much the only thing I could learn without getting bored and forgetting the second after I "learnt it". You might of guessed, but school wasn't exactly my strong suite.. that being said I think I did okkkk... I look back at Lincoln realizing I got slightly off topic. He looked back at me, seeming to study me before ruffly grabbing hold of my wrist and dragging me behind him. "W-Wait! Where are you taking me!" He didn't exactly answer, he just made a grunting noise and kept pulling me by the wrist. I followed him careful not to step on any twigs and snap any branches as we walked.

We were walking for about and a good 30 minutes before we came across Lincoln's cave. We went inside and he told me to sit, so I did. He pulled up a chair and starred at me waiting for me to say something. "I.." I start, unsure how to go about this. I wasn't prepared for this, I sighed and tried again. "Look, us from Skaikru, we were sent here against our will, we didn't know anyone was down here when we landed. I apologize for landing in your peoples territory." I said and bowed my head to him in apologies. He seemed taken aback for a second before thinking for awhile. I raised my head and starred at him while waiting for a response. "I understand." He replied. That was all he said, I think about what to do next and realize I should ask him about why they speared Jasper, er well me. So I can report back that they did it simply as a warning. I need him to answer the question, even though I already know the answer so he doesn't get any more suspicious of me than he already is.

I fiddle with my blue ribbon in my pocket to calm my nerves before asking, "You speared me. Why?" I question, he looks at me in understanding, regret flashing in his features before calmly replying. "The boarder. You cant go to mount weather. There are people there, bad people." He answered, explaining the best he can without giving away too much information. I look down with wide eyes and nod my head in understanding. I'm not sure why he's answering me at all, it's odd, but I'm grateful for it. "and.. I'm sorry for spearing you." He says looking slightly embarrassed. I laugh a bit and sigh, "It's ok, I understand." He seems relieved to hear that. I look out the window to see the sun setting. Soon Charlotte will escape and go to that cliff. I need to stop that. I look back at Lincoln realizing I have yet to ask him his name. "I'm Y/n." I say looking at him expectantly. I hesitates before replying, "Lincoln." I nod my head, "Do you.. do you think we could attempt to set up some sort of meeting? So we can discuss some sort of peace treaty?" I question looking at him hopeful. He thinks for a second before replying, "Maybe. But will your people agree to that? They are scared of us." I nod my head, "They might. As long as nothing violent happens again." I look at him with determination. I'm determined to stop this war, so no one else has to get hurt. "I understand, I will see what I can do but I cannot promise you anything. Meet here once more in 2 days to discuss when to meet." I look slightly worried, knowing what's supposed to happen with these coming few days. "A lot can happen in just 2 days." I say concerned, he acknowledges my concern before replying, "There isn't much I can do, I'm not due to go back until 2 days time." he said simply. I nod and look back out seeing the sun almost gone.

"I need to go." I say and he nods watching me leave. I start running back to the cliff where I know Charlotte would fall. I need to talk to Clarke and Bellamy about this, but first I have to save Charlotte. I run until I can hear the yelling of Charlotte trying to get to Murphy, I don't have much time. I approach the cliff and everyone was already there, and it was dark out. I hide in the bushes, ready to run out and grab Charlotte before she jumps. "We can talk about this." Clarke says, Murphy looks at Charlotte before grabbing hold of Clarke and putting his knife to her neck. Here we go. "I'm sick, of listening to you talk." Murphy says threateningly, "Let her go." Finn says stepping towards them, Murphy points his knife out, "I will slit her throat." He threatens, "No please. Don't hurt her." Charlotte pleads. "Don't hurt her? Ok, I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now I will let her go." Murphy says giving a ultimatum. It's soon, I can't let her die. 

