Web Warriors: Part 2. Legacy...

By nightcrow92

1.2K 75 48

Arash and Peter go back to New York after the events of Persia and Arash have to deal with the consequences o... More

Prologue: Far From Trials
P. FFT: Chapter 1
P. FFT: Chapter 2
P. FFT: Chapter 3
P. FFT: Chapter 4
P. FFT: Chapter 5
P. FFT: Chapter 6
P. FFT: Chapter 7
P. FFT: Chapter 8
P. FFT: Chapter 9
P. FFT: Chapter 10
1. AC: Chapter 1
1. AC: Chapter 2
1. AC: Chapter 3
1. AC: Chapter 4
1. AC: Chapter 5
1. AC: Chapter 6
1. AC: Chapter 7
1. AC: Chapter 8
1. AC: Chapter 9
1. AC: Chapter 10
1. AC: Chapter 11
1. AC: Chapter 12
1. AC: Chapter 13
1. AC: Chapter 14
1. AC: Chapter 15
Web Interlude: Doing Too Much
Warrior Interlude: Visiting Hours
Part 2: Legacy Incarnate
2. LI: Chapter 1
2. LI: Chapter 2
2. LI - Chapter 3
2. LI - Chapter 4
2. LI - Chapter 5
2. LI - Chapter 6

Part 1. Absolute Carnage

55 2 1
By nightcrow92

Special Guests:

Harry Osborn / Green Goblin - Played by Dane DeHaan

Cletus Kasady / Carnage - Played by Jackie Earle Haley

Dwayne Taylor – Played by Titus Makin Jr.

David Lieberman – Played by Ebon Moss-Bachrach

Melvin Potter – Played by Matt Gerald

Danny Rand – Played by Finn Jones

↢ ᗢ ❢ ─── ♔ 🕸 ♔ ─── ❢ ᗢ ↣


"What are you doing?" – Asked Farah

"Nothing..." – said Arash with his hands behind his back

"Are those the blades you used to use when you were Nightcrow" – Asked Farah

"No" – said Arash

"Arash...." – trailed Farah

"Fine, they are" – said Arash taking the blades of his back

"What are you doing with them?" – Asked Farah

"Training" – said Arash


"Can you see who was it?" – Asked Felicia seeing her boyfriend on the computer

"His face isn't showing, is like the bastard knew we had a security camera" – complained Eddie

"Wait, hold on, stop the video" – said Felicia

"Why? what are you seeing?" – Asked Eddie 

"Look at the back of his jacket, doesn't the logo remind you of something" – Asked Felicia pointing at what she was refering to in the video

"No way" – gasped Eddie


"Nice to meet you Mr. Mohammadi, my name is Jimmy Woo" – said the man introducing himself and making a presentation card appear on his hand before giving it to the boy

"Charming, but I still don't understand why are you here for" – pointed out Arash looking at the card and then at the man

"I'm here to make sure you follow the rules of the agreements you settle on court" – said Jimmy


"They are not your friends and you are not his friend" – said Eric

"You say that, but thats not what I see and feel, at least Arash is helping me with finding auditions you don't care what I do or not" – argued Simon

"Open your eyes Simon, they just pity you, you are nothing to them, you can do all you want to be part of their world but you are not part of it" – said Eric

"Just because Dr. Banner rejected your work doesn't make all of them bad, you are nagging me, but you are the one acting like a bratty kid who didn't get his way" – complained Simon earning a backhand slap from his dad

"Don't you dare to dispect me like that EVER, are we clear?" – Yelled Eric to his son


"It was one of your workers, I just know it" – stated Eddie looking at the male behind the desk

"And your proof is a glitchy and blurry picture of what it seems to be the logo of my company?" – said Harry with a cocky smirk

"You have your reasons to come for me and Felicia after what happened to your father, which I may add is not my fault at all" – said Eddie

"Keep my father's name out of your mouth Brock if you know what's good" – warned Harry

"What are you gonna do? Huh? Because in case you forgot you are at disadvantage" – said Eddie with a smirk and his eyes turned black for a moment before going back to normal


"This suit is awesome" – said Arash sounding excited behind the mask

"Of course is awesome, I did it" – said Shuri with a smirk looking how it looked on the boy 

"Well, I'm happy if you are happy, I just need to know if it's safe for you to be protected around" – said Peter

"It's next level, I'll be fine" – said Arash – "It even has different types of visions on the mask, night vision, heat vision, x-ray and...ummmm" – trailed Arash seeing the backpack of his boyfriend  – "Peter, why do you have a camera in your backpack" – He wasked

