Amaranthine - Emily Prentiss


56.7K 1.7K 621

Agent Roy is stubborn, but has many good reasons. She doesn't trust a lot of people and hides many secrets... More

The interview
The hand
The interrogation
Meet the team
On the run
What is love, really?
Under cover
A daydream
Death: Dying and killing
Perfume of sweat
The scent of flowers
I want the truth
Council with the con
Time flies

A real psychopath

2.3K 68 9

Eyes close, the women sat on her well-made bed. She was silent, emptying her mind.

Like a psychic she abruptly opened them to look at her phone across the room. On the dot, it started ringing.
Katherine got up from her meditation.

She looked out the window that practically made her whole wall facing the city's night sky and the flashing ligth's of the cars going home.

"I'll be there in 10" without delay she put her phone in her pocket, grabbed her bag already on a table and left.


"What makes them sure these 44 cases of victims are related?" JJ asked.

"According to the M.E report, they found DNA that matched on the last 44 women's faces. But they didn't know that it was related because each victim corresponds to one state, they never made a nationwide connection until now" Garcia said.

"About time" Morgan said.

"Which states are missing?" Roy asked

Garcia pulled up a map on the screen where some states were crossed out. "These are the one's where we found corresponding DNA matches. The last person found was in Nevada which means he's likely to go-"

"California" She interrupted as she looked at the uncrossed state next to Nevada, one of which was the furthest from where they stood, in Virginia.

"I know it's late, but no time to waste. We can all get on the plane right away, discuss the profile and sleep before landing" Emily said as she stood up and walked away

"Wheel's up in 5, Garcia you're also coming with us"


As the team looked at the last crime scene photo's and Garcia avoided them, they started the profile.

"Well he's definitely enraged, it looks like a serious overkill and looking at the other victim's, he's been mad for the past 5 years doing this" Morgan said.

"They dont have anything that similar to each other, his victimology is all over the place" Reid added.

"What does that mean?" Garcia asked, wondering when the gruesome talk would end.

"We might have a psychopath in our hands" Katherine said as she continued to look in detail the pictures, one of them more specifically.

Emily sat next to her as she looked at her, then the picture. "What do you see?" she asked, getting closer next to her to look as well.

The agent put the picture down. It was a sketch of the M.E had made that showed a drawing of where the DNA was found on the face's of the victim.

"I think he may be caressing them? Before or after he kills them. Here see how it traces like you would if you caressed someones cheek?" She pointed to the shape on the photo and turned to face Emily next to her.

"Imagine I have paint on my hand" She carefully approached her hand to Emily's face, to caress her left cheek, but never really touched her.

Leaving Emily frozen as she looked at Katherine using her as an example. Though she didnt touch her face, Emily could feel the coldness of her hands.

How she knew they would be cold and not warm, she did not know.

"Do you guys see it?" She then asked and looked away. Emily couldnt figure out if she was a bit flustered by how easy the gesture made her feel or because everyone was looking at her face. She pushed her silver hair aside.

"That's the exact same mark" JJ said.

"Well, it could mean remorse, but then again he killed 44 woman. The fact there wasnt any sexual abuse suggests the theory that he's contempt with gently caressing them as a form of torture." Reid said.


As the team concluded on a first profile of a psychopath, the plane was now silent.

Past 2 am, the team was getting rest.

As usual, Katherine was going to self-meditate to optimise the time left and gain more sleep.

Little did she know that the woman silently glancing at her wasnt able to be as calm as her.

After a while, Reid gently walked toward the both woman. Emily who was awake looked at him.

"What is it Reid?" he looked at her but back at the other woman next to her. Instinctively she put her hand on hers to get her attention. Her hand was cold contrasting to hers.

"Sorry" she said as she realized.

Katherine opened her eyes to find Reid in front of hen.

"Could you-"

"Make you sleep? Sure"

She stood up and followed him at the back of the plane.