"Don't do it Charlotte!" Clarke yells, She tries to walk forward only to be held back by Bellamy, "Don't do it Charlotte!" Clarke repeats herself. "No! No, I have to!" She struggle against Bellamy, my eyes widen, and adrenaline starts pumping throughout my body as I get ready to run out. Bellamy grabs Charlotte and holds her place before looking back to Murphy and shaking his head. "Murphy, this is not happening." He states, "I can't let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me, not after what I did" I run out "NO!" I scream as she turns and jumps. I grab hold of her arm barely stopping myself from falling with her.  Everyone stares at me with wide eyes, "Y/N, CHARLOTTE!" Clarke screams getting out of Murphy's hold, "NO!" Bellamy screams going down to grab onto Charlotte's arm as well to secure her and help me pull her up.

Finn and Clarke run up behind us as I start to slip and hold onto me and help me pull Charlotte up. "NO! NO NO!" She screams struggling to get out of our grasp and fall into the rocky depths below. Murphy stands there shocked, unsure what to do. We pull her up and I hold onto her in a tight hug like my life depends on it and so does Clarke. "NO! NO I HAVE TO." She sobs and starts breaking down. Bellamy looks at the scene before turning to Murphy. He charges at him and starts beating him to a pulp. "Finn!" I yell for him and I look at Clarke. "Hold onto Charlotte!" I say to them both. "Bellamy!" I hear Murphy yell as Bellamy is on top of him punching him. Finn and Clarke have a strong hold on the crying Charlotte. I race over and tackle Bellamy off Murphy. "Stop! You're going to kill him!" I screamed and we rolled in the dirt, "Get off me! He deserves to die!" With this I see red and I slap him across the face. He is shocked for a second and looks at me. "We don't decide who lives and dies! Not down here!" Clarke says coming over, I look and see Finn holding Charlotte who had cried herself to sleep.

I stand up and go over to Murphy to see if he's alright. Bellamy is fuming, "So help me god, if you say the people have the right to decide--." He gets cut off, "No! I was wrong before, ok? You were right, sometimes it's dangerous to tell people the truth. But if were gonna survive down here, we can just live by whatever the hell we want! We need rules." Bellamy ((was standing there like a angry god.. aNd iN mY blOoD cOulDn'T kEeP yOUUU MY DEARRRR YOU"RE NOT SO INNOCENT! - LOL SORRY SORRY CONTINUE)) huffed angrily, "And who makes those rules, huh? You?" "For now, we make the rules. Ok?" Clarke interjects. "So what then? We just take him back and pretend like it never happened?" My eyes go wide, their gonna banish him. "No!" Clarke yells looking back to Murphy and me and before continuing, "We banish him."

"NO! THATS THE SAME AS A FUCKING DEATH SENTENCE RIGHT NOW!" I yell while wiping some of the blood away from Murphy's forehead. Bellamy ignores me and grabs Murphy by the collar and holds him off the cliff. "Stop!" I say knowing he wont be dropping him. "If I ever catch you near camp, we'll be back here. Understand?" Murphy just nods before being thrown to the ground. "As for the four of you, you can come back and follow me, or go off with him to die. Your choice." Bellamy states referring to Murphy's followers. He walks off and most people follow, me and Finn linger, and Finn throws Murphy the scissors he was holding. He turns to leave and I put a hand on his chest to stop him. He looks at me, "Tell them I'll be back soon." I say and pause for a second before continuing, "and, you should really start thinking about Raven more." I whisper into his ear before going to help Murphy up.

Finn is taken aback by this, but nods before walking away. I turn back to Murphy and he accepts my help while grabbing the scissors. "Look, I know a place you can go. You will be safe there." I say to him and he looks at me shocked before nodding his head. "Where is it?" He questions, giving me a curious look. "With a friend." I reply before taking his hand to lead him away. As we're running, I feel a slight shock in my wrist and look down at my band to see it had fallen off. I look at Murphy and he looks back, just as confused as I was. Before I remembered what had happened. Monty fried the wristbands, I shake it off and grab Murphy's wrist again and lead him through the dark forest.

Author's Note: This is my longest chapter yet! Jeez a lot happened. Who do you think out lovely Y/n is bringing Murphy to? Leave guesses in the comments below! I'm excited to see where this goes and I hope you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I am enjoying writing this! Thank you for reading!  -3li <3

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