"Because I had a great idea that is gonna help you with the bad publicity" – said Peter


"First lesson: Meditation" – said Wanda

"Excuse me? How that is something new for me? I been meditating since I can remember and I do it just fine" – said Arash

"I guess now is working very well to channel your magic, right?" – Asked Wanda to which the teen opened his mouth to say something but didn't say anything and closed his mouth again – "that's what I thought" – she added with a smirk

"Ok, "Miss Supreme Witch", what is my problem then?" – Asked Arash annoyed

"I'm guessing your meditation before was to relax, am I right?" – Asked Wanda to which the boy nodded – "you gotta unlearn that, because now you have to learn how to meditate to find something within you and channel your magic in a new way" – he explained


"Mr. Osborn, are you sure about doing this? Your dad already tried to tame this creatures and failed" – said a scientist on the lab

"Which is why, I'm not the one that is gonna try it" – said Harry

"Then who?" – Asked the scientist

"Do you remember the man that trespassed yesterday?" – Asked back Harry

"What about him?" – Asked the scientist very confused

"I kept him locked in one of the testing rooms, we can start the trial with him on the lead to see how he reacts to the subject?" – explained Harry with an evil smile while looking at the little black goo that was traped inside a hard glass container and it was moving around


"Do you think you can help me with it?" – Asked Arash

"Much definetly, compared to my knowledge that thing is acient history" – said Tony

"Thanks Tony" - said Arash with a smile

"I just wanna know...are you sure about your training sessions with the Wicked Witch of the West?" – Asked Tony – "not that I don't trust her, we all know the truth about what happened and we are much to blame for leaving her like that, but I just wanna make sure" – he explained

"I'm sure about it, besides is a good way to keep an eye on her after the whole Westview thing, don't you think?" - Asked Arash


"Cat? You better come here" – said Peter on the other side of the line

"Where are you? What's going on?" – Asked Arash confused

"I'm not quite sure what's going on, but...I think Eddie has lost control of Venom, I'm currently chasing him, Karen will send you the direction" – said Peter

"What are you talking about Tiger? I have Eddie on hold right now on a call, we were just talking" – said Arash

"What?" – Asked Peter before the call gets cut off

"Peter? Peter!" – called Arash but without answer on the other side of the line


"Are you sure you are ready for this one? It could be dangerous" – warned Farah

"Anything can be dangerous for me right now, so I don't need to be ready, I just need to do all that is in my power to help" – said Arash

"That's the problem, "your power" is not working as before, you only have the suit, some gadgets and your abilities" – said Farah

"I also didn't expect for our first mission to be the infiltration on a multibillion dollar corporation, but we gotta take the leap to know if this is going to work or not" – said Arash

"Hey guys, are you ready?" – Asked Eddie approaching the duo with Felicia on her suit already

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A/N: Here we go people! First Part of the book and as you guys can see we are going already big on it, if you guys remember well I changed the origin of how Eddie got Venom from the movies in "The Prince and the Spiderman" book, instead of having something to do with The Life Foundation and Carlton Drake, it was OSCORP and Norman Osborn was the one that had Riot, fight Eddie and Venom and died.

Now we have Harry here looking for vengance against Eddie and Felicia who also was in the whole origin thing being his ex-girlfriend and I bring a re-cast of Cletus Kassidy as you can see, I thought about using Woody Harrelson, but since I changed things about Eddie and the whole film story but using a bit of it, I decided to re-cast him with Jackie Earle Haley which I think is a pretty good option, I know he and Eddie are supposed to be contemporany in age but they ditched that on the film, so I guess I can do the same

We also have some Special Guest from my Defenders book "Rhythm of the Hero" I didn't put them in the preview unlike other characters that didn't appear on the Prologue, because their interaction is small so I rather you guys read it and see what are they doing here, also there is gonna be a little surprise there so...yeah 😜

Anyway, that's all for the day, it was supposed to be posted yesterday but as usual my internet screw me over and it wasn't working well yesterday, so we got the post a day late and I bet is anticlimactic that I just give you this post instead of a chapter, but I will make it up to you guys I promise...OH! And just so you guys know, I'm going to edit the name of the book each time we are in a new part, until I finish it and then the title will only be "Web Warriors", I hope that helps the book a bit.

Please leave Comments and Votes so I know that you guys are out there, shout out to LauraLerma868 and JohannaShiyagaya for adding this book on a Reading List, I appreciate the support and thanks to anyone reading, I will see you guys next Wednesday for the first chapter of this part ✨🏹🕷⚫🐱‍👤

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