Emily watched as her agent asked the other to lay down and whisper something in his ears. This time it took less time, as Reid fell asleep almost immediately.
The hypnosis master took her seat again.
Both of them were now the only ones awake.

"Trouble sleeping?" Katherine asked.

"It seems so" Emily answered.

"They dont carry wine on the plane to help you with that unfortunately" her agent said as she smiled at her joke.

Prentiss realized she never really saw Katherine smile a lot. Her expressions were always the same. Plain but with some attitude and sass.

"Anyway., it'll come naturally" she added as she adjusted her posture and closed her eyes again to continue her hypnosis.

At the moment, Prentiss felt a bit sad that she hadn't offered to help like she did Reid.
But maybe she had forgotten that she had already declined her offer once before.


Hours passed and everyone was sleeping. Until a phone rang.

Everyone jumped, except Roy, who by mystery had opened her eyes again just before the phone rang.

"Sorry" Emily said to her team as she picked up her phone.

"BAU. Unit Chief, Prentiss... Yes..... Alright I understand" She looked at the time on her watch

"We'll be there soon"

The team looked intrigued by her call as she put it down.

"Roy and Morgen, I'm putting you in charge of the rental cars, the Head of police just called and they dont have any vehicles available right now" Roy and Morgan looked at each other and shrugged in acceptance.

Katherine had a funny idea as she hid a smirk on her lips. Morgan saw it and seemed to be also exited by the mischievous look on her face.

As part of the team waited outside the airport and talked a bit as to pass the time, they were interrupted by horns of two cars approaching.

Emily's eyes widened as she saw two red convertables approaching them. Morgan was driving the front one while Roy followed behind.

Contrary to her, Garcia had a big smile over her face as she couldnt contain her excitement.
Morgan stopped and stepped out of the car to get Garcia's bags. He opened the passager door for her.

"My princess" he said as her escorted her to her carriage.

Roy followed but didn't step out of the car

"Get in genius" she said to Reid. He gladly sat in next to her as JJ followed and sat behind Roy.

Emily couldnt explain what was in front of her.

"Morgan..." she started 

"Dont look at me... it was her idea!" Morgan said as he pointed behind him. She looked at Katherine with a mad face.

At the same time, the agent put on her sunglasses as to avoid eye contact but also from the morning sun appearing.

The boss took a big sigh as she sat next to JJ.

"Oh come on, I didn't even go over the budget you gave us "she said as Emily rolled her eyes.

"Enjoy it a bit. Were in California, the sun is rising and it's only for a while before we get the SUV's from the police headquarters"

The team enjoyed their ride on the open convertables as Katherine drove them and Morgan and Garcia enjoyed their romantic ride alone.

Roy's hair was blowing in the wind as she turned up the music on the radio. You could tell that it made her happy though she looked calm.

As they made a stop at a red light along the way they stopped next to Morgan.

Both drivers looked at each other and smiled. However, Katherine became more bold as she pressed on the gaz.

"Trying to race me?" Morgan teased-sarcastically.

"Trying?" Roy said with a laugh. As soon as the ligth turned green she went for it and passed Morgan who seemed surprised. She accelerated to lose him as she still seemed cool as a cucumber.

"Nice" Reid said to her as they both fist bumped

Emily cleaned her throat, and Roy looked at her with her rear mirror.

"The faster we get at the police station the faster we can help"

In fact, it was true, but Emily was silent and did not want to agree. She only admired the driver as she continued her route, wind in face and music in her ears.


As the team settled into their assigned conference room the members started rambling about what they knew about psychopath's.

"Psychopath's who turn out to be serial killers are often very smart, they usually premeditate a lot and are well organized. When they kill, sometime there isnt any other motive than the killing itself." Morgan said

"And" Reid added "They kill because the adrenaline and the murders induce a great feeling for them. They usually like the thrill they get from the killing since they dont experience much emotions."

"Some psychopath's like to stay on the low, or are very materialistic, buying things and spending money. They are narcissists, manipulative and lie a lot " JJ added.

