By Queenbee_Jikook

196K 12.2K 1.2K

After catching his boyfriend in bed with another alpha, Jeon Jungkook needs a quiet space away before he does... More

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By Queenbee_Jikook


Five days later...

Jimin heard the bell over his
door and lifted his head just
in time to see yet another
floral delivery to his office.

He glanced around his already claustrophobic office littered
with vases.

Every single day, he got a delivery. Sometimes two.

One at the office during the
day and possibly another in
the evening at home.

He'd tried to refuse them but the drivers simply left them on the steps outside or the sidewalk.

After he'd called the florist and demanded no more, Jungkook just found another florist.

"Someone die?" the newest driver asked, glancing around.

"No but if I get one more delivery, someone just might."

The young beta frowned, not seeming to understand.

He shrugged, apparently past caring.

"You Park Jimin?"

"Will it help if I say no?"

"You're not Park Jimin?" the
man asked, clearly confused.

"Just give me the flowers." He said as he rose from his desk.

He handed the delivery driver
his last cash and bid the
man bye.

Once he found a bare spot to
set the new vase, he eyed the card peeking out through the long-stemmed roses.

He'd been ignoring the cards, hoping the endless parade of flowers would eventually stop
but Jungkook had a tenacity Jimin hadn't quite expected.

And he hated to admit that he liked the attention some.

He should've put his foot down sooner but at that point, it
was starting to go overboard.

Way past overboard at this point.

This needs to stop.

He reached in for the small
white envelope and opened it.

Almost home... I'll see you soon...


Almost home?

What did that mean?

Suddenly curious, Jimin
searched through the other cards, looking for clues.

Finally, he found the one he needed.

Have to fly out for a few days
on business...

we WILL talk when I get back...


Jimin sighed.

All he had to do was call Jungkook and he could end it.

But he also feared he wouldn't
be able to say no if he spoke
to the alpha again.

Turning back to his desk, he gazed through the plate glass window and saw Jungkook stepping out of his red car, parked just down the street.


Jimin wasn't ready for that conversation.

Not yet.

He ducked into the small backroom where he stored
pieces of furniture and
samples, hiding from sight.

The bell on the door clanged
And he heard footsteps into
the office.

"Hello?" Jungkook paused
before calling out again.


Quietly stepping over a few end tables he still needed to deliver, Jimin hedged closer to the
back door.

"Jimin? I know I saw someone
in here when I pulled up."

Jungkook said, his voice
strong and clear.

And clearly doing things to Jimin's libido.

He felt a tremor of need
move down his spine...

as his cock thickened.

"Come on... let's talk, Jiminie."

He froze and glared toward
the front of the office.

He wanted to argue and tell Jungkook to never call him
that again but bit his tongue.

All while turning the knob on the back door. He wedged himself outside and slowly closed the door before racing up the
back stairwell to Tae's studio.

Tae lifted his head from his
work and narrowed his stare.

"Who're you running from?"

"Your brother."

Jimin said before sneaking behind a few canvasses
leaning against one wall.

"Why? What has he done?"

Footsteps sounded on the
stairs below and Jimin tensed.

"Please." he whispered.

"I'll tell you when he's gone."

Tae nodded before turning with
a brilliant smile for his brother.

"Kook, darling."

"What're you doing here?"

"I came for my painting and
I'd hoped to speak with Jimin
but he's not downstairs."

"Maybe he had an appointment."

"He's in and out most days."

"With the doors unlocked and
no sign on the door?" Jungkook paused.

"You don't think something's wrong, do you? I looked
around but I didn't see anything amiss." He paused again.

"Maybe I should call the guard."

"No, no, no... he's fine," Tae said.

"He can be a little absent-minded and leaves his office unlocked
at times. I'm sure he's okay."

"This neighborhood is pretty quiet. It's why I chose it."

"He should take better
care of himself and his
business." Jungkook snapped.

"I'll pass along the
message." Tae murmured, glancing at Jimin from the
corner of his eye.

"Which I'm sure he will take kindly. We omegas love having orders barked at us from alphas."

Jimin had to put a hand over
his mouth to cover his chuckle.

