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By deadlybookish-writer

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969 26 0
By deadlybookish-writer

Hela was sitting on top of a tree as Jacob and Benjamin worked together to start a fire.

Jacob drops a few logs of wood as Benjamin conjures fire on his fingers and lights the wood. Jacob smiles and sit nexts to Benjamin on a bench as he says "That's what I'm talkin' about. A little pre-battle bonfire. Telling war stories" He looks around and comments "Or just standing there like frickin' statues."

Garret speeds in and sits next to them as he says "Name any American battle. I was there."

Jacob thinks about it and blurts out "Little bighorn."

"I came this close to biting Custer. But the Indians got him first" Garret states as he hold his fingers close together.

Kate speeds in and sits next to Garret as she adds "Try Oleg's assault on Constantinople. He didn't win that one on his own."

Liam, a member of the Irish coven boasts "lf you're talking battles, you're talking the Eleven Years war. No one does rebellion like the Irish."

"You lost the Eleven Years war" Garret points out.

"Aye. But it was one hell of a rebellion" Liam stated and laughs.

Eventually every vampire sits at the campfire while the Romanian coven tells their story.

"- When we ruled, everything came to us. Prey, diplomats, favor seekers. Such was our power. But we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints" Vladimir told them.

Stefan smiles as he adds "We were honest about what we were."

Vladimir stares into the fire as he reflects "We sat still for a very long time. We didn't notice we were beginning to petrify."

"Perhaps the Volturi did us a favor when they burned our castles" Stefan shrugs.

Eleazar looks up at Hela and asks "What about you?"

"What about me?" Hela raises her eyebrows.

Vladimir speaks up "Well miss 'We have fought angels' you must have some good war stories?"

Hela jumped down from the tree and asked "You vamps want to hear there story about angelic and demonic wars?"

"Of course! This is the first time we have all met a demon and most of the stories in the books will probably be untrue, so please!" Charlotte speaks from beside Peter.

Hela frowns at them a little, but told the story anyway "Eons ago, God had created his sons the Archangels, The eldest Micheal, Lucifer, Rapheal and Gabriel. Overtime God grew more creative and he made humans, he told his sons and all his other creations that they should love humans more then they love him. The Archangels were hesitant, but did as he said except one, Lucifer. He didn't understand, how was he supposed to love these things more then his father and so he didn't, he played with them and corrupted them. God grew angry that Lucifer disobeyed his order and wanted to cast him out, Lucifer turned to his brother Micheal and begged him to stand to his side that God was wrong.

Micheal was disgusted by Lucifer and rejected him. With no-one at his side, Lucifer was casted out to Hell. Lucifer was all alone, but he wanted to get revenge on his father. So he corrupted and changed sinful humans, turned them into demons, his followers. He wanted to make himself the opposite of God. Years went by and Lucifer grew estranged, he saw what his demons did to the world and regretted his decision. He still hated humans, but his demons were out of control. Micheal was planning and plotting, he wanted to put Lucifer and his demons down for good. One day when Lucifer tried to make his demons listen to him and get control of themselves, Micheal and his angelic army attacked them. Lucifer was heavily wounded, but Micheal was as well. Lucifer was furious, did he understand why Micheal did it? Yes, but his demons also deserved better. Lucifer went out and seeked someone to help him get control of his demons and help him against Micheal. Eventually he found me, together we got the demons under control and ready for battle if needed.

The next time Micheal attacked, we were ready and attacked back with much more strength. Every angel was killed and Lucifer was this close to kill Micheal, but the other Archangels stepped in and stopped him. They told them that they had a better solution than all of this war, an agreement. Heaven would leave hell alone and Hell would stay under control as it was then. Lucifer agreed and they left each other alone for years, until humanity grew and found ways to make deals with demons. Again, Micheal was pissed off, but the actual problem was that Lucifer wasn't in hell. He had reborn himself into a human to understand humanity. Micheal declared war once again and this time hell was weaker then ever without their king. Demons and angels fought against each other in battle, but Lucifer stopped it all as he argued with Micheal. He yelled at him saying that we couldn't control the sins of humans and that this was all pointless. Micheal wouldn't back down, but God stopped him from doing any worse damage. Angels have gone into hiding ever since, sometimes rogue angels appear and we take care of them. Over more then a thousand years, most demons have been in control and we've lived peacefully among humans."

Every vampire was intrigued by the story and some even had their eyes wide from the story.

Garret cleared his throat and broke the silence "Well that was definitely not the same as they write in the books."

Everyone laughed and they moved onto the next story. Hela was just staring into the fire, recalling all the wars, the bloodshed and the pain that would never leave her mind.

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