"So, Were supposed to look for someone who's very smart, like's to kill because they lack emotional capacity, is materialistic but wants to be on the low?" Garcia asked with an uncertainty.

"Well, we arent sure, but these factors could help us identify the unsub, when you ask people, they usually know a psychopath." Reid answered

As soon as he did, all eyes turned to agent Roy. Even Prentiss took a look at the woman.

Even thought part of the profile wasnt sticking to her, some points could be found.
• Very smart but cunning
• Materialistic and spends lots of money but is mostly on the low,
• Usually provides underwhelming emotions on the daily but sometimes has a mischievous side
• Is not afraid of danger and pursues adrenaline
• Easily lies and manipulates

"Are you guys profiling me right now?" Katherine asked as she looked at the files in front of her, knowing all were watching her.
"Sure I have some interesting characteristics but I didn't kill 44 women" she said as she looked back up.

All avoided her eyes as they put their heads down.

"10% of convicted criminals are psychopath's and male. The percentage for women are unknown, why? Because the world doesnt think they exist. Even Hare's PCLR diagnosis guide doesnt apply to women." She said as she stood up and went to the board.
"I'm not offended"

She took a pen and started to draw something on the board

"What is that?" JJ asked

"She's drawing a perfect map of the city, from memory" Reid said

As she drew she spoke at the same time

"Yes, because I'm familiar with the city and I'm specifically drawing the uptown because this is where the unsub will dump the body" She said as she toned around.

"Statistically, he likes railroads and water. 77% of his dump sites were less than 5 miles from railroads and 18% for waters, specifically lakes when there wasnt any railroads. But then again he could try to dump the bodies into the ocean as I suspect he's done before since no body was associated in the Georgia State but it's more likely that's he's already passed there in the first 2 years he started killing" The team looked confused and impressed.

"Roy, do you have any documentation about your IQ or a diagnosis of any kind?" Morgan asked.

Before she could reply, Garcia did it for her "There's nothing, nada" she said as she continued typing as if online stalking was no big deal.

"She's right, if we work on a geological profile it's true that the unsub is likely to target and dispose of his victim in this vicinity " He pointed at place's Roy had put crosses.

"The overkill and the body found before suggests that he tortures them for long periods of time, he needs to have a quiet place to do that" JJ added.

As the day went on, not much progress was made.

In conclusion, the victims had no similarities, DNA match was a void with existing universal samples and appart  from making a profile and imposing a patrol in suspected areas, there was a piece of puzzle missing.


"Well, let's wrap it up for today"

The team was lead by the Chief of police to the nearest hotel.

"I'm so sorry, we only have 3 rooms ready, if you wait a few hours ill have 3 more ready for you." the receptionist told Emily with the team behind her. She let out a sigh for a short time.

"No it's fine" she said and turned around.

"We'll double up"

Garcia instinctively took Morgan's arm and Reid had unconsciously stepped next to Roy since he considered they were close. Emily saw Reid's intention but ignored it.

"Roy, do you snore?" she asked.


"Great, we'll double up. JJ snores and you can make Reid sleep through that right?"

"I do not snore!" JJ exclaimed  

"Yeah right..."

As both woman entered their room nothing was said for a while. Katherine minded her own business as she took off the black blazer of her suit.

"I'll take a shower" Emily said as she locked herself in the bathroom.

As suggested by Emily, Roy came knocking at Reid and JJ's door.
She helped Reid fall asleep and ignore the snores that would or would not come out of JJs mouth that night.

Emily was a heavy sleeper, snoring did not bother her. She had only knew JJ snored some years ago on a girls night at Garcia's to go to the bathroom, never saying anything until now.
Maybe she was curious, intrigued by what Katherine would he like out of work and importantly, alone.

As she came out of the bathroom, towel over her head and in her cotton pyjama's she looked around.

Her agent's go-back was on the table where she had left it but she was not there, she had gone to help Reid, Prentiss tucked herself in as she looked at files and notes of the profile.