What he wouldn't have done to see the look on Jungkook's face
after that, especially as he
didn't verbally respond to Tae's comment.

"Have you seen him
today?" Jungkook asked.

"Who?" Tae asked with a grin.

"Jimin." Jungkook said,
sounding irritated.

"Oh, yes. This morning as I
came in. He was working away
in his little floral paradise." Tae grinned widely.

"A bit much but I might steal
one or two to use as my muse."

"I haven't done a still life in forever."

Jimin heard Jungkook's
footsteps growing closer.

He worried Jungkook might be able to see him if the alpha moved too close.

"Tell him I stopped by please."

"He won't answer my calls."

"What did you do to him?"

"None of your concern." jungkook muttered.

"So my painting?"

"Where is it?"

"Maybe you're no longer worthy to have it." Tae said, lifting
his chin arrogantly.

Jungkook sighed.

"You said it was a gift."

"Gift, schmift." Tae said,
waving a hand.

"If you can't treat my friend
with respect, you don't
deserve my gifts, big brother."

"I didn't disrespect him."

"He heard a lie and apparently doesn't believe the truth."

"Your truth, Truth is a very elastic thing."

"Point of view can warp it immensely, The way you see things and the way he sees things might be absolutely different." Tae said, smirking.

"Maybe you should tell me
more so I can determine
what is and isn't the truth."

"It's... none... of... your... business..." Jungkook's voice seemed to be getting more distant as he walked away.

"I'm calling you later to make sure he's okay. I'm worried."


Tae called out before Jimin heard Jungkook's steps down the stairs and the door shut at the bottom.

He waited another few seconds, just to be sure Jungkook was actually gone.

"So, what lie did he tell you?"

Tae asked, spinning on his stool to face Jimin.

"He didn't, Someone named Hoseok informed me that he
and Jungkook are engaged."

Tae let out a laugh.

"No, they're not."

The smile faded from his face.

"He damned well better not be."

"I mean, unless it just happened but I seriously doubt that."

"Last time I spoke to him, he
and Hoseok had just broken up."


Why hadn't he just asked
Tae in the first place?

Jimin flew down the stairs, just
in time to see Jungkook's
red sports car pulling away.

He tried to wave the man
down but it was useless.

After going back into his
office, he spied all the
flowers filling the space.

Maybe he hadn't given the alpha the chance the man deserved.

He reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone before
dialing Jungkook's number.

It picked up on the first ring.

"Are you safe?"

Jimin sighed at the worried
tone to Jungkook's voice.


"I just stopped by your office
and it was open, with no one inside. I worried something had happened to you." He paused.

"Although I was quite sure I saw you in there as I pulled up."

Cringing, Jimin crossed his fingers, not wanting to tell the man he'd out and out hid.

"I was across the street, helping a neighbor for a moment."

"I didn't think to lock up,
being so close." he fibbed.

"Sorry if I made you worry."

"Make it up to me?"

He tried not to smile. "How?"

"Have dinner with me tonight."

He leaned up against his office window. "I suppose Or how
about you come to my house
and I cook you dinner?"

There was a bit of silence on
the other end, and he
wondered if that was an issue.

"Are you sure we should be alone?" Jungkook finally asked.

"I figured being out would
put you more at ease."

Jimin smiled, appreciating the alpha's consideration.

"Can I trust you to not
pounce on me?"

Jungkook chuckled. "To be honest, I don't know if I
trust myself around you."

"I can't stop thinking about
you, Jiminie."

There it was again. Jiminie.

But without the ire he'd felt moments ago.

He actually liked the sound
of it coming from Jungkook's lips.

Especially when it came with a seductive admission he could make himself, as well.

I can't stop thinking of you, either.

"I figured we have some... stuff... to talk about."

"Personal stuff."

"Being alone might be the
right place for that."

"True." Jungkook was silent
a moment.

"Can you cook?"

"Of course I can cook."

Jimin outright lied, knowing he was picking up take-out from
the diner on the corner on the way home.

"Do you have any requests?"

"Surprise me." He murmured.

"What time?"

"Say... seven?"

"It's a date." Jungkook said before adding huskily.

"We'll talk more tonight..."

"I can't wait to see you."

Jimin smiled. "Me either."

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