By madebyrach

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Mother, let me tell you a secret Your flowers always died in my hands And I hated being the goddess of spri... More

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21K 812 50
By madebyrach

"So... you're skipping the dance?"


"To stake out the monster's lair?"


"... With Eugene?"


Persephone blinks for a moment, before shrugging. "Each to their own, I guess." Wednesday is standing behind Persephone weaving her brunette locks into a complicated plait, interlacing small red roses into the strands. Persephone trusts Wednesday's unrivalled braiding skills and allows her to have creative freedom to do as she wishes. Wednesday was surprised when Persephone asked for her help but was willing to oblige. She likes plaiting hair; it reminds her of making a noose out of rope.

"Done." Wednesday states, securing the braid with ribbon. Persephone admires the hairstyle in a mirror as Wednesday stalks back to her side of the room to prepare for her stakeout.

"Thank you, Wednesday." Persephone says softly, Wednesday only acknowledging her with a nod before returning to rummaging through her drawers. A cheerful knock is heard at the door, both girls assuming it was Eugene as Hades and Persephone planned to meet downstairs.

"I'm coming, Eugene!" Wednesday calls out, hurrying to grab anything she may have forgotten. Persephone, noticing Wednesday's unusually dishevelled state, makes her way to the door to greet Eugene. "Hey, did you happen to grab any extra batteries for the flash-"

The door opens as Wednesday looks up to spot someone who is definitely not Eugene. Persephone's eyebrows furrow. "Tyler?"

"Tyler." Wednesday murmurs, frozen in place. Tyler's eyes fly between the two girls, looking just as confused.

"I got your invite. Guessing you had Thing drop it in the tip jar?" Tyler speculates, holding up a note that had been typed on Wednesday's typewriter.

Persephone sneaks a glance at Thing as Wednesday's face hardens. "Good guess." She grits out, Persephone shaking her head disapprovingly at Thing as he drops to the floor.

"After our last conversation, I wasn't sure I'd even get to speak to you again, but... Well, your note was so genuine and... sweet. Totally took me by surprise." Tyler explains as Persephone becomes even more confused.

"Genuine and sweet? Yeah, that definitely sums up our Wednesday." She comments sarcastically before Wednesday elbows her in the stomach.

"Me too." Wednesday hisses out, ignoring Persephone's sarcasm.

Tyler's smile widens, "Well, now that I'm here, I'm glad I came." Wednesday shuffles on her feet, looking uncomfortable in the situation. "You need a few minutes?"

Wednesday still looks frozen in shock so Persephone decides to help her out. "She'll be out soon." Then the door is slammed in Tyler's face and Wednesday storms over to Thing.

"Genuine and sweet? How could you do this to me?" Frustrated sighs leave her lips as she rummages through her wardrobe. Thing snaps twice and gestures to Wednesday's bed where a gothic black dress is laid out. "How'd you pay for it?" She asks, while picking up the dress to inspect it. Thing holds up all his fingers. "Five-finger discount, of course."

Wednesday enters her wardrobe to change into the dress as Persephone allows Thing to climb onto her shoulder. "Thing, don't look." Persephone warns, walking away from Wednesday's side of the room to get her hair and makeup bags out. "Let's get to work."

◇ ◇ ◇

Hades walks up behind Tyler who stands in front of a display case looking at an old photo of the fencing team from when Morticia Frump was captain. Tyler wears a white suit with a blue shirt underneath which contrasts with Hades' jet black striped suit and matching black shirt. Some chain necklaces hang down from his neck and a set of rings adorn his fingers.

"You here for Wednesday?" Hades asks, as he stands next to the normie boy and stares emotionlessly at the display case.

"Y-yeah." Tyler responds.

"I know Wednesday is perfectly capable of handling herself," Hades begins, shoving his hands into his pockets. "But I'm still her brother. So if you hurt her... there's no place you will be able to hide from me." Hades' narrowed eyes flicker to meet Tyler's in the glassy reflection. "I'll kill you with my bare hands." His threat seems to do the trick as Tyler's face falls. Patting the now traumatised boy on the shoulder, he lets a sadistic smile pull at his lips. "Good luck."

Hades hears two pairs of footsteps heading down the stairs and stands at the bottom to wait.

"Weds, stop fussing." He hears Persephone whisper. "You look fine!"

The two girls descend the stairs together, Wednesday still smoothing down her dress as Tyler stands as far away from Hades as he possibly can. But Hades doesn't focus on that. How can he look at anything else when all he sees is her.

She wears a long black dress that ends at her ankles with a slit travelling up the right thigh, exposing her leg. Black gloves encase her hands and advance up her arm, with a diamond necklace secured around her neck. The look is finished by the long braid resting against her back, decorated with red roses. It sums up Persephone and Hades perfectly, capturing their two styles and personalities into a modernly gothic yet elegant outfit.

Hades' eyes shamelessly travel up and down her form, tracing every curve and memorising every detail. He is captivated by how she makes such a simple attire look heavenly stunning. The world fades away as he gazes up at her. He has stood firm and unfaltering his entire life... but now his legs shake.

Persephone nearly missteps as she stares into Hades' eyes. His suit fits him very well and makes him look like the dangerous troublemaker Weems warned her about. This just makes him all the more attractive to Persephone. He makes her feel giddy and euphoric inside. And as he smiles up at her, all she could think was, 'Oh shit'.

The Goddess of Spring and God of the Underworld stand before one another. Their eyes convey what words can never express, souls speaking in ways no one else can understand. They were always destined to meet, for their souls were always searching to find their lost mate. The heavenly angels let out a sigh and the devilish demons release a loud cheer, as the King and Queen of Hell connect on earth. And the world will not survive if the Fates decide to tear them apart.

"You look like a fucking queen, Cara Mía." Hades declares, reaching out to grip onto Persephone's waist and pull her closer to him.

A corner of her mouth lifts into a half-smirk. "I'm your queen, Mon Cher." Hades would've kissed her right then and there if his sister wasn't standing a few feet away from him.

Persephone's figure-hugging black dress reminds Wednesday of her mother's usual attire while her brother looks the spitting image of her father. Wednesday feels like she has been sent back in time, cursed to watch her mother and father fall in love right before her eyes.

The attention of the two couples is pulled away by the appearance of Eugene, fully kitted out and prepared for the stakeout. Persephone's heart sinks as she remembers what Wednesday's original plan for the night was.

"Eugene?" Wednesday asks, shock and a slight pang of guilt settling in.

"Wednesday, what's going on?" Eugene questions, eyes flickering from the goth girl to the normie boy. "Uhh, what happened to staking out the cave?"

Wednesday looks to be fumbling for an answer when Persephone cuts in, "Sorry, Eugene. I convinced Wednesday to go to the dance. I totally forgot about your stakeout." She apologises, placing her hands on the boy's shoulders.

Eugene tries to not let the hurt show on his face as he looks at Wednesday over Persephone's shoulder. "Sure, I get it. Guess I'll check out the woods myself."

"Don't go alone." Wednesday orders, stepping around Persephone to stand in front of the boy. "It's too dangerous. Stand down." Eugene looks down at the floor, feeling betrayed by one of his only friends. "We'll go together tomorrow night, understood?"

Eugene gives a small nod of confirmation, making Wednesday turn and walk away. Tyler follows behind like a lost puppy.

"Wednesday was going to stake out a cave with Eugene?" Hades questions Persephone, moving to stand next to her.

"Don't ask." Persephone replies, a sinking feeling forming in the pit of her stomach as she watches Eugene stalk off. She hopes he has listened to Wednesday and returns to his dorm for the night.

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