As time passed and seemed long, a worried look came across her face. She went out of her doom and listened to the one next to her's, listening.

Maybe Katherine was still talking with Reid or JJ.

But as it was nigth, the silence was loud.
She went back and sat on her bed. Contemplating her next move.. .......She called her agent.

~Ring Ring ~


Emily let a sigh of relief as she heard her voice. She looked at the clock.

"Where are you? It's passed'' 11o'clock?"

"Jeez, what are you? My mom?"

"Katherine" Emily said with a firm voice.

"Relax, im only out on a walk... Emily"

"In the middle of the night?"

"Yes it's peaceful"

Both women listened to each other's silence

"So. If you don't mind I'll continue my walk and I promise you I'll be back safely"

" You should come back now, it's almost been 2 hours"

"Yes m' mam" Roy said and hung up to avoid any more scolding.


Emily woke up from the sun in her face. She abruptly got up to look at the clock.

She last remembered seeing 3 AM waiting for Roy to come back, but it seemed she had fallen asleep

She looked next to her, the bed was the same, well- made, but Roy's go-bag was now on it. Her attention went to the door as it opened.

Katherine walked in with a cup of coffee. She had changed from her previous clothes and was in purple today. Her hair was wet still dripping in some place, she had taken a shower without waking her up.

"Morning" the agent said as she put the cup the nigh-stand next to Emily. "Splenda, like you like it" she said as she walked away.

Emily sat up as she looked at the agent but was surprised as she saw her reflection on the mirror facing her bed. Her long silver hair was a mess. Without any time to feel embarrassed by her presence seeing her like this, she was already leaving the room.

"I'll go see if the others are awake, it's almost 7"


"So, last night one of the police crew doing a patrol near a train station said he saw someone walking in the nigth."

"Someone taking a walk in the middle of the night?" Emily asked raising an eyebrow as she looked at Roy who also looked at her.

"Yes a man, but he ran away, here, I have his body cam footage" The film was dark but you could see the silhouette  of a man stopping in his tracks as he saw the cop and ran away.

As the team looked further into this man, they found out about his identity. His rage for women, his animal abuse history, his dysfunctional family and not-surprisingly his love for trains. 4 yrs ago, his mother sold his toy collection of different types of trains in retaliation for killing the neighbours dog. He was a 46 years old man still living with his mother.
Fortunately for the team. Today, he had purchased a ticked at a station.


"FBI!" Morgan shouted as they stepped into the platform. People screamed as they watched the armed agents circle around one man.

He only looked straight ahead  as he watched a black haired women on the other side of the platform, her gun pointed at him.

"Drop the gun!" Emily said to him from behind. Their presence didn't seem to faze him. He looked at the agent in front of him.

"What's to say I dont shoot you right now?" he asked with a smirk. Waving around his gun on his hand.

"I'm not afraid of you" she said with a straight face. He glared at her as her examined her face.

"You're not afraid of dying?"

"I've surpassed death" she spat at him. "Are you?" she asked him back.

"No I'm not" he answered. "What gave me away?"

"You know what we call you? Disorganized, youve lost your touch, what happened?" she said as she made fun of him.

He laughed a bit at her comment but narcissist dont usually get insulted.

"What happened to you?" he snapped back.

"You dont know me"

"Don't lie. I know when someone's surpassed death and tells the truth" he laughed.

For a second, Katherine seemed hesitant. Surely he was bluffing but she felt uneasy.

"And what exactly do you know?" she asked but she already knew his answer. How could he know anything.

Without warning and giving her an answer he jumped down into an upcoming train. The blood splatter made its way into her face.

Screams and hysterical gasps from the surrounding crowd appeared. Without even looking away, she kept her gaze unto the tracks not hearing the callings of her colleagues.

She knew he couldn't have followed her yesterday because of the footage of him, but him being able to bluff and making her feel some sadness so easily made her rage.

"I'm going to have a bad week" she said as she wiped the blood of her face.

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